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Chapter 5

Special Yogas

The term Yoga means to join or a union. In astrological science, Yoga means a
specific planetary disposition, which is capable of yielding specific results. Such a
planetary disposition has inherent in it a linkage, which justifies the term Yoga for it.
This linkage or relationship could be one of the following types [Charak, 1995]:
(1) Involving planets only,
(2) between planets and houses,
(3) between planets and signs, and
(4) Involving any combination of the above.
These are described below:
(1) House related Yogas:
The placement of the Lord of the a House in any of the 12 houses has specific
relevance to matters pertainng to both houses. Since there is a Lord for each of
the 12 houses and this Lord can be in any of the 12 houses, there are 144 possible
yogas of this type;
(2) Planet-House related Yogas:
Since there are 9 planets and they can be positioned in any of the 12 houses,
there are 108 possible yogas of this type;
(3) Planet-Sign related Yogas:
Since there are 9 planets and they can be in any of the 12 signs, there are 108
possible yogas of this type; and
(4) Planet-House-Sign related Yogas:
Since there are 9 planets, positioned in any of the 12 houses and there are 7
Lords of the planet signs, there are 756 possible yogas of this type.
(5) Nabhasa Yogas:
These are planetary combinations, which give an overall view of a person’s
life pattern. They are not dependant on planetary Lordships, combinations and
aspects. These Yogas must be examined before the horoscope is subjected to
detailed analysis. The influence of these Yogas are felt throughout the life of the
person. In other words, these Yogas do not depend upon any Dashas to manifest
their results. There are four categories, namely:
Jataka Mani Manjusha

(a) Aashraya (Refuge) Yogas: 3 Yogas - Rajju, Musaka and Nala;

(b) Dala (Side) Yogas: 2 Yogas – Maala or Srak (a wreath), and Sarpa (serpant); and
(c) Aakriti (Appearance) Yogas: 20 Yogas – Kendra, non-Kendra and ARC
(i) The Angular Group
Kendra Position: 6 Yogas – Gadha (a mace), Shataka (a cart), Pakshi or Vihaga
(a bird), Vajra (a lethal weapon of India), Yava (an indicator of good
luck), and Kamala (a lotus)
Non-Kendra Position: 3 Yogas – Vaapi (a well or reservoir of water),
Shringataka (a mountain or pinnacle), Hala (a plough)
(ii) The Arc Group
11 Yogas – Yoopa (a pole to tie the animal to while performing Yagna),
Shara (an arrow), Shakti (a javelin), Danda (a rod), Nauka (a boat), Koota (a
vertex disposition), Chhatra (a king’s crown), Dhanusha or Chaapa (a
bow), Ardha-Chandra (the crescent Moon), Chakra (a circle), and Samudra
(the ocean)
(d) Sankhya Yogas: 7 Yogas – Gola, Yoga, Shoola, Kedara, Paasha, Damini and Veena.
(6) Planetary Combination Yogas:
(a) Two Planet Combination Yogas:
Sun gives 6 Yogas (Sun with Mercury is called Budha-Aaditya Yoga)
Moon gives 5 Yogas (Moon with Saturn is called Sani-Chandra Yoga)
Mars gives 4 Yogas
Mercury gives 3 Yogas
Jupiter gives 2 Yogas
Venus gives 1 Yoga
(b) Three Planet Combination Yogas: 35 Yogas
(c) Four Planet Combination Yogas: 35 Yogas
(d) Five or more Planet Combination Yogas: 29 Yogas
(7) Gaja-Kesari Yogas:
(a) Jupiter-Moon Combination Yoga
(b) Jupiter in the 4th house from Moon
(c) Jupiter in the 7th house from Moon
(d) Jupiter in the 10th house from Moon
Other factors influencing the results of Gaja-Kesari Yoga are:
(i) Condition of Moon and Jupiter,
(ii) Ownership of Lagna,
(iii) Placement from Lagna,
(iv) Planetary aspects and associations,
(v) The signs involved,
(vi) Dharma, Ardha, Kama and Moksha trikonas, and
(vii) Strengths of planets.
Chapter 5: Special Yogas

(8) Ownership of Houses Yogas:

It has been explained already, that planets behave as benefics or malefics
depending on the houses they own in a horoscope. This naturally varies with
Lagna. The Lordship of houses by planets is an extremely important factor in
deciding the results that accrue from varied planetary dispositions. It is the
interaction of different planets, as Lords of different houses, which results in
formation of various Yogas so often referred to in astrology. The following Yogas
are formed, depending upon the ownership of the houses by the planets:
(a) Raja Yogas: 11 combinations + 11 Raja Yogas
(b) Dhana Yogas: 04 combinations + 25 Dhana Yogas
(c) Arishta Yogas: 10 combinations + 15 Daridra Yogas
(d) Parivartana Yogas:
(i) Moha Yogas – 28 Yogas
(ii) Dainya Yogas (Combinations for Misery) – 31 Yogas,
(iii) Khala Yogas (Combinations for Wickedness) – 14 Yogas,
(9) Planets in Various Constellations Yogas:
Since there are 9 planets and 9 constellations, these are 81 Yogas.
(10) Vishakanya Yogas:
These are 6 Yogas.
(11) Specific or Special, and Miscellaneous Yogas:
These Yogas are specific planetary disposition also, which usually, though
not invariably, involve two or more planets to effect their formation. These are:
(a) Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas: 5 Yogas
Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya and Shasha
(b) Chandra Yogas: 9 Yogas
Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhaara, Kemadruma, Adhi, Vasumati, Uttamadi, Dhana
Dhana and Shataka
(c) Ravi Yogas: 3 Yogas
Veshi, Voshi and Ubhayachari
(d) Variegated (Diverse) Yogas: 19 Yogas
Amala, Kartari, Lagnadhi, Parvata, Kaahala, Chaamara, Shankha, Bheri, Khadga,
Lakshmi, Mahabhagya, Chandra-Mangala, Maala (or Maalika), Chatussaagara
Saraswati, Daridra, Hata-Hanta, Neecha-Bhanga Raja, and Vipareeta Raja
(e) Miscellaneous Variegated Yogas: 20 Yogas
Mridanga, Srinaatha, Sharada, Matsya, Koorma, Kusuma, Paarijaata, Kalaanidhi,
Harihara-Brahma, Pushkala, Bhaskara, Indra, Marud (Vaayu), Buddha, Simhasana,
Dhwaja, Hamsa, Kaarikaa, Amara, and Mahapataka
(f) Pravarajya (Sanyasa) Yogas: 6 Yogas
Since there is no limit to the number of Yogas mentioned in classical texts,
only some are mentioned here, which are called Special Yogas.
The total number of Yogas menionted above is 1,570.
Jataka Mani Manjusha

Each planet is supposed to be the Karaka or indicator of certain events in life.
The function of a Karaka are similar to those of the Bhavas or Houses. Karakas play an
important part in horoscope analysis. Karaka planets are either Natural Karakas or
Mutual Karakas.

As per Parasara School of Astrology, the Natural Karaka Planets are constant
irrespective of their horoscope positions. The main karakas are listed in Table 5.1.
Karakas become important factors, especially in measuring Gochara or transit results.
Even when a certain Bhava is weak, the event signified by the Bhava could be said to
prosper provided the appropriate Karaka is strong. The karakatwas of 12 Bhavas from
Lagna (Ascendant) are discussed in Section 2.3.29, and that of 9 Planets in Section
2.3.30. Table 2.23 gives Planets influencing the Bhavas and Table 2.24 signifactors for
different Houses (Bhavas). The best Karaka Planets for various Lagnas (Ascendants)
are given in Table 5.2.

Table 5.1: Yoga-giving Planets for Different Ascendants

S.No. Planet Karaka or Indicator
1 Sun Father
2 Moon Mother
3 Mars Brother
4 Mercury Profession
5 Jupiter Children
6 Venus Wife / Husband
7 Saturn Longevity
8 Rahu Maternal Relations
9 Ketu Paternal Relations

Table 5.2: Yoga-giving Planets for Different Ascendants

S.No. Ascendant Yoga-giving Planets
1 Aries Sun, Moon and Jupiter
2 Taurus Mercury
3 Gemini Venus
4 Cancer Jupiter
5 Leo Jupiter
6 Virgo Venus
7 Libra Moon and Jupiter
8 Scorpio Sun, Moon and Jupiter
9 Sagittarius Sun
10 Capricorn Mercury and Venus
11 Aquarius Mercury and Venus
12 Pisces Moon

Chapter 5: Special Yogas

According to the Varahamihira School of Astrology, a Planet is known as

Karaka Planet, that is positioned in his own House that is a kendra. But, when two or
more Karakas are present in their own houses, say 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th House, then the
Karaka Planet that is in the 10th House is more powerful than those in the 7th, 4th and
1st Houses. Similarly, Karaka Planet in the 7th House is more powerful than those in
4th and 1st Houses. And, the same is the situation for Karaka Planets in the 4th and 1st
Houses individually. These Planets are called Mutual Karakas.

Mutual Karakas are explained through an example of a horoscope (Figure

5.1). Table 5.3 shows the Karaka planet for each of the Signs. Moon, Venus and
Saturn are Mutual Karakas as per definition given above of Mutual Karakas. The
Saturn Karaka Planet in 10th Bhava is more powerful than the Karakas in 7th Kendra
House (Venus), in 4th Kendra House (Moon), and in 1st Kendra House (Sun) is not his
own house, though in exaltation.

12 1 2 3

Ketu ASC Jupiter Mercury


11 4
Saturn Chart 5

Venus Rahu

9 8 7 6
Figure 5.1: Example Horoscope of a person as per SOUTH INDIAN PRACTICE

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 5.3: Yoga-giving Planets for Different Signs

Bhava Sign Karaka Comment

1 Aries Ascendant Mars is in its own house. Sun in exaltation is the signifactor,
is not in its own house.
2 Taurus Jupiter -
3 Gemini Mercury -
4 Cancer Moon Moon is in its own house.
5 Leo - -
6 Virgo Rahu -
7 Libra Venus Venus is in its own house.
8 Scorpio - -
9 Sagittarius - -
10 Capricorn Saturn Saturn is in its own house.
11 Aquarius - -
12 Pisces Ketu -

According to some astrologers, when Lords of the 5th and 9th Houses, Lords
of 9th and 10th Houses, and other Yoga Grahas (i.e., other planet combinations
offering Yogas as indicated in Section 4.12) positioned in Kendras or Konas from the
Karaka Planets, either in combination or separately from the Karaka Planets give good
Yoga during their periods.

According to the Jaimini School of Astrology, the most advanced of the 9

Planets is the Karaka Planet. In whatever Amsa Rasi, the Karaka is that is called
Karakamsa Lagna. Sage Jaimini attached as much importance to this lagna as to Janma
lagna for giving Yogas.


There are about 62 special Yogas. About 10 speical Yogas are discussed here.
Of these, 8 are from variegated Yogas and two from 2-planet combinations [Raman,
1992]. Yogas for different planetary positions are presented in tables in this chapter.
These Yogas are named after combination of Planets. Even though there are many
yogas, only some of them are presented, as accepted by Varahamihira, Jaimini and
Parasara schools of Astrology. In some Yogas, they agree with each other, in some
others, they complement each other, and in others, they contradict each other.

Chapter 5: Special Yogas

5.3.1 Budhaditya Yoga

Persons born in this Yoga are rich and reputed. This Yoga is governed by
Mercury. If Sun is not Konadhipati, Mercury is not Kendradhipati and come together
in Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo lagnas, then they give this Yoga; the mere
combination of Sun and Mercury gives this Yoga. Further, if Sun and Mercury are
positioned in
(a) Own Houses,
(b) Uchha Rasis, or
(c) Moolatrikona Rasis,
then they give good Budhaditya Yoga, especially when they are in (1) Aries, Gemini,
Leo and Virgo Rasis; (2) 8th House; and (3) Dwiswabhava Rasis.

All schools of astrology give their independent views on this yoga, which do
not contraditct each other.

5.3.2 Adhi Yoga

Persons born in this Yoga are rich and reputed. This Yoga is governed by the
naturally good planets. If naturally good planets are positioned in 6th, 7th and 8th
Houses from the Moon, either together or separately, then the condition is called
Adhi Yoga. The three schools of Astrology discuss this Yoga, and there is no
disgreement among them.

As per Sage Varahamihira, those born in this Yoga become Rulers, Ministers
and Commanders. But, in the present day context, they can be considered to be
Ambitious, Reputed and Courageous. This Yoga happens in the period of those
naturally good planets. Even when all Naturally Good Planets are positioned in the
6th, 7th and 8th Houses and other Planets in the remaining Houses, it is called Adhi
Yoga. If all Naturally Good Planets are positioned in these Houses and if even one
Naturally Bad Planet is positioned in 6th, 7th and 8th Houses, the Adhi Yoga is spoilt.

5.3.3 Khemdruma Yoga

Persons born in this Khemdruma Yoga are poor. This Yoga is governed by
many planets and planetary combinations listed in Table 5.4. The three schools of
Astrology discuss this Yoga, and they have different approaches to identify the Yoga.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 5.4: Planetary combinations and positions for determining KHEMADRUMA YOGA

S.No. Planet Positioned in House Yoga

1 If Lagnadipati is in neecha, and in navamsa, then Khemadruma Yoga is said to be
and is combined in 6th or 8th House, and in effective, as per Parasara School of
with Lords of Navamsa, Astrology.
2 (1) If Sun, Saturn in 1st, 4th 7th or 10th House, then Khemadruma Yoga is said to be
and Moon are OR effective, as per some Astrologers.
(2) If Moon is in 1st, 4th 7th or 8th House,
and Lord of 10th in 12th House, AND
House is
and Lord of 12th in 2nd House,
House is
3 If Lords of 2nd, 9th in 12th House, then Khemadruma Yoga is said to be
and 11th Houses effective, as per some other
are Astrologers.
4 If there are no in 2nd and 12th Houses from then Khemadruma Yoga is said to be
Planets other Moon, effective, as per Varahamihira School
than Sun of Astrology.
5 If Naturally Bad in 2nd and 8th Houses, then Khemadruma Yoga is said to be
Planets are equal effective, as per Jaimini School of
in number from Astrology, and found to be true in
(1) Karakamsa practice.
(2) Arudha Lagna,
(3) Janma lagna,

5.3.4 Malika Yoga

This Malika Yoga will add to the general Yoga present. This Yoga is not an
independent Yoga; it is effective with other Yogas. In a horoscope, when all 8 planets
are positioned from lagna either in clockwise or anti-clockwise sequence, then this
Yoga is said to be effective.

5.3.5 Mala Yoga

People born in this Mala Yoga will have longevity, good name and enjoyable
life. As per Varahamihira school of Astrology, in a horoscope, when Subha Planets
are positioned in the four kendra positions, then this Yoga is said to be effective by
Subha means Adhiptya Subha and the Naturally Good Planets, and it applies to both

Chapter 5: Special Yogas

5.3.6 Kesari Yoga

Persons born in this Kesari Yoga (also called as Gajakesari Yoga by some
Astrologers) will have longevity. This Yoga is governed by Jupiter and Venus, as per
planetary combinations listed in Table 5.5. This Yoga is not an independent Yoga; it
is effective with other Yogas. Of the 3 cases mentioned in Table 5.5, the first one is
found to be true in practice.

Table 5.5: Planetary combinations and positions for determining KESARI YOGA

S.No. Planet Positioned in House Yoga

1 If Jupiter is in 4th, 7th or 10th House from the then KESARI Yoga is
Moon, said to be effective.
2 If Jupiter and Venus are in 7th House from the Moon,
3 If Jupiter and Venus are in 7th House from the each other
from Janma Lagna,

5.3.7 Chandra Mangala Yoga

Persons born in this Chandra Mangala Yoga will be rich, reputed and a land
lord. This Yoga is governed by Moon combined with Mars. If full Moon with no
Kendradhipatya Dosha, Mars with no Konadhipatya Dosha and Moon combined with
Mars, and in a Full Moon situation, then Chandra Mangala Yoga is said to be effective
in Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer Ascendants. Some astrologers say
that this house should be 8th House from Lagna. This Yoga is an independent Yoga.

5.3.8 Sani-Chandra Yoga

People born in this Sani-Chandra Yoga will earn money and have vehicle
during the periods of the planets. This Yoga is governed by Saturn and Moon. This
Sani-Chandra Yoga is said to be effective, if Saturn have Kendradhipatya and Moon
Konadhipatya and both Saturn and Moon remain in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn
and Aquarius Rasis. These Rasis should be Kendra. Some astrologers added Cancer
and Libra Rasis to the above Rasis, provided these two Rasis do not have Lordships
of 8th and 11th Houses.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

5.3.9 Srimanta Yoga

Persons born in this Srimanta Yoga will belong to a common class. This Yoga
is not an independent Yoga; it is effective with other Yogas. In Parasara school of
Astrology, over 100 Yogas have been mentioned as Srimanta Yogas. In those, no
importance is given to Karakatwa or Adhipatya. The Yogas are determined from some
Planets and some Bhavadhipatis to suit these Bhavas. But, the guidelines given by
sages are found to be incorrect for those born in these Yogas.

In Jaimini School of Astrology, some important Srimanta Yogas are given. For
instance, Srimanta Yoga is said to be effective, if:
(a) Arudha Lagna is in Kendra or Kona positions from the lagna, or Arudha Lagna
aspects Lagna; or
(b) Planets are present in the 11th House from the Arudha Lagna.

Similarly, in Varahamihira School of Astrology also, some important Srimanta

Yogas are given. Some examples are presented in Table 5.6. Conditions given by
Jaimini School seem to be more accurate than those given by Varahamihira and
Parasara Schools.

Table 5.6: Planetary combinations and positions for determining SRIMANTA YOGA as per
Varahamihira School of Astrology

S.No. Planet Positioned in/with Karaka Yoga

1 If Planets are with Karaka samjna, then SRIMANTA Yoga is
2 If Naturally Good Planets in 2nd House from the Sun, said to be effective.
3 If Sun is in 8th House from the Moon,
(in this position, Sun and Moon are
said to be in Shastastakam,
4 If all planets, except Sun, in 2nd and 12th House from Moon, or
are in 2nd or 12th House from Moon,
5 If at least one planet is in each of 2nd and 12th House,
6 If Sun, Mars and Saturn NOT in the 10th kendra House,
(1) Arudha Lagna is one of the special lagnas defined by Sage Jaimini. The number of Rasis is counted as to
where the lagna Lord situated. The same number of houses from Lagna Lord will be the Arudha Lagna.
This is discussed further in Chapter 6.
(2) In Jaimini School, Karakas vary with each horoscope. This feature is of significance. Any planet can
acquire any karakatwa or Lordship, based on the longitude of a planet counted from the beginning of
Sign concerned. There are 7 main karakatwas in Jaimini School, namely Atma, Amatya, Bhratru, Matru,
Putra, Gnathi and Dara. This is discussed in Chapter 6. If planets are positioned with Karaka Samjna, it
means that the planets acquire any of the above 7 karakatwas and remain in Rasis of those karakatwas
in a horoscope.
Chapter 5: Special Yogas

5.3.10 Veepareeta Rajayoga

Persons born in this Veepareeta Rajayoga will rise in status, fame and financial
gain during the concerned Main Periods. This Yoga can be considered to be
effective, when Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Houses (respectively) combine. But, Sage
Kalidasa disagreed, and said that mere combination of these Planets alone will not
give this Yoga, but these planets should be positioned also in any one of their three
Houses, i.e., 6th, 8th, 12th or all the three Houses). When this Yoga is governed by
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, when they are Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Houses
respectively. Some Sages suggested that Jupiter in 6th House, Mercury in 8th and
Venus in 12th give greater Yogas.

In particular, for Capricorn Ascendant, if Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are

positioned in 8th House from Lagna, the yoga is less powerful. Also, the combination
of Venus and Ketu is an anti-force to this condition, as observed in a number of

5.3.11 Chadaka, Vedaka, Bandhaka and Pratibandhaka Yogas

The Chadaka, Vedaka, Bandhaka and Pratibandhaka Yogas will act as an
augmentor or obstructive agent to Yogas present in a horoscope. These Yogas are
governed by a number of planets. When a Planet is positioned:
(a) in the 2nd House, it is known as Chadaka Planet,
(b) in the 3rd House, it is known as Vedaka Planet,
(c) in the 4th House, it is known as Bandhaka Planet, and
(d) in the 8th House, it is known as Pratibandhaka Planet.
For any Bhava, if Planets in the 2nd and 3rd Houses are
(a) Naturally Good Planets, then they will give some good to that Bhava, as they are
Chadaka and Vedaka Planets;
(b) Naturally Bad Plants, then they will not give good to that Bhava, and
(c) in their own Houses, they may not be very bad for that Bhava.

Sage Jaimini said that for any Bhava, if the Naturally Good Planets are in 2nd
and 12th Houses, then it is good for the Bhava; this is found to be true in practice.
Also, if the Planet in the 4th House (which is a Bandhaka Planet) is a Naturally Good
Planet, it is good for the Bhava, and if it is a Naturally Bad Planet, it is bad. In
practice, it is observed that difficulties arise in affairs of the Planets in the 4th House.

Further, sage Jaimini determined Argala Yoga from Naturally Bad Planets
positioned in the 4th and 6th Houses. Here, planets in 4th, 2nd, 11th and 5th Houses
from an aspecting planet (except Ketu) cause or become Argalas. Lords who are in 9th
House from Ketu, become Argalas. Natural benefics in the above houses function as
benefic Argalas or augmentary agents, and natural malefics as malefic Argalas or
Jataka Mani Manjusha

obstucting agents. Sage Jaimini had identified aspected Signs for all 12 signs. He laid
down range of the aspect also. These are:
(i) Chara Rasi or a Planet in it aspects 5th, 8th and 11th Houses from it;
(ii) Sthira Rasi or a Planet in it aspects 3rd, 6th and 9th Houses from it; and
(i) Diswabhava Rasi or a Planet in it aspects 4th, 7th and 10th Houses from it.
According to him, the person will be imprisoned, punished by the State, or face
other difficulties. If Planets in the 4th and 6th Houses are
(a) Lords of obstacles, it is better, if this House is unoccupied;
(b) Naturally Good Planets, it is not so bad. Though the Yoga is not affected during
their periods, there will be troubles; and
(c) Naturally Bad Planets, it is bad.
With the above observations in view, sage Jaimini wrote from experience,
that if Naturally Bad Planets are in 2nd and 8th Houses, they give Khemadruma Yoga;
one will not succed without any obstacles. This applies to Muhurta Bhaga also; and
hence, there must be Ashtama Sudhi for every Muhurta. Every human being will
perform his karma daily as prescribed in Vedas and Dharma Shastras, but cannot
decide himself the result of the karmas performed, unless time also is chosen
carefully for performing the karmas. Hence, to decide the best and advantageous
time, Sages laid down the Muhurta Bhaga (Electional Astrology), and the auspicious
time or muhurta is fixed as per this document. Fixing the muhurta should be based
on Gochara, i.e., planetary position on that date as given in the Almanac. For the
Lagna fixed for the Muhurta, no planets should be present in the 8th House. This is
called Ashtama Suddhi.


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