(Biophavn) ĐỘC CHẤT 2

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afr c hes yt Lg anh Bil 1: CHAT DOC PHAN LAP BANG PHUONG PHAP CAT KEO THEO HOI NUGC V/, Ph Grignard la p/w ciia acid HCN voi : a. Acid picric trong mt acid ¥. Acid pieric trong mtkiém HON $ paid pene [Nay ¢. Hon hop Sulfat fero va feric trong mt acid 4. Hn hop sulfat fero va feric trong mt kiém 2/. HCN 1a chit dc hiru co duge phan lap bing PP = a. V6 ea héa bang hdn hop sulfo nitric b. V6 cohéa bing hén hop clo méi sinh c. Loe qua mang ban tham Cat kéo theo hoi nude ‘rong p/xanh pho, HCN sé pir voi: a. Hon hop sulfat fero va feric trong mt acid -f. Hin hop sulfat fero va feric trong mt kiém 9 hare Rin —> ¢. Hén hop sulfat fero va feric trong mt trung tinh d. Tit ca déu sai 4/. Formon tgo phite mau dé vi Floroglucinol 1% trong mt kiém . Floroglucinol 1% trong mt acid c. Phenol trong mt kiém ~ Ae. .& ») d. Phenol trong mt acid (vay @ mal phan est) 5). Trong phr Grignard tim HCN - HCl co vai tro : a. Xie tic p b. Trung hoa NaxCO; ~& Diy HCN ra khoi mudi 4. Tit cd déu ding 3. 6/. Trong phe Grignard, néu e6 HCN thi gidy tim acid picric trong mt kiém sé chuyén mau : YWany eden - 1/. Trong ky thugt dinh Iwgng bang PP bac ké , aminiac cé vai tr: a. Tro mt b. Phat hign diém tuong duong Tic dung véi HCN ab Ha tan phite hop bee cyanur 8/. Formon tir phii tang duge phan lip bing pp: a. V6 corhéa bing hén hgp sulfonitric b. V6 co héa bing hén hop clo méi sinh c, Loc qua mang ban thim -4- Cit kéo theo hoi nuée 9/. P/w Grignard tim HCN sé cho 1 chat 6 mau 1a a. Purin b. Purpurin c. Tsopurin Ak Isopurpurin 7 10/. Dinh tinh HCN bing p/w Grignard la cho HCN t/d voi gidy tm : a. Chi acetate b. HgCh JA Acid pieric/ NaxCOs id. Acid picric / HCl ; 11/, Pir Grignard la pwr dinh tinh HCN bing acid pierie trogn mt : a. Trung tinh Kiém / . Acid d. Mtnio cing durge 12/. Pf Grignard tim HCN sé cho chat cé mau : a. Vang b. Cam —p Vang cam / 4. Bs 13/. Trong djnh Igng HCn bing pp Bac ké, diém tong duong dug xdc djnh khi: a. Tao phite hop bac cyanur tan trong ammoniac, b. Tao phite hgp bec cyanur k tan trong ammoniac. c. Tao chat tram hién Agl tan trong ammoniac. Tao chat trim hign Agl k tan trong ammoniac. Athard Imik Adina, Wf t0 2 Gym lit fy Lr trated A-picwie heave, > 7% Henn Bai : PHENOL 1/. Phenol t/d voi dd Anilin va dd natri hypoclorid sé xudt hién phire hgp c6 mau: a. Tim xanh él ‘6 Xanh chim ban Inde sone? Vang 4. Dé 2/. Phenol + FeCl cho sin pham la: a. Dd tim xanh ben b, Dd tim xanh k bén Tua tim xanh tan khi thém nhidu nude 7 d. Tia tim xanh k tan trong nude 3/. Trong ky thud djnh long Phenol trong nuéc tiéu, dé hoa tan chit tram hign duge tao thanb, 6 thé thém vio : a. SO, b. Cloroform} “ ¢. Dd Bromur~Bromat 4. DdKI 10% 4l. Pir Phenol + acid Nitric da tao phite 6 mau: a. Tim xanh b. Xanh cae bin Vang X piae “Eps”? inh tinh Phenol bing p/ir véi : a. Dd Br; bio hoa b. Dd FeCl; id nitric bée khdi c. + it ca déu duing « . e , 6/. Bé dink Ivgng Phenol trong nude tiéu, can thay phéin Phenyl sulfonic bing: a. Acid clohydric ~be Acid sulfurie/ ©) Acid nitric 4. Acid phosphoric 1/. Dinh lgng phenol trong nuée tiéu , rong Br; thita duge xée a. Backé Tod ké & Cloke d. Pp khic 8/. Trong ky thuat djnh lwgng phenol trong nude tiéu, cloroform déng vai tra: a. Tham gia pu b. Hoa tan chat tram hién cc. Hap phu [od tao mau héng dé dé xdc dinh diém tuong duong AR bvacding » 9. Cho Phenol + dd Br: bio hda sé thu duge : a. Phite tim xanh b. Phite xanh cham ban cc. Phire mau ving ~d. Tua tring x . 10/. Trong ky thudt djnh lugng Phenol trong nude tiéu, iod sinh ra duge dinh lwgng bang dd : a. Natrisulfat chudn b. Natrisulfit chudn “e. Natrithiosulfat chuin d) Natripersulfat chudn inh bang pp: a. Vécohéa b. Loe qua mang thim tach Cat kéo I6i cudn theo hoi nude , d. Chiét xudt bing dung mdi hit co 2 eter 12/. Trong p/wr to Indophenol mau eda phic én dink khi thém vao : Yo Kiar fe “a. NH.OH dd b, NaOH dd c. KOH ad d. Tat ed déu sai : : 13/. Trong kj thuat dinh lrgng Phenol trong nuréc tiéu, thém chloroform 4é héa tan tia viz a. Ta p/u véi dd chudn 46 b. Tiacé miu nén che lép miu pir . “6. Ta hp phu 1 itiod gay sai sb es a phus ud d. bvde ding 14/, Pie tao iddophenol cho phite ¢6 mi a. Timxanh b. Xanh cham ban ©. Vang d. DS 15/. Trong pir tao Indophenol, mau phitc hgp sé én dinh khi them vao NH,OH. 16/. Pir cua phenol véi acid nitric dd tao phife mau vang laacid citric. piemeS 17/. Qua trinh dinh lugng phenol trong nudc tiéu két thtic khi lop chloroform cé mau hing. S04 : 18/. Dé dinh hryng phenol tong nuéc tiéu can thiy phan acid phenyl sulfuric bing acid phosphoric. Askfimes 19/. Phenol + dd Br, bao hoa => tia tring B 7 20/. Phenol 8 trong nurée tiéu dudi dang acid phenolic, osid dombaffene gq 21/. Phenol + FeCl; => phite tim xanh bea, older thi thom "Ac 4 22/. Phenol pir voi FeCl; => san pham la phite tim xanh k bén. Py 23/. Trong ky thuit dinh lugng phenol trong nude tiéu, can héa tan chat trim hién tgo thanh bing cach thém chloroform. 241. Trong ky thugt dinh lugng phenol trong nude tiéu, chat trim hién tao thanh duge héa tan bing acid sulfuric. 25/. Phenol pir véi FeCl; cho phire hop mau tim xanh bén. \° 23/.Vi Tribromophenol 6 thé hap phu I it iod nén cn thém vai giot CHCl; dé hoa tan chit Kibanopuned © dein lol churn Bai 3: CHAT DOC HOU CO DUGQC CHIET XUAT BANG DUNG MOI ROU CO TRONG MT ACID 1/, Alkaloid k p/r vi thuée thir Valse - Mayer Ia: 2, Phe Paristim barbiturie “Wy or ~ tim hea cx a. Nhay nhung k dc higu gam NPD b. Barbituric p/ur véi Cobaltnitrat 6 mt acid va khan nude sc. Cae ehéit c6 nhém ~CO-NH-CO- déu cho pir nay Tt ca déu ding 3/. Barbituric trong nuée tiéu durge chiét xuat si Bang eter trong mt acid b. Bang eter trong mt kiém ¢. Bing Cloroform trong mt acid 4. Bang Cloroform trong mt kiém 4/. Khi tim cae doc chat hiru co bang pp chiét xuat vai dung mdi, dé loai rugu va cde acid bay hoi cé thé dung cdc pp: 4 Dun céch thiy b. Loc qua mang thim tach c. Ding acid tricloacetic Ly tim 5/. Cafein cho két tia mau dé thim iodobismutit cafein véi thudc thir: a. Bouchardat b. Mayer 2X Dragendoff i d. Murexid Fink 6/. P/w dung dé xac dinh Barbituric la: a. Bouchardat Paris c. Dragendoff d. Murexid ‘1/. Dung méi durge sir dung dé chiét xudt Barbituric trong méi trong acid 1a ee Ethanol b. Cloroform c. Quinin 4. Cafein 8/. P/w Paris | p/w gitra Barbituric va Cobalt nitrat : a. Trong mt acid b. Trong mt kiém c. Trong mt acid, khan nude 2k Trong mt kiém, khan nude 9/. Barbituric k tan trong : 2B? Nude b. Cloroform c. Bter d. Cén 10/. P/w dc higu dé xdc dinh cafein la: a. Bouchardat Ere b. Mayer ©. Dragendoff 3k Murexid Waele hone AL, sha ue AX, pool 11/. Cafein 1a 1 chat : a. K tan trong nude b, Ph dc higu véi thudc thir Valse- Mayer “yf Tan trong chloroform nhiéu hon trong eter d. Duge chiét xudt trong mt kiém ‘ 12/. Cafein tan nhiéu nbat trong : a. Nude & Cloroform c. Eter d. Cén 13/. Barbituric p/ur v6i thuée thir Cobalt nitrat cho phite hyp c6 miu : Tim xanh hay tim ca hyre hana ‘potrinad! bl BS cam c. Héng tim d. Dé tim 14/, P/u Paris djnh tinh Barbiturie : a. Nhay va die higu Ae _ Nhay nhung kdichigu exc chat w whim-lo- NH- Co ©. Dac higu nhung k nhay d. Knhay vak dae higu 15/. Cafein k pir véi finds thir: a, Bouchardat mau 851% +f Mayer ©. Dragendoft d. Murexid hin 16/. Barbituric tan nhieu nhat trong : \ > i a. Nuée san = dal D clo}? B Clim aa yin dapleel ? d. Con 17/. Khi tim cdc chat dc hiu co bang pp chiét xudt voi dung méi, 48 loai protein c6 thé dung pp: a. Dunedch thiy b. Loc qua mang thdm tach Ding acid tricloacetic |. Ly tim . 8/. Khi tim Barbituric trong nude tiéu, dd eter phai khd vi duge khit mau dé trénh nhing mau phy sinh ra béi nude tiéu khi lam Paris = 4 19/. Barbituric it tan trong chloroform, tan nhiéu trong eter. 20/. Cafein dt tan trong mute va chloroform. © LAX hay, ONE a 21/. Piu Paris chi nhay khi nude tiéu chita it nhat 5-10mg barbituric trong Lit nude tiéu. SC f / 22/, Cafein bj oxy héa bing nude brom bdo ha cho phite mau dé tim la acid amylicHrd ramoty\ aloxanthir 23/. Barbituric cho véi cobalt nitrat trong mt acid va khan nude | phize hop c6 mau tim xanh. Q 24/. Cafein'tan nhiéu trong cdn 90° va nude, C, . 25). Murexid la pis dc hiéu nhétd8 tim cafein. A whan PAA 26/. Phr Paris xic dinh Barbituric c6 wu diém la rét shay va die higu, S 27/. Barbituric duroc chiét xuat bang eter trong mt kim.’ 3 pom NA, - 28/. P/u Paris la pir cia Barbituric va cobalt nitrat trong mt“ “ va khan nude. .-t! 29). C6 thé tim Cafein bang pir Murexid va Valse- mayer |’ pi. \ 30). Barbituric trong nue tiéu duge chiét xuat bangeter trong mt“, cic 31/. Barbituric Fat tan trong nude vaeter. ctu’ 32/. Voi chat kiém, Barbituric cho nhimg mudi tan trong nude. 2 33/. Phu dic higu dé dinh tinh cafein la pir Murexid. 2 : 34/. Voi acid, Barbituric két tia trong dd nude va cé thé dugc trich ra dé dang bing eter. J} f b ($5. Khi chiét xudt, nén tranh k dé hon hgp bj nhii tuong héa vi barbituric sé bj hao hut do bam vao bot nhii tuong. {> 36/. Cafein tan trong eter nhiéu hon trong chloroform. Al 37/, Can thyc hign pir thiy gidi trrdc khi chiét xuat barbituric trong nude tiéu. 9 38/. Cafein p/y véi nude brom bao hda trong mt ammoniac va khan nuée cho phifc hop mau héng tim. 39/, Pi Paris la pix gitta nhém CO-NH-CO va cobalt nitrat 6 mt amoniac va khan nude) 40/. Cafein tan nhiéu trong chloroform. 41/. Pir Paris la piu dac higu 46i voi Barbituric. ( Bai 7: DOC CHAT DE BAY HOL ETANOL - METHANOL U/. Trong p/udjah tinh, methanol duge oxy héa bing : a. Kalipersulfat Kali bicromat xc. Kalipermanganat “ d, Kaliferocyanur 2/. Trong pp Nicloux dinh hrgng etanol trong mau, dd chudn tir: x4 mau vang cia crom ( VI) sang xanh cia crom ( TIT) b. mau ving cia crom (ITT) sang xanh cisa crom ( VI) c. mau xanh ata crom (VI) sang vang cita crom (III) dd. mau xanh ca crom (IIT) sang vang cua crom ( VI) 3/. Trong pp Nicloux dinh lurgng etanol trong mau, néu thira rugu etylic sé ¢6 mau: a., xanh lye 4K xanh lo /e. xanh tim dd. xanh cham 4). Nhurge diém cia pp Nicloux dinh Iwgng etanol trong mau = a, Knhay (® K dac higu \y K chinh xéc ‘d. Khé the hign . 5/. Ph tao iodoform durge ding dé : as. Djoh tinh etanol ~ b. Binh lugng etanol ¢. Dinh tinh methanol d. Dinh Iugng methanol 6/. PP Nicloux durgc ding dé: a. Dinh tinh etanol b. Dinh tinh methanol \g. Dinh lugng etanol 4, Dinh lugng methalnol 11. Trong pp Nicloux djah luyng etanol trong mau, vai trd cia Kalibieromat Ia: a. Chat khnr bh Chat oxy hoa & Chat xic tée d. Tat ca déu sai 8/. Trong pp Nicloux dinh lugng etanol trong miu, néu thira kalibicromat, sé e6 mau : yt. Xan Iye 7 b. Xanh lo ¢, Xanh tim 4d. Xanh cham . 9). Pi tgo acetate etyl dung dé: Dinh tinh etanol. ~ b. Dinh hugng etanal. c. Dinh tinh methanol. 4, Dinh lugng methanol . 10/. Pir tao iodoform dink tinh etanol xay ra & nbigt 46: a orc b. 00°C Sg. 50°C L1/, Trong pp Niclooux dinh lgng etanol trong méuy acid picric déng vai tr: a, oxy hda tao moi throng. c, xe tac d. kéttia protein’ / her 12/, Pir tgo iodoform duge ding, 4 dinh tinh methanol. S 13/. Trong pp Nicloux Dinh lugng etanol trong mau, két qua durge xée djnh dua vao sir chuyén miu da 2 éng tir xanh luc sang xanh lo. ey 7 14/. Trong pp nicloux inh lung etanol trong ma, ai trd cia Kalibicromat a chit oxy héa.-® 13/, Khi lay mau tim nzgu phai cho thém NaF 48 bdo quan. x 16/, Methanol cé thé duge dinh tinh, ‘thong qua san phim oxy hoa la formaldehyd.4Y 17/, Phe tao acetat etyl duge ding dé dink lwong etanol. Soir doh 18/, Trong pp Nicloux dinh hung etanol trong mau, ie qua duge xéc dinh da vio sy chuyén mu xanh lo sang xanh luc. Dy 19/, P/it tao acetat etyl dung dé dinh tinh etanol. 20/. Phir tao methyl salicylat dung 4é di 21/, PP Nictoux dinh luong etanol trong mau da trén pi oxy héa rage bing dd Kalibicromat trong mt H2S0« 44.) 22/. Trong pp Nicloux dinh lugng etanol trong mau, vai trd cia kalibicromat la chat xiie tac. S Fy Pr tgo methyl salicylat dung dinh tinh methanol ©) rahi Weremed Fal PP Nicloux dinh lurgng etanol trong méu dia trén phr oxy ha rug bing dd kali persulfat trong, mt H)SOx ad. & 25/, PP Nicloux cé thé ap dung cho cde tigu ban bi théi ria. 9 361. PP Nicloux chi ép dung cho cae tiéu bn tuoi chua bj thoi ria. ay FS/Nhuge dim cia pp Nicloux inh lung etanol trong miu la k Ge higu. 28), Trong pp Nicloux dinh Itong etanol trong méu, 46 s® ‘chuyén tir mau vang cita crom (VI) sang mau xanh ciia crom (II) Bai S: CAC DOC CHAT VO CO V/. Vai tra eiia gidy tim HgClz, trong pp Cribier dink lrgng Arsen la : a. Pf voi H3As tao phitc mau vang cam.% b, Khir Arsen thinh khi HAs c. Xue tée piu dd. Hiit mde. 2/, Vai tré ciia Kalipersulfat trong p/w Cazeneuve djnh tinh crom la : a Chit kr b. Chit oxy hoa cc. Chat xtc tde d. Chat pir tao phite. 3/. Pir Bougault dura trén sy hoin nguyén nhimg oxid Arsen bai acid : a. Sulfuric b. Clohydric c. Phosphoric . Hypophosphora 4/, Trong pi Cazeneuve djnh tinh crom Cr’ duge oxy héa tl A. Dd Kalipersulfat trong mt kiém, + ~Av. Dd Kalipersulfat trong mt acid. %4 Ag c. Dd Kalipermanganat trong mt kiém. 4. Dd kalipermanganat trong mt acid, S/. Vai tré eda gidy tam acetate chi trong pp Cribier dink hrgng Arsen I a. Pfr voi HAs tao phire mau vang cam. b. Khir Arsen thanh khi H3As. ©. Xtie tic pir d. Hit muse. / 6/. Uu diém cia pp Cribier dink lrgng Arsen la: a. Nhay. b. ft tén thoi gian. c. Khichinh xéc d. C3 déu ding. + 7/. Pie gitta arsen oxid v6i acid hypophosphoro xay ra nhaynh & diéu kign: a. Hop chat As III, nhiét d6 cao. b. Hop chat As V, nhiét 46 cao. ¢. Hop chat As III, nhiét d6 thudng. d. Hop chat As V, nhiét d6 thong. . 8/. Tia nau duge tao thanh trong p/w Bougault dé dinh tinh Arsen Ia: a. As,0; b. As:0s As kim loai d. HAs 9). P/w Bougault dinh tinh Arsen duge thuc hign trong mt : a. Kiém, cé chat oxy héa. b. Kiém, k cé chat oxy héa. ¢,, Acid, 06 chat oxy hoa d Acid, k cé chat oxy héa. | : 10/. Trong dinh long Arsen bing pp Cribier, chat tao phire mau vang cam véi gidy tim HgCh: a. As kim loai xb. Khi HAs cc. As,03 d. As:0s nh Cr™ bai : 11/. Nhuge diém ciia pp Cribier dinh lwgng Arsen li: a. Kémnhay. b. Tén thai gian, > K dic higu. dK chinh xéc, . 7 12/, Trong dinh lung Arsen bing pp Cribier, phitc tgo think cé thé durge 6n dinh mau bing: a. Dd HgCh 10% b. Dad chi acetate 10% —g. Dd KI10% @. Tac cd déu sai. . 13/. Khi Arsenur hydro p/w lén gidt tim HgCh cho mau lan lwgt: ‘Vang => Cam => nau ‘bo. Vang dé => nau c. Cam => 46 => néu d. Vang => tim => den fin 14/, Vai trd ciia Diphenylearbazid trong p/w Cabazeneuve dinh tinh erom (Chat khir. . Chat oxy héa, ©. Chit xiie téc “Chat pir tao phitc. 15/. Vai tr) ciia Diphenylearbazid trong p/w Cazeneuve dinh tinh crom la : a. Chat khir b. Chit oxy hoa ©, Chit xée téc ‘&) Chit pir tao phite ~ a EO tan Ul (ma ad’, len) Dun dns Asters ae Sepepet {HN ae aah ct oe Hye man AR 2 ape leac b8~ Ame 2H NE MO Oe ae . fan © OMBE b : Wren A xjmukt quia tan © 0 Biowh Tar MA Wee Sim ictob\ yer ciachnin ~antipy nin : Ai, oe 4 auphonyl Carkvard mari brs hey lec. bia Baer ma. Al Jer wy —> Mac ny bli, forthe. 4fa2e0 wy © Mg m6" fea, thee Spotl 2 brhanek Les, i, Lolw Abrut (aun ot dri’ Shue 4 Ze Bai 4: CHAT DOC HUU CO DUQC CHIET XUAT BANG DUNG MOI HOU CO TRONG MT KIEM U/, Atropin tan nhiéu trong : a. eter b. acetat etyl “> Naas c. nude - MNeroforn. oo. 8 Aen ea daw hee 2u.Piur oxy ha trong mt acid 1A pir dic higu dé xac din = b. Cacia Hagin clin, oS A Strychnin « e dd. Atropin Lwuhuin = Mac, Chlagarm, (a 43). Plar Vitali- Morin 1a phur ic higu 4@ xée din: > a. Morphin Jbriebwnin sgfv b. Codein ae nung c. Quinin é Atropin 4/. Quinin rt tan trong = a, Benzen “Lg b. Acetat ety! ( Ete, chloroform Cu“ @. Nu 5). PAr djnh tinh Quinin : a. Phrhuynh quang b. PArthaleoquinin ¢. Pi Erythroquinin o Tat cd déu ding - /w huynh quang dung dé xc djnh alkaloid : a, Morphin b. Atropin ¢, Strychnin Quinin i iruihd — cafdra 7/, Alealoid tao két tia iodua thay ngan alkaloid c6 mau tring hay ving voi thude thir: a. Bouchardat joi \o8 - - Mayer 6. Dragendoff d._Vilati - Morin 8). Trong pir Erythroquinin, néu c6 quinine lép chloroform 6 mau: a. Do . Hong “ fe. Xanh d. Tim 9). Pi dic higu diing dé xc djnh Morphin va Codein la = a. Pht Frodhe va piu Vilati- Morin b. PhrFrodhe va plir huynh quang Pht Frode va plu Lafon /d. Pit Frode va p/u oxy héa trong mt acid 10/. Strychnin tam nhiéu trong = a. Eter } Cloroform / c. Con d. Benzen 11/. Alealoid p/w vai thude thir Bouchardat tao két tia, ngoai trir: a. Morphin b. Codein c. Nicotin Ve d. Cafeing naw dtr Jalorm : 12/. V6i thude thir sulfo selenium, riorphin cho mau : a. Tim nga sang xanh duong, luc, ving. b. Luc nga sang xanh dong c. Lucoliuy + d. Luc ngoc'thach caine : 13/. Morphin két tia va c6 thé ly trich bing eter trong mt : < Kiém yéu mvolybabit ‘. Kiém manh Rass 'aYyormely c. Acid yéu d. Acid manh : 14/. Thude thir cia pp Lafon Ia sulfo selenium. © 15/. Pir Lafon chi nhay va chuyén biét d6i voi Morphin. S | 161. Morphin cho pt v6i cée thude thir chung chia alkalojd-tez Mayer. Daoprde}, S 17/. Pit v6i thudc thi Mayer rat nhay ngoai trir Atropin. & 18/. P/ Thaleoquinin chung cho Quinin nhumg k cho mau véi cinchonin va cinchonidin-75 19/. Morphin’tan nhiéu trong cdc dung méi hin co. - 20/. Codein li dan xuat 3- Metyl Morphin.) \ er (21), Phe v6i thude thir Mayer rat nhay v6i céc alkaloid, ngoai tri.“ Ahoolaran , Selanin 221. Codein cho v6i thude thi sulfo selenium mau lue ngé sang xanhduomg. & 4. p mrelybie 23/. V6i cdc chat kiém manh, Morphin cho mudi morphinat tan / ete “ kh") 24/, Pht Thaleoquinin rat dic higu dé xac dinh quinin. & / : 25/. P/ Frodhe chi nhay va cauyén bigt di v6i Codein. © atm Xbu dy 26}. V6i thuéc thir Sulfo selenium (TT Lafon ) , morphin...2\1¢ Wiaur Kenabr— lanes Ree ye 271. Néu k xéc dinh dutge morphin va strychnin trong “,.." bing chloroform. 28) Pl oxy héa trong mt acid lap... SIyyohin, dea = . ; Rises ug tlw ne: @ Beng qua te oh Aatty pheret — 06h om tam chat ham Ba vo Chal liom 4rom CHG, they ph nl pho Tale » fd dace Anin ude dav thank dung dink, ies phud 45 PD Brmud dened. 446 dai beamphind - 3 Bury dioh Auiy phand chi buetin ied edi Aye ten boty = Chotagaton. 2 Bung Asa Be, Aut dveng der Autry phen boty - 96 kT for, a S) Chun Chetgetmn + Lam gt Hom den chal dem Aid . 8 phird det deg eid ride, bs Kha Ap duit maa 1 Very. D phend tomy yo Kory dase phos Aep bey, pts Cal Keo fa cus Ad 42 phend dung anette Hat Ide = teed phan: Sale 9) Borg dooh Hasty Mids ver chet gE Meds whl dhe Aids. = Baemur - bamat~ fo. 1. ok hea Ake dint, dutty bore: : | Go) 3, Mb hee Ate aint haity hoy obell gi) 1 - Naoge, on~ ie) @ iy phone Ae chs i 1) phen Lamy aude Ait” dedi gor Aap 2 pts VEC Keo. B® NP AR pheod aliny nets 1 HE Aap, Ahad» dow @ phere |e fie’ dette Urea gia.’ bony : Ae ad ( cal dit Le Ab) B phd 4 Ful, > med tem Kank ® Pom Auity ph [Ho hae etl denis tno Av taé Aubsime phen @& Cd Ba, Muda tdmg, toh Auctig prhonde duiie «dep =p * Ted 12% Gb 2.4.6 bihsem prod Aude dao tewh vb dd, BAem bee hos Gay Gre Anes show hy Arik Anh phen +: fully, do phen 74 d 40) Phen hg devo Trelophent- ch amen clemh cham bein”. t Ke Her, Tend 0) T al - ie ee ang Aig rand: ot Thopunpitir maiz Vee Cam. ane He dd ~ PY bud Cyeruce ek coed a ro ® Pho ceria, 06 anh ‘exh phocl @ Bnf ao) Hen. toto D Ammige -06 Mei J das feng d ton ne : : teal “Hor aie, phon he z oat kes na ab DO tea: De lh i hr ad ~ Salat gaa jase D phim deny oma daly Kei oho neat oO ke Hah, Pncoiteind 42 fed y > BD - Dih Ausiy Hons pe be ke die AA Ke hao Mars phil hip bow Cyrene (1) phe ci tent phi “cho hed dem Aids, ofc meg bid Mek maz chem phi” Ki oad rool Aa beat —~ , 2 pote Audi ph App: bore call Res Hew ds nub BrI 4 = D Ber AB cath Sut 00 co5 onl toch hom kag Kb ts hae Phone Iie haat Or 9 "9 my ag (lon At ann Aah Aig pnd Aang buo enbia Nhe tidy andl: dra (1a) D phere. 4 enue Aa’ Hug’ gad be amis dead Hi 8, » Cheng oat vas [pe tex (ibm phon SEL am & 2 Gab, Kes pha dong borg hr one hy mute Aiea’ da? 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