Leadership Styles: "Leadership Is Not A Position or A Title, It Is Action and Example"

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             "Leadership is not a position or a title ,it is action and example"

• Leadership in which the leader maintains relation with the  followers
through a series of transactions.
• This style is formal and bureaucratic in nature.
• The leader relies on his position and authority to get things done.
• Followers(or employees) are motivated by their own self-interest.
• The main features are:
• Contingent reward:
                 * Promising and providing psychological or materialistic
rewards for effort and performance.
• Management by exception:
                 * Enhancement of the existing organizational culture rather
than going  for radical changes.
    * The leader intervenes only if standards are not met.
• The type of leadership in which the leader transforms the thinking of the
followers by instilling in them a sense of mission and excitement.
• The leader relies on his/her charisma and energy rather than authority.
• Encourages to take risks, try new and unorthodox strategies and think out of
the box.
• The style is not formal but intellectually stimulating. The followers are
motivated by an urge to contribute and are ready to take up the challenges
rather than by self interest
• The main features are:
• Inspiring vision:
               * The leader encourages to look beyond their self-interest.
                   Eg:Quit India, Satyagraha
• Intellectual stimulation:
                * The leader challenges employees to generate solutions, instead
                 of depending on contingent reward,the leader motivates to bring out
the best out of the employees .Eg:steve jobs.
• Individual concern
* The leader appreciates the difference between the
individual employees and treat each other accordingly.
* The leader act as mentor or coach to everyone.
* Gives each follower personal attention.
Transactional Leadership Transformational Leadership
1. Suits a settled environment where 1. Suits during the troubled times
efficiency is improved through where the need of the hour is
accepted practices  innovation and change.
2. Works well when the emotional 2. Appeals to the emotions of the
level of the emotional level of the
followers is not high.
3. It is formal and bureaucratic. 3. It is informal and charismatic.

4. Often only one leader. 4. More than one leader .

5. This employs planning and 5. This stimulates and challenges
execution mostly to maintain the mostly to promote innovation.
status quo.
6. This employs influence and
6. This employs rewards and intellectual stimulation using
punishment using authority and charisma and enthusiasm.
7. Transformational leadership
7.  Transactional leadership is
is proactive

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