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International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317

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Fatigue crack growth prediction in concrete slabs

Cristian Gaedicke a, Jeffery Roesler a,*, Surendra Shah b
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Newmark Laboratory, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-2352, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, A134 Technological Institute, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3109, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new method to predict crack growth and fatigue life of concrete slabs is presented based on similar
Received 15 November 2008 models for 2-D specimens. Four large-scale concrete slabs on ground subjected to three different stress
Received in revised form 3 February 2009 ranges have been tested to fatigue failure. Geometric correction factors to calculate the effective crack
Accepted 24 February 2009
length and stress intensity factor from the experimental fatigue compliance are derived based on 3-D
Available online 5 March 2009
finite element modeling. Crack length versus the number of cycles curves are constructed and fitted to
a modified logistic function, which enables for the calculation of the crack propagation rates and critical
crack lengths from the first and second derivative of the logistic function. Fatigue crack growth is sepa-
Concrete fatigue
Crack growth
rated into a decelerating and accelerating crack growth functions based on the initial crack length and the
Fracture mechanics applied stress intensity factor, respectively. The proposed method is able to predict the fatigue life of the
Slabs on ground tested slabs and the fatigue resistance of several independent slabs cast with the same geometry and
Concrete pavement material. The analysis of the tested slabs shows that load pulses with higher minimum loads generated
more fatigue damage as indicated by greater crack growth rates. The principles of this slab fatigue crack
growth procedure can now be extended to estimate the remaining life in uncracked or partially-cracked
concrete slabs on ground.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction ently assume that the fatigue and fracture of the concrete material
is independent of the specimen size and boundary conditions.
The increasing traffic demands on concrete pavements and the Full-scale fatigue tests on concrete slabs [15–17] have con-
variation in available concrete material constituents pose unique firmed that concrete slab fatigue cannot be accurately predicted
challenges in the structural design of concrete pavements and pre- from beam fatigue curves. Slab fatigue curves always demonstrate
diction of the slab’s performance throughout its service life. Rigid a greater resistance to cracking than that predicted by beam fati-
pavements structurally deteriorate, in the form of fatigue cracks, gue curves due to the change in specimen geometry and boundary
over their service life, which can worsen with the introduction of conditions [18]. The error in beam to slab fatigue prediction is also
higher applied loads or changes in the boundary conditions, such dependent on the specific concrete materials utilized and, in par-
as loss of support or slab curling. Fatigue damage development is ticular linked to the concrete’s fracture properties. An additional
especially critical in airfield pavements, with the introduction of limitation in fatigue calculations is that Miner’s Hypothesis as-
heavier aircraft and new generation gear configurations. sumes that the fatigue damage caused in previous cycles does
The traditional empirical method to predict the fatigue life of not affect the stress state in the slab for future fatigue cycles. In
concrete pavements requires calculating the critical tensile stress the reality, cracks initiate in the slab under repeated loading and
in the slab and application of a fatigue equation. Fatigue equations, propagate progressively until failure occurs. In summary, current
also referred to as S–N curves [1–12], relate the applied stress ratio empirical methods for fatigue damage analysis do not account
(tensile bending stress divided by concrete flexural strength) to the for the specimen geometry or boundary condition effects, the pro-
allowable repetitions until material failure. Miner’s Hypothesis has gressive crack growth, and the material’s fracture resistance.
been used for decades to linearly sum the fatigue damage of indi- In the present paper, a fracture-based method to predict the fa-
vidual events that occur at different stress levels such that the tigue crack growth of small-scale specimens is extended to predict
damage at failure is less than or equal to 1.0. Beam fatigue the crack propagation in concrete slabs supported by a soil founda-
equations used to predict fatigue life of a slab [2,3,13,14] inher- tion. This new slab fatigue model is then applied to four concrete
slabs tested in cyclic loading at the same load level but different
minimum loads. This methodology allows for the future prediction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 217 265 0218; fax: +1 217 333 1924. of the remaining fatigue life of new and partially-cracked concrete
E-mail address: (J. Roesler). slabs for a variety of pavement applications.

0142-1123/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1310 C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317


a crack length Pimax ; P imin maximum and minimum vertical actuator load
a0 initial notch length, a0 = 0 for unnotched specimens Ci compliance for cycle i
ac critical crack length C nor
i normalized compliance for cycle i
c1, n1 calibration parameters for fatigue deceleration stage Nc critical number of cycles
c2, n2 calibration parameters for fatigue acceleration stage Ndecc number of cycles on deceleration stage
DKI cycle variation of mode I stress intensity factor Nacc number of cycles on acceleration stage
dimax ; dimin maximum and minimum vertical actuator displacement Nfailure number of cycles to slab failure

2. Background on fracture-based fatigue specimens based on experimental cyclic compliance (Fig. 1a),
which is defined as the ratio between displacement and applied
Application of fracture mechanics offers a promising approach load per fatigue cycle. As is expected, the effective crack length in-
to overcome several limitations associated with S–N curves and creases during the fatigue life of a specimen as is schematically
Miner’s Hypothesis. Initial attempts to use linear elastic fracture shown in Fig. 1b. The instantaneous crack propagation rate (Da/
mechanics [19–22] and Paris Law [23,24] had limited success DN) can be calculated as:
due to their dependence on a significant level of calibration of Da ðai  aj Þ
the Paris Law with experimental data. Significant calibration was ¼ ð1Þ
DN ði  jÞ
required since use of LEFM ignored the large fracture process zone
present in the concrete during the progressive failure and the where ai and aj are the crack length for cycles i and j, respectively.
dependence of failure on the specimen size. Most researchers agree Fig. 1c shows that the crack propagation rate decreases until the
that concrete shows a quasi-brittle failure response [25–29], and crack length reaches a minimum (ac) and then increases up to the
fracture is not dependent on only one parameter (i.e. the critical specimen failure. The crack propagation can be divided into the
stress intensity factor). two stages: deceleration stage and acceleration stage. Subramaniam
The efforts to model the quasi-brittle nature of concrete in fati- et al. [41] concluded that the deceleration stage could be described
gue have been focused on developing equations that consider the by the following equation:
fracture process zone or into combining nonlinear fracture Da
mechanics and Paris Law. Sain and Kishen [30,31] modified ¼ C 1 ða  a0 Þn1 for a < ac ð2Þ
Slowick et al. [32] LEFM-based fatigue equation to account for con-
cretes tensile softening behavior on the fracture process zone. where a is the crack length, a0 is the initial notch, C1 and n1 are cal-
Zhang et al. [33] proposed a semi-analytical model based on a cyc- ibration constants for a given structural geometry, boundary condi-
lic crack bridging law [34] to predict the fatigue cracking behavior tions, and material. The critical crack length (ac), which is defined by
of plain and fiber reinforced (FRC) beams. Bazant and Xu [35] em- the inflection point on the crack length versus number of fatigue cy-
ployed nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics (NLFM), i.e., the size cles curve (Fig. 1b), was also found to be equal to about the crack
effect model [26], along with the Paris Law to take into account length at the peak monotonic load level [41]. The crack growth
the specimen size effect on the fatigue of concrete. Other research- characteristics in the acceleration stage are governed by the change
ers [36,37] have combined Paris–Erdogan Law and fractals to pre- in stress intensity factor (DKI) during each load cycle, which is
dict the fatigue life of plain and fibrous concrete beams. All of these quantitatively defined by Paris Law [23,24]:
advanced approaches for concrete fatigue prediction employ mul- Da
tiple material parameters to better capture the effects of loading ¼ C 2 ð DK I Þ n 2 for a  ac ð3Þ
and material variation on the specimen’s fatigue life.
Among the advanced methods which extend Paris Law into where DKI is the stress intensity factor range for each fatigue cycle;
NLFM, is Subramaniam et al. [38–41] 2-D fracture-based fatigue C2 and n2 are calibration constants related to the structural geome-
method. This effective crack method, based on the two-parameter try, boundary conditions, and material type. The main advantage of
fracture model [42], calculates the crack propagation in concrete this method over the LEFM and empirical fatigue approach is that it

Ci a
afailure =C 1( a − a0 ) n1
ac propagation
rate Δa
=C 2( ΔKI ) n 2
Acceleration ΔN
a0 Acceleration

N N a0 a\c afailure a
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Schematic of (a) compliance (Ci) measured from fatigue tests; (b) fatigue crack length (a) versus number of cycles (N); (c) crack growth rate versus crack length.
C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317 1311

uses an effective crack approach based on the measured compliance

to determine the crack growth in the slab versus number of applied
fatigue cycles. The derived model can then be used to predict the
number of cycles (N) needed to reach any given crack length (a),
by simply integrating Eqs. (2) and (3):
Z ac Z a
1 1
N¼ da þ da ð4Þ
a0 C 1 ða  a0 Þn1 ac C 2 ðDK I Þn2

In this paper, this 2-D fracture-based method proposed by Subr-

amaniam et al. [38–41] is extended to predict the fatigue life of
concrete slabs.

3. Slab fatigue life prediction method

The method herein proposed to predict fatigue life of concrete

slabs uses similar concepts to the method by Subramaniam et al.
[38–41] with specific additions needed for slabs on ground. The
proposed method links the measured slab compliance from the
slab fatigue tests to the required fatigue parameters (C1, n1, C2,
n2, ac) shown in Eq. (4). First of all, crack length and stress intensity
factor for a given fatigue cycle are calculated from the experimen- Fig. 3. Fatigue test setup for slabs on ground.
tal slab compliance. The theoretical relationships are derived from
3-D finite element models specifically developed for this slab
geometry, loading configuration, and boundary condition. The next peaks is different for each load pulse (rmin/rmax = 0.1, 0.4, and 0.7).
step is to determine the crack propagation rate (Da/DN) for each The slab specimens are identified based on the applied stress range
cycle and obtain the critical crack length. Finally, the deceleration as T-01, T-04, T-07, respectively. For model verification, an addi-
parameters (C1, n1) are calculated from Eq. (2) using the crack tional slab identified as T-07R was also tested with a stress ratio
propagation rate and crack length data, for a < ac. Likewise, the equal to rmin/rmax = 0.7.
acceleration parameters (C2, n2) are computed from Eq. (3) using Each concrete slab is 2000 mm  2000 mm  150 mm thick.
the crack propagation rate and crack length data, for a P ac. The slab is placed on the top of a 200 mm soil layer contained in
a test frame, as is shown in Fig. 3. The load is applied through a
445 kN hydraulic actuator at the mid-slab edge. The actuator oper-
4. Experimental program and results ated under a precision servo-valve control in a closed-loop servo
hydraulic system powered by a 30 gpm hydraulic power supply
4.1. Experimental program and test setup and regulated by a service manifold. The slab vertical displace-
ments are measured through strategically-placed LVDT’s. The soil
An experimental program has been developed to verify the pro- layer is a low-plasticity clay with a 5% California Bearing Ratio
posed fracture-based fatigue method on large-scale slabs subjected (CBR) at 17% moisture content, and a correlated modulus of sub-
to several loading conditions. Three different load pulses, which grade reaction equal to 17.7 MPa/m.
simulate the applied load of a triple dual tandem aircraft gear have The concrete mixture design selected is based on mixtures com-
been used, as is shown in Fig. 2. The pulse duration is one second monly used at regional airports in Illinois. The coarse aggregate is a
long with three distinct 90 kN peak loads. The maximum stress ra- crushed limestone with a 19 mm nominal maximum size, whereas
tio is the same for all slabs, but the minimum applied load between the fine aggregate is natural sand. The mixture proportions are
1085 kg/m3 of coarse aggregate and 707 kg/m3 of fine aggregate.
The mixture has a water to cementitious ratio equal to 0.40 using
120 290 kg/m3 of Type I cement, 77 kg/m3 of Type C fly ash and 145 kg/
T-01 m3 of water. A water reducing admixture is used to obtain a target
T-04 slump equal to 100 mm. The average flexural strength at the slab
100 T-07, T-07R testing age (120 days) is 5.4 MPa. The modulus of elasticity and
Pmax Poisson’s ratio are equal to 24 GPa and 0.15, respectively.
4.2. Experimental fatigue test results
Load (kN)

P min
60 The applied load and displacement history for each fatigue cycle
is collected during the fatigue tests, as is schematically depicted in
Fig. 4. The individual slab’s compliance is calculated for every fati-
gue cycle, in order to determine the effective crack length and
crack length change per loading cycle. As is shown in Fig. 4 and
20 Eq. (5) below, the compliance is calculated for each loading cycle
P unloaded (C1, . . ., Ci, . . ., Cfailure) as the ratio between the difference of the max-
imum (dimax) and minimum (dimin ) vertical displacement and the
0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 difference between the maximum (P imax ) and minimum (Pimin ) ap-
Time (ms) plied load:
Fig. 2. Shape of the load pulse for T-01: R-value = 0.1, T-04: R-value = 0.4, and T-07/ C i ¼ ðdimax  dimin Þ=ðPimax  Pimin Þ ð5Þ
T-07R: R-value = 0.7.
1312 C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317

P 5. Implementation of fracture-based fatigue method for

concrete slabs
The proposed method has required development of equations,
Cycle i by 3-D finite element analysis, to relate normalized compliance
to the effective crack length and applied stress intensity factor
for the given slab geometry, loading configuration, and boundary
conditions. The method also implements a logistic function to
translate the crack length into a continuous function in order to
simplify the fatigue crack growth analysis.

δ max
− δ min
5.1. Crack length and stress intensity factor analysis
i Ci =
P min i
Pmax − Pmin

5.1.1. Fatigue crack length

A set of finite element models have been developed in ABAQUSÒ
δimin δimax δ to derive the relationship between the slab’s compliance and the
respective crack length, and also to predict the resultant stress
Fig. 4. Schematic of a fatigue cycle with its maximum and minimum load and intensity factor. Such relationships (crack length against compli-
displacement for compliance calculation. ance and crack length against stress intensity factor) have been
determined by varying the initial crack length in the slab between
0 and 1980 mm, to represent different crack propagation stages.
Due to inherent variations in the slab support and thickness be- The models assume that crack propagation in the slab is idealized
tween different tests, the calculated compliances are normalized by a full-depth crack starting from the loaded edge of the slab and
using the initial compliance (C1): uniformly propagating across the slab. The assumption that the
C nor ¼ C i =C 1 ð6Þ through-crack grows along the symmetry line of the concrete slab
is generally consistent with the actual crack path observed in the
The normalized compliance against the number of loading cy- experiments. The proposed models use symmetry along the direc-
cles is then used to theoretically evaluate the crack length at any tion of crack propagation to reduce the overall size of the models,
loading cycle. as is shown in Fig. 6a. The example shown in this figure represents
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the normalized compli- the model for the concrete slab with a fatigue crack that has prop-
ance and the total number of loading cycles up to failure for each agated 600 mm. The tested concrete modulus of elasticity and
tested slab. The fatigue life for slabs T-01, T-04, T-07 and T-07R Poisson’s ratio, and the soil modulus of subgrade reaction have
is equal to 61.84  103, 26.24  103, 4.384  103, and 5.44  103 been used as material properties in the model.
cycles, respectively. As was expected, specimens that show higher The finite element mesh employs three-dimensional 20-node
compliance growth rates (T-07 and T-07R) have a shorter fatigue quadratic reduced integration brick elements (C3D20R) with an
life. For each slab, the plots also show a first stage with a decreas- average element size of 25  25  6 mm. A 200 mm semi-circular
ing compliance rate followed by a second stage with an increasing radial mesh is built around the crack tip to improve the stress
compliance rate and then sudden failure. This compliance behavior intensity factor computation, with 40 and 34 elements in the angu-
is similar to the results determined by Subramaniam et al. [41] for lar and radial direction, respectively, as is shown in Fig. 6b. A
concrete beam specimens. Slabs T-07 and T-07R, subjected to the refinement factor (called Bias Ratio in ABAQUS) equal to 2.0 is used
same load pulse with a stress range equal to 0.7, have demon- in the radial direction.
strated a shorter fatigue life compared to slab T-01 with a stress The compliance in the FEM slab models is computed as the ratio
range equal to 0.1, which was unexpected based on previous beam between the vertical displacement (d) and the total load. The ver-
fatigue results published by Tepfers [3–5]. tical displacement on the models is calculated at the center of the
200  200 mm plate in the experiments, to ensure consistency be-
tween measured and calculated responses. The compliance is cal-
1.3 culated for each crack length and then normalized with respect
to the unnotched slab’s compliance, i.e., for a = 0. The normalized
T-01 compliance at a crack length equal to zero is then equal to 1.0.
Fig. 7a plots the theoretically-derived relationship between
crack length and the normalized compliance. A predictive equation
Normalized Compliance

T-07 that relates the normalized compliance to the crack length can
then be developed so that the effective crack length of the experi-
mental slabs can be calculated. The least squared approximation
1.15 between crack length and normalized compliance for this slab con-
figuration is the following:

1.1  4  3  2
a ¼ 52; 262 C nor  282; 952 C nor þ 561; 486 C nor
T-04  nor 
 480; 420 C þ 14; 9661 ð7Þ

where a is the crack length in millimeters and Cnor is the normalized

1 compliance. In the theoretical model, the Cnor is approximately 1.5
0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000
Number of Cycles
for a fully propagated crack (i.e., a = 2000 mm) and therefore for
measured Cnor > 1.5 the crack length is automatically set to
Fig. 5. Normalized compliance versus number of fatigue cycles for slabs. 2000 mm. The effective crack length for each slab at any number
C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317 1313

Fig. 6. (a) Example of finite element model a slab with a crack length of a = 600 mm and (b) mesh around crack tip.

x 10
(a) 2000 (b) 6
Normalized Stress Intensity Factor, K/P (mm-3/2)

1800 5.5

1600 5

Crack Length (mm)


200 1

0 0.5
1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Normalized Compliance Crack Length (mm)

Fig. 7. Finite element analysis relation between (a) normalized slab compliance and crack length and (b) crack length and normalized stress intensity factor (KI).

of cycles is calculated with Eq. (7) using the normalized slab com- supported beam. A loading pulse that keeps higher minimum
pliances shown in Fig. 5. stresses on the slab-soil system for a longer period of time, such
The diagram of crack length against number of cycles is pre- as in T-07 and T-07R, generates more plastic deformation in the
sented in Fig. 8 for the four slabs. Slabs T-07 and T-07R, which have soil which subsequently increases the stress state in the concrete
significantly lower fatigue lives, are unloaded the least (i.e., to slabs. Fig. 8 also shows that the effective crack length at which
70 kN) with respect to the other two slabs. In contrast, slab T-04 unstable crack propagation occurs is different for each specimen,
is subjected to a minimum load equal to 40 kN and slab T-01 to i.e. 1450, 620, 920, and 1420 mm, for T-01, T-04, T-07, and
a minimum load equal to 9 kN. Slabs T-01 and T-04 have a signif- T-07R, respectively.
icant plateau section (with a small crack growth rate) compared to
slabs T-07 and T-07R. 5.1.2. Stress intensity factor (DKI)
The crack propagation rate for T-07 and T-07R specimens is The acceleration stage of fatigue crack growth depends on the
much higher, suggesting that the stress range affects the fatigue variation of the stress intensity factor (DKI). A relationship be-
life of the soil-supported concrete slabs differently from a simply tween KI for different crack lengths (a) and applied loads (P) is
1314 C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317

2000 is linear elastic and does not soften or yield under higher stress
states. The application of this equation is valid since Eq. (8) is only
used in the fatigue acceleration stage which starts for crack lengths
T-07R greater than 550 mm.
Eq. (8) is then modified to calculate the change in stress inten-
1400 sity factor, DKI, from the change in the applied load during each fa-
Crack Length (mm)

1200 tigue cycle and the effective crack length (a) (mm):
T-07 " #
4:98771  102
1000 DK I ¼ wðPmax  P min Þ 1:27894  103 þ ð9Þ
ð2000  aÞ0:788467
where Pmax  Pmin is the difference between the maximum and
minimum load p (N)
ffiffiffiffiffiffiduring each fatigue cycle, and w is a conversion
400 factor, i.e. w ¼ 10=100 to express DKI in MPa m1/2.
5.2. Fatigue data filtering
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 A significant challenge in the application of the fracture-based
Number of Cycles fatigue model for slabs is to explain the inherent variability of
the experimental slab fatigue results. As can be observed in
Fig. 8. Crack length versus loading cycles on slab specimens.
Fig. 8, the crack length plots show cyclic variation, which is typical
in fatigue tests. The calculation of the crack propagation rates (Da/
therefore needed. The applied stress intensity factor (KI) is calcu- DN) using Eq. (1) would require choosing certain crack lengths and
lated from the finite element model using contour integrals around loading cycle numbers (i.e. ai, aj, i, j). As a result, the calculated
the crack tip to determine the J-Integral. Collapsed C3D20R brick propagation rate would depend on how cycles i and j are chosen,
elements with quarter point nodes are used around the crack tip which means that Da/DN calculated using small cycle increments
to ensure the contour integral convergence. The stress intensity would be different to Da/DN computed from larger cycle intervals.
factor is calculated for each crack length as the average of the Hence, the method would not be consistent which would limit the
stress intensity factors for the 3rd, 4th and 5th contour. The varia- applicability of the fracture-based fatigue method to concrete
tion between these three contours is on average less than 0.1 slabs. In order to overcome this limitation, an intermediate step
percent. is added to fit the calculated crack lengths with a smooth continu-
The relationship between the stress intensity factor and crack ous function. The following logistic function [43] relating the crack
length derived from the FEM models is shown in Fig. 7b. The equa- length and loading cycles is chosen to improve the stability of the
tion that relates the normalized (KI/P) Mode I stress intensity factor crack growth rate calculations:
(mm3/2) to a given crack length (a, in mm) is the following:  
2 a ¼ s ln ð10Þ
4:98771  10 Nm2  bm1
K I =P ¼ 1:27894  103 þ 0:788467
ð2000  aÞ
where a is the crack length, N is the loading cycle number, b, m1, m2
This equation was specifically derived based on the FEM model re- and s are experimental calibration constants. As is demonstrated in
sults in the range of 400 < a < 2000 mm, as it is meant to be used for Fig. 9a for slab T-01, the effective crack length versus number of
the acceleration stage which starts for crack lengths greater than loading cycles can be accurately represented using the above func-
550 mm. The stress intensity factor decreases slightly with an in- tion. The diagrams of crack length versus number of loading cycles
crease in crack length for initial crack lengths less than 400 mm for all slabs are shown in Fig. 9b based on the predictive equation.
due to the geometry of the slab and the assumption that the soil The continuous Eq. (10) for crack length versus fatigue cycles

2000 2000
(a) (b) T-01
1800 1800 T-04
T- 07R T-07
1600 1600

1400 1400
Crack Length (mm)

T- 01
Crack Length (mm)

T- 07
1200 1200
1000 1000

800 800

T- 04
Deceleration Acceleration 600

400 400
Experimental - T-01
200 Predicted by S-Curve 200
0 0
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
Number of Cycles Number of Cycles

Fig. 9. (a) Raw and filtered crack length versus number of cycles curves for slab T-01; (b) idealized crack length versus loading cycles for all slab specimens.
C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317 1315

enables the calculation of the crack propagation rate as the first Table 1
derivative of Eq. (10): Slab fatigue data, calibrated parameters, and fracture-based fatigue model
da bðm2  m1 Þs
¼ ð11Þ T-01 T-04 T-07 T-07R
dN ðb  NÞðbm1  Nm2 Þ
Measured fatigue values
The use of Eq. (11) instead of Eq. (1) standardizes the process and ac (mm) 1084 557 790 1225
eliminates user subjectivity in choosing discrete crack lengths and Nc = Ndecc 31,682 13,191 2341 2795
Nacc 30,158 13,049 2043 2645
cycle numbers. Nfailure 61,840 26,240 4384 5440
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the crack growth rate Nc/Nfailure 0.512 0.503 0.534 0.514
(logarithmic scale) and the crack length. In this figure, the mini- Fatigue parametersa
mum crack growth rate (shown as a negative value) represents c1 1.28E+18 3.37E+14 2.29E+12 5.61E+14
the critical crack length (ac), which is the transition between decel- n1 6.740 6.110 4.688 5.150
erating and accelerating crack growth. As shown in Fig. 10, speci- c2 1.68E27 1.57E101 1.71E49 3.29E12
n2 40.605 173.147 81.487 17.122
mens T-01 and T-04 have lower crack propagation rates (given
by lower negative values) compared to T-07 and T-07R, which is Predicted fatigue values
Nc = Ndecc 31,229 13,914 2325 2851
consistent with their longer fatigue life. The critical crack length
Nacc 30,053 15,800 2277 3081
(ac) and critical number of loading cycles (Nc) are obtained by set- Nfailure 61,283 29,714 4601 5931
ting the second derivative of Eq. (10) to zero. The equation for the Nc/Nfailure 0.510 0.468 0.505 0.481
critical crack length is: Prediction error (%) 0.9 13.2 5.0 9.0
ac ¼ s lnð1=m2 Þ ð12Þ a
Fatigue parameters are presented in for a in mm and DKI in MPa m0.5.

and critical number of loading cycles is given by:

behavior, as specimens that are subjected to higher minimum load
Nc ¼ bðm1 þ m2 Þ=2m2 ð13Þ levels show shorter fatigue life.
The critical crack length values are shown in Table 1. The critical
number of loading cycles (Nc) ranges between 49 and 52 percent of 5.3. Slab fatigue model calibration
the number (Nfailure) of loading cycles up to failure for each slab.
The critical crack length is different for each slab and does not The deceleration stage is defined by a reduction in the crack
show a direct trend with fatigue life of the slabs, which could be propagation rate until the critical crack length (ac) is reached. Eq.
a result of the general assumption on how the crack is idealized (2) can be easily calibrated using a logarithmic transformation
to propagate across the slab and the fact the support condition can- and then applying linear regression (see Fig. 11a). Fatigue coeffi-
not be guaranteed to be identical for all slab tests. cients C1 and n1 are obtained from the following linear regression:
Subramaniam et al. [41] found that three-point-bending beam  
specimens made with the same geometry and the same concrete log ¼ logðC 1 Þ þ n1 logða  a0 Þ ð14Þ
material had approximately the same critical crack length. They
discovered that the critical crack length (ac) in fatigue could be and coefficients C1 and n1 are presented in Table 1.
approximated by the equivalent crack length at the peak load in The acceleration stage is defined by an increase in the crack
a monotonic test. The present paper shows that the critical crack propagation rate for crack lengths larger than the critical crack
length varies significantly which is likely due to the boundary con- length, and is defined by Eq. (3). As is shown in Fig. 11b, the rela-
dition change (i.e. specimen soil support) and the assumption of tionship between log (da/dN) and log (DKI) is linear, and therefore,
the crack geometry (uniform propagation of a through-crack). In Eq. (3) can be expressed as:
the slab-on-ground fatigue tests, the minimum load level is not  
constant for all specimens, and this minimum load level affects log ¼ logðC 2 Þ þ n2 logðDK I Þ ð15Þ
the support conditions. This difference affects the overall fatigue
where DKI is the variation of the stress intensity factor
K PI max  K PI min for each fatigue cycle, calculated using Eq. (9). The
0.5 calibrated coefficients C2 and n2 are shown in Table 1. Several of
such C2 coefficients are extremely small, which physically represent
the crack length variation with load cycles as the stress intensity
0 factor variation approaches zero.

5.4. Slab fatigue model verification

T- 07

T- 07R The accuracy of the previously calibrated parameters can be

-1 checked by calculating the total fatigue life of the specimens using
Eq. (4) and comparing it with the experimental results. The total
fatigue life (Nf) of the slab specimen is calculated by integrating
-1.5 the deceleration Eq. (2) over the crack length between a0 and ac,
T- 04 T-01 and the acceleration Eq. (9) over the crack length starting from ac
T- 01 T-04 until its failure crack length af (af = 2000 mm). A small a0 value
T-07 greater than zero (i.e., a0 = 0.01) is used in Eq. (4) for slabs with
no notch to avoid a singularity in the deceleration integral. DKI
-2.5 must be expressed in terms of the crack length (a) and the maxi-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
mum and minimum fatigue loads (Pmax, Pmin) using Eq. (9) in the
Crack Length (mm)
acceleration integral. The integrals to calculate the fatigue life of
Fig. 10. Crack propagation rate (log) versus crack length for all slab specimens. the slabs are:
1316 C. Gaedicke et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 1309–1317

(a) 1 (b) 1
T-01 T-01
T-04 T-04
0.5 0.5

Crack Propagation Rate, Log(da/dn)

Crack Propagation Rate, Log(da/dn)

T-07 T-07
T-07R T-07R
0 0
T- 07
T- 07R
T- 07
-0.5 -0.5
T- 07R

-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
T- 01 T- 04 T- 01
T- 04
-2 -2

-2.5 -2.5
2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 0.55 0.575 0.6 0.625 0.65 0.675
Log Crack Length, (log(mm)) Log Δ(KI), (log(MPa m )) 0.5

Fig. 11. (a) Calibration of the Fatigue deceleration coefficients by linear regression; (b) calibration of the fatigue acceleration coefficients by linear regression.

Z ac
1 traditional S–N curve approaches for slab fatigue predictions such
N ¼ Ndecc þ Nacc ¼ da
C 1 ða  a0 Þn1a0 as calculation of the progressive cracking in the slab, use of fracture
Z a mechanics to explain crack growth, and the ability to analyze the
þ n h ion2 da effects of partial depth cracks. The new method is able to predict
ac C 2 wðPmax  Pmin Þ 1:27894  103 þ ð2000aÞ 0:788467 the fatigue life of large-scale concrete slabs on ground subjected
ð16Þ to different fatigue load pulses. The validity of the slab fatigue
model has been assessed by examining two independent slab fati-
These integrals can be evaluated numerically using Mathemat- gue tests with the same geometry, concrete material, and load
icaÒ, and the predicted fatigue cycles for slabs T-01, T-04, T-07 and pulse shape.
T-07R, are compared to the actual fatigue life of the specimens. The Several unique features of the proposed slab fatigue model are
predicted fatigue obtained using calibrated parameters for each the calculation of the effective elastic crack length against the
specimen (c1, n1, c2, n2, ac) is very similar to the actual fatigue life number of fatigue cycles from the measured slab compliance data
for each specimen. The low prediction errors shown in Table 1 con- and the application of a calibrated logistic function to calculate the
firm the validity of the proposed method along with the accuracy crack propagation rate and critical crack length resulting in a more
of the experimental calibration. accurate determination of the deceleration and acceleration phases
The proposed model is also used to explain the slab fatigue test of fatigue crack growth. The analysis shows that load pulses that
results (similar to T-01) conducted by Roesler et al. [16,17] by keep a higher minimum load between peak loads tend to generate
employing specimens with similar geometry and concrete materi- larger crack growth rates in slabs. Higher sustained loads for a
als that never failed during cyclic loading. The first slab, identified longer period of time increase the stress state in the soil (stress
as T5 in Ref. [17], was subjected to the same pulse shape as T-01, softening behavior), prevent recovery of the soil, and finally induce
but with maximum and minimum applied loads equal to 78.73 higher stresses in the concrete slab. This new model has the poten-
and 6.67 kN, respectively. This slab specimen did not fail in fatigue tial to be applied to determine the remaining life of uncracked or
even after 594.7  103 cycles, which is consistent with the model partially-cracked concrete pavement slabs.
that predicted 1.39  107 to failure under those load conditions.
For a second slab subjected to maximum and minimum applied
loads equal to 44.9 and 4.4 kN (see Ref. [16]), the model predicted
3.07  1010 loading cycles up to failure. This prediction was consis-
This paper was prepared from a study conducted in the Center
tent with the fatigue test on this slab, which resisted 610.6  103
of Excellence for Airport Technology (CEAT), funded in part by the
loading cycles without fatigue failure. These independent confir-
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The CEAT is maintained at
mations show that the model can predict the conditions under
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with partners at
which concrete slabs show high fatigue endurance limit. Fatigue
Northwestern University. The contents of this paper reflect the
tests with different slab geometries, soil properties, initial notch
views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy
lengths, or applied load location would require different geometric
of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily re-
factors to calculate the crack length versus compliance and stress
flect the official views and policies of the FAA. This paper does
intensity factor given a similar calibration process was employed.
not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
Extrapolation of this particular slab fatigue model to other slab
geometries and material properties can result in predictive errors.

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