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Sahod-Ulan, Tanza,Cavite

Entrpreneurship 9

DIRECTION: Read the statements carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Managers perform different functions of management. Which function refers to the process of monitoring the
performance of the organization towards the achievement of organizational goals?
A. Organizing B. Staffing C. Directing D. Controlling
2. Tony, the manager of APD Corp. is planning to devise a new pricing guide, conduct survey to customers, and
check whether the employees will be able to achieve their quota or target. Where is he going to use these?
A. Taking corrective actions C. Establishing standards
B. Comparing actual performance with standard D. Measuring actual performance
3. If the manager will monitor the performance of the company, what should he/she do first?
A. Measuring actual performance C. Establishing standards
B. Comparing actual performance with standard D. Taking corrective actions
4. Mr. Sy wants to raise additional capital to replace old equipment. What should he do to improve the sales?
A. He should pressure the employees to perform better.
B. He should conduct customer survey to increase customer satisfaction
C. He should question the performance of the employees.
D. He should wait for a good chance to come.
5. What should the manager do after knowing the deviation from the target?
A. Measure actual performance C. Establish standards
B. Compare actual performance with standard D. Take corrective actions
6. The manager assigned the number or quantity of products each worker must accomplish each day. What type of
standard is being described?
A. Monetary standard B. Quality standard C. Physical standard D. Time standard
7. Lyn is applying as data encoder at PISONET computer shop. According to the manager she must be able to type
60 words per minute. What type of standard is this?
A. Monetary standard B. Time standard C. Physical standard D. Quality stand
8. The AVL Company wants to earn fifty thousand pesos (₽50 000.00) monthly. What type of standard does the
company has to achieve?
A. Monetary standard B. Quality standard C. Physical standard D. Time standard
9. For effective controlling process the manager needs to consider the following steps. Which of the following
should be done first?
A. Taking corrective actions C. Measuring actual performance
B. Establishing standards D. Comparing actual performance with standards
10. Sam, the manager of TQM Auto Repair Shop wants to monitor the actual number of repairs of his mechanics on
weekly basis, what should he do to achieve this?
A. Conduct customer satisfaction survey
B. Evaluate the performance of the mechanics through observation
C. Set monetary standard
D. Offer motivation to employees

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