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414 Current Nanoscience, 2012, 8, 414-416

Preparation of ZnO Microstructures by Facile Hydrothermal Route, Their PL and

PEC Properties

Sajad Hussain, Chuanbao Cao*, Ghulam Nabi, Waheed S. Khan, Zahid Usman, Faheem K. Butt, Zulfiqar Ali
and Tariq Mahmood

Research Centre of Materials Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, People’s Republic of China

Abstract: ZnO flower like and doubly pointed microneedles (DPNs) were prepared on Cu2O and glass substrates respectively via facile
hydrothermal route. Cu2O substrate was prepared through thermal oxidation method from the Cu sheet. The structure and morphologies
of ZnO microstructures were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The average size of flower-like struc-
ture was measured to be 2 μm, whereas the doubly pointed microneedles (DPNs) exhibited a tip diameter of 150-250 nm. The flower-like
ZnO microstructures showed the photoluminescence emission spectra UV band at 383 nm along with a strong yellow emission band at
580 nm. Correspondingly, the DPNs ZnO microstructure showed UV emission peak at 396 nm associated with a blue emission peak at
469 nm. The photon-to-hydrogen efficiency was found to be 0.04% for flower like microstructure.
Keywords: Double pointed microneedles, flower like, hydrothermal process, luminescence, PEC solar cells, ZnO microstructures.

1. INTRODUCTION autoclave. Both the substrates were kept in regular laboratory oven
One-dimensional nano-/microscale materials are attractive ex- at 93 °C for 4 hrs, and then allowed to cool down to room tempera-
tensively due to their outstanding physical properties, which have ture. The Cu2O substrate was prepared by oxidizing approximately
lead to their potential applications in nano-/microdevices. It is pre- 1 μm thick copper sheet in muffle furnace at 1000 °C for 4 hours
dicted that the piezoelectricity, photon-to-electron conversion effi- [12].
ciency and photonic performance would be improved by reducing The phase purity of the products was examined by X-ray pow-
the dimensions of ZnO due to an increase in the surface area and der diffraction (XRD, Philips X'Pert Pro MPD) whereas the mor-
the quantum captivity effect. Owing to their possible application, phologies were determined by scanning electron microscopy (FE-
ZnO nano-/microcrystals with different morphologies and function- SEM Hitachi S4800). Photoluminescence properties at room tem-
alities (nanolasers, piezoelectric nanogenerators, solar cells, gas perature were studied using PL spectrum with Fluorescence Spec-
sensors and photocatalysts) have been prepared by different meth- trophotometer (Hitachi F-4500). The PEC measurements were car-
ods such as vapor phase transport [1], hydrothermal process [2], ried out on a potentiostat (ZAHNER IM6e) in a three-electrode cell
chemical solution [3], metal-organic CVD [4] and chemical vapor with light intensity of 90 mW/cm2.
deposition [5]. The chemical solution method has been used to syn-
thesize ZnO nanostructures such as tube, tower, Tetrapods, needle 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
like [6, 3, 7, 8] and oriented helical ZnO nanorod arrays [9]. In light 3.1. Structural and Morphological Characterization
,photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells have ability to split water into Fig. (1a and b) show the XRD pattern of the flower-like and
hydrogen and oxygen. Such cells can be used as photo electrodes in DPNs like microstructures, respectively. In the inset of Fig. (1a)
aqueous electrolytes. Previously ZnO nanorods have been grown on most of the diffraction peaks of the spectrum with 2 values of
ITO substrate to fabricate PEC and photovoltaic solar cell (p- 42°.31, 61°.36 and 43°.32, 50°.49 are indexed to the Cu2O and Cu
Cu2O/n-ZnO) by electrochemical deposition [10]. substrate respectively. In Fig. (1a), all the peaks are indexed to
For the first time, we have prepared ZnO micro flowers and typical hexagonal wurtzite ZnO, with calculated cell parameters
DPNs grown on the Cu2O and glass substrate respectively via hy- a=3.2435 Å and c=5.1989 Å for the flower like except Cu2O and
dro-thermal method. It is predicted that the solar cell fabricated on Cu peaks resulting from the substrate. In Fig. (1b), the lattice pa-
Cu2O substrate via thermal oxidation method would show better rameters for DPNs are a=3.25 Å and c=5.2159 Å consistent with
solar efficiency due to high charge carrier concentration of substrate the standard values for bulk ZnO (JCPDS card No. 01-089-0511).
used. We have also measured the PEC property of flower like mi- The higher intensity of ZnO (0 0 2) peak in flower like microstruc-
crostructures. Furthermore, only two precursors are used in this ture strongly suggests its formation along c-axis. But in DPNs no
scheme, which can effectively avoid the contaminations frequently sharp diffraction of ZnO along (002) plane is detected, which may
observed in other complicated chemical reactions. be related to the fact that most DPNs are grown parallel to the sub-
strate and their growth direction is not along (0 0 2) plane as previ-
2. EXPERIMENTAL ously reported [13]. In the XRD of both morphologies, sharp dif-
In order to prepare the flower-like microstructures and DPNs on fraction peaks have indicated good crystallinity of the prepared
Cu2O and glass substrate respectively, equimolar (50mM) and crystals and no diffraction peaks from mineral such as Zn(OH)2 or
equimass ratio (0.5gm) of Zn(NO3)2·6H2O and C6H12N4 were used. impurities were detected.
The seeding layer of 5 mM zinc acetate in ethanol [11] was pre- Typical SEM images shown in Fig. (2a-c) present a large num-
pared on Cu2O substrate. The Cu2O substrate was placed vertically ber of ZnO flower-like microstructures dispersed on Cu2O sub-
in beaker and glass substrate was positioned at the bottom in strate. ZnO flower-like microstructures consist of numerous straight
microrods emerging out radially from one central point having
*Address correspondence to this author at the Research Centre of Materials thickness of 100-200 nm with an average length of 1 μm. The aver-
Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, People’s Republic age size of the flower lies within the range of 2 μm. The magnified
of China; Tel: +86 10 6891 3792; Fax: +86 10 6891 2001; image 2(c) exhibits that microrods with circular cross section, but
E-mail: (Chuanbao Cao)

1875-6786/12 $58.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers

Preparation of ZnO Microstructures by Facile Hydrothermal Route Current Nanoscience, 2012, Vol. 8, No. 3 415

Fig. (2). (a-c) show low, medium and high magnification SEM images of
ZnO flower-like microstructures whereas 2(d-f) exhibit low, medium and
high magnification images of ZnO doubly pointed microneedles.
Fig. (1). (a) Shows the typical XRD of ZnO flower-like microstructures, the
inset Cu2O (b) shows the XRD of ZnO DPNs.
The freshly formed ZnO nuclei in the solution are highly reac-
tive and provoke the growth of larger particles. When the ZnO nu-
their diameter is not uniform along their length. Moreover the tip of clei are formed, a very rapid root growth of microrods occurs. After
flower like microstructures is not sharp like DPNs. Fig. (2d-f) indi- achieving the certain length of the microrods, the growth process
cates small, medium and high magnification images of ZnO DPNs stops due to the complexity in material transfer to the tip of the
grown on glass substrate. The microneedles are isolated from each microrods [16] and finally DPNs are formed.
other and their average length is 5–6 μm. The tips at both ends of
the DPNs are very sharp with an average diameter of 150-250 nm. 3.3. Photoluminescence Properties
The diameter of tips is almost two and half times less than the di- Fig. (3a) and (b) show the room temperature photolumines-
ameter of the rod at the centre. These microrods are very long due cence (PL) spectrum of ZnO flower-like and DPNs microstructures,
to the high concentration of precursors. which indicate a UV emission band at 383 nm and 396 nm respec-
3.2. Growth Mechanism tively. The UV emission (or NBE) may originate from free exci-
tonic emission in the ZnO materials [17], as ZnO has a high exci-
To describe the growth mechanism, the chemical reaction con- ton-binding energy of 60 meV at room temperature. In flower-like
tains cation Zn2+ and anion OH- , these play an important role for microstructures a strong and broad yellow emission band occurs at
the conversion of Zn(OH)2 into ZnO nuclei as described in the fol- 580 nm, which is generally attributed to the recombination of elec-
lowing reactions [14]. trons in the oxygen vacancies (Vo) with the photo-excited holes in
 the valance band [18]. This is strong evidence that the concentration
of oxygen vacancies is sufficient in flower like microstructures.
 Zn 2+ + 2OH   Zn (OH )2 (1)
In the case of doubly pointed microneedles weak blue emission
Zn (OH )2  ZnO + H 2 O (2) at 469 nm is observed, which is also previously reported [2]. This
If the concentration of ZnO nuclei increases, they arrange them- weak peak in the blue band arises due to electron transition from
selves in a flower-like structure, due to low surface energy. The the ionized oxygen vacancy level to the valence band [13].
hexagonal microrods with six definite facets appear to maintain the
3.4. PEC Characterization
minimum surface energy as to keep the symmetry of the crystal
structure (wurtzite ZnO). The radii of newly formed crystal increase Fig. (4) shows PEC response of flower like microstructure. The
linearly with the passage of time after nuclei formation. As the electron–hole pairs are generated by the absorption of photons with
fresh crystals grow, due to increase in boundaries they attach with energies greater than the band gap of ZnO and depleted by the elec-
each other, forming the base of structure. The Zn+ is catalytically tric field of the depletion region. The excited electrons move
active while the O - is inert [15]. So the top surface is energetically through bulk region to the counter electrode where reduction takes
active as compared to the bottom surface. That helps in growing the place. The generated holes move towards semiconductor/electrolyte
flower like structures transverse to the Cu2O substrate. interface where water oxidation occurs. The flower like microstruc-
tures provides high surface area and superior carrier transport along
416 Current Nanoscience, 2012, Vol. 8, No. 3 Hussain et al.

None declared

This work was supported by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (2047100750972017) and the Research Fund for
the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China

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Received: March 23, 2011 Revised: October 28, 2011 Accepted: January 13, 2012

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