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Post Martial Law up to the Present Time

Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III, affectionately called "Noynoy" and

"Pnoy", a former senator is the son of former President Corazon C. Aquino and
the late Senator Benigno Aquino. He won the May 10, 2010 presidential
elections and was proclaimed president on June 30, 2010 at Rizal Park in
Manila. Former President Gloria Arroyo, was elected congresswoman for the
second district of Pampanga. This was the first computerized
national elections in Philippine history. Aquino is generally
perceived as honest with high public satisfaction ratings.
Under his presidency, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
Renato Corona was impeached in 2011 for non-declaration of
assets and prominent politicians like Senators and
Congressmen is being charged of corruption. Aquino continues
his anti-corruption crusade. Under the present constitution, Aquino cannot run
for a second term. Presidential elections were held in May 9, 2016. Strong
candidates were Mary Grace Sonora Poe-Llamanzares, Rodrigo Roa Duterte,
Manuel "Mar" Araneta Roxas II and Jejomar Cabauatan Binay.

On June 30, 2016, Rodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte (a.k.a. Digong), the former
mayor of Davao City in Mindanao who is known for his strong stance against
illegal drugs and crime, assumed the presidency succeeding Benigno Aquino
III after receiving an overwhelming win in the May 9 elections. On the same
day but separately, former congresswoman Maria Leonor "Leni" Santo Tomas
Gerona-Robredo (Leni Robredo for short) who belongs to a different party,
takes oath as vice-president succeeding Jejomar Binay. Both Duterte &
Robredo serves a single term limit of six-years (till 2022). Duterte is
advocating a change of government from presidential to a federal form of
government. Unlike previous presidents, the tough-talking Duterte is
antagonistic towards the United States, which has been a long time ally of the
Philippines. Remarkably, he is more friendly with China, a country which the
previous administration filed a case against at The Permanent Court of
Arbitration in The Hague for occupying several islands within the Philippine
200 mile exclusive economic zone. The court decided overwhelmingly in favor
of the Philippines in July 2016, China refuses to accept the verdict. Duterte
has been criticized by human rights groups and some in the international
community for his hard handed tactics against illegal drugs which has lead to
the killings of thousands (including innocent bystanders) allegedly involved in
the drug trade.

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