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Copyright © 2015-2017 English in Town

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Minden jog fenntartva. Ezt a kiadványt vagy annak valamely részét a Szerző előzetes írásbeli engedélye nélkül bármilyen
formában és bármilyen eszközzel reprodukálni, tárolni és közölni tilos.
English in Town Power Pack
Copyright © 2015-2017 Muraközy Judit

All Rights Reserved. No text from this workbook may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Author.

Minden jog fenntartva. Ezt a munkafüzetet vagy ennek a munkafüzetnek valamely részét a Szerző
előzetes írásbeli engedélye nélkül bármilyen formában és bármilyen eszközzel reprodukálni, tárolni
és közölni tilos.

This workbook uses standard American English spelling and punctuation.


Chicago 1
Boston 7
New Orleans 13
Los Angeles 20
Las Vegas 28
Atlanta 35
San Francisco 41
Miami 48
New York City 54
Answer Key 62


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Over 27 million visitors celebrated the event which changed the court / course of world history.
2. History tells us that Columbus was not the first person to set / get foot on the American continent.
3. European colonization, both / either civilized and brutal, eventually led to the birth of America as we know it today.
4. World population doubled between 1650 and 1850 as a reason / result of New World food.
5. The future was not looking so light / bright for Native Americans.
6. Europeans changed the landscape / scenery forever.
7. Europeans concluded that Native American culture was inferior to / from theirs.
8. The natives lacked the technological know-how to put up / off a fight against colonizers.
9. This, as it turned in / out, proved to be fatal for them.
10. Clearly, it was a clash / crash of cultures where the one with superior technology won.
11. Europeans brought with them guns and horses, and bitter / sour fights broke out over land and food.
12. No debt / doubt about it, this is a particularly dark and embarrassing chapter of history.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. development
geography played a key role in Chicago’s _________________________ DEVELOP
2. the city was ideally _________________________ in the Midwest SITUATION
3. the _________________________ Great Chicago Fire burned much of the city to the ground DEVASTATION
4. Chicago _________________________ quickly and rebuilding efforts RECOVERY
gave _________________________ to the world’s very first skyscraper BORN
5. the _________________________ of the railroads gave another boost to the Windy City ARRIVE
6. _________________________ and gangsters defined the 1920s PROHIBIT
7. Chicago witnessed President Obama’s rise to political _________________________ PROMINENT


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a city in flames fabulous skyline for sure hit the city

reach new heights the old saying goes went down

1. hit the city

A cow in a barn—that was all it took to start what is known as the greatest disaster to _________________________.
2. Chicago became _________________________ when Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over a lantern.
3. All we know _________________________ is that the devastating fire killed hundreds of people.
4. But as _________________________, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
5. Fireproof steel-frame construction and the elevator allowed buildings to _________________________.
6. The Windy City _________________________ in history as the “birthplace of modern architecture.”
7. Today, Chicago’s _________________________ is still one of the world’s tallest.

© English in Town 1



Match the columns to make phrases.

1. many of the city’s neighborhoods are far - e a. by its large “sides” to the north, west, and south
2. the city is roughly defined b. down from the 1990s
3. Chicago’s vibrant downtown is the heart c. for drug dealing and gang violence
4. an upscale neighborhood d. of the action and business
5. shootings and murders are e. off the tourist map
6. Chicago’s violent South Side still has a reputation f. to the famed Chicago Bulls
7. Chicago’s West Side is home g. with high price tags and great clubs


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. _________________________ architecture and every kind of shop under the sun AMAZE
2. the _________________________ Michigan Avenue Bridge is a true Chicago landmark HISTORY
3. a one-of-a-kind _________________________ area ENTERTAIN
4. with its most eye-catching _________________________, the Ferris Wheel ATTRACT
5. a _________________________ area with a public walkway RECREATE
6. another _________________________ highlight VISUALLY
7. a spectacular urban park in Chicago’s _________________________ business district CENTER
8. the centerpiece of the park is the _________________________ Buckingham Fountain MONUMENT
9. Chicago’s _________________________ Millennium Park INNOVATION


Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. Imagine you enter / enter into a shop without looking at the sign: How do you know you are in a McDonald’s?
2. Their restaurants and burgers look and taste the same in every / all corner of the globe.
3. They limited the menu for / to fries, burgers, and milkshakes.
4. They went / came up with the idea of how to serve a burger in less than a minute.
5. Ray Kroc offered to become / becoming their national franchise agent.
6. It was actually he who founded / found the McDonald’s Corporation in 1955.
7. It was not long before / ago Kroc bought the entire business.
8. With not just one but at least three men behind the story, who does the credit belong for / to?
9. To the McDonald brothers, who worked out / up the winning formula?
10. Or to Mr. Kroc, whose ideas about standardization and automation earned / turned the company into a global
fast food giant?

© English in Town 2



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word(s) given. Do not
change the word(s) given.

1. With a fast food restaurant everywhere you look, junk food seems the most obvious choice. AT, TURN
at every turn junk food seems the most obvious choice.
With a fast food restaurant ___________________,

2. America’s love of fast, cheap food is not without consequences. COMES, PRICE
America’s love of fast, cheap food ______________________.

3. Experts say that fast food and a national health crisis are very closely connected or related. GO, HAND
Experts say that fast food and a national health crisis ______________________.

4. Many blame fast food chains for serving heart disease in the form of a burger. PUT, BLAME
Many ______________________ fast food chains for serving heart disease in the form of a burger.

5. Is it really fast food that is behind the story of how Americans became the fattest nation in the world? EARTH
Is it really fast food that is behind the story of how Americans became the fattest nation _____________________?


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. truly _________________________ dinosaur and evolution exhibits FASCINATION

2. “virtual _________________________” experience in space REAL
3. take the time to _________________________ the prestigious University of Chicago EXPLORATION
4. the site of the first self-sustaining controlled nuclear chain _________________________ REACT
5. _________________________ collection of Impressionist and “American Gothic” art AMAZE
6. an _________________________ emblem of the city UNOFFICIALLY
7. a _________________________ celebration of Christian beliefs, Jesus, and God SPIRIT


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. a great restaurant town, catering a. down

2. from upscale to casual and everything b. from the lower end of the scale
3. you will have to sample c. in between
4. the dishes native d. to 3 inches (7.6 cm) tall on the sides
5. some say you have not truly eaten a hot dog e. to Chicago are part of the fast food scene
6. an all-beef frankfurter topped f. to every taste and budget
7. the Chicago-Style Pizza is deep dish, up g. until you have had a Chicago-Style Hot Dog
8. the Chicago-Style Pizza is built upside h. with onion, celery salt, tomato and mustard

© English in Town 3



Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

convenient scapegoat in favor of it ironically enough organized crime popped up

split the nation spread like wildfire the illegal market for booze the plan backfired

1. It was a time of corruption and _________________________.

2. Alcohol became a _________________________ for many of society’s problems.
3. Suddenly, it was illegal to make and sell alcohol in every corner of America, but _________________________,
it was not illegal to drink it.
4. It comes as no surprise that _________________________.
5. Illegal bars known as “speakeasies” _________________________ across the country, corruption
_________________________, bootlegging and organized crime became big business, and mobsters came to
dominate _________________________.
6. The issue of Prohibition _________________________, with the “Wets” against the alcohol ban and the “Dries”


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. As America went wet / dry, corrupt and lawless Chicago became a hotbed of gangster crime.
2. Chicago’s streets became the site of bloody gang wars and shoot-outs between rival snobs / mobs.
3. Al Capone ran the city with guns and an iron / metal fist.
4. He bribed either / both the police and politicians and built his multi-million dollar empire on bootlegging,
gambling, prostitution—and fear / cheer.
5. The “best known gangster” in American history always kept his hands clean / clear.
6. As much as the government wanted him in prison, they could only make / take him down for tax evasion.
7. What is it about Al Capone’s story that still / yet fascinates people even after so many decades?
8. A man of / off explosive temper and raw brutality, Al Capone was both a tacky / savvy businessman and
criminal mastermind.
9. He had the harm / charm and charisma that earned him respect, trust, and loyalty.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. Chicago is _________________________ a melting pot TRUE

2. you will need to leave the _________________________ downtown area TOURIST
3. the Windy City’s cultural _________________________ is best experienced beyond the Loop DIVERSE
4. vibrant ethnic communities _________________________ the landscape DEFINITION
5. many _________________________ are home to different races living in perfect harmony NEIGHBOR
6. the city’s _________________________ ethnic scene DYNAMISM
7. _________________________ Mexican, German, Irish, and Asian American populations SIZE

© English in Town 4



Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. ourse
Over 27 million visitors celebrated the event which changed the c_____________ of world history.
2. Everyone can tell the tale: It was 1492 and Columbus sailed the ocean b_____________.
3. The natives lacked the technological know-h_____________ to put up a fight against colonizers.
4. No d_____________ about it, this is a particularly dark and embarrassing chapter of history.
5. Sometimes what seems to be the end is really just a new b_____________.
6. As the old saying g_____________, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
7. The Windy City w_____________ down in history as the “birthplace of modern architecture.”
8. The city’s North Side is an upscale neighborhood with high price t_____________.
9. Chicago’s West Side is a vibrant melting p_____________.
10. Do not m_____________ out on this cosmopolitan eight-block section of Michigan Avenue.
11. They c_____________ up with the idea of how to serve a burger in less than a minute.
12. With not just one but at least three men behind the story, who does the c_____________ belong to?
13. Most of us will agree that g_____________ a burger is a great thing to do.
14. With a fast food restaurant at every t_____________, junk food seems the most obvious choice for Americans.
15. Perhaps it is no surprise that America’s love of fast, cheap food comes at a p_____________.
16. Experts say that fast food and a national health crisis g_____________ hand in hand.
17. The nation is getting bigger and bigger, with about two-thirds of American adults and one-third of American
kids and teens considered to be overweight or o_____________.
18. And if you add the fact that obesity costs America many billions of health c_____________ dollars each year,
the situation is even more alarming.
19. The Windy City is a great restaurant town, catering to every taste and b_____________, from
u_____________ to casual and everything in between.
20. For an authentic taste of the local flavor, you will have to sample from the lower end of the s_____________.
21. Alcohol became a convenient s_____________ for many of society’s problems.
22. It comes as no surprise that the plan b_____________.
23. Illegal bars known as “speakeasies” p_____________ up across the country, corruption spread like
w_____________, and mobsters came to dominate the i_____________ market for booze.
24. As America went d_____________, corrupt and lawless Chicago became a hotbed of gangster crime.
25. Al Capone ran Chicago, and he ran the city with guns and an iron f_____________.
26. The “best known gangster” in American history always kept his h_____________ clean.
27. As much as the government wanted Al Capone in prison, they could only take him down for tax
28. A man of explosive t_____________ and raw brutality, Al Capone was both a savvy businessman and criminal
m_____________ —a combination which makes him the emblematic figure of the successful American
29. While many neighborhoods are home to different races living in perfect h_____________, several
communities are shaped by a single ethnic group.

© English in Town 5



Label each statement about Chicago as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. Chicago is the second largest city in the United States. TRUE / FALSE

2. About 19.5 million Chicagoans call the Metropolitan Area or Chicagoland, home. TRUE / FALSE

3. President Obama launched his political career in Chicago. TRUE / FALSE

4. Columbus was not the first person to set foot on the American continent—the TRUE / FALSE
Vikings had arrived about 1000 years before he did.

5. Historians estimate that between 30 and 50 percent of the native North American
population died as a direct result of European colonization. TRUE / FALSE

6. In 1871, the devastating Great Chicago Fire burned much of the city to the ground. TRUE / FALSE

7. Chicago is historically the “railroad capital” of America. TRUE / FALSE

8. Chicago’s vibrant downtown is nicknamed the “Hoop.” TRUE / FALSE

9. Chicago’s South Side is a vibrant melting pot, home to the famed Chicago Bulls. TRUE / FALSE

10. Chicago’s notoriously high gun crime rates earned the city the title of “America’s
Murder Capital.” TRUE / FALSE

11. The story of McDonald’s started in Chicago. TRUE / FALSE

12. Dick and Mac McDonald’s ideas about standardization and automation turned
the company into a global fast food giant. TRUE / FALSE

13. “Food deserts” are areas without easy access to healthy food options. TRUE / FALSE

14. A Chicago Dog is an all-beef frankfurter on an Italian roll. TRUE / FALSE

15. The signature Chicago-Style Pizza is thin crust. TRUE / FALSE

16. During Prohibition, it was illegal to drink, make and sell alcohol in the United States. TRUE / FALSE

17. The issue of Prohibition split the nation, with the “Dries” against the alcohol
ban and the “Wets” in favor of it. TRUE / FALSE

18. Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion. TRUE / FALSE

19. The 1940s gave America a “new” woman, the Flapper. TRUE / FALSE

20. Chicago is a city with a long history of ethnic and racial tensions. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 6



Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

fiercest rivals rich in irony in the short run no easy ride on the fence
reached boiling point underway virtually bankrupt went to war

1. Britain and France were the most powerful players and _________________________ in the colonial game.
2. In the 1750s, they _________________________ over their colonial ambitions.
3. The war removed France from North America and left it _________________________.
4. Tensions _________________________ and the American Revolution was soon _________________________.
5. It was _________________________ to victory.
6. The American Revolution brought no fundamental changes in social structure, at least
7. Would you believe that there were also quite a lot of Neutralists sitting _________________________?
8. History is _________________________.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. Boston is exceptionally old a. by a new cultural elite

2. the city went on b. a strong anti-slavery movement
3. Boston was characterized by c. by American standards
4. 19th century Boston was dominated d. for higher education
5. the “Boston Brahmins” made a lasting impact e. on the city
6. throughout f. the Irish Potato Famine
7. Beantown remains America’s center g. to become the main transportation center


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. an _________________________ legacy of historic design INCREDIBLY

2. Boston’s _________________________ masterpieces ARCHITECT
3. _________________________ brownstone and brick homes CHARM
4. Boston is _________________________ in many ways CONSERVATION
5. Bostonians are _________________________ about their heritage PASSION
6. many of the _________________________ neighborhoods ICON
7. the anti-high-rise sentiment had continued up until _________________________ times RECENTLY
8. _________________________ just hope that the new generation of skyscrapers RESIDENCE
will not take away from the city’s historic feel

© English in Town 7



Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. The upscale / downscale district of Back Bay joins Beacon Hill on the list of the most expensive neighborhoods.
2. Come experiment / experience Charlestown, Boston’s oldest neighborhood and the bohemian South End, one
of the hippest / nearest areas in the city.
3. Diversity treats / meets tolerance in the dynamic neighborhood of Jamaica Plain.
4. Boston’s multiethnic scene includes / involves one of nation’s largest Irish populations in South Boston, a
proud / pride Italian community in the North End, and the immigrant / emigrant neighborhood of East Boston.
5. Roxbury remains the historical / historic heart of Boston’s African American community.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

another landmark awe-inspiring churches check out

comes alive tells a story took place unique title

1. Several key events of the American Revolution _________________________ in Boston, earning the city the
_________________________, the “Cradle of Liberty.”
2. The history of the American Revolution _________________________ as you walk Boston’s Freedom Trail.
3. Every step _________________________ on this historic walk of 16 landmark sights.
4. Another piece of history to _________________________ along the Freedom Trail is Faneuil Hall.
5. The site of America’s First Public School is _________________________ of the American Revolution.
6. Boston is home to a multitude of _________________________.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word(s) given. Do not
change the word(s) given.

1. Without question, Boston is one of the world’s most fascinating places to be a student. DOUBT
______________________________, Boston is one of the world’s most fascinating places to be a student.

2. Greater Boston has long been leading the world in higher education. EDGE
Greater Boston has long been ______________________________ of higher education.

3. To help you better understand the chances, Harvard lets in less than 10 per cent of its applicants. GIVE, IDEA
______________________________ the chances, Harvard lets in less than 10 per cent of its applicants.

4. A Harvard degree can help you become very successful. GET, FAR
A Harvard degree can ______________________________.

5. Just think of the long list of Harvard-trained powerful and highly influential people. MOVERS
Just think of the long list of Harvard-trained ______________________________.

© English in Town 8


2.7 BAT & BALL

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Thinking of grabbing / catching a hot dog and grabbing / catching a baseball game?
2. The baseball craze first hit / quit the nation in the 1850s—but what is all this fascination with / to a bat-and-ball
3. Back in the pre-Internet age / pro-Internet age, baseball dominated the sports scenery / landscape.
4. Baseball was what kids played after school and what held / kept millions of viewers in front of their TV screens.
5. Players like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio became living / leaving legends of their time.
6. But as they say, all things go / come to an end—baseball is no / any longer the true fan favorite.
7. But in / at the end of the day, “America’s Game” still holds a special place in the hearts of fans.


Choose the word that best fits each gap.

blocks chic complete heritage mind taste time tribute underwater

1. No visit to Boston is ________________ without a stop at its premier cultural attractions.

2. For a ________________ of world-class art, check out the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
3. A 21st-century adventure and unique ________________ experience await you at the New England Aquarium.
4. Style and ________________ come together at Newbury Street, eight blocks of fabulous shopping and dining.
5. Step back in ________________ at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, a unique multimedia
experience and ________________ to the life and legacy of the 35th President of the United States.
6. Boston celebrates its Irish ________________ on St. Patrick’s Day.
7. Each year, tens of thousands of runners take their chance at the starting line to challenge the body and
________________ in the Boston Marathon.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. foodies from a. by the traditions of New England

2. head b. for
3. get a taste of c. for Boston
4. blueberries, cranberries and maple syrup all add d. around the globe
5. Boston’s food scene has been inspired e. New England
6. the city is the place to get some f. of the best New England clam chowder
7. if beer is what you are thirsty g. out the city’s best beer bars
8. check h. to the mix

© English in Town 9



Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

all the glamour better life greater mystery have it all in many ways
near-royal status social scale turned out worked their way up

1. What started as a struggle for survival _____________________ to be a success for the Irish.
2. They all came in search of a _____________________ but quickly found themselves at the bottom of the
3. No doubt about it, the Irish worked hard and _____________________.
4. The Kennedy dynasty came to be one of the most significant political dynasties and, _____________________,
so much more than that.
5. The Kennedys won the hearts of America and enjoyed _____________________.
6. The Kennedys seemed to _____________________: power, fame, wealth, charisma, and good looks.
7. But _____________________ in the world did not save them from family tragedies.
8. Many believed that the tragic events were part of a _____________________ and the myth of the ‘‘Kennedy
Curse’’ was born.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. John F. Kennedy _____________________ the promise of great things to come SYMBOL

2. JFK remains one of the most _____________________ presidents America has ever known ADMIRATION
3. he was a man of energy, dynamism, and _____________________ YOUNG
4. he was a _____________________ public speaker BRILLIANCE
5. a generation of young Americans found _____________________ in his speeches INSPIRE
6. Kennedy and his style icon First Lady were _____________________ photogenic FAMOUS
7. JFK’s legacy as president remains _____________________ debated HOT
8. his time in office was an incredibly _____________________ period of political history TURBULENCE
9. Vietnam, the Soviets, the Cubans, the Civil Rights Movement, and the race
to the moon all came to be _____________________ with his name ASSOCIATION
10. on a different note, his _____________________ was legendary WOMANIZE
11. the _____________________ of Kennedy remains one of the ASSASSINATE
most _____________________ events in modern history TRAUMA
12. for a _____________________ generation, “Where were you when Kennedy was shot?” PARTICULARLY
has become a fundamental American question
13. to this day, _____________________ theories live on CONSPIRE
14. in _____________________, he suffered lifelong health problems TRUE

© English in Town 10



Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. Whether you come for architecture, baseball or education, Boston is always on top of its g_____________.
2. While victory is always sweet, the treasury was d_____________.
3. Tensions reached boiling p_____________ and the American Revolution was soon underway.
4. The Revolution brought no fundamental changes in social structure, at least in the short r_____________.
5. Would you believe that there were also quite a lot of Neutralists sitting on the f_____________?
6. You can surely find the Victorian home of your d_____________ in Boston.
7. The city gave the go-a_____________ for some new design developments.
8. With a median a_____________ of around 30, Boston has one of the youngest populations in the nation.
9. Several key events of the American Revolution took p_____________ in Boston.
10. The history of the American Revolution comes a_____________ as you walk Boston’s Freedom Trail.
11. Boston is home to a multitude of awe-i_____________ churches.
12. Boston has long been on the cutting e_____________ of higher education.
13. To give you an i_____________ of the chances, Harvard lets in less than 10 per cent of its applicants.
14. Just think of the long list of Harvard-trained movers and s_____________.
15. Thinking of g_____________ a hot dog and catching a baseball game?
16. The baseball craze first h_____________ the nation in the 1850s.
17. Baseball created a family tradition and it was for everyone, no matter what class or r_____________.
18. Players like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio became living l_____________ of their time.
19. But as they say, all things come to an e_____________.
20. Step back in t_____________ at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
21. Foodies from around the g_____________ head for Boston to get a taste of New England.
22. Do you have a sweet t_____________? Then the Boston Cream Pie is definitely a must on your visit.
23. They quickly found themselves at the bottom of the social s_____________.
24. A wealthy family of Irish Catholics appeared on the political s_____________.
25. The Kennedys won the hearts of America and enjoyed near-royal s_____________.
26. JFK’s legacy as president remains hotly d_____________.
27. His time in office was a brief but incredibly turbulent period of political history which left him with a series of
tough decisions to m_____________.
28. Vietnam, the Soviets, the Cubans, the Civil Rights M_____________, and the race to the moon all came to be
associated with his name.
29. To this day, conspiracy t_____________ live on.

© English in Town 11



Label each statement about Boston as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. Boston is the capital and largest city of the state of Minnesota. TRUE / FALSE

2. Boston is a city with one of the highest costs of living in the United States. TRUE / FALSE

3. Founded in 1630, Boston is exceptionally old by American standards. TRUE / FALSE

4. In the 1550s, Britain and France went to war over their colonial ambitions. TRUE / FALSE

5. It took the Thirteen British Colonies eighteen years to make independence a reality. TRUE / FALSE

6. The Declaration of Independence introduced the liberal concept that “all men are TRUE / FALSE
created equal.”

7. Boston is noted for its fine collection of Victorian homes. TRUE / FALSE

8. With a median age of around 40, Boston has one of the youngest populations in the nation. TRUE / FALSE

9. The history of the American Revolution comes alive as you walk Boston’s Freedom Path. TRUE / FALSE

10. Harvard lets in less than one per cent of its applicants each year. TRUE / FALSE

11. The baseball craze first hit the nation in the 1850s. TRUE / FALSE

12. Fenway Park has seen generations of Bostonians cheering on the iconic Boston Red Ducks. TRUE / FALSE

13. Boston is home to the world’s oldest marathon. TRUE / FALSE

14. Boston’s food scene has been inspired by the traditions of New England in its use of TRUE / FALSE
always fresh local seafood and dairy products.

15. About one million poor Irish refugees flooded America to escape the Irish Tomato Famine. TRUE / FALSE

16. Boston is one of America’s most Irish cities. TRUE / FALSE

17. In the 1960 elections, the nation’s attention focused on the most famous Kennedy of them TRUE / FALSE

18. A lifelong Republican, John F. Kennedy symbolized the promise of great things to come. TRUE / FALSE

19. 50 years after the shots were fired in Denver, JFK remains one of the most admired TRUE / FALSE
presidents America has ever known.

20. JFK’s womanizing was legendary. TRUE / FALSE

21. For a particular generation, “Where were you when Kennedy was shot?” has become TRUE / FALSE
a fundamental American question.

22. JFK’s image of health and vitality was more myth than reality. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 12

New Orleans


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Clearly one of the most awful / awesome chapters of U.S. history, slavery in America began in the British colonies.
2. How did it result / cause a war?
3. By the time the Civil War began, three-quarters of the world’s cotton came from toughly / roughly four million
black slaves in the American South.
4. It was soon clear that giving up slavery would have been “economic / economical suicide” for the newly rich
Deep South.
5. Southerners insisted that blacks were inferior / superior.
6. And this is how slavery went from a “necessary evil” to a “positive good,” a rather absurd and bizarre view
almost universally accepted / expected in the South.
7. The Civil War came about as tensions were rushing / running high over the issue of slavery and the Union itself.
8. The election of Lincoln was the final / ultimate straw that pushed seven Southern states to leave the Union.
9. When the situation exploded into war, the survival of the United States as one nation was at stake / brake.
10. Widely regarded today like / as the first modern war, the American Civil War took / brought about landmark


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. an old city a. as a melting pot

2. the sale became known b. as the Louisiana Purchase
3. New Orleans served c. by American standards
4. the city emerged as a hub d. into one of the “murder capitals of America”
5. New Orleans fell e. of the slave trade
6. the third millennium kicked f. off with a disaster in NOLA
7. the sad reality of crime has turned the city g. to Union forces in the American Civil War


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. _________________________ treasures are everywhere you look in New Orleans ARCHITECT

2. the Big Easy offers an amazing _________________________ of architectural styles VARIOUS
3. _________________________ examples of traditional Southern architecture STUNNED
4. the French Quarter is an _________________________ experience in every detail CREDIBLE
5. the Quarter is not as ‘‘French’’ as the name _________________________ SUGGESTION
6. its French colonial architecture was almost completely _________________________ DESTRUCTION
7. _________________________ plantation homes MAJESTY

© English in Town 13

New Orleans


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

an amazing variety check out come alive hard hit

has its share of laid-back atmosphere must-see the hustle and bustle

1. The French Quarter is a _________________________ for its vibrant nightlife and stunning architecture.
2. Away from _________________________ of the city, the residential neighborhoods of the Garden District,
Uptown, and Carrollton offer _________________________ of 19th century historic homes.
3. Mid-City and Esplanade Ridge _________________________ during the New Orleans Jazz Festival.
4. Marigny and Bywater are known for their _________________________ and bohemian vibe.
5. _________________________ Tremé for its rich Creole and African American history.
6. Although visited by few tourists, Gentilly also _________________________ history and culture.
7. Located along Lake Pontchartrain, Lakeview was _________________________ by Hurricane Katrina.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. a mecca a. about the party

2. it has a reputation b. after
3. just a block c. as an adult-oriented, filthy area
4. if it is historic architecture you are d. as the dividing line
5. Canal Street served e. away from Bourbon Street
6. Julia Street is filled f. for all-night partying
7. Bourbon Street is all g. with amazing art exhibits


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. a product of the city’s _________________________ pot and party atmosphere MELT

2. African, European, and _________________________ harmonies RELIGION
3. a key element behind the cultural and sexual _________________________ REVOLUTIONARY
4. jazz became an _________________________ success NIGHT
5. musical revolution came with _________________________ new dances SCANDAL
6. the 1920s saw _________________________ liberated women dance the night away SEX
7. the _________________________ sound of the jazz saxophone EROTICA
8. black jazz artists discovered music as an _________________________ of freedom EXPRESS
9. jazz music's _________________________ has lived on INFLUENTIAL
10. in its early days, jazz was considered _________________________ by many MORAL

© English in Town 14

New Orleans


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word(s) given. Do not
change the word(s) given.

1. We can say for sure that watching American football is the new national pastime. SAFE, SAY
__________________________ that watching American football is the new national pastime.

2. Things become more intense when America prepares itself for Super Bowl Sunday. KICK, GEAR
Things __________________________ when America prepares itself for Super Bowl Sunday.

3. Why is the Super Bowl so important? DEAL

__________________________ with the Super Bowl?

4. Advertisers pay a very high price to run or even premiere their commercials. TOP
Advertisers pay __________________________ to run or even premiere their commercials.

5. The Super Bowl is also about very high quality entertainment. CAPITAL
The Super Bowl is also about entertainment __________________________.

6. Advertisers pay as much as $4 million for 30 seconds of air time during the Super Bowl. UP
Advertisers pay __________________________ $4 million for 30 seconds of air time during the Super Bowl.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

aboard come face-to-face get a taste have a good time

like no other must-see top sights

1. NOLA is a cultural treasure _________________________ with scenic beauty, stunning architecture, and so
much more.
2. _________________________ of New Orleans at the Historic French Market.
3. Catch the vintage St. Charles Streetcar to enjoy some of the city’s _________________________.
4. NOLA’s City Park is a _________________________ for its collection of live oak trees.
5. Cruise the Mississippi and enjoy live jazz music _________________________ the iconic Natchez steamboat.
6. _________________________ with some of the most fascinating creatures of the underwater world.
7. New Orleans is a festival city and New Orleanians know how to_________________________.

© English in Town 15

New Orleans


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. New Orleanians are proud of their culinary _____________________ INHERIT

2. they serve up the very best of Cajun and Creole _____________________ FLAVORING
3. a _____________________ of green bell peppers, onions, and celery COMBINE
4. Cajun is country-style cooking with locally _____________________ ingredients AVAILABILITY
5. Creole is city-style with more variety and French _____________________ SOPHISTICATED
6. Cajuns use more _____________________ SPICY
7. French bread _____________________ with meat OVERSTUFF
8. seafood is another New Orleans _____________________ SPECIAL


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Mardi Gras is the last day for food and fun before Ash / Trash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.
2. Mardi Gras can fall / call on any Tuesday between February 3 and March 9, with parades ticking / kicking off
about two weeks before.
3. The Carnival season / series changes New Orleans into a hotbed of extravagant fun and great excitement for
paraders and parade-watchers along / alike.
4. Crazy costumes, wild make-up, marching jazz bands, and colorful parades all come / go into play.
5. Despite / Despite of what some tourists may believe, public nudity is actually illegal in New Orleans.
6. When the clock hits / strikes midnight on Fat Tuesday, the crowds take / make their way home.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a special approach a thing of the past all that happens called on for help
evil spirituality handed down talking about tourist draw

1. We cannot talk about New Orleans without _________________________ Louisiana Voodoo.

2. God, the supreme power is followed by spirits who control _________________________ in this world.
3. Voodoo has _________________________ to ancestors: They are honored, cared for, respected, and can be
_________________________ and protection any time.
4. But before you think that Voodoo is _________________________, it is actually a very real religion
_________________________ from generation to generation in Louisiana.
5. It is a part of modern New Orleans and also a major _________________________ with shops around the
French Quarter selling powders, candles, oils, and Voodoo dolls.
6. Is Voodoo an _________________________ or dark religion?

© English in Town 16

New Orleans


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Very few cities can boost / boast that their cemeteries are tourist hotspots, and NOLA is one of them.
2. Geography explains it / in all.
3. French settlers found out / turned out early on that when the floods came, they brought with them an
unpleasant surprise.
4. Not just / Not only was it grotesque, but it also spread disease.
5. The city’s cemeteries have long been a tourist magnet—but also a hangout / blackout for criminals.
6. For this reason / result, visitors are always advised to break / take a guided tour.
7. While some of the crypts are in great condition, others are run-up / run-down and falling apart.
8. Are these places a fascinating piece of history or a creepy / cheeky experience?


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

another dimension come true disaster movie finger-pointing got stuck

no way out of the city out there political storm terrible legacy tough decision

1. For New Orleanians, it was a nightmare _________________________ when the levees failed.
2. It was a sight you would only expect to see in a Hollywood _________________________.
3. New Orleanians had been faced with the _________________________ to stay or evacuate.
4. The situation became desperate with no water, nowhere to go, and _________________________.
5. People _________________________ in a total disaster zone of complete chaos.
6. The _________________________ soon began among federal, state, and local officials.
7. Critics also blamed the aging levee system—yet the story has _________________________.
8. President George W. Bush found himself in the center of a _________________________.
9. The question is still _________________________: Could it have been less traumatic?
10. New Orleans is still recovering from the _________________________ of Katrina.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. most of them will say that it is a place with a _____________________ French atmosphere LAY
2. French culture has made a _____________________ impact on the state of Louisiana LAST
3. the answer might not be so _____________________ OBVIOUSLY
4. they also _____________________ in important ways DIFFERENCE
5. Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans all _____________________ to the mix ADDITION
6. making it hard, if not _____________________, to define the term POSSIBILITY
7. Cajuns are _____________________ the descendants of French-Canadians BASIC
8. Creoles and Cajuns have two _____________________ cultures DISTINCTION

© English in Town 17

New Orleans


Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. A one-of-a-k_____________ destination for adult-oriented entertainment, “NOLA” is where European charm

meets African and Caribbean traditions.
2. In terms of their economies, the North and the South were as d_____________ as they could be.
3. The slave states of the South profited a great d_____________ from agriculture.
4. The Civil War came about as tensions were r_____________ high over the issue of slavery.
5. The election of Lincoln was the final s_____________ that pushed seven Southern states to leave the Union.
6. When the situation exploded into war, the survival of the United States as one nation was at s_____________.
7. The American Civil War brought a_____________ landmark changes.
8. An old city by American s_____________, Nouvelle-Orléans was founded by the French in 1718.
9. The third millennium k_____________ off with a disaster in NOLA.
10. The French Quarter is an incredible experience in every d_____________.
11. Away from the hustle and b_____________ of the city, the residential neighborhoods of the Garden District,
Uptown, and Carrollton offer an amazing variety of 19th century historic homes.
12. Mid-City and Esplanade Ridge come a_____________ during the New Orleans Jazz Festival.
13. It also has a reputation as an adult-o_____________, filthy area.
14. With a top-n_____________ live music scene, Frenchmen Street is where New Orleanians like to party.
15. If music is your t_____________, New Orleans is the place to be.
16. The Jazz Age ended with the Great Depression but its influence has l_____________ on.
17. It is s_____________ to say that watching American football is the new national pastime.
18. Things kick into high g_____________ when America prepares itself for the annual Super Bowl Sunday.
19. What is the big d_____________ with the Super Bowl?
20. In American football, the champion is decided with a single game and the winner t_____________ it all.
21. When so many eyes are watching, advertisers pay top d_____________ to run their commercials.
22. The Super Bowl is also about entertainment with a c_____________ E.
23. NOLA’s City Park is a must-s_____________ for its collection of live oak trees.
24. In the Big Easy, bars have no closing hour and the party goes on around the c_____________.
25. When the clock s_____________ midnight on Fat Tuesday, the crowds m_____________ their way home.
26. We cannot talk about New Orleans w_____________ talking about Louisiana Voodoo.
27. But before you think that Voodoo is a thing of the p_____________, it is actually a very real religion
h_____________ down from generation to generation in Louisiana.
28. While some of the crypts are in great condition, others are run-d_____________ and falling apart.
29. For New Orleanians, it was a nightmare come t_____________ when Hurricane Katrina struck the city.
30. The rest of America was horrified by the images of human tragedy, and the finger-p_____________ soon
began among federal, state, and local officials.
31. President George W. Bush found himself in the center of a political s_____________.
32. New Orleans is still recovering from the terrible l_____________ of Katrina.
33. New Orleans is a place with a laid-b_____________ French atmosphere.

© English in Town 18

New Orleans


Label each statement about New Orleans as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. New Orleans is the second largest city and metropolitan area in the state of Louisiana. TRUE / FALSE

2. “Let the good times roll” is what New Orleanians say. TRUE / FALSE

3. As the local joke goes, New Orleans really has four seasons: Winter, Hurricane,
Christmas, and Mardi Gras. TRUE / FALSE

4. Slavery in America began in the British colonies in the early 1800s. TRUE / FALSE

5. The election of the anti-slavery Democrat Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was the final straw
that pushed seven Southern states to leave the Union and form the Confederacy. TRUE / FALSE

6. Napoleon Bonaparte sold Louisiana to the young United States. The sale became known
as the Louisiana Purchase. TRUE / FALSE

7. Today, the French Quarter is really more Spanish than French in style. TRUE / FALSE

8. At the very heart of the French Quarter, Anjou Street is a legendary street and a
mecca for all-night partying. TRUE / FALSE

9. Jazz was born at the turn of the 19th century within African-American communities. TRUE / FALSE

10. The Super Bowl is typically played on the last Sunday in January or the first Sunday TRUE / FALSE
in February.

11. Advertisers pay up to $2 million for 30 seconds of air time during the Super Bowl. TRUE / FALSE

12. Many Creole and Cajun dishes begin with the “Holy Trinity” and continue with
onion, the “Pope” to the “Holy Trinity.” TRUE / FALSE

13. Despite what some tourists may believe, public nudity is actually legal in New Orleans. TRUE / FALSE

14. Voodoo is actually a very real religion handed down from generation to generation
in Louisiana. TRUE / FALSE

15. The Big Easy’s cemeteries are known by the nickname of the “Cities of the Dead.” TRUE / FALSE

16. For New Orleanians, it was a nightmare come true when, one morning in 2001, Hurricane
Katrina struck the city. TRUE / FALSE

17. New Orleans is still recovering from the terrible legacy of Katrina, but tourism numbers
are up again. TRUE / FALSE

18. Creoles and Cajuns have two distinct cultures, each with their own traditions, cuisine,
music, and dialect. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 19

Los Angeles

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Hollywood already hit / bit it big in the silent film era.

2. The icons of the silver / golden screen sang and danced their way into the hearts of early movie-goers / film-goers.
3. In the 1950s, the glorious days of Hollywood were somewhat fading / failing.
4. In the late 1960s, just when Hollywood’s golden age was going / coming to an end, a new generation of
experimental filmmakers took / got over and New Hollywood was born.
5. The counterculture of the time and the sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll generation were beginning to make / take
an impact.
6. The traditional producer-driven studio system was a thing of the last / past.
7. Hollywood hit a creative high point, turning / burning out cult classics like Coppola’s The Godfather.
8. In the mid-1970s, a new phenomenon made its debut on the silver screen: the ghostbuster / blockbuster.
9. Box-office success became the new driving force / power behind movie-making.
10. Hollywood’s blockbuster mentality defined the future of the moving image / picture.
11. Big-budget cinema is lacking / backing the depth of the New Wave era.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

came under evolved into gave a boost to grown into

is also billed merged with turned Los Angeles into

1. Following the Mexican–American War, California _________________________ U.S. rule.

2. The birth of the transcontinental railroad and the discovery of oil _________________________ a boomtown.
3. Hollywood _________________________ the city in 1910 and Los Angeles _________________________ a
center for the world’s film industry.
4. The aviation industry and war production _________________________ L.A.’s economy.
5. Since its founding in 1781, the City of Angels has _________________________ what it is today: a vibrant West
Coast metropolis and one of the most dynamic and culturally diverse cities on earth.
6. Los Angeles_________________________ as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.”


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. L.A. was still catching a. for its stunning architecture

2. earthquake building codes were b. from the “street canyon” effect
3. this saved much of downtown L.A. c. in effect
4. not enough sunlight d. in escaping the “street canyon” effect than NYC
5. in a city with new buildings going e. on sidewalk level
6. Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall is another must-see f. up after a late start in sky-high construction
7. L.A. has been more successful g. up every day

© English in Town 20

Los Angeles

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. explore this concrete jungle, home to the most _____________________ sections of the city WALK
2. glamour, _____________________, high fashion, and high price tags WEALTHY
3. Beverly Hills and Bel Air have become _____________________ with scenic beauty SYNONYM
4. you cannot miss out on the _____________________ neighborhood of West Hollywood UNIQUELY
5. Culver City, a _____________________ center for the motion picture industry SIGNIFICANCE
6. Westwood, home to a _____________________ student population MAJORITY
7. Downtown’s Skid Row has one of the largest _____________________ populations in the U.S. HOME


Choose the word that best fits each gap.

behind below ever in nowhere once out top

1. They say, “There is no business like show business,” and _______________ is this more true than in the heart of
the entertainment world.
2. Stand in the same place where Hollywood’s greatest stars _______________ stood on the Hollywood Walk of
3. No one is _______________ too old for Disneyland.
4. A movie studio and theme park _______________ one, Universal Studios Hollywood features thrilling rides.
5. Go _______________ the scenes and see where movies are made in the world’s largest working movie studio.
6. For a _______________ -notch shopping experience, go “Where the Stars Shop.”
7. Do not forget to check _______________ the iconic Griffith Observatory for incredible views of the entire city
stretching out _______________.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. sun, sand, glamour, wealth, and the feel of _____________________ summer END
2. dramatic ocean views and _____________________ cliffs ROCK
3. this is where _____________________ Hollywood movie stars own multi-million dollar homes COUNT
4. the “Malibu Colony” is very _____________________ about its privacy SENSITIVITY
5. some of the highest _____________________ estate prices in the world REALITY
6. _____________________ and progressive views LIBERALISM
7. Venice Beach has _____________________ itself into a world-class hotspot TRANSFORMATION
8. hit the _____________________ Ocean Front Walk, a mile-long boardwalk with performers POPULARITY

© English in Town 21

Los Angeles

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Cars are a way of / for life for most Angelenos.

2. Getting / Letting around in L.A. can be really frustrating with drivers spending about 60 hours per year struck /
stuck in traffic.
3. What causes / results L.A.’s legendary traffic jams?
4. Car-centric development started giving L.A. a decentralized character—and awful / awesome gridlock.
5. Statistics tell us that car-crazy L.A. is one of the world’s top car-owning / car-owing cities.
6. And when you add to the mix the fact that alternative transit modes are either / both slow or limited, it is not
hard to see how / why many Angelenos will not easily give up their automobiles.
7. Heavy / hard traffic turns the city into a pollution nightmare.
8. The problem is also due / according to geography.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

awe-inspiring natural beauty fully restored hustle and bustle major spot
stunning architecture timeless symbol without question

1. The City of Angels is _________________________ one of America’s entertainment meccas.

2. Escape the _________________________ of the city in Griffith Park, home to the Los Angeles Zoo and the
signature Hollywood Sign, standing as the _________________________ of the movie industry.
3. Head for the renowned Getty Center and the monumental Getty Villa for their _________________________.
4. Come experience L.A. Live, a _________________________ for live entertainment in downtown Los Angeles.
5. See a Disney movie at the _________________________ El Capitan Theatre.
6. Take your chance to enjoy _________________________ just a short drive away from the city.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. L.A. is the true _____________________ of an ethnic and cultural hub DEFINE

2. about 40 percent of the city’s _____________________ is foreign-born POPULATED
3. over time, the _____________________ makeover gave birth to a variety of ETHNICITY
neighborhoods, each with its own _____________________ and culture IDENTIFY
4. L.A.’s Mexican _____________________ is as old as the city itself INHERIT
5. L.A. is among the cities with the highest _____________________ of Mexicans outside CONCENTRATE
Mexico and is home to one of the largest Spanish-_____________________ populations SPEAK
6. L.A. is one of the most ethnically, _____________________, and culturally diverse cities RACE

© English in Town 22

Los Angeles

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. What do the films Rain Man, Gladiator, and Argo all have it / in common?
2. From a low-key / high-key beginning in 1929 when most winners did not even show / blow up at the
ceremony, the annual Academy Awards have evolved / revolved into the world’s best-known movie honors.
3. The rewards / awards show celebrates the year’s greatest achievements in film-making.
4. It is the highlight of the year for Oscar hopefuls who take / make up the usual list of five nominees.
5. Apart / Along with the parties, the speeches, and the stars, the Oscars are just as much about fashion as they
are about movies, with stylish celebrities talking / walking the red carpet.
6. The show also brings with it big-name hosts, high-profile / low-profile presenters, and live performances.
7. The Academy, critics, and audiences are clearly not at / on the same page when it comes to picking / pick their
personal favorites.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.

1. When you think of the highest honor in the music industry, what pops into your head? MIND
When you think of the highest honor in the music industry, what ______________________________?

2. It is fellow artists and industry insiders who have the authority to make decisions on
which nominees will actually walk away as the night’s winners. SAY
It is fellow artists and industry insiders who have ______________________________ on
which nominees will actually walk away as the night’s winners.

3. When music’s biggest night begins live from Los Angeles, it brings music KICKS
fans around the world amazing performances by the industry’s enduring legends. ACROSS
When music’s biggest night ______________________________ live from Los Angeles, it brings music
fans ______________________________ amazing performances by the industry’s enduring legends.

4. The Awards have been labeled uninformed about new trends. TOUCH
The Awards have been labeled ______________________________ with new trends.

5. “Music’s Highest Honor” has been criticized for rewarding only the predictable. FIRE
“Music’s Highest Honor” has been ______________________________ for rewarding only the predictable.

© English in Town 23

Los Angeles

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. somewhere beyond the _____________________ spots TOURISM

2. crime has been a chronic problem for Angelenos, earning L.A. a _____________________ REPUTED
as one of the American cities with the worst gang _____________________ VIOLENT
3. What is _____________________ and what is reality? MYTHICAL
4. South Central and Eastside are _____________________ not tourist destinations DEFINITE
5. tattoos, colors, hand _____________________, dress codes, and graffiti SYMBOLIC
6. break-ins and armed _____________________ are a fact of life ROB
7. jail time and violent crimes earn the most _____________________ DISRESPECTED
8. it is where young kids find a sense of family and _____________________ PROTECT
9. “Where are you from?” is a standard gang _____________________ CHALLENGING


Choose the correct phrase in each sentence.

commercially successful drive-by shootings harsh realities in-your-face style lyrical depth
multi-million dollar business roughly coincided tough-talking rappers went down in history

1. The Bronx in New York is where hip-hop was born in the 1970s, but America’s Gang Capital is the birthplace of
its most controversial and most ________________________________ variant: gangsta rap.
2. In this truly American art form, ________________________________ give their first-person accounts of the
________________________________ of inner-city violence, gang life, poverty, racism, and drugs.
3. In its golden age, rap had a powerful message to share and that message was delivered in a raw,
4. When the East Coast’s Notorious B.I.G. and the West Coast’s Tupac Shakur were both gunned down in still-
unsolved ________________________________, their deaths became the defining drama of the genre.
5. Tupac and Biggie both died while only in their mid-20s—still, they ________________________________ as
two of the greatest rappers ever born.
6. The deaths of two of rap’s biggest superstars ________________________________ with the beginning of the
end of hip-hop’s golden age, an era of ________________________________ and musical originality.
7. Since then, hip-hop has become a ________________________________ with heavyweights like Jay-Z,
Eminem, Kanye West, and 50 Cent turning out chart-topping hits.

© English in Town 24

Los Angeles

Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. What could be more synonymous with the motion picture than the movie-m_____________ capital of the
2. Hollywood already hit it b_____________ in the silent film era.
3. In the late 1920s, Hollywood was entering its g_____________ age.
4. The icons of the silver s_____________ sang and danced their way into the hearts of early movie-g_____________.
5. In the late 1960s, the movie industry was in decline and Hollywood’s golden age was coming to an e_____________.
6. The counterculture of the time, and the sex, d_____________, and rock ‘n’ roll generation were beginning to
make an impact, and New Hollywood made a b_____________ with Bonnie and Clyde and Easy Rider.
7. In the mid-1970s, a new phenomenon made its d_____________ on the silver screen: the blockbuster.
8. Box- o_____________ success became the new driving force behind movie-making.
9. When many of New York’s and Chicago’s skyscrapers were already standing, L.A. was still c_____________ up
after a late start in sky-high construction.
10. When restrictions were l_____________, the building boom gave Los Angeles a truly modern skyline.
11. In a city with new buildings g_____________ up every day, it is always refreshing to see historic architecture.
12. Universal Studios Hollywood features thrilling rides into the world of h_____________ movies such as
13. Go behind the s_____________ and see where movies are made in the world’s largest working movie studio.
14. For a t_____________-notch shopping experience, go “Where the Stars Shop.”
15. Sun, sand, glamour, wealth, and the feel of endless summer—L.A.’s beachfront cities have it a _____________.
16. Malibu is the playground of the rich and f_____________.
17. Santa Monica is where sunshine meets some of the highest real e _____________ prices in the world.
18. Venice Beach has transformed itself into a cultural center and a world-class h_____________.
19. Do not miss out on the man- m_____________ canals and awesome murals throughout Venice.
20. You have the legal right to walk along the public beach in front of the stars’ homes, but only below high-
t_____________ line.
21. Statistics tell us that car- c_____________ L.A. is one of the world’s top car-owning cities.
22. Heavy traffic turns the city into a p_____________ nightmare.
23. Escape the h_____________ and bustle of the city in Griffith Park.
24. Take your chance to enjoy a_____________ -inspiring natural beauty just a short drive away from the city.
25. From a l_____________ -key beginning in 1929 when most winners did not even s_____________ up at the
ceremony, the annual Academy Awards have evolved into the world’s best-known movie honors.
26. It is the highlight of the year for movie b_____________ and also for Oscar hopefuls who m_____________ up
the usual list of five nominees.
27. The show also brings with it big-name hosts, h_____________ -profile presenters, and live performances.
28. The Academy, critics, and audiences are clearly not on the s_____________ page.
29. When you think of the highest honor in the music industry, what c_____________ to mind?
30. It is fellow artists and industry i_____________ who have the final s_____________ on which nominees will
actually walk away as the night’s winners.
31. The Awards have been labeled “o_____________-of-touch” with new trends.
32. “Music’s Highest Honor” has been u_____________ fire for rewarding only the predictable, mainstream, and
commercially successful.
33. Los Angeles just cannot seem to get r_____________ of the title, the “Gang Capital of America.”

© English in Town 25

Los Angeles

34. Tattoos, colors, hand symbols, dress codes, and graffiti can easily become a matter of life and d_____________.
35. It is a world where murder, drugs, drive-by shootings, and armed robbery are a fact of l_____________.
36. It is a world where jail t_____________ and violent crimes earn the most respect.
37. The Bronx in New York is where hip-hop was born in the 1970s, but America’s Gang Capital is the birthplace of
its most controversial and most commercially s_____________ variant: gangsta rap.
38. In this truly American art form, tough- t_____________ rappers give their first-person accounts of the harsh
r_____________ of inner-city violence, gang life, poverty, racism, and drugs.
39. Rap had a powerful message to share and that message was delivered in a raw, in-your-f_____________ style.
40. The East Coast’s Notorious B.I.G. and the West Coast’s Tupac Shakur were both gunned d_____________ in still-
unsolved drive-by shootings.
41. Tupac and Biggie went d_____________ in history as two of the greatest rappers ever born.
42. Gangsta rap and explicit l_____________ have always gone hand in hand and this gives many people a reason
to dislike the genre.

© English in Town 26

Los Angeles

Label each statement about Los Angeles as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. Located in Northern California, Los Angeles is a city of 3.9 million people. TRUE / FALSE

2. L.A. is the second largest city in the nation, behind New York City. TRUE / FALSE

3. Because of its ideal filming weather, Los Angeles replaced New York as the new
epicenter of America’s motion picture industry. TRUE / FALSE

4. Hollywood already hit it big in the silent film era and even bigger with the
coming of “speakies.” TRUE / FALSE

5. In the late 1940s, Hollywood’s golden age was coming to an end. TRUE / FALSE

6. In the mid-1950s, a new phenomenon made its debut on the silver screen: the blockbuster. TRUE / FALSE

7. Hollywood hit a creative high point, turning out cult classics like Coppola’s Taxi Driver
and Scorsese’s The Godfather. TRUE / FALSE

8. Los Angeles is also billed as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.” TRUE / FALSE

9. The City of Angels has been more successful in escaping the “steep canyon” effect than NYC. TRUE / FALSE

10. Disneyland is marketed as “The Happiest Place on Earth.” TRUE / FALSE

11. Car-crazy L.A. is also where terrible traffic jams meet nasty smog problems. TRUE / FALSE

12. Los Angeles was once known as the “Mural Capital of the World.” TRUE / FALSE

13. Today, L.A. is home to one of the largest Spanish-speaking populations on the planet. TRUE / FALSE

14. The films Rain Man, Gladiator, and Argo have all won the Oscar for Best Director. TRUE / FALSE

15. Of all the entertainment awards ceremonies, the Oscars stand as the second oldest. TRUE / FALSE

16. The Grammy Awards have been labeled “out-of-touch” with new trends. TRUE / FALSE

17. The artist with the most Grammy wins is Hungarian conductor Sir Georg Solti. TRUE / FALSE

18. Los Angeles just cannot seem to get rid of the title, the “Gang Capital of America.” TRUE / FALSE

19. “Where are you going?” is a standard gang challenge, often followed by an attack. TRUE / FALSE

20. Tupac and Biggie both died while only in their mid-30s. TRUE / FALSE

21. Gangsta rap and explicit lyrics have always gone hand in hand. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 27

Las Vegas

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

gave the formal go-ahead haunt and divide the world mankind’s most destructive weapon
not the only tourist draw the debate is still on the pressure was on
the world entered a new era to an earlier end we all know how the story ends went to war

1. There were times when gaming was ________________________________ of the city.

2. But just how did the atomic bomb come to be ________________________________?
3. In 1939, the world officially ________________________________ for the second time in a generation.
4. Now ________________________________ for America to split the atom.
5. President Roosevelt ________________________________ for a nuclear program to create the world’s first
atomic bomb.
6. In July 1945, ________________________________: the Atomic Age.
7. ________________________________: As “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” detonated in the air, the mushroom
clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki signaled two of the most tragic events in the history of human
8. So many years on, these nuclear memories continue to ________________________________.
9. What could possibly justify the bombings? ________________________________.
10. Many believe that President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan saved many lives on both
sides by bringing the war ________________________________.

an all-out nuclear war at the push of a button decreased in intensity

launched the nuclear arms race mastered the technology stay ahead of the pack
were quick to catch up wiping each other off the map

11. In 1949, the first Soviet A-bomb formally ________________________________.

12. In 1952, the U.S. exploded the world’s first hydrogen bomb—but again, the Soviets
13. The two nations were locked in a bitter battle to ________________________________ in the gigantic arms
14. It was not until the Cold War finally came to an end that the arms race ________________________________.
15. History is rich in irony: The Germans never ________________________________.
16. So, with a full nuclear arsenal at hand, what kept the two superpowers from
17. It was soon clear that both sides could annihilate each other ________________________________ and that
a first strike would certainly result in a nuclear Armageddon.
18. It was exactly this “whoever strikes first, dies second” scenario that saved the world during the Cuban
Missile Crisis of 1962, the closest mankind has ever come to ________________________________.

© English in Town 28

Las Vegas

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. a small, oasis-like _____________________ in the middle of a desert SETTLE

2. the city was _____________________ by ranchers and railroad workers FOUNDATION
3. the _____________________ of the Hoover Dam in the 1930s brought CONSTRUCT
permanent _____________________ to Vegas RESIDENCE
4. even more _____________________, Nevada became the first state IMPORTANT
to _____________________ casino-style gambling LEGAL
5. a major building boom _____________________ in Vegas OCCURRENCE
6. casinos became closely _____________________ with the mob ASSOCIATION
7. facilities, shows, lights, and luxury beyond all _____________________ IMAGINE


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. Las Vegas has so much to offer a. beyond casinos

2. watch the volcano erupt b. for all ages
3. an indoor theme park c. of circus arts and street entertainment
4. guaranteed fun d. on the Roller Coaster
5. experience the twists and turns e. through the city’s most iconic art form
6. explore the history of Sin City f. with flames
7. a dramatic mix g. with great rides


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. When you hear the word “Vegas,” what comes to mind / head?
2. For most people, it is noisy plot / slot machines and all shorts / sorts of adult misbehavior.
3. In truth, Vegas has built its image on a reputation from / for “sinful” activities and adults-only entertainment.
4. If you have seen the movie The Hangover, you know that not even / ever in our mildest / wildest dreams would
most of us imagine a bachelor party like that.
5. No doubt about it, modern Vegas is on top of its game when it comes / goes to entertainment.
6. From lavish hotels to spectacular nightclubs, everything / anything in Vegas is bigger and better.
7. It is safe / secure to say that nothing happens in this city that does not happen in a thousand others.
8. As the saying goes, “What happens in Vegas, remains / stays in Vegas.”
9. Contrary / Opposite to what many visitors believe, prostitution is actually illegal in Vegas.

© English in Town 29

Las Vegas

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. _____________________, gambling and gangsters go hand in hand HISTORY

2. Nevada _____________________ gambling in 1931 LEGAL
3. mobsters saw the huge money-making _____________________ and took over POTENTIALLY
4. mafia-_____________________ gambling resorts were popping up one after another OWNER
5. Vegas was now an oasis for gambling, prostitution, and money-_____________________ LAUNDRY
6. massive—and legal—_____________________ put mobsters in the money PROFITABLE
7. it took several decades to rid Vegas of mafia _____________________ INFLUENTIAL
8. casinos _____________________ with mob money were cleaned up and FINANCIAL
sold to _____________________ businessmen LEGITIMACY


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Imagine some of the world’s most breathtaking hotels all packed / tracked within just over four miles of
dessert / desert road.
2. The transformation of Vegas from a dusty desert town to / into a desert fantasyland had a lot to do with the
opening of the luxurious El Rancho.
3. Casinos sprang up /off all along the Strip, the place to go for entertainment about / around the clock.
4. Mega-resorts hit the Strip and the building race was on with every new hotel set / let to be even bigger and
better than the past / last.
5. This launched a new area / era of Vegas luxury and the modern Strip was born.
6. Hotels have / had been developed to the point where they became mini-cities, much / most with their own
casino and all / every amenity you could wish for.
7. Indoor / Indoors shopping streets and film / movie theaters are just two examples.
8. Easily / Hardly one of the most impressive streets on the planet, the Strip itself is a tourism mecca with
upscale / downscale clubs and bars.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. Downtown Vegas has a totally different vibe a. after the Strip

2. add the world’s largest video screen b. along Fremont Street
3. mix c. from the Strip
4. Viva Vision shows are sure to spice d. in over 12 million LED lights
5. The Experience comes e. over your head
6. celebrity look-alikes all f. up your Vegas trip
7. the city’s most popular stretch g. with live music stages

© English in Town 30

Las Vegas

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Gambling put / took Vegas on the map and it is still the only / single largest driving force behind Nevada’s
2. Gaming is what makes life unique in Sin City, and Las Vegas gambling options are literally / liberally endless.
3. From the moment you take / get off the plane or drive across the state line, slot machines are everywhere to
remind you of / that you are in the “Gambling Capital of the World.”
4. You will need two things: an ID to prove / proof that you are over twenty-one and some money to burn / turn.
5. But before you think that the Neon City is only for high-rollers / low-rollers, it is not: You can have fun and
never set / bet more than pennies at the slot machines.
6. With the sound of poker chips and the smell of cigarette smoke and money in the air, who does not dream of
walking away with a million-dollar paydown / payout?
7. But it goes below / beyond what you see on the surface.
8. Vegas does not tolerate underage / minor gambling, card counters, or cheaters.
9. Security is loose / tight both on the casino floor and in the ceilings with “eye-in-the-sky” cameras equipped /
fitted all over, recording all the action.
10. The motto might / must be “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas,” but do not forget that someone is always


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

comes in the form of find your way out gamble the night away
have you ever wondered in all probability it works like a charm
lose track of time on the way the longer you play to start with

1. Casinos build their business on psychology—and _________________________.

2. How do casinos keep you gambling? _________________________, they have a labyrinth design.
3. Casino floors are built in a way that can sometimes make it a real challenge to _________________________.
4. Looking for the restrooms? _________________________, you will have to walk quite a distance—and perhaps
drop some cash at the tables _________________________.
5. Casino lights and sounds are designed to give you a cozy and relaxed feeling: The longer you stay,
6. With no clocks and no windows inside, players are more likely to _________________________ and
7. Another trick to keep you on the property _________________________ freebies or comps.
8. _________________________ why casinos offer free drinks to gamblers?

© English in Town 31

Las Vegas

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a fast affair a great alternative a truly lavish wedding getting hitched

no-frills ceremony on a final note tacky image the lack of intimacy valid ID

1. In the land of quickie weddings, getting married really is _________________________, with no waiting period.
2. All you need is a _________________________ and a marriage license in your pocket.
3. Wait until you see all those star look-alikes _________________________ in one of the city’s many wedding
4. If themed weddings are not your thing, you can still have a _________________________.
5. Most hotels on the Strip offer Vegas-style luxury for couples who dream of _________________________.
6. Vegas weddings are _________________________ to traditional celebrations.
7. Because of the limited guest list, the short ceremony, _________________________, and the
_________________________ associated with them, most Las Vegas chapels are just not the place to have the
fairy tale wedding of your dreams.
8. _________________________, Las Vegas is a city where not only weddings, but divorces are quick too.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.

1. We all have heard stories of people who went from poor to rich on their Vegas visit. RAGS
We all have heard stories of people who went ______________________________ on their Vegas visit.

2. It is all too easy to get carried away by the excitement of the game. CAUGHT
It is all too easy to ______________________________ in the excitement of the game.

3. In addition, you probably do not want to try your luck against the locals. MORE
______________________________, you probably do not want to try your luck against the locals.

4. Remember that the easy-to-play slot machines have some of the worst odds. MIND
______________________________ that the easy-to-play slot machines have some of the worst odds.

5. What if you are having a run of good luck? STREAK

What if you are ______________________________?

6. Remember that the House always wins over a long period of time. Always. RUN
Remember that the House always wins ______________________________. Always.

© English in Town 32

Las Vegas

Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. Roosevelt gave the formal go-a_____________ for a nuclear program to create the world’s first atomic bomb.
2. Would Japan have surrendered without the bombs? We cannot know for c_____________.
3. The U.S. exploded the world’s first hydrogen bomb—but again, the Soviets were quick to c_____________ up.
4. The two nations were locked in a bitter battle to stay ahead of the p_____________ in the arms build-up.
5. What kept the two superpowers from w_____________ each other off the map?
6. It was soon clear that both sides could annihilate each other at the push of a b_____________.
7. It was exactly this “whoever strikes first, dies second” scenario that saved the world during the Cuban
Missile Crisis of 1962, the closest mankind has ever come to an all-o_____________ nuclear war.
8. Vegas has built its image on a reputation for “sinful” activities and a_____________-only entertainment.
9. If you have seen the movie The Hangover, you know that not even in our wildest dreams would most of us
imagine a bachelor p_____________ like that.
10. In the 1940s and 1950s, mafia-owned gambling resorts were p_____________ up one after another.
11. Once a dull desert town, Vegas was now an oasis for gambling, prostitution, and money-l_____________.
12. Casinos sprang up all along the Strip, the place to go for entertainment around the c_____________.
13. Hotels had been developed to the point where they became mini-cities, most every amenity you could
w_____________ for.
14. The original heart and s_____________ of Vegas has a totally different vibe from the Strip.
15. Downtown offers a budget-f_____________ alternative with the cheapest table games in town.
16. The Experience comes with live music stages, street performers, and celebrity look-a_____________.
17. Gambling put Vegas on the m_____________ and it is still the single largest d_____________ force behind
Nevada’s economy.
18. You will need two things: an ID to prove that you are over twenty-one and some money to b_____________.
19. Casinos build their business on psychology—and it works like a c_____________.
20. Casino floors are built in a way that can sometimes make it a real challenge to find your w_____________ out.
21. With no clocks and no windows inside, players are more likely to lose t_____________ of time and gamble the
night a_____________.
22. Wait until you see all those pirates and star look-alikes getting h_____________ in one of the city’s many
wedding chapels.
23. If themed weddings are not your thing, you can still have a no-f_____________ ceremony.
24. Because of the limited guest list, the short ceremony, the lack of intimacy, and the t_____________ image
associated with them, most Las Vegas chapels are just not the place to have the fairy tale wedding of your
25. Sin City ranks very h_____________ in the nation for divorce.
26. Surely, we all have heard stories of people who went from rags to r_____________ on their Vegas visit.
27. That does not mean you should let the casino end u_____________ with too much of your cash.
28. Casinos can be a lot of fun and it is all too easy to get c_____________ up in the excitement of the game—but
how do you keep the damage to a m_____________?
29. If losing a bet is going to hurt you financially, it is time to q_____________.
30. Keep in m_____________ that the easy-to-play slot machines have some of the worst o_____________.
31. What if you are on a winning s_____________?
32. In Nevada, casinos can b_____________ you for whatever reason, even for winning.
33. Remember that the House always wins in the long r_____________.

© English in Town 33

Las Vegas

Label each statement about Las Vegas as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. The most populous city in the state of Nevada, Las Vegas is a hot desert subtropical metropolis. TRUE / FALSE

2. In the 1930s, Vegas had a rather bizarre public attraction to offer: atomic test viewing parties. TRUE / FALSE

3. In 1939, President Roosevelt received a letter signed by the greatest mind of the TRUE / FALSE
19th century, Albert Einstein.

4. As “Big Boy” and “Fat Man” detonated in the air, the mushroom clouds over Hiroshima
and Nagasaki signaled two of the most tragic events in the history of human civilization. TRUE / FALSE

5. Many believe that President Roosevelt’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan
saved many lives on both sides by bringing the war to an earlier end. TRUE / FALSE

6. Nevada became the first state to legalize casino-style gambling. TRUE / FALSE

7. Casinos became closely associated with the mob, and Sin City served as a
hotbed of organized crime. TRUE / FALSE

8. The 1990s and 2000s were marked by the rise of the signature megaresorts. TRUE / FALSE

9. The dancing fountains at the Mirage create a truly awesome water show. TRUE / FALSE

10. Contrary to what many visitors believe, prostitution is actually illegal in Vegas. TRUE / FALSE

11. The Strip is technically not part of the city—it is actually east of Vegas. TRUE / FALSE

12. The original heart and soul of Vegas has a totally different vibe from the Strip. TRUE / FALSE

13. The Fremont Street Experience was created to revitalize Downtown Vegas. TRUE / FALSE

14. To experience casino gaming Vegas-style, you will need two things: an ID to
prove that you are over eighteen and some money to burn. TRUE / FALSE

15. Casinos build their business on psychology. TRUE / FALSE

16. One of the most popular destinations to say ”I do,” Vegas is also billed as the
“Marriage Capital of the World.” TRUE / FALSE

17. In the land of quickie weddings, all you need is a valid ID and you are ready
to say “I do” the Vegas-way. TRUE / FALSE

18. Sin City ranks very high in the nation for divorce. TRUE / FALSE

19. In Nevada, casinos can ban you for whatever reason. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 34



Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

easier said than done end racial inequality fighting an uphill battle
inferior facilities interracial marriages second class citizens
systematically separated the black vote were on the rise

1. Atlanta was the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement to ________________________________.

2. Achieving equality is ________________________________.
3. African Americans in the South found themselves ________________________________ against segregation.
4. Under the Jim Crow laws, people of color were treated as ________________________________.
5. “Whites Only” and “Colored” signs ________________________________ the races in public places.
6. People of color were given ________________________________, treatment, and services.
7. ________________________________ were banned.
8. ________________________________ was repressed.
9. Brutal lynching and acts of violence against black Americans ________________________________.

at the forefront harsh reality lived in poverty

no overnight solutions put an end something of a golden age
speak out against segregation stood up for their rights

10. The 1950s were ________________________________ for middle-class white Americans.

11. At the same time, half of black American families ________________________________.
12. Blacks were faced with the ________________________________ of racial segregation.
13. People of color united to march, demonstrate, and ________________________________.
14. Atlanta’s historically black colleges and universities were ________________________________ of the battle
for civil rights.
15. The Civil Rights Movement of 1955–68 accomplished a lot and ________________________________ to legal
discrimination—but there were ________________________________ and the civil rights struggle did not
end there.
16. African Americans, along with Latinos, Native Americans, gays, feminists, and environmentalists all

© English in Town 35


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. the city’s position as a major rail and _____________________ center made it COMMERCE
an _____________________ target for Union forces during the American Civil War, ATTRACTION
which _____________________ burned Atlanta to the ground VIRTUAL
2. rebuilding efforts turned the city into a center of black _____________________ education HIGH
3. Coca-Cola first went on _____________________ in Atlanta SELL
4. with the _____________________ of black activists, the city became the cradle EMERGE
of the Civil Rights Movement
5. Atlanta continued to _____________________ as a cosmopolitan city GROWTH
6. all eyes were on the city as it _____________________ the Centennial Olympic Games HOST
7. the Olympics helped _____________________ the city into a diverse metropolis TRANSFORMATION


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. the Civil War devastated much a. as an act of war

2. the only major American city ever destroyed by fire b. in the shadow of skyscrapers
3. a visual highlight rich c. in the style of a Moorish Palace
4. the city’s cultural icon is designed d. its separate group of high-rises
5. historic buildings sit e. of the city’s architecture
6. the city boasts multiple skylines, each with f. to the majority of Atlanta’s skyscrapers
7. the building boom gave birth g. with stunning art and Georgia history


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a fun-filled destination also a cultural hotbed an alternative destination for

best-loved neighborhoods black-majority cities which direction to take
the richest zip codes with a small-town feel

1. Come experience Downtown Atlanta, _________________________ which remains a strong tourist magnet.
2. Party-loving Midtown is _________________________, known as the “Heart of the Arts.”
3. The upscale neighborhood of Buckhead is one of _________________________ across the country.
4. Atlanta’s Little Five Points is _________________________ culture, shopping, and dining.
5. One of Atlanta’s _________________________, Virginia-Highland is noted for its charming homes.
6. Pedestrian-friendly Decatur is another inviting destination _________________________.
7. Visitors have a hard time figuring out _________________________.
8. Atlanta is one of America’s largest _________________________ and has been dubbed the “Black Mecca” of
the South.

© English in Town 36


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. for two weeks in 1996, all eyes were a. as you explore Dr. King’s childhood home
2. it became the third American city b. in the making?
3. to celebrate the Olympics’ visit c. on Atlanta
4. an interactive museum dedicated to d. out what it takes to be the worldwide leader in news
5. want to see global news e. the world’s best-known beverage
6. look behind the scenes and find f. to host the Summer Olympic Games
7. history comes alive g. to the city
8. Atlanta is one of only two cities in the world h. with two Nobel Peace Prize winners


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. Atlanta’s famous _____________________ came about because of its inventor’s poor health INVENTOR
2. a nasty wound on his chest resulted in his morphine _____________________ ADDICT
3. the original formula was _____________________ as a medicinal drink MARKETING
4. _____________________, the creator of the iconic American brand was born under a bad sign SAD
5. he died before he could witness the _____________________ of his invention SUCCESSFUL
6. soon after Coca-Cola hit the market, Pemberton fell _____________________ ill SERIOUS
7. Coca-Cola always gets very _____________________ in its advertising CREATIVITY
8. a major advantage over its _____________________ in over 200 countries RIVALRY
9. “Coca-Cola” is the second most _____________________ understood term in the world WIDE


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. America’s very / really first 24-hour news channel made its debut in 1980.
2. Despite / Although unprofitable in its early years, CNN founder Ted Turner was able to turn his Atlanta-based
broadcasting company into a multi-billion dollar media empire.
3. Over time, CNN went / left international.
4. CNN was the first to bring viewers 24/7 live / alive coverage via satellite and, for the first time, global audiences
could share the very same experiences like / as they happened.
5. It has even created the “CNN Effect,” the impact / affect of real time news coverage on foreign politics / policy
6. CNN was the first to break the news of severe / several landmark events, including / involving the space
shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986.
7. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are sometimes referred for / to as the “Big Three” cable news networks.

© English in Town 37


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. No question about it, Atlanta is filled with / of cultural attractions at every turn.
2. Step back in time and grab / catch a show at Atlanta’s “Fabulous Fox,” the historic Fox Theatre.
3. Experience the true drama of the Civilian / Civil War at Atlanta’s Cyclorama, a gigantic painting in the round.
4. Another peace / piece of history awaits at Stone Mountain.
5. Do not miss / lack your chance to discover life in the ocean at the inspiring Georgia Aquarium.
6. Ultra-modern architecture meets some of the world’s premier / premiere art collections at the High Museum.
7. If you are looking for top-rate / first-rate entertainment, the Atlanta Ballet will not disappoint you.
8. Atlanta is a city with more shopping center space per capita / capital than any other in the U.S., except


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. what can you _____________________ to have on your plate while in town? EXPECTATION
2. Hotlanta is a great place to experience Southern cooking at its _____________________ FINE
3. Southern culinary traditions focus on flavors and _____________________ ENJOY
4. the history of Soul Food goes back to the days of _____________________ SLAVE
5. sometimes it is the climate that _____________________ culinary creativity INSPIRATION
6. people here take advantage of the warm weather to _____________________ over SOCIAL
their favorite meal
7. tea really is the _____________________ drink of the American South SIGN
8. in much of the American South, and _____________________ in Atlanta, all soft drinks PARTICULAR
are called “Coke”


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

another reason why change flights come as a surprise give you an idea
happens to be the busiest hub the key word here things run smoothly

1. This might _________________________ to many but that title actually belongs to Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson.
2. What makes Atlanta _________________________ for air travel?
3. Geography is _________________________: 80 percent of Americans live within a two-hour flight of Atlanta,
making it the ideal location for both domestic and international passengers to _________________________.
4. The city also _________________________ one of the “Top 10 American Cities for Business Travel,”
_________________________ the crowds keep coming and going.
5. Just to _________________________ of how busy Hartsfield-Jackson is, over 250,000 passengers travel
through Atlanta on nearly 2,500 flights every single day.
6. 58,000 airport employees make sure that _________________________ on your next flight.

© English in Town 38


Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. African Americans in the South found themselves fighting an u_____________ battle against segregation.
2. Under the Jim Crow laws, people of color were treated as second c_____________ citizens.
3. People of color united to march, demonstrate, and speak o_____________ against segregation.
4. Atlanta’s historically black colleges and universities were at the f_____________ of the battle for civil rights.
5. The Civil Rights Movement of 1955–68 accomplished a lot and put an e_____________ to legal discrimination
—but there were no o_____________ solutions and the civil rights struggle did not end there.
6. African Americans, along with Latinos, gays, and feminists all s_____________ up for their rights.
7. The U.S. has come a long w_____________ from slavery, segregation, the Movement, and finally to the election
of the first African American president.
8. In 1886, Coca-Cola first went on s_____________ in Atlanta.
9. The Olympics p_____________ the city on the global map.
10. The upscale neighborhood of Buckhead is one of the richest z_____________ codes across the country.
11. Visitors have a hard time f_____________ out which direction to take.
12. All e_____________ were on Atlanta as it became the third American city to host the Summer Olympic Games.
13. Past, p_____________, and future come together at the dynamic World of Coca-Cola.
14. Want to see global news in the m_____________?
15. Atlanta is one of only two cities in the world with two Nobel Peace P_____________ winners.
16. Coca-Cola, Atlanta’s most famous invention, came about because of its inventor’s p_____________ health.
17. Sadly, the creator of the iconic American brand was born under a bad s_____________.
18. Soon after Coca-Cola h_____________ the market, Pemberton fell seriously ill.
19. Who brings you headlines and breaking n_____________?
20. America’s very first 24-hour news channel made its d_____________ in 1980 and has been bringing you the
most talked about stories and up-to-the-m_____________ news ever since.
21. Over time, CNN w_____________ international and today it spans over five continents.
22. It has created the “CNN Effect,” the impact of real time news coverage on foreign p_____________ decisions.
23. CNN was the first to b_____________ the news of several landmark events.
24. No q_____________ about it, Atlanta is filled with cultural attractions at every turn.
25. If you are looking for first-r_____________ entertainment, the Atlanta Ballet will not disappoint you.
26. Atlanta is a city with more shopping center space per c_____________ than any other in the U.S., except
27. Hotlanta is a great place to experience Southern cooking at its f_____________.
28. We cannot mention Southern food without t_____________ about “Soul Food.”
29. Barbecue is truly a t_____________ of the South.
30. In much of the American South, and particularly in Atlanta, all s_____________ drinks are called “Coke.”
31. What makes Atlanta the busiest h_____________ for air travel?
32. Geography is the k_____________ word here: 80 percent of Americans live within a two-hour flight of Atlanta.
33. The city also h_____________ to be one of the “Top 10 American Cities for Business Travel,” another reason
why the crowds keep coming and g_____________.
34. Just to give you an i_____________ of how busy Hartsfield-Jackson is, over 250,000 passengers travel through
Atlanta on nearly 2,500 flights every s_____________ day.
35. 58,000 airport employees make sure that things run s_____________ on your next flight.

© English in Town 39


Label each statement about Atlanta as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. The most populous city in the state of Georgia, Atlanta is dubbed the “Jewel of the South.” TRUE / FALSE

2. Atlanta has a reputation as the “City in a Forest." TRUE / FALSE

3. Under the Jim Flow laws, people of color were treated as second-class citizens. TRUE / FALSE

4. The city of Atlanta gave the Movement its most powerful spokesperson, Martin
Luther King, Jr. TRUE / FALSE

5. The 1980s saw social movements sweeping across America: African Americans,
along with Latinos, Native Americans, gays, and feminists all stood up for their rights. TRUE / FALSE

6. In 1686, Coca-Cola first went on sale in Atlanta. TRUE / FALSE

7. Atlanta is the only major American city ever destroyed by fire as an act of war. TRUE / FALSE

8. Atlanta is one of America’s largest black-majority cities and has been dubbed the
“Black Mecca” of the South. TRUE / FALSE

9. In 1996, Atlanta became the second American city to host the Summer Olympic Games. TRUE / FALSE

10. John Pemberton was a pharmacist and a colonel in the Union Army. TRUE / FALSE

11. Just before Coca-Cola hit the market, Pemberton fell seriously ill. TRUE / FALSE

12. It was Asa G. Candler who grew Coca-Cola into a global giant. TRUE / FALSE

13. The brand claims that “Coca-Cola” is the most widely understood term in the world. TRUE / FALSE

14. CNN made its debut in 1960. TRUE / FALSE

15. CNN was the first to bring viewers 24/7 live coverage. TRUE / FALSE

16. CNN was the first to break the news of the space shuttle Traveler disaster. TRUE / FALSE

17. Atlanta is a great place to experience Northern cooking at its finest. TRUE / FALSE

18. The history of Soul Food goes back to the days of slavery and, over the centuries,
it has become synonymous with healthy eating. TRUE / FALSE

19. In much of the American South, and particularly in Atlanta, all soft drinks are called “Pepsi.” TRUE / FALSE

20. No other airport on the planet handles more passengers and flights than Hartsfield-Jackson. TRUE / FALSE

21. About 80 percent of Americans live within a four-hour flight of Atlanta. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 40

San Francisco


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a traumatic experience comes under jungle warfare losing sympathy

optimistic belief particularly brutal episode virtually impossible with the expectation

1. The Hippie Movement was born as many Americans were _________________________ for what is often
considered “America’s most controversial war”: Vietnam.
2. The “Domino Theory” dictated that if one nation _________________________ Communist control, then its
neighbors will also fall like a row of dominoes.
3. Vietnam went down in history as America’s first lost war, _________________________ for the nation.
4. Americans went to Vietnam _________________________ that superior firepower would ensure them a
quick victory.
5. One thing they were not prepared for was _________________________.
6. The Vietcong dressed like Southern Vietnamese civilians, making it _________________________ for
American troops to tell them apart.
7. Despite the _________________________ that the war would end quickly, it soon became clear that it would
8. An awful and _________________________ of the Cold War, the Vietnam experience left the nation

above all anti-war sentiment called into question came at a high cost
defining moment national confusion stood up for peace very much aware

9. Vietnam _________________________ for America—and not just financially.

10. Americans were _________________________ of what was going on in Vietnam.
11. Vietnam _________________________ the moral foundations of a war in a distant country.
12. The war caused great _________________________ and Americans’ trust in their government diminished.
13. By the 1960s, _________________________ brought protesters to the streets.
14. It was during this time when society—the younger generation in particular—_________________________.
15. In 1967, San Francisco became the epicenter of the “Summer of Love,” a _________________________ of the
16. The drugs that characterized the Summer of Love were cannabis and, _________________________, LSD.

© English in Town 41

San Francisco

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. the city’s _____________________ efforts earned it the nickname the “Paris of the West” MODERNIZE
2. _____________________ comes with a price: a cholera epidemic broke out SUCCEED
3. the Charter of the United Nations was _____________________ in San Francisco in 1945 SIGNATURE
4. crowds of IT _____________________ and SPECIALIZE
business _____________________ moved into the city during the Internet bubble PROFESSION
5. the city has long been seen by many as a mecca of _____________________ views and LIBERALISM
an epicenter for counterculture, including the Gay Rights _____________________ MOVE
6. SF has a low _____________________ rate for a city of its size, CRIMINAL
but _____________________ has long been a chronic problem HOMELESS
7. San Francisco is a city with a high _____________________ of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals CONCENTRATE


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. the Golden Gate City is an experience a. above the rest of the city
2. easily the most famous b. among San Francisco’s top-rated sights
3. Lombard Street is famed c. for its steep section of eight hairpin turns
4. Vermont Street is another great find d. for the photographer
5. the stunning Palace of Fine Arts is also e. like no other
6. with the iconic Transamerica Pyramid rising f. of them all, the “Painted Ladies” are a tourist favorite
7. the high-rise building boom gave birth g. to many of SF’s skyscrapers


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. No visit to San Francisco is complete without a stop in its charming neighborhoods, each with its own
unmistakable hype / vibe.
2. Haight-Ashbury is a great piece of history with eclectic stores, coffee shops, and hip / hop restaurants.
3. Check out The Mission for its giant / vibrant Hispanic culture and fabulous mural art.
4. Back in the 1970s, San Francisco became an epicenter of the Gay Right / Rights Movement, and the friendly
and welcoming Castro District has gone / come to be known as the “Gay Capital of the World.”
5. San Francisco is home to America’s oldest Chinatown, a 24-block / 24-blocks neighborhood.
6. SoMa was a major site of the 1990s Internet bang / boom and today it has a great clubbing scene / scheme.
7. San Francisco has long been tagged like / as the most liberal city in America.

© English in Town 42

San Francisco

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a cut above the rest amazing 360-degree views award-winning eye-catching color
former hub high-end stores technical masterpiece top-notch seafood restaurants

1. Joseph Strauss challenged the impossible when he designed his_________________________.

2. With its _________________________ and impressive Art Deco styling, the Golden Gate Bridge is the “World’s
Most Photographed Bridge” and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
3. The _________________________ of the city’s fishing industry, Fisherman’s Wharf is one of the most famous
tourist spots in the city with its street entertainers, sea lions, and _________________________.
4. Union Square is a cultural center with world-class shopping and _________________________.
5. Telegraph Hill’s Coit Tower and the hills of Twin Peaks offer _________________________ of the city.
6. Buena Vista Park, the oldest official park in San Francisco, and the _________________________ Yerba Buena
Gardens are also _________________________.


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Soon, the frenzy began and the Gold Rush was on / off.
2. Gold-seekers from all corners of the globe came in the hope of hitting / striking it rich.
3. The search was not an easy ride: It involved / consisted hardships, harsh conditions, and high expenses.
4. Eventually, many gold hunters went broke and ended up / off with less than they had started with.
5. Merchants, on the other hand, were the ones who cashed in on the golden possibility / opportunity.
6. The gold ran off / out and the once busy mining towns became abandoned ghost towns.
7. The California Gold Rush had a lasting impact for / on the region.
8. It also changed San Francisco into a downtown / boomtown and the leading city on the U.S. West Coast.


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a tricky thing cost of living fat paychecks for the worse

highly-paid techies painful fact tech boom the widest gap

1. It is easy think of SF as a super-wealthy city—but statistics are _________________________.

2. Silicon Valley rewards its innovative tech-elite with _________________________.
3. During the latest _________________________ of the 2010s, SF has become a bedroom town for the
_________________________ of Silicon Valley.
4. Native San Franciscans worry that the tech boom is changing their city _________________________.
5. It has already driven up home prices, rent, and the _________________________.
6. An even more _________________________ is that the transformation is changing the face of one of
“America’s Favorite Cities.”
7. SF is among the American cities with _________________________ between the rich and the poor.

© English in Town 43

San Francisco
7.8 THE “ROCK”

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. they are both Oscar-_____________________ artists WIN

2. they both _____________________ escaped from Alcatraz SUCCESS
3. the small island sitting in the _____________________ waters of the San Francisco Bay CHILL
4. the “Rock” served as a maximum _____________________ facility from 1934 to 1963 INSECURE
5. Alcatraz was run on the principle of one cell for every _____________________ PRISON
6. for those who tried, the story had a sad _____________________ END
7. the audio tours give visitors _____________________ details about the cells and rooms FASCINATION
8. insider stories from former prison _____________________ and inmates EMPLOYMENT


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Steep hills are a classic / classical feature of the Golden Gate City.
2. Across / Apart from the fact that a walking tour of San Francisco almost feels like urban climbing, the city’s
scenic hills also pretend / present a tricky transportation problem.
3. An ordinary tram would never make / ride it up to the top.
4. When Andrew Smith Hallidie witnessed a nasty accident in 1869, he went / came up with a brilliant idea.
5. He decided to put his theory for / to the test, and the rest / test is history.
6. San Francisco’s vintage cable cars have been running up and down / down and up the hills of San Francisco
since 1873.
7. In spite / Despite its high running costs, this moving piece of history has survived to become an iconic symbol
of San Francisco.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. no doubt a. about it
2. an internationally recognized destination b. for culture and entertainment
3. a whole lot c. for its liberal activism
4. the monumental Palace of Fine Arts is popular d. of fun await both kids and adults
5. San Francisco is a city e. to a great variety of gay community events
6. the city is noted f. with a vibrant arts and culture scene
7. the city is home g. with visitors and locals alike

© English in Town 44

San Francisco

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

authentic taste Culinary Capital food trends great destination

health-conscious key player per capita under the sun

1. SF, a city of many colors, has always been very innovative in its _________________________.
2. In the 1970s, San Francisco was a _________________________ in the creation of the
_________________________ “California Cuisine,” a fusion of various cooking styles from around the world.
3. With every type of cuisine and every price range _________________________, the City by the Bay boasts one
of the greatest restaurant scenes in the nation.
4. Also one of the “cities with the most restaurants _________________________,” SF is particularly noted for its
fresh seafood and healthy local ingredients.
5. The city serves up an _________________________ of Asian fusion and, in particular, Chinese cuisine.
6. San Francisco is also a _________________________ for vegetarians and sushi lovers.
7. San Francisco is often considered the “_________________________ of the United States.”


Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. With all those rolling hills and the nearby / nearly Pacific Ocean, San Francisco weather is full of surprises.
2. SF’s four seasons come at / with unusual features, and the city’s weather is extremely hard to predict / estimate.
3. SF enjoys year-round / round-year mild weather, but summers are surprisingly cool.
4. San Francisco is known by the nickname of “Fog City” and for good cause / reason.
5. It is rare / rarely to have a fog-free day in the city.
6. Microclimates can vary by neighborhood or even block-by-block / block-from-block.
7. You might start out in warm weather just to find yourself surrounded by fog and wind a couple of miles along / away.
8. There is always a chance that you can find better conditions elsewhere / anywhere.
9. Taken / Given all this, it is easy to see why the question “What’s your weather like today?” can actually make /
take sense in SF.

7.13 THE “BIG ONE”

Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. it leaves behind _____________________ devastation BRUTALITY

2. the Great San Francisco Earthquake _____________________ 7.8 on the Richter scale MEASUREMENT
3. many _____________________ the worst is yet to come FEARLESS
4. a massive earthquake that scientists _____________________ will strike somewhere PREDICTION
in California
5. it could _____________________ wipe out entire communities IMPOSSIBLE
6. _____________________ cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are now facing an COAST
“_____________________ scenario” and have to live with APOCALYPSE
the _____________________ of the next quake THREATEN

© English in Town 45

San Francisco

Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. Vietnam came at a high c_____________ for America—and not just financially.

2. By the 1960s, a_____________ -war sentiment brought protesters to the streets.
3. It was during this time when society—the younger generation in particular—s_____________ up for peace.
4. Crowds of IT specialists moved into the city during the Internet b_____________ of the 1990s.
5. The city has long been seen by many as a mecca of liberal v_____________.
6. San Francisco is a city full of truly amazing architectural g_____________.
7. The stunning Palace of Fine Arts is also among San Francisco’s top-r_____________ sights.
8. Back in the 1970s, San Francisco became an epicenter of the G_____________ Rights Movement.
9. Joseph Strauss challenged the impossible when he designed his technical m_____________.
10. With its eye-c_____________ color, the Golden Gate Bridge is the “World’s Most Photographed Bridge.
11. Union Square is a cultural center with world-class shopping and high-e_____________ stores.
12. Telegraph Hill’s Coit Tower and the hills of Twin Peaks offer amazing 360-d_____________ views of the city.
13. The award-winning Yerba Buena Gardens is also a c_____________ above the rest.
14. Gold-seekers from all corners of the globe came in the hope of striking it r_____________.
15. For the gold-s_____________ of 1849, known as “Forty-Niners,” the search was not an easy ride.
16. Eventually, many gold hunters went b_____________ and ended up with less than they had started with.
17. Merchants, on the other hand, were the ones who cashed in on the g_____________ opportunity.
18. The California Gold Rush was the largest m_____________ migration in American history.
19. Silicon Valley rewards its innovative tech-elite with f_____________ paychecks.
20. During the latest tech boom of the 2010s, tech firms have found their w_____________ into the city.
21. SF has become a bedroom town for the highly-p_____________ techies of Silicon Valley.
22. SF is among the American cities with the widest g_____________ between the rich and the poor.
23. The “Rock” served as a maximum security f_____________ from 1934 to 1963.
24. It housed the worst of the w_____________: some of America’s toughest and most difficult criminals.
25. Eventually, Alcatraz was s_____________ down because it had become too expensive to run.
26. An ordinary tram would never m_____________ it up to the top.
27. When Andrew Smith Hallidie witnessed a nasty accident, he c_____________ up with a simple yet brilliant idea.
28. He decided to put his theory to the test, and the r_____________ is history.
29. Despite its high r_____________ costs, this moving piece of history has survived to become an iconic symbol of
San Francisco.
30. San Francisco’s four seasons come with unusual features, and the city’s weather is extremely hard to
31. SF enjoys year-r_____________ mild weather, but summers are surprisingly cool.
32. It is rare to have a fog-f_____________ day in the city.
33. It is easy to see why the question “What’s your weather like today?” can actually make s_____________ in SF.
34. Earthquakes are a f_____________ of life in California and they happen every day.
35. The Great San Francisco Earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter s_____________.
36. Many fear the worst is yet to c_____________.
37. Coastal cities are now facing an “apocalyptic s_____________” and have to live with the threat of the next

© English in Town 46

San Francisco

Label each statement about San Francisco as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. The leading hub of Southern California, SF also goes by the nickname the “City by the Bay.” TRUE / FALSE

2. One of “America’s Favorite Cities,” SF also makes it to the list of the world’s top tourist
destinations. TRUE / FALSE

3. The “Domino Theory” dictated that if one nation comes under capitalist control, then its
neighbors will also fall like a row of dominoes. TRUE / FALSE

4. Vietnam went down in history as America’s first lost war. TRUE / FALSE

5. Vietnam called into question the moral foundations of a war in a distant country. TRUE / FALSE

6. SF became the epicenter of the Hippie Revolution, a defining moment of the 1980s. TRUE / FALSE

7. The drugs that characterized the Summer of Love were cannabis and, above all, cocaine. TRUE / FALSE

8. The city has long been seen by many as a mecca of liberal views. TRUE / FALSE

9. Fog City has a low crime rate for a city of its size, but homelessness has long been
a chronic problem. TRUE / FALSE

10. The Golden Gate Bridge is noted for its eye-catching International Yellow color. TRUE / FALSE

11. The California Gold Rush changed SF into the leading city on the U.S. East Coast. TRUE / FALSE

12. The silicon chip and other high-tech innovations are the reason why San Franciscans have
a lot of tech dollars to spend. TRUE / FALSE

13. The Golden Gate City is among the American cities with the widest gap between the rich
and the poor. TRUE / FALSE

14. Alcatraz housed the worst of the worst: some of America’s toughest and most difficult
criminals. TRUE / FALSE

15. Alcatraz was shut down because of security issues. TRUE / FALSE

16. Steep hills are a classic feature of Fog City. TRUE / FALSE

17. San Francisco’s vintage cable cars have been running up and down the hills of SF since 1673. TRUE / FALSE

18. San Francisco was a key player in the creation of the health-conscious “California Cuisine.” TRUE / FALSE

19. SF enjoys year-round mild weather, but winters are surprisingly cool. TRUE / FALSE

20. Summer mornings are typically foggy and overcast, a phenomenon known as “July Gloom.” TRUE / FALSE

21. The Great San Francisco Earthquake measured 5.8 on the Richter scale. TRUE / FALSE

22. Earthquake-safe design has become a top priority for many cities in California. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 47


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. there must be a _____________________ why they call Miami the “Capital of Latin America” REASONABLE
2. more than half of the _____________________ is both foreign-born and Spanish-speaking OVERPOPULATED
3. for Latin Americans, the Magic City has been a cultural and _____________________ hub FINANCES
4. they could become _____________________ without ever speaking a word of English SUCCEED
5. life in Miami is dominated by Latino _____________________, from food to music INFLUENTIAL
and everything in between
6. _____________________, _____________________, and “cocaine cowboys” ruled VIOLENT, CORRUPT
the streets of Miami
7. those were _____________________ times: Miami was like a scene straight out of the Wild West ROUGHLY
8. drug dollars from the cocaine trafficking business transformed
Miami into a _____________________ city GLAMOUR
9. Hispanics have come to play a _____________________ role in Miami CENTRALIZED

10. almost every single Latin American nation is _____________________ in the city’s melting pot PRESENTATION
11. Cubans built Miami into the cultural and _____________________ capital ECONOMIZE
of the Cuban-American community
12. they all shared an important bond: an _____________________ to Cuba’s oppressive OPPOSE
political regime
13. the first _____________________ wave of exiles left Cuba after Fidel Castro took over in 1959 MAJORITY
14. the second massive wave of migration began with an _____________________ agreement UNOFFICIALLY
between the _____________________ of the U.S. and Cuba to reunite Cuban families GOVERNOR
15. this turned out to be a bit of a _____________________ for the White House DISASTROUS
16. Mr. Castro sent “social undesirables,” _____________________ patients, and MENTALITY
criminals _____________________ from Cuban prisons DIRECTION
17. that change came in the form of the so-called “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy, a
_____________________ criticized move to curb _____________________ migration HIGH, CONTROL
18. under this _____________________ policy, Cuban migrants caught at sea are sent back to Cuba CONTROVERSY

© English in Town 48


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. The Spanish took control of Florida in 1565 and held it for centuries, except for / from a short period of British
rule at the end of the eighteenth century.
2. Soon after / afterwards, Miami became the site of the Second Seminole War.
3. The 20th century presented the city with major / mayor immigration, drug, and crime-related challenges.
4. In the 1980s, Miami became a major entry point for cocaine from South America, according / leading to an
increase in violent crime and corruption, but also generating wealth and a construction boom / bang.
5. Even though / through the city’s notorious crime rates were taken / brought down in the 1990s, Miami still
ranks high in the nation for both crime and unemployment.
6. The “Cruise Capital of the World” quickly developed into the “Magic City” that / what it is today.
7. Miami is the only / single major U.S. city that was founded by a woman.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. Miami’s amazing architecture is bound to leave you _____________________ SPEECH

2. the “Manhattanization” wave of the new _____________________ gave Miami one of MILLENNIAL
America’s largest skylines with _____________________ views, night or day CREDIBILITY
3. the _____________________ Art Deco District boasts the single largest HISTORY
_____________________ of Art Deco architecture on the planet COLLECTOR
4. decorative and _____________________ restored buildings from the 1920s and 1930s BEAUTY
5. the 1950s and 1960s inspired another wave of creative _____________________ and Miami DESIGN
Beach created its very own style of architecture, the _____________________ Miami Modern FUTURE


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Blamed / Famed for its iconic skyscrapers and cosmopolitan atmosphere, Miami’s downtown is the fastest
growing area in the city.
2. Just west of / off downtown is where you will find Miami’s Cuban capital, Little Havana.
3. Check in / out the residential neighborhood of Omni for its culture and shopping, and Park West for its plenty /
trendy nightclubs.
4. Nicknamed / Nicknamed as “El Barrio” for its Puerto Rican community, Wynwood is a trendy art restrict /
5. The bohemian Coconut Grove is the place where laid-back / laid-off atmosphere meets a world-class shopping
and dining scheme / scene.
6. Coral Gables is another great charm of the city noted / voted for its elegance and culinary excellence.
7. South Florida, among / along with Miami, has long been a retirees’ paradise.

© English in Town 49


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. a global tourism icon filled a. as the American Crocodile

2. Coconut Grove is definitely worth visiting b. for its spectacular Italian-style mansion
3. full c. in the nation
4. check d. of art and history
5. the oldest oceanarium e. out Jungle Island
6. the Everglades is home f. to a unique ecosystem
7. dozens of endangered species, such g. with romantic landscapes


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

await head known looking meets stop think want

1. No visit to Miami is complete without a __________________ at one of its glamorous beaches.

2. The “Sun and Fun Capital of the World” is a subtropical paradise where year-round sunshine
__________________ warm ocean temperatures and sandy white beaches.
3. World-class beachfront hotels and breathtaking ocean views __________________ visitors and locals alike.
4. __________________ for “the hottest spot in southeast Florida?”
5. __________________ for Miami Beach.
6. Unlike what many people might __________________, Miami Beach is not part of the city of Miami.
7. For those who __________________ palm trees and great tans, Miami Beach is the place to be.
8. Also __________________ as “America’s Riviera,” South Beach has everything a beach-goer could ever dream


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Get a taste of the wonderful Cuban bribe / vibe in Miami’s Little Havana.
2. Little Havana is a neighborhood with a strong, proud identity / identify.
3. Little Havana is definitely not your typical tourist spot / pot—well, at least / last not in the traditional sense.
4. What you can accept / expect to find is the spirit of old-time Cuba.
5. Each March, Little Havana reforms / transforms itself into the largest Latino street celebration in the U.S.
6. This incredible party has just about / around everything you would want in a festival: the flavors / favors, the
beat, the dancers, and over one million people from around the glove / globe.
7. In many ways, Little Havana is not exactly what it was used to / used to be.
8. But in / at the end of the day, Little Havana is still a piece of Cuba in the heart of Miami.
9. The younger generations of Cuban Americans have left, and Central and South Americans have come to
misplace / replace them, changing the face of Little Havana.

© English in Town 50


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. Art Basel is a must-see international art show for modern and _____________________ works TEMPORARY
2. Miami Fashion Week is a _____________________ fashion event PROMINENCE
3. Miami becomes a mecca for _____________________ music fans ELECTRONICALLY
4. a two-weekend event with some of the best DJs in the music _____________________ INDUSTRIAL
5. a _____________________ gallery night _____________________ to the MONTH, DEDICATION
arts and culture of the neighborhood
6. hit Miami’s Wynwood Art District, filled with some truly _____________________ street art AMAZEMENT
7. a _____________________ presentation dedicated to the six million Jews murdered DRAMA
during World War II


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

beautiful plate presentation every single aspect locally grown ingredients

relatively new arrival signature “Floribbean” cuisine softer tropical flavors

1. Ethnic influences have made their mark on ________________________________ of Miami culture.

2. A ________________________________ on the culinary scene, the fusion cuisine known as “Floribbean” was
born from the marriage of American cooking traditions and Latin American and Caribbean influences.
3. Floribbean cuisine is very inventive in its use of fresh, quality seafood and ______________________________.
4. Powerful spices and hot peppers are used in a creative way and often mix with __________________________,
such as citrus, mango, papaya, keylime, and avocado.
5. ________________________________ and decoration is another key aspect of the exciting Florribean style.
6. The ________________________________ has turned some of Miami’s chefs into celebrities.


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Miami‘s Latino majority is a visual / visible fact of life.

2. Because / Because of Miami is virtually a bilingual city, you will / would hear Spanish as much as English
everywhere you go.
3. It is exactly this bilingualism that has given / taken rise to an exciting phenomenon: Spanglish.
4. Speakers mix both languages into their speak / speech, going back and forth / forth and back between English
and Spanish, even in the same sentence.
5. Spanglish borrows / lends certain words and “Spanish-izes” or “English-izes” them.
6. Before you think that Spanglish is limited for / to the homes and streets, it is / does not.
7. While some see Spanglish as a bad influence on both language / languages, others welcome it as / like a fun
“New American Language.”
8. Spanglish is used not only by bilinguals but also by those who do not speak either / neither language fluently.

© English in Town 51


Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. Dubbed the “Capital of Latin America,” Miami is a city with an authentic Hispanic v_____________ to it.
2. Life in Miami is dominated by Latino influences, from food to music and everything in b_____________.
3. Miami was like a scene straight out of the Wild W_____________.
4. This “elite” migration brought highly educated, generally upper-c_____________ Cubans to Miami.
5. That change came in the form of the so-called “wet-foot, d_____________ -foot” policy, a highly criticized
move to curb uncontrolled migration.
6. Miami still r_____________ high in the nation for both crime and unemployment.
7. Miami’s amazing architecture is bound to leave you s_____________.
8. Miami’s South Beach has been called an “Art Deco Playground” and for good r_____________.
9. The bohemian Coconut Grove is the place where laid-b_____________ atmosphere meets a world-
c_____________ shopping scene.
10. Midtown Miami’s Design District is a creative neighborhood with h_____________ art galleries.
11. The Everglades is home to a unique ecosystem with dozens of protected and endangered s_____________.
12. The “Sun and Fun Capital of the World” is where year-r_____________ sunshine meets warm ocean temperatures.
13. The man-m_____________ island of Miami Beach is a separate city connected to central Miami by bridge.
14. Party-l_____________ South Beach is a true hotspot with its s_____________ Art Deco buildings.
15. Also known as “America’s Riviera,” South Beach has everything a beach-g_____________ could ever dream of.
16. Little Havana is definitely not your typical tourist spot—well, at least not in the traditional s_____________.
17. Once having a Cuban majority, this neighborhood is now a b_____________ of Hispanic cultures.
18. But at the end of the d_____________, Little Havana is still a piece of Cuba in the heart of Miami.
19. The Magic City has long been on the cutting e_____________ of arts and culture.
20. When the Ultra Music Festival kicks o_____________, Miami becomes a mecca for electronic music fans.
21. The Holocaust Memorial of Miami Beach is a dramatic presentation d_____________ to the six million Jews
murdered during World War II.
22. Ethnic influences have made their mark on every s_____________ aspect of Miami culture.
23. Foodies from all around the g_____________ come to find that the Magic City offers its very own innovative
food combinations.
24. A relatively new arrival on the culinary scene, the f_____________ cuisine known as “Floribbean” was born from
the marriage of American cooking traditions and Latin American and Caribbean influences.
25. Floribbean cuisine is very inventive in its use of fresh, quality seafood and locally g_____________ ingredients.
26. Powerful spices and hot peppers mix with softer tropical f_____________, such as citrus, mango, papaya,
keylime, and avocado.
27. One trip to the Magic City is enough to make you see why it has been d_____________ the “Capital of Latin
28. It is exactly this bilingualism that has given r_____________ to an exciting phenomenon: Spanglish.
29. A h_____________ of English and Spanish, Spanglish is an informal, unstandardized, and unofficial language.
30. What basically happens is that speakers mix both languages into their speech, going back and f_____________
between English and Spanish, even in the same sentence.
31. Spanglish b_____________ certain words and “Spanish-izes” or “English-izes” them.
32. While some see Spanglish as a bad i_____________ on both languages, others welcome it as a fun “New
American Language.
33. Spanglish is used not only by bilinguals but also by those who do not speak either language f_____________.

© English in Town 52


Label each statement about Miami as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. Located in southeastern Florida, Miami is dubbed the “Capital of Latin America.” TRUE / FALSE

2. Miami is one of the world’s leading year-round resort centers. TRUE / FALSE

3. The first major wave of exiles left Cuba after Fidel Castro took over in 1979. TRUE / FALSE

4. The “Freedom Flights” program went on for sixteen years. TRUE / FALSE

5. The Mariel Boatlift turned out to be a bit of a disaster for the White House as Mr. Castro
sent “social undesirables,” mental patients, and criminals on the boatlift. TRUE / FALSE

6. The “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy is a highly criticized move to curb controlled migration. TRUE / FALSE

7. Under the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy, Cuban migrants caught at sea can stay while those
who reach dry land are sent back to Cuba. TRUE / FALSE

8. In the 1980s, Miami became a major entry point for cocaine from South Africa. TRUE / FALSE

9. Even though the city’s notorious crime rates were brought down in the 1990s, Miami still
ranks high in the nation for both crime and unemployment. TRUE / FALSE

10. Miami’s South Beach has been called an “Art Echo Playground” and for good reason. TRUE / FALSE

11. South Florida, along with Miami, has long been a retirees’ paradise. TRUE / FALSE

12. The Everglades is home to a unique ecosystem with dozens of endangered species. TRUE / FALSE

13. Also known as “America’s Riviera,” North Beach has everything a beach-goer could ever
dream of. TRUE / FALSE

14. You can get a taste of the wonderful Cuban vibe in Miami’s Little Cuba. TRUE / FALSE

15. The Holocaust Memorial of Miami Beach is a dramatic presentation dedicated to the six
million Jews murdered during World War I. TRUE / FALSE

16. Floribbean cuisine is very inventive in its use of locally grown ingredients. TRUE / FALSE

17. Because Miami is a monolingual city, you will hear Spanish as much as English everywhere
you go. TRUE / FALSE

18. Speakers mix both languages into their speech, going back and forth between English and
Spanish, but not in the same sentence. TRUE / FALSE

19. Spanglish is used not only by bilinguals but also by those who do not speak either language
fluently. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 53

New York


Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

extreme highs and lows its darkest moments financial meltdown

straight to the point the burning question the largest tax cut
post-9/11 America record-low approval ratings stick to his guns

1. While it is true that President Bush pushed through ________________________________ in American

history, the odds are that he is going to be best remembered for his actions after 9/11.
2. America lived through some of ________________________________ on that bright September morning
when the unimaginable happened: The Twin Towers fell.
3. The message was blunt and ________________________________: The United States had become a target.
4. President Bush declared a “War on Terror,” and he made it clear that he would
5. In ________________________________, “homeland security” became part of the social lexicon.
6. All this brings us face to face with ________________________________: When national security is at stake,
how far should the government go to protect its citizens?
7. Clearly, the “9/11 Decade” was a time of great controversies and a presidency of
8. Mr. Bush left office with ________________________________, and he left in his wake two unpopular wars, a
________________________________, and heavy criticism from the international community.

a brighter future ahead did not go exactly as planned divide public opinion
do not ask for it formally over got stuck
made history ran on the slogan speaks volumes

9. It was 2008 and America celebrated the man who ___________________________ when he was elected the
first ever black president of the United States.
10. He represented a fresh change and ___________________________.
11. His election campaign ___________________________ “Yes we can.”
12. He inherited—and ultimately ended—two wars: Wars that most Americans did not want any more and wars
that ___________________________.
13. And now that the American conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are ___________________________, there are
so many questions yet to be answered.
14. Does America have the duty to bring democracy to nations who, in fact, ______________________________?
15. He also ___________________________ with the financial mess of 2008, the worst economic crisis America—
and the world—has seen since the Great Depression.
16. One look at Mr. Obama’s sinking approval rating ___________________________ about public frustration
and disillusionment.
17. The issues of abortion, gay rights, gun control, health care, and immigration ___________________________
more than ever.

© English in Town 54

New York

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

ethnic diversity hit hard like no other made up stood as took over took place

1. The British _____________________ in 1664 and renamed the city New York.
2. The largest battle of the American Revolutionary War _____________________ here.
3. By 1790, New York _____________________ the largest city in the nation.
4. By 1860, the city had been transformed by immigrants from Ireland and Germany, who now
_____________________ half of New York’s population.
5. African Americans and Latin Americans migrated to New York, adding to the city’s _____________________.
6. New York was _____________________ by the September 11, 2001 attacks.
7. Immigrants have changed the Big Apple into a giant melting pot _____________________.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. NYC has become famous for its _____________________ skyline STUN

2. when you think of the Big Apple, what is the first ____________________ that comes to mind? IMAGINE
3. for many of us, it is the _____________________ Manhattan skyline FABLE
4. Manhattan is home to two of the city’s most _____________________ sections of skyscrapers IMPRESSION
5. New York’s skyline stands out as the most _____________________ ORIGIN
6. in this _____________________ of architecture, modern innovations shape the face of New York EMPEROR
7. Hong Kong stands as the only city on earth with more _____________________ skyscrapers than NYC COMPLETION


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. All / Each borough carries its own vibe, character, slang, and slightly different accent.
2. It feels as / like the world is at your feet when you look down from Manhattan’s skyscrapers.
3. The island of Manhattan comprises / consists landmark neighborhoods.
4. The Bronx carries / holds its own energy and character.
5. Nicknamed the “Boogie Down,” The Bronx is the only / single borough that is not an island.
6. About 30% of the population of The Bronx lives below the poverty lane / line.
7. It may have a rough / tough reputation, but Brooklyn is a safe place these days.
8. With about 2.6 million residents, Brooklyn stands / sits as the most populous of the five boroughs.
9. In fact, if Brooklyn were an independent city, it would / will be the 4th most populous city in the nation.
10. “BK” has a unique vibe what / which has been shaped by immigrants moving in and out of its neighborhoods.
11. The city of five boroughs almost did not happen because Brooklyn had doubts about / around joining.
12. Its diversity is hard to match / catch with about half of its 2.3 million residents foreign-born.
13. Each neighborhood carries a different vibe and identity, either urban or interurban / suburban in character.
14. It is Queens where you can grab / catch a flight at two of New York City’s three major airports.

© English in Town 55

New York

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

at its very best beloved icons dig deep earn big feel the vibe hard to know take a break

1. In a city full of American icons, it is _________________________ where to start.

2. Perhaps there is no better place to _________________________ of the city than at Times Square.
3. With incredibly bright lights everywhere you look, Times Square is _________________________ at night.
4. Midtown Manhattan’s landmark Rockefeller Center one of the city’s most _________________________.
5. The green heart of Manhattan, Central Park is a great place to _________________________ from big city life.
6. Some _________________________ and many lose everything.
7. Fifth Avenue is a must for the fashion-focused—but prepare to _________________________ into your pockets.


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. True, driving is a way of life in America, but mass transit really does make / do a difference in the Big Apple.
2. Living without wheels, particularly in Manhattan, is a liable / viable option.
3. What are your options when it comes to getting about / around town?
4. For / To one thing, the historic Grand Central Terminal remains the busiest train station in the nation.
5. In / On addition, the city has the busiest subway in the Western Hemisphere.
6. In the City That Never Sleeps, subways run 24/7 / 7/24 with over four million riders each weekday.
7. Urban legend tells / has it that a very different world exists under the busy streets of NYC.
8. Streets and avenues / revenues are numbered in Manhattan.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.

1. According to an unofficial rule which is known by all but spoken by none, if you do not
want to tip, take the subway. RULE
As _________________________________, if you do not want to tip, take the subway.

2. There is always a chance that you will find immigrants driving the car. BEHIND
There is always a chance that you will find immigrants ___________________________.

3. Many taxi drivers are not exactly doing very well when it comes to speaking proper English. GAME
Many taxi drivers are not exactly ___________________________ when it comes to speaking proper English.

4. Many expect cabbies to have very good and detailed knowledge of the city. HANDS
Many expect cabbies to know the city _________________________________.

5. Just get into the car and enjoy the ride. HOP
Just ___________________________ and enjoy the ride.

© English in Town 56

New York

Choose the word that best fits each gap.

been fails filled go hosted pick says

1. When it comes to New York’s cultural highlights, the name __________________ it all.
2. One museum that never __________________ to impress is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
3. __________________ a show in the world’s brightest and most famous theater district.
4. You cannot __________________ wrong with the iconic Madison Square Garden.
5. Radio City Music Hall has __________________ some of the biggest nights in entertainment.
6. Many say you have not experienced the real magic of New York until you have __________________ on top of
the Empire State Building, a landmark, cultural icon, and movie star in one.
7. New York is a city __________________ with creative energy and activity.


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. The world is at your table: You can literally / naturally find any kind of food at any time of the day.
2. You could spend a lifetime trying and never eat your way through / though this great city.
3. More than anything else, New York’s food culture has become synonymous with outside / outdoor dining.
4. This gives you a good reason / result to check out the city’s vibrant street food scene.
5. The Big Apple has a strong tradition of street food with food carts and trucks / charts and tracks on virtually
every corner.
6. Many are emigrant-owned / immigrant-owned, and they serve up every kind of food imaginable.
7. Some of the must-taste foods unique to the city include / involve the New York-style hot dog, thin crust pizza,
bagel, deli sandwich, cheesecake, and egg cream.


Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

1. a cultural phenomenon or just another _____________________ TV series? CHEESE

2. a show about women but not _____________________ for women, Sex and the City tells us EXCLUSIVE
about friendship, dating, sex, work, high-fashion, and even _____________________ shoes DESIGN
3. four single 30-somethings deal with their _____________________ ups and downs EMOTION
4. six seasons and two films later, Sex and the City has made a _____________________ impact LAST
5. they found it easy to identify with both the characters and their _____________________ HARD
6. the show broke some important social taboos and it did it in a _____________________, PROVOCATION
straightforward, but _____________________ manner COMEDY
7. it was an active force in opening up a dialogue about female _____________________ EMANCIPATE

© English in Town 57

New York

Choose the phrase that best fits each gap.

a die-hard fan equal screen time ever-increasing paychecks on their minds

ten-year run the best chemistry the laughs and tears the perfect recipe

1. For generations of viewers, Friends has been ______________________________ for laughing out loud.
2. The original storyline was changed, with the result of some of ______________________________ in TV history.
3. And as audiences shared ______________________________ of the six 20-somethings, this timeless sitcom
turned into a cult phenomenon.
4. It is its use of six contrasting characters with ______________________________—and equal salaries.
5. Throughout its ______________________________, the show brought ______________________________ to
all six of its stars.
6. Even if you are not ______________________________, there is still one lesson to be learned from Friends.
7. Originally, the producers had Courteney Cox ______________________________ for the part.


Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. This might come as / like a surprise, but what used to be / was used to be the “Crime Capital of America” is now
statistically the safest major / minor city in the United States.
2. Up until 1990, New York had been brought / caught up in a crime wave.
3. And then, in an unaccepted / unexpected twist, the streets of New York became safer.
4. New York stands off / out as the only big city with a whopping 80 percent drop.
5. How did the city hit / beat crime?
6. Theories range from abortion to the ban in / on leaded gasoline and computer-assisted crime prevention /
invention programs.
7. It was in the 1990s when New York started to care / take care about its broken windows.
8. Fix minor problems and you can keep major crimes out of / off the neighborhood.
9. The reasons and the methods used are still a misery / mystery.


Match the columns to make phrases.

1. Ellis Island was the gateway a. along

2. over 12 million immigrants passed b. of all New Yorkers are foreign-born
3. immigrants continue to add c. through the gates of Ellis Island
4. virtually every nation d. to a new beginning and the American Dream
5. nearly 40 percent e. to the city’s unmatched diversity
6. it is precisely this intense mix of cultures that leads f. to tolerance and acceptance
7. people of all colors and ethnic backgrounds get g. under the sun is represented in the great mosaic of New York

© English in Town 58

New York

Guess the missing words to complete the sentences.

1. A vibrant urban j_____________, the “Big Apple” stands as a global trendsetter with its very own cosmopolitan
2. President Bush pushed through the largest tax c_____________ in American history.
3. America lived through some of its darkest moments on that bright September morning when the
unimaginable happened: The Twin Towers f_____________.
4. The message was blunt and straight to the p_____________: The United States had become a target.
5. President Bush made it clear that he would stick to his g_____________.
6. In p_____________ -9/11 America, “homeland security” became part of the social lexicon.
7. When national security is at s_____________, how far should the government go to protect its citizens?
8. The “9/11 Decade” was a time of great controversies and a presidency of extreme highs and l_____________.
9. President Bush’s approval rating h_____________ 92 per cent, the highest in modern history.
10. Mr. Bush left office with record-low approval r_____________.
11. It was 2008 and America celebrated the man who m_____________ history.
12. His election campaign r_____________ on the slogan “Yes we can.”
13. He also got s_____________ with the financial mess of 2008, the worst economic crisis America—and the
world—has seen since the Great D_____________.
14. One look at Mr. Obama’s sinking approval rating speaks v_____________ about public frustration.
15. Contrary to what many people believe, President Obama did not win on the black v_____________ alone.
16. By 1790, New York s_____________ as the largest city in the nation.
17. The city had been transformed by immigrants, who now made u_____________ half of New York’s population.
18. Traditional designs and modern innovations continue to shape and reshape the e_____________-changing
face of New York.
19. With incredibly bright lights everywhere you look, Times Square is at its very b_____________ at night.
20. The green heart of Manhattan, Central Park is a great place to take a b_____________ from big city life.
21. World-famous Fifth Avenue is definitely a must for the fashion-focused—but prepare to dig d_____________
into your pockets.
22. True, driving is a way of life in America, but mass transit really does make a d_____________ in the Big Apple.
23. In the City That Never Sleeps, subways r_____________ 24/7 with nearly 470 stations and over four million
riders each weekday.
24. New Yorkers may drive less than a_____________ Americans, but do not think they never get into cars.
25. Every single day, 600,000 New Yorkers h_____________ in the back seat of a taxi.
26. As the unwritten rule g_____________, if you do not want to tip, take the subway.
27. There is always a chance that you will find immigrants behind the w_____________.
28. Many taxi drivers are not exactly on top of their g_____________ when it comes to speaking proper English.
29. Many expect cabbies to know the city like the back of their h_____________ but, with a city as big as the Big
Apple, that is not always the c_____________.
30. Yellow is the easiest color for the eye to c_____________.
31. When it comes to New York’s cultural highlights, the name says it a_____________.
32. Many say you have not experienced the real magic of New York u_____________ you have been on top of the
Empire State Building.

© English in Town 59

New York

33. They serve up every kind of food imaginable, from low-e_____________ to truly upscale.
34. Sex and the City tells us about friendship, dating, sex, work, high-fashion, and even d_____________ shoes.
35. Four single 30-somethings deal with their emotional ups and d_____________ in glamorous Manhattan.
36. The show broke some important social t_____________ and it did it in a provocative, straightforward, but
comical manner.
37. It showed what women really talk about when men are not a_____________.
38. It has been an o_____________ secret that Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker do not get along.
39. For generations of viewers, Friends has been the perfect recipe for laughing out l_____________.
40. As audiences shared the laughs and t_____________ of the six 20-somethings, this timeless sitcom turned into
a cult phenomenon.
41. Throughout its ten-year r_____________, the show brought ever-increasing paychecks to all six of its stars.
42. Even if you are not a die-h_____________ fan, there is still one lesson to be learned from Friends.
43. This might c_____________ as a surprise, but what used to be the “Crime Capital of America” is now statistically
the safest major city in the United States.
44. Up until 1990, New York had been c_____________ up in a crime wave.
45. And then, in an unexpected t_____________, the streets of New York became safer.
46. In the 1990s crime rates were d_____________ 40 percent nationwide.
47. Fix minor problems like broken windows and graffiti, and you can keep m_____________ crimes out of the
48. New York is a city where, for the most part, people of all colors and ethnic backgrounds actually get

© English in Town 60

New York

Label each statement about New York as true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

1. Located in the State of New York, the “Big Apple” is the most populous city in the U.S. TRUE / FALSE

2. America lived through some of its darkest moments on that bright October morning
when the Twin Towers fell. TRUE / FALSE

3. One month after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush’s approval rating hit an all-time low. TRUE / FALSE

4. It was 2005 and America celebrated the man who made history when he was elected
the first ever black president of the United States. TRUE / FALSE

5. President Obama’s election campaign ran on the slogan “Yes you can.” TRUE / FALSE

6. President Obama also got stuck with the financial mess of 2004. TRUE / FALSE

7. NYC gets over 100 million visitors a year. TRUE / FALSE

8. Hong Kong stands as the only city on earth with more completed skyscrapers than NYC. TRUE / FALSE

9. New York is a city of four boroughs. TRUE / FALSE

10. The Bronx is the only borough that is not an island. TRUE / FALSE

11. Staten Island stands as the most populous of the five boroughs. TRUE / FALSE

12. Manhattan is the largest of the five boroughs. TRUE / FALSE

13. Streets and avenues are numbered in Manhattan. TRUE / FALSE

14. New York’s food culture has become synonymous with outdoor dining. TRUE / FALSE

15. Eight seasons and two films later, Sex and the City has made a lasting impact. TRUE / FALSE

16. Sex and the City broke some important social taboos. TRUE / FALSE

17. Throughout its ten-year run, Friends brought ever-increasing paychecks to all five of its stars. TRUE / FALSE

18. Up until 1990, New York had been caught up in a crime wave. TRUE / FALSE

19. The theory is, “Fix minor problems like broken windows and graffiti, and you can keep
major crimes out of the neighborhood.” TRUE / FALSE

20. Many studies link the carbon in gasoline to lower IQs and higher levels of aggression. TRUE / FALSE

21. For decades, NYC’s Ellis Island was the gateway to the American Dream. TRUE / FALSE

22. Virtually every nation under the sun is represented in the great mosaic of New York. TRUE / FALSE

23. New York is a city where, for the most part, people of all colors and ethnic backgrounds
actually get along. TRUE / FALSE

© English in Town 61

Answer Key

© English in Town 62

Answer Key
1 course 2 set 3 both 4 result 5 bright 6 landscape 1 False. Third. 2 False. 9.5 million 3 True. 4 False. 500
7 to 8 up 9 out 10 clash 11 bitter 12 doubt years. 5 False. Between 50 and 90 percent. 6 True. 7 True.
8 False. The Loop. 9 False. West Side. 10 True.
1.2 11 False. California. 12 False. Mr. Kroc’s. 13 True.
1 development 2 situated 3 devastating 4 recovered, 14 False. On a poppy-seed bun. 15 False. Deep dish.
birth 5 arrival 6 Prohibition 7 prominence 16 False. It was not illegal to drink it. 17 False. With the
“Wets” against the alcohol ban and the “Dries” in favor of it.
1.3 18 True. 19 False. The 1920s. 20 True.
1 hit the city 2 a city in flames 3 for sure
4 the old saying goes 5 reach new heights 6 went down 2.1
7 fabulous skyline 1 fiercest rivals 2 went to war 3 virtually bankrupt
4 reached boiling point, underway 5 no easy ride
1.4 6 in the short run 7 on the fence 8 rich in irony
1 e 2 a 3 d 4 g 5 b 6 c 7 f
1.5 1 c 2 g 3 b 4 a 5 e 6 f 7 d
1 amazing 2 historic 3 entertainment 4 attraction
5 recreational 6 visual 7 central 8 monumental 2.3
9 innovative 1 incredible 2 architectural 3 charming 4 conservative
5 passionate 6 iconic 7 recent 8 residents
1 enter 2 every 3 to 4 came 5 to become 2.4
6 founded 7 before 8 to 9 out 10 turned 1 upscale 2 experience, hippest 3 meets
4 includes, proud, immigrant 5 historic
1 at every turn 2 comes at a price 3 go hand in hand 2.5
4 put the blame on 5 on earth 1 took place, unique title 2 comes alive
3 tells a story 4 check out 5 another landmark
1.8 6 awe-inspiring churches
1 fascinating 2 reality 3 explore 4 reaction
5 amazing 6 (un)official 7 spiritual 2.6
1 Without (a) doubt / No doubt (about it)
1.9 2 on/at the (cutting) edge 3 To give you an idea of
1 f 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 g 6h 7 d 8 a 4 get you far in life 5 movers and shakers

1.10 2.7
1 organized crime 2 convenient scapegoat 1 grabbing, catching 2 hit, with 3 pre-Internet age,
3 ironically enough 4 the plan backfired landscape 4 kept 5 living 6 come, no 7 at
5 popped up, spread like wildfire, the illegal market for booze
6 split the nation, in favor of it 2.8
1 complete 2 taste 3 underwater 4 chic
1.11 5 time, tribute 6 heritage 7 mind
1 dry 2 mobs 3 iron 4 both, fear 5 clean 6 take
7 still 8 of, savvy 9 charm 2.9
1 d 2 c 3 e 4 h 5 a 6 f 7 b 8 g
1 truly 2 touristy 3 diversity 4 define 5 neighborhoods 2.10
6 dynamic 7 sizeable 1 turned out 2 better life, social scale
3 worked their way up 4 in many ways 5 near-royal status
GUESS THE WORD 6 have it all 7 all the glamour 8 greater mystery
1 course 2 blue 3 how 4 doubt 5 beginning 6 goes
7 went 8 tags 9 pot 10 miss 11 came 12 credit 2.11
13 grabbing 14 turn 15 price 16 go 17 obese 18 care 1 symbolized 2 admired 3 youth 4 brilliant
19 budget, upscale 20 scale 21 scapegoat 22 backfired 5 inspiration 6 famously 7 hotly 8 turbulent
23 popped, wildfire, illegal 24 dry 25 fist 26 hands 9 associated 10 womanizing 11 assassination, traumatic
27 evasion 28 temper, mastermind 29 harmony 12 particular 13 conspiracy 14 truth

© English in Town

Answer Key
1 game 2 dry 3 point 4 run 5 fence 6 dreams 1 talking about 2 all that happens 3 a special approach,
7 ahead 8 age 9 place 10 alive 11 inspiring called on for help 4 a thing of the past, handed down
12 edge 13 idea 14 shakers 15 grabbing 16 hit 5 tourist draw 6 evil spirituality
17 race 18 legends 19 end 20 time 21 globe
22 tooth 23 scale 24 scene 25 status 26 debated 3.12
27 make 28 Movement 29 theories 1 boast 2 it 3 found out 4 Not only 5 hangout
6 reason, take 8 run-down 9 creepy
1 False. Massachusetts. 2 True. 3 True. 4 False. 1750s. 3.13
5 False. Eight years. 6 True. 7 True. 8 False. 30. 1 come true 2 disaster movie 3 tough decision
9 False Freedom Trail. 10 False. 10 per cent. 11 True. 4 no way out of the city 5 got stuck 6 finger-pointing
12 False. Red Sox. 13 False. Oldest annual marathon. 7 another dimension 8 political storm 9 out there
14 True. 15 False. Potato Famine. 16 True. 17 True. 10 terrible legacy
18 False. Democrat. 19 False. Dallas. 20 True. 21 True.
22 True. 3.14
1 laid-back 2 lasting 3 obvious 4 differ 5 add(ed)
3.1 6 impossible 7 basically 8 distinct
1 awful 2 cause 3 roughly 4 economic 5 inferior
6 accepted 7 running 8 final 9 stake 10 as, brought GUESS THE WORD
1 kind 2 different 3 deal 4 running 5 straw
3.2 6 stake 7 about 8 standards 9 kicked 10 detail
1c 2b 3a 4e 5g 6f 7d 11 bustle 12 alive 13 oriented 14 notch 15 thing
16 lived 17 safe 18 gear 19 deal 20 takes
3.3 21 dollar 22 capital 23 see 24 clock 25 strikes, make
1 architectural 2 variety 3 stunning 4 incredible 26 without 27 past, handed 28 down 29 true
5 suggests 6 destroyed 7 majestic 30 pointing 31 storm 32 legacy 33 back


1 must-see 2 the hustle and bustle, an amazing variety 1 False. The largest. 2 True. 3 False. Summer.
3 come alive 4 laid-back atmosphere 5 check out 4 False. 1600s. 5 False. Republican. 6 True. 7 True.
6 has its share of 7 hard hit 8 False. Bourbon Street. 9 False. 20th century. 10 True.
11 False. $4 million. 12 False. Garlic. 13 False. Illegal.
3.5 14 True. 15 True. 16 False. 2005. 17 True. 18 True.
1 f 2 c/f 3 e 4 b 5 d 6 g 7 a
3.6 1 hit 2 silver, movie-goers 3 fading 4 coming, took
1 melting 2 religious 3 revolution 4 overnight 5 make 6 past 7 turning 8 blockbuster
5 scandalous 6 sexually 7 erotic 8 expression 9 force 10 image 11 lacking
9 influence 10 immoral
3.7 1 came under 2 turned Los Angeles into
1 It is safe to say 2 kick into high gear 3 What is the big 3 merged with, evolved into 4 gave a boost to
deal 4 top dollar 5 with a capital E 6 up to 5 grown into / evolved into 6 is also billed

3.8 4.3
1 like no other 2 get a taste 3 top sights 4 must-see 1 f 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 g 6 a 7 d
5 aboard 6 come face-to-face 7 have a good time
3.9 1 walkable 2 wealth 3 synonymous 4 unique
1 heritage 2 flavors 3 combination 4 available 5 significant 6 major 7 homeless
5 sophistication 6 spices 7 overstuffed 8 specialty
3.10 1 nowhere 2 once 3 ever 4 in 5 behind
1 Ash 2 fall, kicking 3 season, alike 4 come 5 Despite 6 top 7 out, below
6 strikes, make

© English in Town

Answer Key
4.6 5.1
1 endless 2 rocky 3 countless 4 sensitive 5 real 1 not the only tourist draw 2 mankind’s most destructive
6 liberal 7 transformed 8 popular weapon 3 went to war 4 the pressure was on
5 gave the formal go-ahead 6 the world entered a new era
4.7 7 We all know how the story ends 8 haunt and divide the
1 of 2 Getting, stuck 3 causes 4 awful world 9 The debate is still on 10 to an earlier end
5 car-owning 6 either, why 7 Heavy 8 due 11 launched the nuclear arms race 12 were quick to catch up
13 stay ahead of the pack 14 decreased in intensity
4.8 15 mastered the technology 16 wiping each other off the
1 without question 2 hustle and bustle, timeless symbol map 17 at the push of a button 18 an all-out nuclear war
3 stunning architecture 4 major spot 5 fully restored
6 awe-inspiring natural beauty 5.2
1 settlement 2 founded 3 construction, residents
4.9 4 importantly, legalize 5 occurred 6 associated
1 definition 2 population 3 ethnic, identity 7 imagination
4 heritage 5 concentration, speaking 6 racially
4.10 1 a 2 f 3 g/b 4 b 5 d 6 e 7 c
1 in 2 low-key, show, evolved 3 awards 4 make
5 Along, walking 6 high-profile 7 on, picking
4.11 1 mind 2 slot, sorts 3 for 4 even, wildest
1 comes to mind / springs to mind 2 the final say 5 comes 6 everything 7 safe 8 stays 9 Contrary
3 kicks off, (all) across the globe / (all) across the world
4 out-of-touch 5 under fire 5.5
1 historically 2 legalized 3 potential 4 owned
4.12 5 laundering 6 profits 7 influence
1 touristy 2 reputation, violence 3 myth 4 definitely 8 financed, legitimate
5 symbols 6 robbery 7 respect 8 protection
9 challenge 5.6
1 packed, desert 2 into 3 up, around 4 set, last
4.13 5 era 6 had, most, every 7 Indoor, movie
1 commercially successful 2 tough-talking rappers, harsh 8 Easily, upscale
realities 3 in-your-face style 4 drive-by shootings
5 went down in history 6 roughly coincided, lyrical depth 5.7
7 multi-million dollar business 1 c 2 e 3 d 4 f 5 g 6 b 7 a


1 making 2 big 3 golden 4 screen, goers 5 end 1 put, single 2 literally 3 get, that 4 prove, burn
6 drugs, break 7 debut 8 office 9 catching 10 lifted 5 high-rollers, bet 6 payout 7 beyond
11 going 12 hit 13 scenes 14 top 15 all 16 famous 8 underage 9 tight, fitted 10 might
17 estate 18 hotspot 19 made 20 tide 21 crazy / centric
22 pollution 23 hustle 24 awe 25 low, show 5.9
26 buffs, make 27 high 28 same 29 comes 1 it works like a charm 2 To start with 3 find your way out
30 insiders, say 31 out 32 under 33 rid 34 death 4 In all probability, on the way 5 the longer you play
35 life 36 time 37 successful 38 talking, realities 6 lose track of time, gamble the night away
39 face 40 down 41 down 42 lyrics 7 comes in the form of 8 Have you ever wondered


1 False. Southern California. 2 True. 3 True. 4 False. 1 a fast affair 2 valid ID 3 getting hitched
“Talkies.” 5 False. 1960s. 6 False. Mid-1970s. 7 False. 4 no-frills ceremony 5 a truly lavish wedding
Coppola’s The Godfather and Scorsese’s Taxi Driver. 6 a great alternative 7 the lack of intimacy, tacky image
8 True. 9 False. “street canyon” effect. 10 True. 8 On a final note
11 True. 12 True. 13 True. 14 False. Best Picture. (Argo
did not get a Best Director nomination.) 5.11
15 False. The oldest. 16 True. 17 True. 18 True. 1 from rags to riches 2 get caught up 3 What’s more
19 False. “Where are you from?” 20 False. Mid-20s. 21 True. 4 Keep in mind 5 on a winning streak 6 in the long run

© English in Town

Answer Key
1 ahead 2 certain 3 catch 4 pack 5 wiping 1 come as a surprise 2 the busiest hub 3 the key word
6 button 7 out 8 adults 9 party 10 popping here, change flights 4 happens to be, another reason why
11 laundering 12 clock 13 wish 14 soul 15 friendly 5 give you an idea 6 things run smoothly
16 alikes 17 map, driving 18 burn 19 charm 20 way
21 track, away 22 hitched 23 frills 24 tacky GUESS THE WORD
25 high 26 riches 27 up 28 caught, minimum 1 uphill 2 class 3 out 4 forefront 5 end, overnight
29 quit 30 mind, odds 31 streak 32 ban 33 run 6 stood 7 way 8 sale 9 put 10 zip
11 figuring 12 eyes 13 present 14 making 15 Prize
TRUE OR FALSE CHALLENGE 16 poor 17 sign 18 hit 19 news 20 debut, minute
1 True. 2 False. 1950s. 3 False. 20th century. 4 False. 21 went 22 policy 23 break 24 question 25 rate
“Little Boy.” 5 False. Truman’s decision. 6 True. 7 True. 26 capita 27 finest 28 talking 29 thing 30 soft
8 True. 9 False. At the Bellagio. 10 True. 11 False. South. 31 hub 32 key 33 happens, going 34 idea, single
12 True. 13 True. 14 False. Twenty-one. 15 True. 35 smoothly
16 True. 17 False. You also need a marriage license.
1 True. 2 True. 3 False. Jim Crow. 4 True. 5 False.
6.1 1960s. 6 False. 1886. 7 True. 8 True. 9 False. Third.
1 end racial inequality 2 easier said than done 10 False. Confederate Army. 11 False. After Coca-Cola hit the
3 fighting an uphill battle 4 second class citizens market. 12 True. 13 False. Second. 14 False. 1980.
5 systematically separated 6 inferior facilities 15 True. 16 False. Challenger. 17 False. Southern.
7 interracial marriages 8 the black vote 9 were on the rise 18 False. Unhealthy. 19 False. Coke. 20 True. 21 False. Two-
10 something of a golden age 11 lived in poverty hour.
12 harsh reality 13 speak out against segregation
14 at the forefront 15 put an end, no overnight solutions 7.1
16 stood up for their rights 1 losing sympathy 2 comes under 3 a traumatic experience
4 with the expectation 5 jungle warfare 6 virtually
6.2 impossible 7 optimistic belief 8 particularly brutal episode
1 commercial, attractive, virtually 2 higher 3 sale 9 came at a high cost 10 very much aware 11 called into
4 emergence 5 grow 6 hosted 7 transform question 12 national confusion 13 anti-war sentiment
14 stood up for peace 15 defining moment 16 above all
1 e 2 a 3 g 4 c 5 b 6 d 7 f 7.2
1 modernization 2 success 3 signed 4 specialists,
6.4 professionals 5 liberal, Movement 6 crime, homelessness
1 a fun-filled destination 2 also a cultural hotbed / a fun- 7 concentration
filled destination 3 the richest zip codes 4 an alternative
destination for 5 best-loved neighborhoods 6 with a small- 7.3
town feel 7 which direction to take 8 black-majority cities 1 e 2 f 3 c 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 g

6.5 7.4
1 c 2 f 3 g 4 e 5 b 6 d 7 a 8 h 1 vibe 2 hip 3 vibrant 4 Rights, come 5 24-block
6 boom, scene 7 as
1 invention 2 addiction 3 marketed 4 sadly 7.5
5 success 6 seriously 7 creative 8 rivals 9 widely 1 technical masterpiece 2 eye-catching color
3 former hub, top-notch seafood restaurants
6.7 4 high-end stores 5 amazing 360-degree views
1 very 2 Although 3 went 4 live, as 5 impact, policy 6 award-winning, a cut above the rest
6 several, including 7 to
6.8 1 on 2 striking 3 involved 4 up 5 opportunity
1 with 2 catch 3 Civil 4 piece 5 miss 6 premier 6 out 7 on 8 boomtown
7 first-rate 8 capita
6.9 1 a tricky thing 2 fat paychecks
1 expect 2 finest 3 enjoyment 4 slavery 3 tech boom, highly-paid techies 4 for the worse
5 inspires 6 socialize 7 signature 8 particularly 5 cost of living 6 painful fact 7 the widest gap

© English in Town

Answer Key
7.8 8.4
1 winning 2 successfully 3 chilly 4 security 1 Famed 2 of 3 out, trendy 4 Nicknamed, district
5 prisoner 6 ending 7 fascinating 8 employees 5 laid-back, scene 6 noted 7 along with

7.9 8.5
1 classic 2 Apart, present 3 make 4 came 1 g 2 b 3 d 4 e 5 c 6 f 7 a
5 to, rest 6 up and down 7 Despite
7.10 1 stop 2 meets 3 await 4 Looking 5 Head
1 a 2 b 3 d 4 g 5 f 6 c (b) 7 e 6 think 7 want 8 known

7.11 8.7
1 food trends 2 key player, health-conscious 1 vibe 2 identity 3 spot, least 4 expect 5 transforms
3 under the sun 4 per capita 5 authentic taste 6 about, flavors, globe 7 used to 8 at 9 replace
6 great destination 7 Culinary Capital
7.12 1 contemporary 2 prominent 3 electronic 4 industry
1 nearby 2 with, predict 3 year-round 4 reason 5 rare 5 monthly, dedicated 6 amazing 7 dramatic
6 block-by-block 7 away 8 elsewhere 9 Given, make
7.13 1 every single aspect 2 relatively new arrival 3 locally
1 brutal 2 measured 3 fear 4 predict 5 possibly grown ingredients 4 softer tropical flavors 5 beautiful
6 coastal, apocalyptic, threat plate presentation 6 signature “Floribbean” cuisine


1 cost 2 anti 3 stood 4 bubble / boom 5 views 1 visible 2 Because, will 3 given 4 speech, back and
6 gems 7 rated 8 Gay 9 masterpiece 10 catching forth 5 borrows 6 to, is 7 languages, as 8 either
11 end 12 degree 13 cut 14 rich 15 seekers
16 broke 17 golden 18 mass 19 fat 20 way GUESS THE WORD
21 paid 22 gap 23 facility 24 worst 25 shut 1 vibe 2 between 3 West 4 class 5 dry 6 ranks
26 make 27 came 28 rest 29 running 30 predict 7 speechless 8 reason 9 back, class 10 hip
31 round 32 free 33 sense 34 fact 35 scale 11 species 12 round 13 made 14 loving, signature
36 come 37 scenario 15 goer 16 sense 17 blend 18 day 19 edge
20 off 21 dedicated 22 single 23 globe 24 fusion
TRUE OR FALSE CHALLENGE 25 grown 26 flavors 27 dubbed 28 rise 29 hybrid
1 False. Northern. 2 True. 3 False. Communist. 4 True. 30 forth 31 borrows 32 influence 33 fluently
5 True. 6 False. 1960s. 7 False. LSD. 8 True. 9 True.
10 False. Orange color. 11 False. West Coast. 12 True. TRUE OR FALSE CHALLENGE
13 True. 14 True. 15 False. It had become too expensive to 1 True. 2 True. 3 False. 1959. 4 False. Six years.
run. 16 True. 17 False. 1873. 18 True. 19 False. 5 True. 6 False. Uncontrolled. 7 False. Cuban migrants
Summers. 20 False. June. 21 False. 7.8. 22 True. caught at sea are sent back to Cuba while those who reach dry
land can stay. 8 False. South America. 9 True.
8.1 10 False. Art Deco. 11 True. 12 True. 13 False. South Beach.
1 reason 2 population 3 financial 4 successful 14 False. Little Havana. 15 False. World War II.
5 influences 6 violence, corruption 7 rough 16 True. 17 False. Bilingual. 18 False. Even in the same
8 glamorous 9 central 10 represented 11 economic sentence. 19 True.
12 opposition 13 major 14 (un)official, governments
15 disaster 16 mental, directly 17 highly, 9.1
uncontrolled 18 controversial 1 the largest tax cut 2 its darkest moments 3 straight to
the point 4 stick to his guns 5 post-9/11 America
6 the burning question 7 extreme highs and lows / record-low
8.2 approval ratings 8 record-low approval ratings, financial
1 for 2 afterwards 3 major 4 leading, boom meltdown 9 made history 10 a brighter future ahead
5 though, brought 6 that 7 only 11 ran on the slogan 12 did not go exactly as planned
13 formally over 14 do not ask for it 15 got stuck
8.3 16 speaks volumes 17 divide public opinion
1 speechless 2 millennium, incredible 3 historic, collection
4 beautifully 5 designers / design, futuristic

© English in Town

Answer Key
9.2 37 around 38 open 39 loud 40 tears 41 run
1 took over 2 took place 3 stood as 4 made up 42 hard 43 come 44 caught 45 twist 46 down
5 ethnic diversity 6 hit hard 7 like no other 47 major 48 along


1 stunning 2 image 3 fabulous 4 impressive 1 True. 2 False. September. 3 False. 92 per cent, the
5 original 6 empire 7 completed highest in modern history. 4 False. 2008. 5 False. “Yes we
can.” 6 False. 2008. 7 False. 50 million. 8 True.
9.4 9 False. Five. 10 True. 11 False. Brooklyn. 12 False.
1 Each 2 like 3 comprises 4 carries 5 only Queens. 13 True. 14 True. 15 False. Six seasons.
6 line 7 tough 8 stands 9 would 10 which 16 True. 17 False. All six of its stars. 18 True. 19 True.
11 about 12 match 13 suburban 14 catch 20 False. Lead. 21 True. 22 True. 23 True.

1 hard to know 2 feel the vibe 3 at its very best
4 beloved icons 5 take a break 6 earn big 7 dig deep

1 make 2 viable 3 around 4 For 5 In 6 24/7
7 has 8 avenues

1 the unwritten rule goes 2 behind the wheel 3 on top of
their game 4 like the back of their hands 5 hop in

1 says 2 fails 3 Pick 4 go 5 hosted 6 been 7 filled

1 literally 2 through 3 outdoor 4 reason
5 carts and trucks 6 immigrant-owned 7 include

1 cheesy 2 exclusively, designer 3 emotional 4 lasting
5 hardships 6 provocative, comical 7 emancipation

1 the perfect recipe 2 the best chemistry 3 the laughs
and tears 4 equal screen time / ever-increasing paychecks
5 ten-year run, ever-increasing paychecks / equal screen time
6 a die-hard fan 7 on their minds

1 as, used to be, major 2 caught 3 unexpected 4 out
5 beat 6 on, prevention 7 care 8 of 9 mystery

1 d 2 c 3 e 4 g 5 b 6 f 7 a


1 jungle 2 cut 3 fell 4 point 5 guns 6 post
7 stake 8 lows 9 hit 10 ratings 11 made
12 ran 13 stuck, Depression 14 volumes 15 vote
16 stood 17 up 18 ever 19 best 20 break 21 deep
22 difference 23 run 24 average 25 hop 26 goes
27 wheel 28 game 29 hands, case 30 catch 31 all
32 until 33 end 34 designer 35 downs 36 taboos

© English in Town

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