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Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2003, Vol.

15, 390–397

Clock Genes and the Long-Term Regulation of Prolactin

Secretion: Evidence for a Photoperiod/Circannual
Timer in the Pars Tuberalis

G. A. Lincoln, H. Andersson and D. Hazleriggy

MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, Chancellor’s Building, Edinburgh, UK.
yACERO, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.

Key words: clock genes, melatonin, pituitary gland, season.

Prolactin secretion is regulated by photoperiod through changes in the 24-h melatonin profile and displays
circannual rhythmicity under constant photoperiod. These two processes appear to occur principally within
the pituitary gland, controlled by the pars tuberalis. This is evident because: (i) hypothalamic-pituitary
disconnected (HPD) sheep show marked changes in prolactin secretion in response to switches in
photoperiod and manipulations of melatonin, similar to brain-intact controls; (ii) HPD sheep also show
photoperiod-specific, long-term cycles in prolactin secretion under constant long or short days, with the
timing maintained even when prolactin secretion is blocked for 2–3 months; and (iii) pars tuberalis cells, but
not lactotrophs, express high concentrations of melatonin (MT1) receptor, and exhibit a duration-sensitive,
cAMP-dependant, inhibitory response to physiological concentrations of melatonin. This suggests the
existence of an intrinsic, reversible photoperiod-circannual timer in pars tuberalis cells. A full complement of
clock genes (Bmal1, Clock, Per1, Per2, Cry1 and Cry2) are expressed in the ovine pars tuberalis, and undergo
24-h cyclical expression as observed in a cell autonomous, circadian clock. Activation of Per genes occurs in
the early day (melatonin off-set), while activation of Cry genes occurs in the early night (melatonin on-set).
This temporal association is evident under both long and short days, thus the Per–Cry interval varies directly
with photoperiod. Because, PER : CRY, protein : protein interactions affect stability, nuclear entry and gene
transcription based on rodent data, the change in phasing of Per/Cry expression provides a potential
mechanism for decoding the long day/short day melatonin signal. A speculative, but testable, extension of
this hypothesis is that intrinsically regulated changes in the phase of Per/Cry rhythms, regulates both
photorefractoriness and the generation of circannual rhythms in prolactin secretion.

constant environmental conditions, and the annual change in day-

Seasonal prolactin secretion
length (photoperiod) is utilized as the predictive cue to time the cycle
Prolactin secretion is increased in summer and decreased in winter to the natural environment (5). In short-lived species, such as small
in a wide range of mammals adapted to temperate and cold cli- rodents, photoperiod and temperature more acutely modulate pro-
mates. This includes domesticated and wild ungulates, mustelids, lactin secretion. Across all mammalian groups, long photoperiods
canids, rodents, primates and marsupials where the high prolactin stimulate, and short photoperiods inhibit prolactin secretion, sug-
secretion in summer is implicated in the seasonal regulation of gesting that the physiological control mechanisms that govern sea-
growth, food intake, gonadal activity, paternal behaviour, lactation sonal prolactin secretion have been conserved during evolution (6).
and/or the timing of embryonic diapause (1, 2). One of the best
characterized roles of seasonal prolactin is in the control of the
The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)–melatonin–pars
pelage growth/moult cycle where prolactin acts through prolactin
tuberalis relay
receptors expressed in dermal papilla of hair follicles to reactivate
fibre growth in spring and to determine the phenotype of the hair Prolactin secretion is regulated by photoperiod through changes in
produced in summer compared to winter (3, 4). In long-lived the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion by the pineal gland.
species, such as sheep and deer, the long-term prolactin cycle is In this sensory/neuroendocrine relay, light acts through specia-
generated endogenously and displays circannual rhythmicity under lized, nonvisual photoreceptors in the retina to dictate melatonin

Correspondence to: Dr Gerald A. Lincoln, MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, Chancellor’s Building, 49 Little France
Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, UK (e-mail:

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Photoperiod and circannual timer 391
release through two distinct mechanisms (7, 8). First, periodic control that still exists in these animals under alternating photo-
exposure to light every 24-h entrains the circadian rhythms gene- period (Fig. 1A), or a prolonged constant photoperiod (Fig. 1B). In
rated by the central pacemaker neurones located in the SCN of the this study, 12 rams received the standardized HPD operation under
anterior hypothalamus. The SCN governs the timing of diurnal short days when blood prolactin concentrations were low. The
rhythms in locomotor activity, feeding behaviour, body tempera- surgery induced a short period of increased prolactin secretion, but
ture and pituitary hormone secretion, as well as the nightly release the suppressive effect of the short-day photoperiod persisted
of melatonin. Second, light acutely inhibits melatonin production (Fig. 1A) (weeks 0–16). The HPD rams were then exposed to
by the pineal gland via the retinal-hypothalamic-sympathetic alternating 16-weekly periods of long days (16 : 8 h light/dark) and
innervation and the control of the rate-limiting enzyme N-acet- short days (8 : 16 h light/dark) for three cycles, which effectively
yletransferase. These control mechanisms dictate that melatonin is entrained the seasonal prolactin cycle to the artificial 32-week
secreted only at night, and the duration of release varies quantita- periodicity, as seen previously (14, 16), but with one notable
tively with nightlength, therefore daylength. The 24-h melatonin exception (Fig. 1A, S1). This HPD ram failed to adjust to the
rhythm thus provides an endocrine index of time of year. changes in photoperiod and continued to express a long-term
Decoding the melatonin signal occurs in the brain and pituitary prolactin cycle with a periodicity close to 48 weeks. This is the
gland through cells that express melatonin receptors, and different first observed case of an HPD ram expressing a circannual rhythm
target tissues are thought to control the different seasonal rhythms in prolactin release. The ram was overtly similar to the others in
(6, 9). The pars tuberalis of the stalk of the pituitary gland is spe- the group, and showed all the clinical signs of complete pituitary
cifically implicated in photoperiodic regulation of prolactin secre- disconnection including polyurea, increasing obesity and perma-
tion (10) and the premammillary region of the hypothalamus in the nent regression of the testes.
control of gonadotrophin secretion and gonadal activity (11). The At 8–10 weeks into long and short days, blood samples were
pars tuberalis expresses melatonin (MT1) receptors at high density collected from the HPD sheep to characterize the diurnal pat-
compared with sites in the brain, and the tissue is strategically terns of melatonin secretion (Fig. 2A). As predicted, the blood
placed at the interface between median eminence and pars distalis, melatonin concentrations were increased during the dark phase
to regulate neuroendocrine functions. Pars tuberalis cells secrete under both photoperiods, with the duration of the nocturnal
prolactin-releasing factors (tuberalins), and the currently accepted melatonin peak markedly extended under short days. However,
view is that melatonin dictates the secretory function of the pars the ram that failed to entrain its prolactin cycle (S1), showed a
tuberalis, and the paracrine products relay the effects to the delayed onset of melatonin secretion under short days, and the
lactotroph to produce the photoperiodic response (12, 13). duration of the melatonin peak was unaffected by photo-
The strongest evidence for a pivotal role of the pars tuberalis is period. For all rams, there was an inverse relationship between
provided by studies in hypothalamic-pituitary disconnected Soay melatonin duration and the 24-h mean blood prolactin concen-
rams (14–16). In this model, hypothalamic-pituitary disconnected tration, with the outlier ram exhibiting a long-day response
(HPD) surgery destroys the arcuate nucleus and median eminence irrespective of photoperiod (Fig. 2B). These data confirm that
of the hypothalamus (17), but leaves a viable isolated pituitary HPD sheep can generate a normal photoperiod-controlled 24-h
gland with pars tuberalis tissue still expressing melatonin receptors blood melatonin profile, and that it is a change in melatonin
(18). HPD rams show little or no prolactin-response to treatment duration that potentially determines the level of prolactin secre-
with dopamine receptor and noradrenaline receptor antagonists, tion.
confirming the loss of the hypothalamic inhibitory pathways that The HPD sheep used in this illustration were also exposed to a
normally provide the homeostatic control of prolactin in the intact change from short days to prolonged constant long days for
animal (19). Despite the hypothalamic lesion, HPD rams continue 48 weeks (Fig. 1B). This induced a synchronized sequence of
to express normal long-term patterns of prolactin secretion in activation, decline and reactivation in prolactin secretion in all
response to changes in photoperiod and the chronic administration animals, with the exception of the unresponsive ram that still
of melatonin (14). The timing and amplitude of the photoperidic expressed an unentrained circannual rhythm. For the majority, the
responses, are very similar to those expressed by sham-operated occurrence of an intrinsic prolactin cycle with consistent timing is
controls, implying that the melatonin signal acts largely, or exclu- similar to that described previously in HPD rams (23). The mela-
sively, at the level of the pituitary gland to control the seasonal tonin rhythm continues to reflect the photoperiod under prolonged
prolatin cycle. Moreover, observed photoperiod-related changes long days, thus the relationship between melatonin duration and
in content and turnover of dopamine in the ovine hypothalamus/ the level of prolactin secretion must change spontaneously, as the
median eminence in intact animals (20, 21) may be the consequ- animals become photorefractory, and produce long-term cycles in
ence rather than the cause of the changes in prolactin secretion due prolactin secretion. The notable animal, in which the melatonin
to the homeostatic, positive-feedback response to prolactin (19, profile did not change with photoperiod, was essentially respond-
22). With only pars tuberalis cells in the ovine pituitary expressing ing as if on constant long days, and this permitted the expression of
melatonin receptors, the inference is that all long-term timed the circannual pattern.
changes in prolactin release observed in the HPD sheep, reflect To investigate whether that the intrinsic cyclical changes in
the function of the melatonin-target cells in the pars tuberalis. prolactin secretion might be controlled at the level of the mela-
tonin target cell in the pars tuberalis, or at the level of the lacto-
troph itself, photorefractory HPD sheep were treated chronically
Photorefractoriness and circannual rhythm generation
with the dopamine agonist, bromocriptine (24). This treatment
in HPD sheep
blocked the release of prolactin, but once terminated, the timing of
Figure 1 presents the long-term changes in prolactin secretion the long-term prolactin cycle was parallel to that of control HPD
recorded in a group of HPD Soay rams to illustrate the complex animals living under constant long days. Thus, it seems more

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392 Photoperiod and circannual timer

FIG. 1. Individual long-term prolactin profiles in three selected hypothalamic-pituitary disconnected (HPD) Soay rams exposed to: (A) alternating 16-weekly
periods of short days (SD, 8 : 16 h light/dark) and long days (LD, 16 : 8 h light/dark), and (B) a switch from short days (SD) to prolonged constant long days (LD)
for 48 weeks, and then back to short days (SD). The HPD operations were performed at 4 weeks into short days (arrow). This experiment included 12 HPD rams,
S2 (top) is representative of 9/12 animals (rapidly entrained), S4 (middle) is representative of 2/12 animals (more slowly entrained) and S1 (bottom) was the only
animal that remained unentrained and continued to express a circannual rhythm in blood prolactin concentrations.

likely that the pars tuberalis cell, rather than the lactotroph, is the decoded to produce a biological response (25). To date, the best
generator of the long rhythmicity. characterized cellular response to melatonin in pars tuberalis cells
Overall, the HPD sheep model provides compelling evidence is the suppression of intracellular cAMP production due to inhibi-
that the photoperiodic control of long-term cycles in prolactin tion of adenylyl cyclase, and the associated block of a range of
secretion does not depend on the direct hypothalamic control of cAMP-dependant processes including activation of protein kinase
the lactotroph through the classical dopaminergic pathway, but is A, phosphorylation of the cAMP-response element binding pro-
mediated through the melatonin signalling via the pars tuberalis. tein and the induction of the transcription factor, c-fos (26, 27).
The ability of HPD animals to express an acute (inductive) The suppressive response occurs at picomolar concentrations,
response over weeks following a switch in photoperiod, to express which is considered to be physiological, and appears to be medi-
a chronic (refractory) response over months under constant photo- ated primarily through the melatonin 1a (MT1) receptor, coupled
period, and even to express a circannual cycle in prolactin secre- to the Gi class of G-proteins (10, 28). These intracellular responses
tion with a period >40 months, suggests that the pars tuberalis occur within minutes; however, prolonged exposure to melatonin
functions as a photoperiod and circannual timer. over hours causes a duration-dependant change in the sensitivity
of the signalling mechanisms. This is seen as a marked increase in
the accumulation of cAMP in ovine pars tuberalis cells stimulated
Decoding the melatonin signal in the pars tuberalis
with forskolin, and a partial loss of the inhibitory response to a
Since pars tuberalis cells can be studied in vivo, and are readily second exposure to melatonin (29). Because this time-dependent
manipulated in vitro, they provide a model system to investigate sensitivity could result in long-term up-regulation, or down-reg-
the molecular mechanisms whereby the melatonin signal is ulation of gene transription in the target cell according to the

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Photoperiod and circannual timer 393

FIG. 2. (A) 24-h melatonin profiles in hypothalamic-pituitary disconnected (HPD) Soay rams sampled every 15 min for 24 h under short days (8 : 16 h light/dark;
week 72, Fig. 1) and long days (16 : 8 h light/dark; week 88, Fig. 1) The values are mean  SEM for group (*, n ¼ 11), and individual values for the unentrained
outlier animal (*, S1, Fig. 1). Zeitgeber time (ZT) 0 was time of ‘lights on’ and the closed bar depicts the period of darkness. (B) Prolactin response summarizing
the inverse correlation between the duration of the nocturnal melatonin peak and the 24-h mean blood plasma concentrations of prolactin in the HPD rams
sampled under short days (SD) and long days (LD). The correlation coefficient was calculated based on the individual values for the main group (*, n ¼ 11). The
values for the outlier animal (&, S1) are also shown.

melatonin duration in vivo, the cAMP sensitization/desensitization of expression of a range of acutely inducible genes, that in turn
response is thought to be part of the decoding mechanism (25). regulate the expression of a cascade of other genes, to control the
More specific information is provided by in situ hybridization secretory function of the pars tuberalis cell (31). A short daily
studies in the sheep, Syrian and Siberian hamsters where the 24-h melatonin signal (long days), up-regulates transcription to pro-
rhythmic expression of the acutely inducible genes, Period 1 duce an active summer pars tuberalis cell and a summer pheno-
(Per1) and inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) was measured type, while a long melatonin signal (short days) produces the
in the pars tuberalis (30, 31). For animals maintained on a 24-h inactive winter phenotype.
light/dark cycle, peak expression for both Per1 and ICER occurred
early in the light phase [zeitgeber time (ZT) 3–7; ZT 0 ¼ lights
Clock gene expression in the ovine pars tuberalis
on]. Moreover, the level of maximal expression was affected by
photoperiod, with a higher amplitude peak under long days The mammalian clock genes that generate circadian rhythms in
compared to short days (32). Other studies involving timed the SCN are now well characterized (35–37). Because these genes
injection of melatonin and pinealectomy have shown that the are essential for time keeping in the central pacemaker, it might
cycle in Per1 and ICER mRNA expression in the pars tuberalis is be predicted that they also provide the clockwork in the pars
intimately regulated by the melatonin profile, and support the view tuberalis, forming part of the mechanism for decoding the photo-
that the daytime peak in gene expression results from disinhibition period-regulated melatonion signal. Most recently, the 24-h pat-
by melatonin, acting through cAMP signalling (32, 33). Besides tern of expression of the major canonical clock genes has been
the inhibitory effect of the nocturnal signal, melatonin has been measured in the pars tuberalis in sheep entrained to short and long
shown to sensitize the pars tuberalis cell to the stimulatory effect days (38). The results for Per1 and Cry1 are briefly summarized in
of adenosine, which induces cAMP-associated responses during Fig. 3.
the light phase (34). Taken together, the results support a hypoth- All the selected clock genes (Clock, Bmal1, Per1, Per2, Cry 1
esis that melatonin duration is decoded into a change in amplitude and Cry2) were rhythmically expressed in the ovine pars tuberalis.

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394 Photoperiod and circannual timer

FIG. 3. Double-plotted, 24-h profiles of Per1 (*) and Cry1 (*) mRNA expression in the pars tuberalis (PT) and blood plasma melatonin concentrations in Soay
rams sampled every 4 h for 24 h (n ¼ 4/time point; mean  SEM) under (A) short days (8 : 16 h light/dark) and (B) long days (16 : 8 h light/dark). Zeitgeber time
(ZT) 0 was time of ‘lights on’ and the closed bar depicts the period of darkness. The interval (c) between the peak in Per and Cry expression is shown (horizontal
line) for the two photoperiods. (C) Representative autoradiograms of Per1 and Cry1 expression in the PT at ZT 3 and ZT 15 under short days to illustrate the
contrast in time of expression for these two clock genes. Per1 is maximally expressed in the PT at ZT 3, and also rhythmically expressed in periventricular
(PeVN) hypothalamus adjacent to the third cerebral ventricle (3V) (38); Cry 1 is maximally expressed in the PT at ZT 15 with no specific expression in the PeVN.

The notable feature was that, unlike the situation in the SCN, half of the light phase (ZT 3–7; ZT 0 ¼ lights on), and the peak
photoperiod differentially affected the timing of expression of the in expression of Cry 1 and Cry2 occurred in the early dark phase
Period and Cryptochrome genes in the pars tuberalis. Specifically, (ZT 11–15 under short days and ZT 19 under long days). This
the 24-h peak in expression of Per1 and Per2 occurred in the first produced a change in the relative phasing of expression for the two

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Photoperiod and circannual timer 395
sets of genes, with the interval between the Per and Cry maxima
(termed psi, c) consistently shorter under short days compared to
long days (Fig. 3A,B). These patterns of gene expression were very
closely related to the diurnal rhythm in blood concentrations of
melatonin, with the activation of Per1 closely linked to the off-set
of melatonin secretion. The earlier and more gradual decline in
melatonin under short days was associated with an earlier and
lower amplitude increase in Per1 expression, compared with the
more precipitous changes under long days. This is consistent with
a disinhibition mechanism by which melatonin controls Per1
expression in the ovine PT (30). In contrast, the activation of
Cry1 and Cry 2 was closely linked to the on-set of melatonin
secretion, suggesting a positive effect of melatonin on the expres-
sion of the cryptochrome genes.
These data therefore support an alternative, internal coinci-
dence model for the molecular decoding of the melatonin signal.
The photoperiod-induced change in melatonin duration is trans-
lated into a corresponding change in phasing of the 24-h rhythm in
expression of the Period and Cryptochrome genes. Changes in
phasing may be critically important, because the stability of newly
synthesized PER and CRY protein in the cytoplasm is likely to
depend on the formation of heterodymic PER/CRY protein : pro-
tein complexes based on the situation in the rodent SCN (39, 40).
This determines the entry of the clock proteins into the cell
nucleus, where they acts to modulate transcription of target genes.
In the pars tuberalis, the presumption is that the altered coin-
cidence between Per and Cry expression, affects the maximum
concentration of the PER/CRY heterodimers and the duration
when they are present during the 24-h, which affects transcription
of the genes that control the timing function of the pars tuberalis. FIG. 4. Model for the decoding of the melatonin signal in a melatonin target
This is likely if there is a fixed time relationship between mRNA cell (pars tuberalis). This proposes that the decoding mechanism depends on
the differential regulation of the circadian rhythm in expression of two sets of
expression for a specific clock gene as revealed by in situ clock genes by the melatonin signal. The ‘dawn’ component of the signal
hybridization, and the translation into protein. Future studies in (melatonin decrease) controls the 24-h Per1/Per2 rhythm, phasing the peak of
sheep will need to measure the 24-h rhythm in clock proteins in the expression to the early day (A), while the ‘dusk’ component (melatonin
pars tuberalis by immunocytochemistry, and investigate the pre- increase) controls, via a second transcriptional relay, the timing of the 24-h
Cry1/Cry2 rhythm, phasing the peak of expression to the early night (B). The
dicted formation of heterodimers and the change from cytoplas- Per–Cry interval (c) thus varies directly with the length of the photoperiod,
mic to nuclear localization. and determines the period when the protein products of these genes (CRYs
and PERs) are coincident in the cytoplasm. The level of coincidence in turn
determines the formation of PER/CRY protein complexes that potentially
Generalized model for decoding the melatonin signal control, the transcription of other clock genes as part of the cellular
clockwork (C), and the transcription of downstream genes (D) that dictate the
Our preferred model for a melatonin decoding mechanism is secretory activity of the melatonin target cell. For the pars tuberalis cell, the
presented in Fig. 4. This proposes that: (i) The decoding mechan- global transcriptional control is up-regulated under long days, producing
ism depends on the differential regulation of the circadian rhythm increased synthesis of a prolactin-releasing factor that drives the lactotrophs
(summer phenotype), and down-regulated under short days (winter
in expression of two sets of clock genes by the melatonin signal. phenotype).
(ii) The ‘dawn’ component of the signal (melatonin decrease)
controls the 24-h Per1/Per2 rhythm, phasing the peak of expres-
sion to the early day (Fig. 4A), while the ‘dusk’ component
(melatonin increase) controls, via a different transcriptional relay, cell, we propose that the global transcriptional control is up-
the timing of the 24-h Cry1/Cry2 rhythm, phasing the peak of regulated under long days, producing increased synthesis of a
expression to the early night (Fig. 4B). This is consistent with the prolactin-releasing factor that drives the lactotrophs, and down-
observed daily patterns of expression of these four genes in the regulated under short days.
ovine pars tuberalis under long and short days (38). (iii) The Per– A more speculative, but equally testable, extension of this
Cry interval (c) thus varies directly with the length of the internal coincidence concept is the possibility that photorefrac-
photoperiod, and determines the period when the protein products toriness is the result of uncoupling of the melatonin-control of the
of these genes (CRYs and PERs) are coincident in the cytoplasm. clock genes such that the Per–Cry interval (c) no longer reflects
(iv) The level of coincidence in turn determines the formation of the ambient photoperiod. This is unlikely to involve the timing of
PER/CRY protein complexes that potentially control the tran- Per1 because the expression of this clock gene has been shown to
scription of other clock genes as part of the cellular clockwork (C), stay locked to the onset of the light phase in both photosensitive
and the transcription of downstream genes (D) that dictate the and refractory animals (A.S. Loudon, personal communication).
secretory activity of the melatonin-target cell. For the prolactin We predict that the melatonin control of Cry expression may form

# 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 15, 390–397

396 Photoperiod and circannual timer
the basis of photorefractoriness. There is also the possibility that 15 Lincoln GA, Clarke IJ. Evidence that melatonin acts in the pituitary gland
through a dopamine-independent mechanism to mediate effects of day-
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Acknowledgements 19 Lincoln GA, Clarke IJ. Noradrenaline and dopamine regulation of
We are grateful to Dr Sophie Messager for supplying the molecular probes for the prolactin secretion in sheep: role in prolactin homeostasis but not
ovine clock genes, to Professor Iain Clarke for carrying out the HPD surgery, to photoperiodism. J Neuroendocrinol 2001; 14: 36–44.
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21 Le Corre S, Chemineau P. Control of photoperiodic inhibition of luteiniz-
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