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Emotional Intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?

How Can You Develop Your EI?

Nailed It?

What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?
A Definition

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for(1):

• recognizing our own feelings and those of others,
• motivating ourselves,
• and managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.

What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?
EI Competencies

Self Awareness Self Regulation Self Motivation Empathy

- Emotional - Self‐control - Achievement - Understanding - Influence

Awareness - Trustworthiness drive others - Conflict
- Accurate Self- - Adaptability - Commitment - Service management
Assessment - Initiative orientation - Collaboration
- Optimism and cooperation
- Leadership
- Change catalyst


What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?

How Can You Develop Your EI?

Nailed It?

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?
The Marshmallow Experiment(2)

• The Stanford marshmallow experiment was a

series of studies on delayed gratification in
the late 1960s and early 1970s.
• In these studies, children at the age of 4 to 6
were offered a choice between one reward
(e.g. a marshmallow) provided immediately or
two rewards if they waited for 15 minutes,
during which the tester left the room.
• In follow-up studies, many years later,
researchers found that children who were
able to wait longer for the preferred rewards
tended to have better life outcomes and
educational attainment, and were described
by their parents and colleagues as being
significantly more competent.

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?
EI and Personal Life

• High EI among adults is correlated with better,

more successful interpersonal relationships
while less interpersonal aggression and
• High emotionally intelligent individuals are
perceived more positively by others (more
pleasant, socially skilled and empathic to be
around) (3).
• High EI is correlated with better relationships
with family and intimate partners on many

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?
EI and Personal Life (Cont.)

• EI is positively correlated with higher life

satisfaction, self-esteem and lower levels of
insecurity or depression. It is also negatively
correlated with poor health choices and

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?
EI and Career Success

• EI is correlated with greater achievement in

academics as reported by teachers (when IQ
is controlled for)(3).
• EI is correlated with better social dynamics at
work as well as better negotiating ability(3).
• EI accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed
necessary for superior performance of
leaders, and mattered twice as much as
technical expertise or IQ(1).


What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?

How Can You Develop Your EI?

Nailed It?

How Can You Develop Your EI?
Six Steps(4)
1 Take an EQ test
To raise your emotional self-awareness and better 1
understand your EQ developmental needs.

2 Select one skill to improve 6 2

Work on one skill at a time to have a better focus and
witness accelerated results.

3 Choose your strategies

Steps to
Select up to three strategies to improve your skill, as Develop EQ
advised by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves in their book
Emotional Intelligence 2.0.

Find a mentor 5 3
A person skillful in the area you are working to improve
and willing to provide observation, feedback and regular
5 Practice
Improvement involves time and commitment and these
require patience, practice and knowing that the end goal is
progress, not perfection.

6 Monitor improvement
When you feel you have achieved the desired results in
your first skill, you are encouraged to retake the test and
develop a new plan.

What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

How Does EI Affect Your Life And Career?

How Can You Develop Your EI?

Nailed It?

Nailed It?
Key Takeaways

• Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of skills for understanding one’s

and others’ emotions, and managing one’s emotions and
• Higher EI leads to more successful personal relationships, better
job performance, and higher leadership effectiveness.
• You can improve your EI. It takes planning, practice and patience.

E: mohamed.ibrahim75@gmail.com
F: www.facebook.com/DrMoibrahim
T: +201110005966

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