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Philippine History During the Spanish Colonial Times

In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer who was serving the Spanish crown,
landed in Samar Island on his voyage to circumvent the globe. He explored the islands and
named it Archipelago of San Lazaro. Magellan was killed during a rebellion led by a Datu
named Lapu Lapu in Mactan Island (adjacent to Cebu Island). Spain continued to send
expeditions to the island for financial gain and on the fourth expedition, Commander Ruy
Lopez de Villalobos, named the islands: Philippines, after Prince Philip (later King Philip II), heir
to the Spanish throne. Spain ruled the Philippines for 356 years.

In 1565, King Philip II appointed Miguel Lopez de Legazpi as the first

Governor-General of the Philippines. Legazpi chose Manila to be it's
capital because of it's natural harbor. Spain's legacy was the conversion
of the people to Catholicism and the creation of the privileged landed
class. Because of abuses and suppression of the Spaniards, a
Propaganda Movement emerged with the aims for equality between
Filipinos and Spaniards. The arrest of propagandist Dr. Jose Rizal and
execution in 1896 gave fresh momentum to Filipino rebels to fight
against Spain.

The secret society of the Katipunan, founded by Andres Bonifacio attacked the Spanish
Garrison in San Juan with little success, while Katipuneros in Cavite Province headed by Emilio
Aguinaldo defeated the Guardia Civil in Cavite. Aguinaldo's victories lead him to be elected as
head of the Katipunan. The factions of Bonifacio & Aguinaldo fought and lead to the trial and
execution of Bonifacio on Aguinaldo's orders. Aguinaldo later drafted a constitution and
established the Republic of Biak-na-Bato in Bulacan province. In 1897, an impasse between the
Spanish government and Aguinaldo arose. After negotiations between the two sides,
Aguinaldo accepted an amnesty from the Spaniards and US$ 800,000.00 in exchange for
his exile to Hong Kong with his government.

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