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By Leonel Konga

Long before our time, when black people ruled the

Earth, there was a kingdom called Kush. Located in East

Africa, South of Egypt, precisely in modern day Sudan, it

was a confederal of the great Nile valley union known as

Sema Tawi. The Kushite people were also known as

Nubians which means the people of gold or golden

people. They were very rich and built more pyramids than

Ancient Egypt. But with great power comes great

adversity. Alien pirates from planet Isfet, a desert planet

from another galaxy started plotting against Kush. The

Isfetians were uncivilized space wanderers who

specialized in green crimes, poaching, illegal harvesting,

pillaging, genocide and cultural co-optation. They were

headed by an evil godfather by the name of Roten. Roten

was an exiled demiurge from Taneter. He attempted a

coup against the Queen out of envy and jealousy and was
kicked out of the kingdom because of it. He made his way

to Isfet and imposed himself as leader. He organized a

plan to attack and take control of Kush to avenge his ego.

The King of Kush was contacted through a holographic

messager drone by Queen Aneti of Taneter, on planet

Hotep, to warn them about an imminent alien attack that

could end up destroting their civilization. She sent a ship

to evacuate the Kushite people from Earth before the

attack and offered forty acres and a hoverbike to each

family. Roten and his army ended up destroying the Nile

valley civilization and took control of Earth and pulled

the strings of its leaders ever since. He decided to rule the

next generations of Earth from his own Planet. But the

revolution had already started and was in the hands of the

rescued Kushite elite. Taneter was the land of the

founding mothers of Kush. Reason why Roten wanted to

destroy it. It was an advanced demiurge civilization. The

Neterians were a very creative and warrior-like divine

people. The Kingdom was ruled by a Queen. The royal

palace was located on the highest hill and the rest of the

city was in the valley. The priesthood of Kush was

allowed to build an academy in Taneter to train the next

generations of rescued Kushites and teach them about

their history and culture.

The rescued Kushites intermingled with the

Neterians. Queen Aneti's daughter, princess Semi, had a

son by a Kushite warrior prince by the name of Maki. She

gave birth under a star sprinkled sky and named him after

the constellation of Leo. As a child, Leo was a normal kid

who liked to play around. But he was also knowledge

thirsty and would ask questions to adults all the time,

which was annoying. As soon as he became a teenager,

his parents were more than happy to send him to the

Kushite Academy, where he would learn about ancient

mysteries, history and culture for himself. During a class,

he saw the ruins of the fallen civilization of his Kushite

ancestors in his handbook and it shook his spirit. He felt

the deep cut of injustice for the first time. Sadness turned

into anger. The anger awakened the demiurge power

dormant inside of him. After the class, he felt the need to

express his feelings to his mother. As soon as he got

home, he told his mother about the force he felt in class.

She educated him about his nature. She told him that he

was a demigod, half human by his father and half

demiurge by her. And that all neterians were devine

beings. She revealed to him that the spirit known as Heru

by the Kushites had chosen him to avenge his forefathers.

She told him that Heru was the spiritual power within all

people and that only those with a pure heart could

awaken, grow and master. She advised him to always use

his power to serve righteousness. Then, she appointed

sebai Messia, a priest from the academy, as his personal

mentor, to teach him how to perfect his power. Leo had to

learn about proper diet, exercising, meditation, ethics,

philosophy, and combat to face the challenges of his

As a young adult, he had made huge progress. He

knew how to fly and was a master spear fighter. He

decided to convince Queen Aneti, to let him organize an

assault mission on Planet Isfet and and fulfil his dream of

freeing Earth from the Isfetians. Queen Aneti felt very

proud that her grandson was already such a courageous

man and accepted his request. She ordered Sekhma, the

commander of the Neterian army, to provide all intel,

equipment, technology and logistic necessary and assured

him that the crown of Taneter will always be there to

support. Leo was ready to go and eager to take on Roten.

Through his self-discipline and unbreakable faith in

Righteousness, and with the support of the crown of

Taneter, his mother, Sebai Messia and Sekhma, he had

become the ultimate warrior hero of his people, Heruleo.

As soon as Leo’s ship entered planet Isfet’s

atmosphere, it was noticed by the Isfetians. Roten sent his

troops against it.


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