300 Word Synopsis Assignment

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MSBM/MINX 300 Word Synopsis (7%)

Please submit your 30 word synopsis here. Your submission should be on one single page (MS
Word or PDF). Please place the assignment title at the top of the page ("Process Improvement
Resource Synopsis"), followed by your name and student number on the next line and add your
word count on the following line.

The 300 word count only refers to the main body of your synopsis (e.g. the content). Add a
weblink or references for the two resources at the end of the main content.

Late submissions will receive a mark of 0.

Due Date - Monday 7th October @ 10am

This assessment is worth 7% of the overall mark for MT530. Your submission will be
marked out of 100.

As the module is looking at structured process improvement therefore you must find sources
that explicitly mention a process improvement technique or tool in your resources. An
article that just mentions that something is better but doesn't reference a process improvement
technique or tool is NOT appropriate.
As a couple of examples:
1. you could decide to look at a process improvement technique such as 5S (which is a Lean
technique) and might find two separate articles discussing its use. You could then compare and
contrast these two. You could do similar for any one of a whole range of process improvement
tools and techniques. For example some of the main techniques include Lean, Six Sigma, Lean
Six Sigma, TQM, BPR, etc.
In this instance you would be comparing and contrasting the use of two different uses of the
same process improvement technique/tool (e.g. 5S).

2. you could find two formal process improvement techniques used in a particular industry - for
example you might find one resource talking about using lean in hospitals. You might then find a
second resource discussing the use of something like discrete event simulation used to evaluate
a similar issue in hospitals. In this instance you would be comparing and contrasting the use of
two different techniques/tools in a similar setting (e.g. the hospital).

My advice is that you start by searching for process improvement tools and techniques and begin
reading material from this.

iSixSigma.com is a useful resource to help you develop your ideas. You are not allowed to
use iSixSigma as a source for either of your two resources.

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