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There are three different exercises for you to do, please follow the instructions, and

do the corresponding activities.


Change the affirmative sentences into negative form. Look at the first

1. Example:

I am a student I am not a student.

2. This exercise is difficult. This exercise is not easy

3. We're from Spain We are not from Spain

4. My grandmother's name's My grandmother’s name is not

Adelaide. Adelaide

5. The kids are in the garden. The kids are not in the garden

6. You're English. You are not English

7. My car is very expensive. My car is not very expensive

8. This is my student's notebook. This is not my student's notebook.

9. These photographs are very These photographs are not very

nice. npleasant

10. Alex is twenty-five years old. Alex is not twenty-five years old

11. I'm fine. I'm not fine

2. Put the words in the correct order to make questions with the verb to be.
Look at the example.

Example: Is she twenty–three years old?

years old ? she is twenty
1. hungry? Are you Are you hungry?
2. this your book is? Is this your book?

3. Is States? United the Mr. from Is Mr. Peters from the United States?

4. married? they Are Are they married?

5. right wrong? Am I or Am I right or wrong?
6. name Sandra? your daughter's Is Is your daughter's name, Sandra?
7. Mrs. you Mr. and Are Jenkins? Are you Mr. and Mrs Jenkins?

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your name? My name is Josue Getsemaní Sandoval Villarreal

2. How are you? I’m am fine, thank’s.

3. How old are you? I am seventeen years old

4. Are you from Spain? No, I’m not.

5. Where are you from? I’m from Mexico

6. Are you a teacher? No, I’m not.

7. What is your phone number? My phone number is 6-85-42-56

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