Unit Lesson 2 - What Is A Community

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ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template #2

Teacher Intern: Hanna Gibson Date: 10/2/2019 Mentor Teacher: Sue King
Grade Level: 2nd Grade Subject/ Topic: Social Studies: What is a community?
Approx. time spent planning this lesson:
Main Focus/Essential Questions: How do we define the word community? What do all communities have?

Brief Context: Lesson 2 of Unit 1: What is a community?

Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
 What is a family?
 What is a neighborhood?

Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments

The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. Define community 1. Participation in whole group work and completion
of Community worksheet.
2. Give examples of some features that all
communities have (location, human features, 2. Completion of Community worksheet
physical features, businesses, government)

3. Distinguish between physical and human 3. Participation in group sorting activity and
features. completion of Community worksheet.
Standards Addressed:
 2 – G2.0.1 Compare the physical and human characteristics of the local community with those of another
 2 – G5.0.2 Describe positive and negative consequences of changing the physical environment of the local

Instructional Resources and Materials:

 Document Camera
 Pencils
 Chart Paper
 Cards of physical and human features to sort
 Community worksheet (1 per student and 1 for teacher)

Consideration of Learners:
 Engagement: Students connect via participation in whole group activities, turn & talk, individual worksheets,
personal connections
 Location: Seating options during independent work time
 Representation: Community definition given aloud and in written form, physical and human features given
aloud and in picture form
 Expression: Students choose whether or not they share with the big group, students choose to write or draw or
both on their worksheets.

Individual Accommodations:
Alex- movement around the classroom as needed, may choose to sit at seat during carpet time
Travis- may choose to sit at seat during carpet time
Building respectful relationships:
 Sharing with partners and as a class
 Sitting in a circle, all looking at each other on the same level
Organizational routines:
 “Class, class?”
 Preparation of materials ahead of time
 Flexible seating options for independent work time
Specifying & reinforcing productive behavior:
 “Student is doing a great job of….” Specific praise
 Thanking students for volunteering to share.
 Expectations made clear at the beginning of the lesson
 Reminder of expectations to deter unproductive behavior

DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION- [Content Management]

 Call students to the carpet. Word “Community” is written in the center of a piece of chart paper.
 Turn & Talk: “What is a community?”

 Students share their ideas from turn and talk; teacher writes them down in an idea web.
 Class develops a definition together, something like “a place where a group of people lives, works, and plays”.
 Teaching Point: Now that we have defined what a community is, today we are going to explore a few things that
all communities have.
 Teacher introduces and defines physical and human features.
 Teacher leads class through sorting picture cards into physical or human categories.
 Teacher asks students what else they think all communities have. A few volunteers give answers.
o Focus in on and define: location, people, businesses, government
 Teacher explains worksheet and sends students back to their seats to work on it. Teacher leads the first few
o Define community
o Give examples of each of the features all communities have.
 Students work independently to complete their worksheet.

 Students: Talk with your neighbor or group about some of the examples you wrote down.
 Ask volunteers to share their ideas with the class.
 Turn in papers to the yellow tub. Stand by your seat to be dismissed for lunch.


Reflection after teaching the lesson:

Evidence of professionalism:

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