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Aakash Reddy

Mrs. Sappington

Honors Biology


Mitosis and Meiosis Court Case Study

Interphase: cells start to grow and make proteins and organelles

Prophase: cells make an extra copy of their DNA and join together to make chromosomes, and the two
parts of the chromosome are called chromatids.

Metaphase: The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell

Anaphase: The chromatids are split ad pulled apart to opposite sides of the cell by spindle fibers from

Telophase: The cell starts to split apart and a nuclear membrane ends up getting formed

Cell division differ’s in prokaryotes and eukaryotes in many ways. Prokaryotes use binary fission to
divide, while Eukaryotes use mitosis. In eukaryotes, chromosomes end up getting copied while in
prokaryotes the cell makes a copy of its DNA and then divides it. In eukaryotes the cell gets divided but
for prokaryotes it doesn’t because many cells are singled celled and cant divide into two.

Metaphase 1: The pairs line up in the center of the cell in two rows of 23 chromosomes

Anaphase 1: The pairs of chromosomes are separated and took to opposite ends of the cell by spindle

Telophase 1: The cell divides into two each with 23 chromosomes

Prophase 2: The nuclear membrane ends up getting dissolved in the two new cells

Metaphase 2: The chromosomes line up in the center of the cells In one line

Anaphase 2: Spindle fibers separate the chromatids

Telophase 2: Both cells divide again and form a total of four haploid cells each with one set of

Key differences between meiosis and mitosis:

Mitosis: The cell divides once, Chromosomes line up in one line during metaphase

Meiosis: The cell divides once, Chromosomes line up in pairs during metaphase 1
Prokaryotes do not have mitosis or meiosis. Instead they use binary fission

I don’t think it can occur because in Prophase 1, the chromosomes from the mother match with the
chromosomes from the father. And chromosomes pair up with the same chromosome not a different
one in different cells, so therefore a crossover can’t occur between two different chromosomes.

I think it was an evolutionary necessity that they both evolved at the same time because meiosis allows
for living organisms to survive and therefore needed to live.

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