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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, October 4, 2019 Volume 149, Number 5

Faculty seek shared governance, form AAUP chapter

freedom and shared gover- 1949, lobbying the admin- was re-established in 1991 but latest AAUP chapter is a part “This is proactive, not reac-
by Eliana Miller nance at the College. istration to improve faculty disbanded four years later. of the latter branch. tive,” said David Hecht, an asso-
Orient Staff
This is the third time Bow- retirement plans, insurance There are two branches of Feeling a need to collec- ciate professor of history and a
This fall, 60 years after doin faculty have established plans and salaries. By 1986, the AAUP: the AAUP-CBC, tively voice their concerns founding member of the chap-
Bowdoin’s first American As- a chapter of the nonprofit, however, very few faculty a labor union for faculty, about both the direction of ter. “It is driven by a sense that
sociation of University Profes- dedicated to supporting those were paying their national and the AAUP Foundation, the College and the direction we do by and large have it pretty
sors (AAUP) chapter meeting, engaged in teaching and re- dues, and paying the $1 local a public charity that awards of higher education nation- good here, but there are still
a group of faculty members search in higher education. dues to cover the cost of beer grants to projects supporting wide, some faculty members things that could be improved.”
founded a new chapter in the Faculty members formed for meetings was not enough academic freedom and higher decided to form this iteration
hope of promoting academic the College’s first chapter in to keep the chapter active. It education quality. Bowdoin’s of the national organization. Please see FACULTY, page 4

NPR producer
Alarcón honors
voices across
Latin America
performances because it allows
by Eliana Miller me to break the language bar-
Orient Staff
rier,” Alarcón said in an inter-
On Monday night, Kresge view with the Orient. “I want
Auditorium was filled with people to hear the complexities
voices from across the globe. of stories from Latin America
Carla from Cuba. Jesse from and celebrate those stories.”
Mexico. Hernando from Co- Alarcón is the executive pro-
lombia. Audience members ducer of Radio Ambulante, a
quickly realized that Daniel Spanish-language podcast dis-
Alarcón’s talk, titled “How to tributed by National Public Radio.
Listen: Telling Latin American He also teaches at the Columbia
Stories in Sound and Print,” University School of Journalism
was actually a multimedia and has published multiple nov-
performance, a series of per- els, including “At Night We Walk
formed podcasts. Alarcón nar- in Circles,” which was a finalist for
rated stories in English, mix- the 2014 PEN/Faulkner Award. ON THE AIR: Ben Simonds ’21, a member of WBOR management, trains new DJ Elisha Osemobor ’22 on how to use equipment in the station’s studio.
ing in audio and video clips of He views his journalistic work as
Latinos sharing their stories in an opportunity to share stories
Spanish with English subtitles
on the screen.
“I love doing these kinds of

Please see ALARCÓN, page 3

Panelists address climate change in Maine
CCL is a lobbying nonprof- places a fee on each ton of completing a dissertation at
by Lucie Nolden it group that sends advocates carbon dioxide emitted. The Boston College which focuses
Orient Staff
to Washington, D.C., every revenue from the tax will be on the ways Maine farmers,
This Thursday the Bruns- year to speak to members of reallocated evenly among fishermen and foresters have
wick chapter of the Citizens’ Congress about its bill. American citizens, making it been affected by a changing
Climate Lobby (CCL) host- According to panelist Mi- a progressive tax rather than a climate, was also a panelist.
ed a panel entitled “Solving chael Jones, associate profes- regressive one. Olson’s interviews with 15
the Climate Crisis” at Curtis sor of economics emeritus “Yes, there will be a cost, workers from each industry
Memorial Library. The dis- of the college, the CCL’s goal but the cost we will incur will reveal an increasing aware-
cussion focused on the ways is to incentivize people and be as small as possible,” Jones ness of the damaging effects
Maine residents—farmers, companies to make decisions said. He noted that the carbon of climate change.
fishermen and coastal home- that reduce their carbon emis- tax should only be an initial In Maine, this manifests it-
owners alike—will be affected sions, rather than waiting for step, among a host of policy self in milder winters, worsen-
by climate change and the individuals to change their changes necessary to mitigate ing and more frequent storms
details of the CCL’s proposed own behavior. As such, the climate change.
policy solution. organization’s preferred bill Kathyrn Olson, who is Please see CLIMATE, page 3

First BSG meeting addresses persistent WiFi problems,

mental health and access for first-generation students
dents from low-income back- has come in this year with a real of last semester, is now serving
by Rebecca Norden-Bright grounds and creating an ad hoc focus on trying to get things as Interim Chair until he is of-
Staff Writer
committee to handle complaints done and being super involved ficially confirmed by the assem-
The Bowdoin Student Gov- about WiFi problems. in campus, trying to reach out bly, which is likely to take place
ernment (BSG) held its first The assembly also addressed to as many groups as possible.” within the next few weeks.
AADHYA RAMINENI, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT meeting of the year this Wednes- student concerns about its own Ryan Britt ’22, who was re- Britt ran on a platform that
HOW TO LISTEN: Award-winning journalist and novelist Daniel Alarcón day, October 2, and discussed a effectiveness. BSG President cently elected Chair of Student promised to expand mental
lectures in Kresge Auditorium. His talk focused on broadcasting authentic host of new initiatives, including Ural Mishra ’20 emphasized Affairs following the resignation
Latin American voices, complete with nuance and complexity. providing more services to stu- that “the executive committee of Anibal Husted ’22 at the end Please see MEETING, page 3

Twelve Bowdoin housekeepers speak about their experiences working at the College. SEE PAGE 12

Annual crime report shows fewer crimes— EOS professor works with oceanographic Student band approaches the new year Digging into the archives for the history of Does the pass/fail system encourage an
except in liquor violations. Page 4. NASA satellite team. Page 5. with flexibility and dynamism. Page 7. fraternity sports at Bowdoin. Page 9. obsession over grades? Page 14.
2 Friday, October 4, 2019

9/27 to 10/3 STUDENT SPEAK:
Can you describe a photo you recently deleted?

Steven Miyawaki ’20

"My roommate wearing women’s sun-
glasses in the bathroom."


Emma Hahesy ’22

"Exclusively photos with [a] thumb in
Friday, September 27 • A group of unauthorized visitors from
the corner."
• A parent called for a student wellness the Portland area were causing a noise
check; the student was located in good disturbance in the Russwurm parking lot.
health. Security officers dispersed the group and
• A noise complaint resulted in two stu- directed them to leave campus.
dents being cited for alcohol violations • Security officers obtained registration
outside Park Row Apartments. numbers of six vehicles that were used by Fredericka Hibbs ’21
• A carbon monoxide alarm at Park Row about twenty Portland area people who
Apartments was determined to be a
descended on campus Saturday night. Ran-
dy Nichols, Executive Director of Security,
"I insta-stalked the wrong Dave and had
Saturday, September 28
is in the process of notifying all registered
owners that their vehicles are henceforth
screenshots of his posts in my camera
• A local man loitering in the Coffin Street
parking lot after midnight, allegedly
barred from all College property. Vio-
lations will involve police action, and
roll until I realized it was the wrong
waiting to meet with a student he met
online, was directed to leave campus.
their vehicles will be towed at the owner’s
• An officer checked on the well-being of • A ceiling was vandalized in the Baxter
an intoxicated minor at Boody-Johnson House basement. Claudette Proctor ’21
House who became ill on hard alcohol. • A student with a head laceration was
• An officer checked on the well-being of
an intoxicated minor at Osher Hall.
escorted to the Mid Coast Walk-In Clinic.
The student had banged his head on a
"A screenshot of a video of myself
• A student reported the theft of a black
Raleigh Talus bicycle from Ladd House.
third-floor hallway ceiling in Baxter House.
• A fire alarm was activated at Howell House.
watching ‘The Office’ bloopers."
• An unregistered event was dispersed at Two students were cutting bread on a
Brunswick Apartment D. Two students plastic cutting board that they had placed
were cited for hosting the event. on a hot stove burner. The burner melted
through the cutting board, thus setting
Sunday, September 29 off the alarm. Building occupants evacu- Annie Rose ’20
• Officers and a counselor checked on the ated, and the Brunswick Fire Department
well-being of an intoxicated student. responded.
• An officer checked on the well-being of an • Someone took several feminine hygiene "A photo of my roommate’s current
intoxicated student at Maine Hall. products out of a dispenser in the men’s
• Several people from the Portland area room on the lower level of Smith Union. boyfriend in conversation with her
were ordered to leave campus after they The packages were torn open and scattered
tried to enter the Epicuria event at Ladd throughout the rest room stalls. This inci- ex-boyfriend on the ‘Student Night at
House. dent is under investigation.
• Three minors from Portland were given the Museum’ poster. "
trespass warnings and ordered to leave Monday, September 30
campus after they attempted to enter Ladd • A complaint of loud noise was reported at
House during Epicuria. Brunswick Apartment K.
• Security officers confirmed the identities • Arson fire damage was discovered in
of several Portland area people who had
been seen entering Hyde Hall on Satur-
day, September 21, after which a student
Sargent Gymnasium on Monday morning.
Sometime during the weekend, someone
started a fire on the wooden gym floor
Answers for Word-Up!
reported the theft of Apple AirPods. causing $800 in damage. Minor fire damage CREATED BY AUGUST RICE
• A security officer assisted a student who was also noted in the rest room located in
fell backwards over a retaining wall near the Sargent Gym hallway. The incident is
the Moulton Union loading dock. The under investigation with assistance from
student was treated at Mid Coast Hospital local and state authorities.
for a broken wrist.
• A security officer on patrol approached a Tuesday, October 1
male riding a bicycle on Harpswell Road • An officer warned a person for soliciting on
at 12:40 a.m.. As the officer approached, South Campus Drive.
the male dropped the bike and ran. Offi- • A student stole a town street sign from
cers quickly apprehended the person who the corner of Federal and Franklin Streets.
was identified as a Portland area juvenile. The sign was recovered after the student
It was determined that the suspect stole brought it into Coles Tower.
the bike from Ladd House during Epicu- • A student reported seeing a suspicious man
ria. Two other juveniles nearby were with in the area of Belmont and Spring Streets
the suspect. Security called Brunswick near Mayflower Apartments.
police, and the suspect was charged with
possession of stolen property. All three Thursday, October 3
were issued trespass orders. The stolen • A man, who had been sleeping overnights
bike was returned to the owner. in Smith Union and using a locker in a
• Several Portland area juveniles circum- Sargent Gym rest room, was served with a
vented the checker and helped themselves campus trespass warning after he was found
to plates of food at Super Snacks. inside Hawthorne-Longfellow Library.
• Three Portland area juveniles stole three • A student reported being approached by a
bicycles outside of Coles Tower. Security “street minister” proselytizing on College
recovered all three bikes and identified the Street. Soliciting is not permitted on College
thieves. Trespass warnings were issued. property but is allowed on public property.
Friday, October 4, 2019 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF To increase competition, NACAC revisits ethics code

of its Code of Ethics and Pro- transferring, were also eliminated. the convention to vote in favor
STRICTER PENALTIES ANNOUNCED by Emily Cohen fessional Practices concerning What some observers are de- of removing the aforemen-
Orient Staff
binding early decision and ap- scribing as “a seismic moment” tioned provisions in order to
FOR CANDLE POLICY VIOLATIONS Last weekend, the National As- plicant recruiting. A provision and a venture into the “Wild avoid expensive litigation if the
sociation for College Admission was axed that forbade colleges West” for college admissions investigation continued.
The Bowdoin student body received an email on Thursday after- Counseling (NACAC), of which from offering special incentives, comes two years into a Justice Dean of Admissions and Fi-
noon announcing stricter penalties for students who do not comply Bowdoin is a member, voted to such as a better financial aid Department investigation of nancial Aid Whitney Soule wrote
with the College’s prohibition of candles in all campus housing. eliminate parts of its ethics code. package, exclusively to students NACAC’s ethics code. The in- in an email to the Orient that
Beginning today, consequences for having an open flame in cam- These sections, according to the who apply through binding ear- vestigation was opened due to Bowdoin does not currently have
pus housing may include a hearing before the Judicial Board, which U.S. Department of Justice, stifle ly-decision programs. concerns that the organization any plans to change its admis-
may result in suspension or dismissal. competition between schools and Two other provisions, one that violated federal antitrust laws sions and financial aid process.
In the email, Dean of Students Kristina Bethea Odejimi and As- limit students’ choices in the col- barred colleges from recruiting and prevented students from “The changes in the ethics
sociate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Residential and Stu- lege application process. students once they have submitted finding the best price for their code, while important, are new,”
dent Life Mike Ranen prefaced the announcement by writing that the The changes were made at a deposit at another institution college education. Soule wrote. “It will take time to
Office of Safety and Security and the Office of Environmental Health NACAC’s national convention and one that prevented them from NACAC officials informed see how those changes may af-
and Safety found a large number of candles during the fire drills that in Louisville, Kentucky. The soliciting transfer applications be- members of the investigation fect how some colleges and uni-
they conducted during the second week of school. Odejimi and Ranen association removed portions fore a student had inquired about and encouraged delegates to versities approach their work.”
cited the two fires started by candles that caused damage and injuries
in on-campus residences last spring, saying that open flames will inev-
itably cause accidents with potentially devastating consequences.
They added that students who have candles for religious, memorial
ALARCÓN Alarcón hopes that non-Lati-
nos “see the diversity of Latin
Monday night found Alarcón’s
talk inspiring.
when it’s on the page. When I
realized this, I started to think
or ceremonial reasons are able to use them but are not able to bring America and the diversity of “Hearing him perform a in an entirely different way
them into their residences and should contact Eduardo Pazos Palma, “One of the powerful things the Latino experience, and podcast was really motivation- about writing.”
director of the Rachel Lord Center for Religious and Spiritual Life to about Radio Ambulante is the they don’t believe all the bull- al,” said Maria Perez Mendoza Even audience members
make arrangements. ability for us to tell a story shit about how we’re all rapists ’21. “You don’t see a Latino who could not understand the
“This is about student health and safety, which is our driving pri- about Bolivians to Domin- and drug dealers.” man speak at an event at Bow- Spanish-speaking voices in
ority,” Odejimi and Ranen wrote. “As we and other campuses have icans, and tell a story about Although he is driven by a doin every day. And [Alarcón] the performance chuckled at
learned in tragic ways, the risks associated with open flames are just Dominicans to Colombians, mission to dispel myths about talked about how Latinidad the stories those voices told,
too great.” and tell a story about Colombi- Latinos, Alarcón is careful to shouldn’t be exclusive and how understanding the humor
ans to Argentines, and on and not label himself as an activist. these voices need to be cele- through changes in accent
on,” Alarcón explained during “I don’t want to become brated.” and intonation. Through the
LOW VOTER TURNOUT MARS 2020 the event. “And of course, we an activist because I wouldn’t As Alarcón played audio subtleties in others’ voices,
also tell all those stories to our know where to begin. There’s clips of Latino voices, he dis- Alarcón taught the audience
CLASS COUNCIL ELECTION friends who are not Latino and so much to be angry about— cussed his writing process the importance of telling nu-
who are learning Spanish.” from racism to the denial of both for radio and for print. anced stories.
Only 17 percent of the senior class participated in its class council Alarcón said that a third of climate science to the deliber- “There’s a lot more to “When we started Radio Am-
election this past weekend, and two of the four available positions, vice Radio Ambulante listeners are ate centering of cruelty as part speech than just words,” bulante, we felt like there [were]
president and treasurer, went unfilled because no candidates registered Latinos in the United States, a of national policy dealing with Alarcón said during his talk. two kinds of stories about Lati-
to run. The other two races, for president and programming director, third are Latinos in Latin Amer- children and children of immi- “You can hear a lot behind nos: there was the dangerous
were uncontested. ica and a third are non-Latino grants,” he said in an interview. that voice, behind the spoken other and there was the helpless
President elect of the Class of 2020 Council Angel Ramirez and Bow- Spanish speakers and learners. “I think that people have got- words—the history in that victim,” he said. “But we want
doin Student Government (BSG) President Ural Mishra ’20 both cited His team is about to release a ten to a point where they tune voice, the accent, the tone, the to tell stories that are more in-
seniors’ stress and overcommitment as the primary reason that so few language learning app geared out activists, and I don’t want humor. It’s information that teresting, more subtle, more
decided to run. towards the last group. to be tuned out.” we carry with us in how we complicated, more nuanced and
“We’re in the midst of applying for jobs, trying to figure out what Through his storytelling, Students who tuned in on speak that isn’t entirely clear therefore more true.”
we’re going to do after college, and people are just generally busy,” said
Ramirez. “A lot of seniors are in charge of a lot of organizations on cam-
pus and clubs, and they don’t necessarily have the time to add another
layer onto their busy days.”
The vice president of the class council sits on the weekly meetings of
the Student Organizations Oversight Committee, and the class treasurer and larger pest populations.
sits on the Student Activities Funding Committee. The effects can be subtle,
Ramirez is now responsible for appointing people to fill the roles. but even small changes in
He and Jane Chang ’20, the elected programming chair, are in discus- weather patterns can dra-
sion with two or three people about the vice president position and matically disrupt ecological
with Jonas Cortes ’20, last year’s class treasurer, about filling the trea- systems, often leading to fi-
surer role. nancial losses for farmers,
The lack of interest in running, said Mishra and Ramirez, contributed fishermen and foresters.
to the low voter turnout perpetuating a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. “Financially, it’s become
“I think the reason turnout was so low was because there were challenging,” said one farm-
uncontested positions, there were positions unfilled,” said Mishra. “I er interviewed by Olson. To
mean, if you feel like your vote is not going to matter people tend not some farmers she talked to,
to vote.” the threat of leaving a job in-
Ramirez noted that neither he nor Chang made efforts to campaign tegral to one’s identity means
and advertise the election, as they might have done if their races were a tragic loss of dignity in addi-
contested. tion to the loss of a livelihood.
“I wouldn’t say there’s no incentive to campaign, but you’re running Dodie Jones, co-leader of
unopposed, so we’re going to be spending money to campaign, to poster Brunswick’s chapter of the
and all this other stuff that doesn’t have to be done because we’re run- CCL, explained she wants
ning unopposed,” he said. to bring new perspectives to
Mishra also cited students’ apathy toward BSG as a contributing fac- citizens on the issues of cli-
tor. mate change and potential
“A lack of engagement with students over the past few years had led solutions to the crisis. She
people to think the BSG can’t really do anything, when it’s in fact more said part of CCL’s responsibil-
of the BSG not doing anything,” said Mishra. ity is to put climate change at
Editor’s Note: Angel Ramirez is a member of the Orient. the forefront of conversations
between community members
and to educate constituents.
MEETING his plan to provide mental
health kiosks and health literacy
Dodie Jones noted that the
CCL’s work is made easier
programs on campus. when constituents send letters
health resources on campus The assembly also debated of support and call politicians.
and provide support for stu- how to manage recent com- “Every year we get more of-
dents from first-generation and plaints about Wi-Fi on campus. fices that are willing to talk to
low-income backgrounds. In Mishra proposed creating an us, and they all appreciate our
the first meeting he stayed true ad hoc committee to work with style,” Dodie Jones said. “We
to his word, pushing for initia- IT and keep students informed always start out with appre-
tives that were central to his about the situation. The pro- ciation of something they’ve
campaign. posal was supported by Aoguzi done, and then we go from
“My biggest focuses are go- Muhameiti, the recently elected there trying to find common
ing to be on mental health and president for the Class of 2023, ground.”
low-income first-gen students,” and Steven Xu, president for the “We are obsessively non-par-
said Britt. “During family week- Class of 2022, as well as Carlos tisan,” Jones added. “There may
end, I want to have an event for Campos ‘22, the dining and be a value in climate strikes
kids whose families can’t come campus services representative. and protests, but if we want to
due to travel costs.” Editor’s Note: Steven Xu is a achieve something, we have to
Britt additionally introduced member of the Orient. be smart politically.”
4 NEWS Friday, October 4, 2019

Crime report shows liquor violations back up, slightly

still a dramatic decrease from the is not an arrestable offense under from nine in 2017 and 12 in 2016.
by Anna Fauver 154 violations reported in 2016. Maine law, the distribution of al- These cases include both reports
Orient Staff The number of liquor violations cohol to a minor is. made to the Center of Gender Vi-
The number of on-campus liquor reached its peak in 2012 with 177 On-campus drug violations olence Prevention and Education
violations rose 28 percent from 2017 violations. also have steadily declined since and reports made to Security. There
while the number of drug violations There were two on-campus li- an apex of 55 violations in 2013. were also two burglaries, which is
dropped by a third, according to the quor-related arrests made in 2018, There were only 14 reported drug consistent with the low numbers The percentage increase of
Bowdoin Annual Security and Fire however, up from the zero report- violations in 2018, which was a seen in recent years.
Safety Report. These numbers, how- ed the previous six years. This in- decrease from 21 in 2017. There While encouraging, these numbers on-campus liquor violations
ever, follow a general downward crease in arrests occurred in con- were zero drug-related arrests last notably only take into account activ- from 2017 to 2018.
trend that began in the early 2010s. junction with a perceived increase year. ity which occurred on-campus or on
There were 96 liquor violations in activity from—and a lower ap- Other reported on-campus College-owned property and exclude
reported in 2018—77 of which proval rating of—the Brunswick crimes have also been decreasing in arrests and violations that occurred on
occurred in college residences— Police Department (BPD). While recent years. There were seven re- property not owned by the College,
which was up from 75 in 2017 but possession of alcohol by a minor ported cases of rape in 2018, down such as off-campus houses.

Liquor and drug law violations reported Burglaries reported in the annual
in the annual Clery Report Clery Report
200 12
181 177 Liquor law violations
164 11
152 146 149 152 143 154
100 96
50 40 43 Drug law violations
34 30 8
23 19 17 21 8
8 14
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 7
Calendar Year

Rape offenses reported in the 5

annual Clery Report

12 2
12 11 2
9 1 1

6 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Calendar Year

3 CLERY COMMENTARY: While the annual safety report found an increase in liquor law violations from 2017 to 2018,
this is part of an overall downward trend over the past decade. Drug law violations have been on a downward trend
since 2013. Burglaries have been on a downward trend in the past decade and there has been a decline in the number
of rapes reported since 2014. The report is federally mandated by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security
Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.
0 Notes: Prior to 2014, a “forcible sex offenses” category was reported instead of the two present categories: “rape offenses” and
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 “fondling offenses.”

FACULTY of Romance languages & liter-

atures and director of the Latin “This is a moment to look at the
“[Faculty meetings] really can’t
do all of the business the faculty
American studies program. “[We might be interested in doing col- Done reading
Another founding member, want to understand] the sense big picture, not just of the Col- lectively,” said Kibbie. “There’s
Associate Professor of English of direction, in general, that the lege, but of the nation itself.” simply not enough time. It can be
this paper?
Ann Kibbie, said “[Professors institution has chosen to follow, difficult to collaborate with pro-
have been] maybe too focused and the larger set of values and –Ann Kibbie, associate professor of English fessors in other departments.”
on the day-to-day stuff in our ethical questions that our con- “It’s good to have an organi-
lives. This is a moment to look versations and our silences may pecially in conversations around periences are. We are committed zation in place that lets us have Share it.
at the big picture, not just of the foster, both intentionally and curricular reform. He also men- to being vigilant, exercising our these networks with each other
College, but of the nation itself.” inadvertently.” tioned that the group is consid- voices and to helping others ex- and with other institutions, so Recycle it.
In addition to advocating for “It’s about being in the room ering pushing for the hiring of an ercise their[s],” Kibbie said. that we can make sure that we’re
best practices in higher educa-
tion nationwide, many of the
and ensuring that being in the
room matters,” said Hecht. “And
Kibbie discussed the impor-
The chapter will have monthly
meetings open to students, fac-
all adhering to best practices,”
Hecht added.
Frame it.
chapter’s founding members there should be systems for con- tance of hearing from people ulty and staff. Kibbie discussed “We, being the faculty of Bow-
said that they want to be more necting those conversations to before mobilizing around par- potentially establishing subcom- doin, are incredibly fortunate and Compost it.
involved in discussions around where decisions get made.” ticular issues. Accordingly, the mittees and working to bring blessed to teach here. We have
governance and administrative Matthew Klingle, associate chapter’s faculty members will speakers to campus. She current- ample resources; we are well com- Eat it.
decisions on campus. professor of history and envi- host its first open house today ly knows of around 20 faculty pensated; we have great working
“More and more faculty have
become more involved in an at-
ronmental studies and another
founding member of the chapter,
where they will begin to discuss
more concrete goals.
members that have joined the
AAUP and paid their dues.
conditions, from the students we
teach to the colleagues we work Bop it.
tempt to understand the logic be- said that the new AAUP chap- “We want to hear what [open The group will allow for with and the community in which
hind the decisions that shape the ter is an opportunity to have a house attendees and new AAUP collaboration not only across we live,” said Klingle. “That does Burn it.
experience of our students,” said collective voice. He hopes this members] are concerned about. departments but also across the not mean there’s not room for im-
Nadia Celis, associate professor perspective voice is present es- We want to hear what their ex- country. provement.”
Friday, October 4, 2019 5

PACE-ing herself: Collin Roesler explores the deep sea
else.’ And honestly, I can’t.”
by Andrew Chang Roesler studied aquatic bi-
Orient Staff
ology and geology at Brown
Even in her 10th year at Bow- University. She later earned
doin, Professor of Earth and her Ph.D. at the University of
Oceanographic Science Collin Washington for developing
Roesler’s eyes light up as she dis- algorithms that allow satellite
cusses her research in oceanog- observation of phytoplankton
raphy. For the past three years, concentrations. After such
Roesler has been studying how measurements became possi-
phytoplankton in the ocean cap- ble, Roesler wanted to push the
ture and export carbon dioxide boundaries and began to work
into deeper areas and remove on algorithms that could dis-
the gas from the atmosphere as cern individual phytoplankton
part of the National Aeronau- species. Her work in that field
tics and Space Administration’s ultimately landed her a spot on
(NASA) Export Processes in the the PACE science team.
Ocean from Remote Sensing For Roesler, however, her
(EXPORTS) mission. research connects to something
Now the project is going larger than the PACE team.
airborne, as NASA begins the “If I can help contribute to
Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, people’s understanding of how
ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mis- the world works, maybe they
sion to send a satellite into space will be more thoughtful about
that can measure, with unprec- their actions ... and maybe
edented precision, the colors of make choices that are not in
the ocean. This allows scientists their own best interest but
to recognize specific types of in the world’s best interest,”
phytoplankton and better un- Roesler said. “Recognizing that
derstand ocean health. there are winners and losers in
“[With PACE’s sensors] we this climate change, I think we
could constantly be assessing TAKING FLIGHT: Professor of Earth and Oceanographic Science Collin Roesler studies ocean phytoplankton and their impact on carbon dioxide in the need to be thinking really seri-
how much carbon is leaving the atmosphere with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite team. ously about how we are going
atmosphere, and then we can of its emphasis on achieving with our final products, every- Colorado, far from the physical rare, and I never tried to say to to care for our communities
do a better job figuring out how goals through teamwork and body had vetted it [and] felt that ocean, Roesler found herself my students ‘you should know that are going to be more im-
we might be able to mitigate consensus. Typical projects in they had a piece of ownership. mesmerized by oceanographer what you want to be when you pacted than others.”
some of the carbon in the atmo- her field are often more solitary. … It’s been a really amazing re- Jacques Cousteau’s weekly grow up,’ because you honestly “I think we need to be think-
sphere,” Roesler said. “We would talk and we search project to be on.” television shows. Since then, shouldn’t,” Roesler said. “But ing about being a little kinder,
For Roesler, PACE is reward- would compare and have re- Roesler’s work with NASA Roesler knew she wanted to when you find the thing, you a little bit more giving and
ing not only because of the pro- spectful discussions,” Roesler and her love for the ocean have study the ocean. know it—you get that feeling of thinking a little bit less about
gram’s mission, but also because said. “By the time we came up deep roots. As a child living in “I know that it’s incredibly ‘I can’t imagine doing anything ourselves and our needs.”

Wildflours bakery blossoms in Brunswick Mae’s Café and Bakery:

by Annika Moore
Orient Staff
best breakfast in Bath
At Wildflours, Maine’s first featuring all the classics as well
entirely gluten-free market and Forking Around as bakery goods, healthier op-
bakery, customers who would by Will tions and a number of special-
usually be limited by dietary re- Donaldson ties. I personally recommend
strictions can enjoy sweets, breads Gavin’s Benedict, a hearty dish
and savory treats worry-free. The Last week family friends came with home-made lamb sausage.
bakery, located at 54 Cumberland up to Maine for a wedding. They Ethan’s oats, which I had a bite
Street, has grown since its open- made a stop to visit me, and I of, are also delicious. My table
ing in 2008. It offers wholesale took them to breakfast at Mae’s also split a pecan bun—don’t
and custom orders in addition to Café and Bakery in Bath. A leave without trying one.
retail goods at its storefront. fifteen minute drive from cam- When it comes to price, Mae’s
When owner Kelley Hughes pus, Mae’s offers a picturesque is fair. I wouldn’t eat there every
was first diagnosed with an auto- setting, high quality service and day, but for a special breakfast
immune disease that meant she excellent food. My guests and I occasion with high quality food,
couldn’t eat gluten, she struggled absolutely loved it. the value is very reasonable. I
to find foods that fit her dietary Mae’s is an old-fashioned strongly recommend Mae’s as a
needs. After experimenting with white building situated on a destination for Family Weekend
recipes in her kitchen, Hughes de- hill. The inside is well-lit, wood or other special occasions. Out
cided to open Wildflours 11 years GRAHAM BENDICKSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT paneled and charming. We sat of town guests will be delight-
ago as a market and bakery in a NO GLUTEN, NO PROBLEM: Wildflours gluten-free market and bakery offers sweet and savory treats, catering to in a window booth looking out ed with the atmosphere and
tiny storefront on Maine Street. a variety of dietary restrictions. The bakery offers wholesale and custom orders as well as items sold at the storefront. on a park, a church and a court setting, and the food won’t dis-
At that time, many people hadn’t vegan products while enjoying Stephen Reardon, a customer said that he does notice a differ- building. A local artist’s paint- appoint either. Though it is far-
heard of gluten-free products. the rustic decor, aroma of baked with Celiac disease, has been glad ence in the texture of gluten-free ings hung on the walls. In this ther away from Bowdoin than
“I could tell a telemarketer goods and view of the goodies be- to find a bakery that entirely ca- items, but that it doesn’t make setting, our conversation could Wild Oats, it makes up for the
because they would call and say ing prepared in the open-concept ters to his needs. them any less enjoyable. not help but turn to the natural distance by offering full-service
‘Hello, is this Wildflours ‘glut- kitchen behind the counter. “This has been huge for us,” While it can be difficult to beauty of Maine and the charac- instead of a cafeteria-style line,
ton-free’ bakery?’” Hughes said. “This is by far my favorite Reardon said. “We live about create new gluten-free recipes ter of the Northeast. a bigger and nicer menu and
Hughes planned to start by version of this business,” Hughes 40 minutes away, so whenever because of the denser flours, After being seated we were a better overall experience. It
selling flour and baking mixes said. “I really love working with we’re passing by we stop in to get Hughes said she enjoys the immediately offered cups of would also make a nice change
before transitioning to a full- other people. I have totally amaz- something. We’ve just been try- challenge. Bread can be partic- coffee, which were kept full of pace for parents who have
fledged bakery. But in 2011, two ing employees.” ing to go through them all and ularly hard to bake gluten-free, throughout the meal, and a se- made more than one trip to
years after the business opened, Many of the products at Wild- sample everything.” but it’s one of the most popular lection of tea. The food arrived Brunswick in the past few years.
a fire destroyed the store. flours are baked fresh every day As gluten-free eating has be- items at Wildflours. fairly quickly after we ordered Mae’s Café and Bakery is the
Hughes quickly found a new beginning at 5 a.m. About half of come more popular, Wildflours “I think it’s partly [that] we it, which was good news for best breakfast in Bath, don’t
location on Cumberland Street the items are sold at the bakery has grown to attract customers have time on our side. We’ve been my family friends, who had miss it!
and converted the then office and the other half are delivered to who don’t have dietary restric- making one kind of bread for 10 an appointment in the early Mae’s Café and Bakery is lo-
space into a kitchen. vendors in Brunswick and Port- tions but enjoy gluten-free eat- years and so we’ve been able to afternoon. Overall, the service cated at 160 Centre Street in Bath,
Three years ago, the bakery land. In the coming years, Wild- ing nonetheless. Iggy Parker and tweak it and play with it,” Hughes was efficient, smooth and very Maine. The restaurant is open
opened as a retail location. Cus- flours hopes to grow its delivery Izik Dery, for example, don’t eat said. “We know that it can taste friendly. We felt right at home. from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. seven days
tomers can now purchase a vari- service to include more locations exclusively gluten-free, but still amazing so we just won’t settle The food at Mae’s was fantas- a week and accepts reservations
ety of gluten-free, dairy-free and in Maine. enjoy Wildflours’ goods. Dery with anything until we get that.” tic. The breakfast menu is large, over the phone.
6 FEATURES Friday, October 4, 2019

Talk of the Quad

skinny—and likes it. When I with my father and my broth- out on the damage I’d done to Only one person recog- When your peers engage in
ON EATING DISORDERS: was in the throes of my eating er. I was slowly returning to myself for me to attend outpa- nized my shrinking body size casual body hatred, interrupt
A CALL TO PAY disorder, I used to look for- eating meat after being a veg- tient treatment. I spent weeks as a problem over and reframe it. When your
ATTENTION ward to mornings, especially etarian for four months—an trying to figure out how I’d the course of my eat- best friend starts an elimina-
When I was 16, I started mornings after days when I’d ill-advised yet temporarily lost so much control of my ing disorder. It has tion diet to lose weight, ques-
starving myself. Troubled starved myself. My favorite successful endeavor to main- life in my desire to regain it. taken me years tion it. We cannot live as full,
with weight issues—real and thing to do on those days was tain my skinny figure within It wasn’t until I sat with my to realize just unencumbered, actualized
imagined—my whole life, I stand in front of my bathroom my meat-loving family— therapist, arguing how if I how much versions of ourselves until we
took advantage of a stomach mirror, yank my shirt up and when my dad, in between his gained 10 pounds, it would our society love ourselves.
bug I caught while traveling. examine my flat, empty stom- attempts to get me to try hag- be impossible for anybody to teaches girls I don’t know where I would
I began a trend of underfeed- ach—daily evidence of what I gis and Scotch eggs, noticed love me, that I realized how to hate them- be if my father hadn’t
ing myself, going hungry for had achieved. something was wrong. On the distorted my thinking had be- selves. I brought me back to earth
hours every day, then work- Despite my pride, though, second day of my visit, my fa- come. Controlling what I ate am still that day when I was 16.
ing out for upwards of 60 I was never skinny enough. ther looked me up and down wouldn’t change the factors in astound- All I needed was one
minutes, six to seven days a In my mind, I would never and said, “Now I understand my life. Controlling my body ed at how person, one moment.
week. I never ate carbs. My not be fat. During my eating how you lost all this weight. wouldn’t make anybody ap- deeply I implore you all to pay
stomach roared indignantly disorder, nobody realized I You don’t eat.” prove of me more. The only ingrained attention, to be vigilant, to
every time I refused seconds had one. When I arrived at I don’t remember how I person’s approval I needed in my disrupt our collective un-
at a meal, and I heard myself my extended family’s house defended myself against this was my own. mind healthy patterns of thought
say, “It’s okay, I don’t need to for Thanksgiving that year, accurate, yet chilling obser- Now, I return to that which poison- about our bodies and our
eat that much.” all I heard was praise, curios- vation. “Yes I do,” I probably before made me feel like I ous ideas worth.
When I look at pictures ity at how I had achieved my said. “I just eat less. You don’t needed to control my eating; about love, Aisha Rickford is
from that time, to the average smaller body. When I visited understand. I used to eat too I eat joyfully, taking pleasure beauty and a member of the
person, I don’t look terribly a family friend I hadn’t seen much. I’m finally in control.” in the food and the people I worth were at the Class of 2020.
unhealthy. I wasn’t under- in a while, she examined my That’s how eating disor- share it with. I exercise be- height of my eating
weight on the BMI scale, but I figure with admiration and ders start, whether they in- cause I want to, because it disorder. KO
know that I was definitely un- told me, whatever I was do- volve restricting, bingeing, makes me feel good and is That is why we need RZ
der a weight that was healthy ing, to “keep it up.” over-exercising, orthorexia or good for me, and for no other awareness. That is why
for me. My skin was sallow It wasn’t until I visited fam- a combination, like the one I reasons. I accept my body in we need vigilance. When
and pale, my eyes blank and ily in the spring of 2015 when was suffering from. It was a this moment and every mo- one of your friends or
staring, but a smile played somebody finally recognized desire for control, or desper- ment, sometimes with diffi- family members drops or
on my lips: the smile of a the problem for what it was. I ation to relinquish it. It took culty, but increasingly, less gains an alarming amount
girl who knows she is finally went on holiday to Edinburgh a year after my dad called me and less so. of weight, don’t dismiss it.

Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish forward to sitting through my mom knitting, because it But this past Monday, Like any New Year celebra-
AN EPIPHANY IN New Year) and Yom Kippur hours-long services or hav- was the only way she could there I was praying in Dag- tion, Rosh Hashanah is a time
DAGGETT LOUNGE (the Day of Atonement). ing to tell my teachers that I stay focused and my sister gett Lounge (clearly the clos- to reflect on what motivates
Growing up, the High These holidays are among was going to miss class and and I commiserating as we est place to God on this cam- us to be better people. It can
Holidays were the only time the holiest days in the Jewish have to make up the work. I stood, sat and stood again, pus). People came and went be easy to lose sight of these
my whole family would go to tradition and the only days didn’t look forward to the 10 reciting prayers that had been from Thorne Hall, rushing to bigger motivations when our
synagogue. “High Holidays” my family would make the days between Rosh Hasha- burned in our minds through class, and I was struck by the worth here is in part decided
is the collective name for trek across the Kansas City nah and Yom Kippur, when I years of Hebrew School. I realization that I, for the first by academic performance and
metro area to attend services. was expected to atone for my looked forward to hearing the time in a long time, was not quantified in a percent grade.
Even my mom, raised Catho- sins by apologizing to people sound of the shofar because it doing the same. But when we give ourselves
lic, came along, carrying her I had wronged, because it meant the end of services was I still get nervous telling the chance to see ourselves as
prayer book with made me feel guilty and be- near. And I looked forward to my professors that I will be humans who err in our pur-
handwritten notes cause I knew I wouldn’t do it. going to Dean & Deluca for missing class for the High suit of something grand but
in the margins. What I did look forward to lunch afterward, a reward for Holidays—not because I always have the opportunity
I didn’t look was the familiarity of stand- our, um, piety. think they’ll say no or that to be forgiven, it can be truly
ing in the overflow room at When I arrived at Bowdo- I’ll be penalized, but because revelatory. For just a few days,
my synagogue next to my in, the familiarity of the High I feel like I’ll mess up my I can disconnect from my dai-
parents and sister; my dad Holidays had evaporated, routine of class, work and ly routine at Bowdoin to be
davening, rhythmically along with the expectation everything else I’m expected reminded of that.
swaying back and forth that I would attend services. to do to be a successful Bow- The High Holidays remind
(which I assumed Since I always considered my doin student. me to practice compassion,
was a symptom participation in Judaism to be I recently learned that the forgiveness and kindness
of being an driven by tradition rather than two English words we associ- toward others—and toward
older Jewish religion, I didn’t think I would ate with the High Holidays, myself. As graduation ap-
man), “be Jewish” in college. repentance and sin, have proaches, I am reminded that
different meanings in He- I will still have a purpose
brew; repentance, “t’shuvah,” beyond Bowdoin, even if I’ll
directly translates to “return- have to find a different place
ing,” and sin, “chet,” means for High Holiday services.
“to go astray.” Where repen- But for now, I’ll be return-
tance and sin inspire guilt ing to Daggett Lounge, and I
RZA and shame, the notion of hope to see you there.
returning after going astray Emily Cohen is a member
seems more forgiving. of the Class of 2020.

TALK TO US. Submit a Talk of the Quad to

Published every other week.
Friday, October 4, 2019 7


‘Art Purposes’ alumni panel emphasizes a need for inclusivity
by Julia Jennings
Staff Writer
The Bowdoin College Mu-
seum of Art (BCMA) wel-
comed distinguished alumni
back to campus for a discus-
sion on Wednesday in con-
junction with its exhibit, “Art
Purposes: Object Lessons for
the Liberal Arts.” The three
alumni, all prominent figures
in the field of art, shared how
their time at Bowdoin shaped
their careers and set them on
a path of artistic discovery.
Present on the panel were
Shelley Langdale ’85, the cur-
rent curator and head of the
department of modern prints
and drawings at the National
Gallery of Art in Washington,
D.C.; Andrew Walker ’87,
director of the Amon Carter
Museum of American Art in
Fort Worth, Texas and Bryan
Ferriso ’88, the current direc-
tor of the Portland Art Muse-
um in Portland, Oregon.
Langdale, in sharing her
personal journey in the arts,
described how she first ar- ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE: Shelley Langdale ’85 participated in a Q&A at the “Art Purposes” panel on Wednesday, along with two other Bowdoin alumni with established careers in the arts.
rived at Bowdoin with the whole spirit of the college that and you learn about it, it’s a diverse array of communities Ferriso cites his time at geting within a museum, the
intent to study government I’ve always found is this sort really ... intimate way to learn across the world. He has since Bowdoin as foundational to panelists expressed a desire to
and history to become a law- of interest in [how] whatev- about other cultures that are translated his artistic interests his perception of arts in the make lasting change and dis-
yer. This quickly changed, er discipline you’re working different from yours. And I into an initiative called Carter 21st century. He also claims cussed actions they are taking
however, after she took an in- in [applies] to engaging, ex- think that’s so vital in this Community Artists which that his Bowdoin experience to make the world of art more
troductory course with Asso- panding and contributing to moment.” participates in community gave him the framework to equitable and inclusive.
ciate Professor of Art History the community in some way.” Walker, who also empha- outreach and education in the capture human existence in an The audience, composed of
Susan Wegner. Langdale went on to ex- sized inclusivity, detailed his greater Fort Worth area. emotional, expressive way as a members of the Bowdoin and
Langdale feels that her ex- plain how she continues to in- experience as the director of Ferriso shared a similar in- painter. greater Brunswick communi-
perience at Bowdoin prepared corporate the College’s prin- the Amon Carter Museum and terest in accessible museums The panel drew the discus- ties, were responsive to the
her for a career working with ciple of the Common Good explained his intent to create which he has manifested in his sion to a close with an exam- speakers in a short question
all artistic media and for the into her curatorial work. an environment of diversity, plans to remodel the Portland ination of the broader culture and answer session. Many
position she now holds at the “I think that, because there inclusion and accessibility to Art Museum. He identifies art of art and the contemporary comments reflected great ap-
National Gallery of Art. isn’t a language barrier with all who visit the museum. museums as comprised of three issues that each panelist faces preciation for the continued
“I got to learn so many the visual, you can find more He explained that this de- components of equal impor- in their career. When asked work of the Bowdoin alumni,
different aspects of how a points of commonality,” said sire began during his time at tance: collections, exhibitions about the implications of in- not only in the field of art, but
museum works,” said Lang- Langdale. “And if it’s some- Bowdoin and that his prac- and of course the people that equities surrounding the wage in the pursuit of the Common
dale. “But I think also just the thing you don’t understand, tice has grown to include a create the artistic experience. gap and the difficulties of bud- Good.

Telling Room x ArtVan exhibit highlights youth art

at ArtVan, found their respective
by Beth Wang internships to be surprisingly
Staff Writer
interrelated in the communities
Light and dark hues contrast they served. The two decided to
with sharp yet soft strokes on the bridge the works done by the two
walls, filling Lamarche Gallery organizations.
with emotions. Words and paint- “I chose to collaborate with
ings are two of the media which The Telling Room because I think
young local artists use to chan- writing and painting are two real-
nel their inner creativity in the ly great ways to express how peo-
Telling Room x ArtVan exhibit, ple feel,” said Bae. “They haven’t
which opened in the Lamarche done a collaboration before and
Gallery today. it just seemed like a very natural
The collaborative exhibit com- collaboration to have an exhibit
bines the forces of The Telling of the two.”
Room, a Portland-based writing The two hoped to teach as-
workshop, and ArtVan, a mobile piring creatives how art and the
art therapy organization. Where written word are connected.
one aims to nurture literary con- “We thought it was cool to
fidence among young authors, have Telling Room students and
the other provides underserved Art Van students have both of
youth an environment for artistic their work up on display togeth-
creation. er [to] see how they respond to
The Telling Room writers each other and how the work is
based their work on nature-fo- in communication [with each
cused paintings from the Port- other],” Kiley said.
land Museum of Art, embracing Since the artists and writers
themes of self, growth and re- ranged in age from three to 16 EMILY FULLER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
lationships. ArtVan artists then years old, Kiley and Bae assisted KIDS DO IT BEST: Camilo Pereja ’22 peruses the artistic contributions of local youth to the Telling Room x ArtVan exhibit, now on display in Lamarche Gallery.
created paintings and drawings students with the creative pro- them a piece of paper. Instead, I tions tends to stay between the displaying. exhibit will take place today at
based on their interpretations of cess. broke up stories into sentences creators and their instructors. But “We just want to showcase 4 p.m. in the Lamarche Gallery.
the Telling Room students’ writ- “The youngest kids who did and even words and then they by giving the students a chance to youth writers and artists and the Students from The Telling Room
ing. art for the show are just three or could paint or draw based on produce work for exhibition, Bae work that they’ve done and show and ArtVan will attend the open-
Julianna Kiley ’20, a summer four, and they can’t, they don’t what they thought when they and Kiley aim to show the stu- that it has value. It matters,” Kiley ing, allowing them to see their
intern at The Telling Room, and really understand words that heard those words.” dents—and the Bowdoin com- said. work on display and interact with
Jessica Bae ’22, a summer intern [well],” said Bae. “I wouldn’t give The work of these organiza- munity—that their work is worth An opening reception for the the College community.
8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, October 4, 2019

‘The Bus’: a band built on flexibility and fun

Whether they’re the center
by Brianna Cunliffe of attention at a party or mel-
Orient Staff low background music for an
After a year or two of play- official College event, student
ing in student bands, Musi- groups like The Bus offer a
cians Danny Little ’22 and unique space for musicians to
Nick Cattaneo ’21 came into explore their craft.
this year with a vision. They “It’s a very fun and creative
wanted to establish a new way to engage in music that
model that would allow mu- isn’t as stressful,” said Little.
sicians to rotate in and out of “Comparing it to being in a
bands based on availability, jazz combo—that’s also a very
while ensuring that a core good time, but being able to
group remains. self-direct is a pretty signifi-
“It would be a dynam- cant change.”
ic thing, always changing. It The autonomy to choose
wouldn’t be exclusive,” said their own music results in
Little. setlists that can vary widely to
Little, who plays the saxo- reflect the interests of the mu-
phone, and Cattaneo, a drum- sicians involved. For The Bus,
mer, formed the core of the song choice is an intentional
group known—after some de- process, as Little and Cattaneo
liberation—as The Bus. They balance their love of funk with
have had a no-holds-barred the singers’ needs while fac-
start to the year, headlining toring in appropriateness to
at Common Good Day and the atmosphere and audience.
Greenstock and rehearsing for “A lot of the consideration
their first College House show is: Do people know it? Does it
at Burnett House tonight. match the energy of the situ-
Because of its dynam- ation? Like for the [College]
ic structure, the group can House parties, you don’t re-
scale down for more low-key ally want ballads,” said Little.
gigs and balloon up for fun, Like any student group,
high-energy events like House The Bus faces challenges with
parties. At Burnett tonight, finding time to rehearse, es-
The Bus will number eight pecially in its eight-member
DRIVING ‘THE BUS’: Danny Little ’22 performs a solo during a show with The Bus in Farley Fieldhouse on Common Good Day on September 21.
members, bringing together expanded form. But members
musicians from all corners of are committed enough to all about refining. Musicians unpredictability, making mu- Baxter House that will feature known option for live music
campus for an hour-long set- make it happen. discuss the choices in the re- sic is, for both The Bus’ per- outdoor music from many on campus.
list of favorites. Ideally, members of The cording, where to depart from manent core and short-term student bands. “We want to have a sound,”
“[The name] works, be- Bus arrive to rehearsals know- them or follow their lead and members, just plain fun. Little hopes for the band to he said.
cause people can get on The ing the songs on the set list how to mold the music to the In the future, The Bus perform as much as possible The Bus will perform at
Bus. Other people can come already. From there, the hour- vibe of their upcoming gig. looks to FallFest and a repeat in hopes of cultivating a rep- Burnett House tonight at
and play with us,” said Little. and-a-half rehearsal block is Despite challenges and of last year’s fall concert at utation and becoming a well- 10:30 p.m..
Friday, October 4, 2019 9

Men’s lacrosse alumnus
Brett Kujala ’18 made
history last week at the
World Indoor Lacrosse
Championship, leading
Finland to an all-time
best sixth place finish.
Kujala put up impressive
offensive numbers all
tournament, averaging 9.0
points per game during
the group stages and 5.3
points per game in the
playoffs. Finland notched
big wins against eventual
fourth-place finishers
England and the Czech
Republic before bowing
out in the quarterfinal to

The women’s rugby team
exploded for 43 points in
the second half to take
a commanding 58-10
victory over Colby at
home on Saturday. After
two consecutive wins by
forfeit, the Polar Bears
took a while to get going
and entered the halftime
break with a slim 15-10
lead. However, a dominant
second half carried the
team to victory, with nine
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT different players scoring
SPLIT SECOND TOO LATE: Two Bowdoin defenders close in on Hamilton quarterback Kenny Gray ’20 just after he releases a pass during a 37-24 loss to the Continentals in Week One. tries over the course of the

Faced with more of the same, Bowdoin UNIVERSAL BASIC

The men’s tennis team

football takes the long view

posted a promising start to
their fall season at the ITA
New England Regional
this weekend at Colby.
In a stacked singles field,
scoring only 41. That’s the niors, because they’ll take That means tapping into new change. And, in Hammer’s all five Bowdoin singles
More Than a largest point differential lumps and then a couple years geographic recruiting pools— mind, that change is a change players won their first-
across the first three games of down the road they’re gonna California, Arizona and Ham- for the grittier. round games, with Oscar
Game Yang ’22 making it to the
any Bowdoin football season see a program that’s winning mer’s home-base in Indiana. “We need to become more
by Ian Ward in the 21st century. games,” said Hammer. “But But none of this changes aggressive. I wouldn’t mind quarterfinals. Yang and
Bowdoin football has had Got any Wite-Out left? they’ll be a part of that by the fact that 70 or so guys a few aggressive penalties, to
Tristan Bradley ’23 barely
missed making the final
a historically bad start to its In the NESCAC stand- their leadership and how hard still suit up to get clobbered be honest with you, because in the doubles bracket.
season. Not just a bad start—a ings, Bowdoin now sits at they work and contribute to weekend after weekend. And we need to start developing Despite a downsized
historically bad start. And 0-3, tied for the bottom spot it.” what for Hammer appears as a a little bit of an edge in the roster, this promising start
history has not been kind to with Bates. Out of nine teams, Above all, Hammer, who multi-year, big-picture struc- attitude around here,” said will set high expectations
Bowdoin football. the Polar Bears are eighth in has built a program from the tural issue appears to current Hammer. “Don’t get [me] for the Polar Bears at
So get out your record points scored, first in points ground-up before, is realistic players as a very immediate wrong, I don’t want penalties, next weekend’s Wallach
book and some Wite-Out, be- allowed, first in yards per about his prospects. problem. but football’s not a soft sport. Invitational, hosted by
cause it’s time for an update. game allowed and second to “There’s a reason Bowdo- “Systematically we’re in You can’t be soft and play on Bates.
On September 21, Bow- last in total offense. And they in’s won one game over a three a lot better place than we the edge ... in football.”
doin suffered the third-worst have yet to face any of the or four year period,” said were before,” said running This is more than a tacti-
loss in program history three teams tied for the top Hammer. “I’ve been coaching back and captain Nate Ri- cal decision for Hammer—it’s IRONING OUT THE
during the modern record era spot—Amherst (3-0), Mid- for 20 years and I can tell you cham-Odoi ’20. “A lot of the more like a life philosophy.
The men’s golf team
(dating back to 1921), falling dlebury (3-0) and Wesleyan when you’re outmanned and things we’re doing right are “In today’s society, every-
struggled last weekend
to Trinity (1-2) 61-7. Along (3-0). when you’re not outmanned, working in the right ways, one treats you with kid gloves. at the NESCAC Fall
the way, the Bowdoin defense By Head Coach BJ Ham- and that’s been the case.” but at the end of the day us as Guess what: your opponent Qualifier, finishing with a
allowed Trinity to rack up 572 mer’s own estimate, “We’re In other words, Hammer players are shooting ourselves in football never will,” said team score of +69, good
yards of offense, the sixth- not very good. When you’re seems to have all but accepted in the foot.” Hammer. “They don’t care for last in the 10-team
most all time, 391 of which not very fast and you’re not that the season will continue In this sense, Bowdoin who you are, where you’re pool. After an eighth-
came in the air, good for sec- very physical, that happens.” much as it has begun: with a football suffers from a kind of from, they don’t give a crap place finish on Saturday,
ond-most of all time. Trinity’s Mince words. I dare you. lot of losses. dual consciousness; winning about that. They wanna kick the Polar Bears slipped
61 points were the third-most For some, all of this might But that doesn’t mean that is a matter of effort, but effort the living hell out of you, and down to the bottom of the
allowed by any Bowdoin team be a cause for concern. But the season is totally a wash. isn’t enough for a 190-pound our guys need to recognize table on Sunday despite
during the modern record era not for Hammer, who doesn’t Hammer often refers to lineman to slow down his that and learn to play.” a strong performance
(the most being 63 in 1993). seem too worried about win- the present moment as “Phase 240-pound counterpart. It’s Put that on a bumper from first year Favian
Last weekend, en route to ning football games this week, One” of the rebuilding pro- a problem of execution, but sticker.
Busnawi, who shot a 152
and finished 22nd overall.
getting clobbered 41-10 by next week or even this season. cess. Part of Phase One is de- even a perfectly executed pass In this, at least, Hammer The team will look to
Williams (2-1), the defense When it comes to turning veloping talent that’s already will rarely make it to a receiv- and his players are in agree- bounce back this weekend
again surrendered 481 yards, Bowdoin football into a pro- here—turning young players er who’s being guarded by a ment: if you’re going to lose, on its home turf at the
this time 398 on the ground. gram that wins games, Ham- into consistent contributors safety who’s an entire head at least raise some hell doing Colby-Bates-Bowdoin
Pencil that in for second-most mer doesn’t think in terms of on the field. But a more sig- taller than he is. it. Championship, hosted at
all-time. days or weeks. He thinks in nificant part is recruiting new And while it might be too “I despise losing with an the Brunswick Golf Club.
Throughout the first three seasons, in blocks of multiple talent that is bigger, stronger, soon to reap the benefits of absolute passion,” said Ham-
games of the season, Bowdo- years. faster and more physical than future recruiting classes, it’s mer. “We need more football COMPILED BY DYLAN SLOAN
in allowed 139 points while “I feel bad [for] the se- the talent Hammer’s got now. never too soon for an attitude players that do that.”
10 SPORTS Friday, October 4, 2019

History of interfraternity
athletics lives on in
Bowdoin archives
more athletes, and by the time of an IAC meeting on No-
by Dylan Sloan volleyball and bowling were vember 10, 1931. However, all
Orient Staff
added in the early-to-mid- records of the Interfraternity
Although nearly 40 per- 1900s, hundreds of men were Council and Interfraternity
cent of Bowdoin students are participating in what had be- Athletic Council disappear
members of varsity sports come a vibrant non-varsity from the records in 1943, sug-
teams, athletic offerings on sports scene. gesting that this motion never
campus range in level of com- Notably, accounts of the came to fruition.
petition and commitment. A proceedings of the IAC are The immense popularity
variety of intramural leagues full of debate over whether of these events threatened to
help students find the right varsity athletes should be el- overshadow varsity teams. In
balance of fun and competi- igible to compete in the inter- fact, the school’s administra-
tion in multiple sports, from fraternity leagues. The coun- tion went so far as to propose
badminton to hockey. Club cil devoted a full typewritten a motion to downsize or even
and junior varsity (JV) sports page to establish detailed eliminate the entire interfra-
provide opportunities for regulations for who should ternity athletic system.
serious competition against and should not be allowed to “The topic reopened the
other schools on a local and compete for the Ives Trophy, a discussion on whether the
even national level. prestigious award. Board was in favor of con-
However, it was not always Despite the fact that varsi- tinuing intramural athletics
like this. For decades, the ty athletes were banned from on the interfraternity basis.
non-varsity athletics scene competition in any interfra- Roland Cobb outlined the
on campus consisted almost ternity athletic event, inter- program suggested by the
entirely of a system of inter- fraternity contests frequently Athletic Department which
fraternity athletics. In a social attracted more attention than had for its aim the minimiz-
scene so dominated by Greek varsity game results. The ing of fraternity feeling which
life, fraternity influence natu- Orient frequently included is injurious to varsity teams,”
rally bled into athletic compe- coverage of these contests; a read the IAC minutes from
tition as well. Over the years, featured article in the Sports May 31, 1932.
the interfraternity contests section published on April Despite the administra-
took on different forms, but 9, 1952 described Chi Psi’s tion’s doubts, the interfrater-
the events themselves re- victory in the interfraternity nity leagues were allowed to
mained hugely popular. volleyball playoffs: “A fair continue through the mid- DYLAN SLOAN, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
In its earliest conception crowd attended both games 20th century. THE FOUR COMMANDMENTS: The Interfraternity Athletic Council set guidelines prohibiting varsity athletes
in the late 1800s, the interfra- and there was much excite- Although the interfrater- from participating in interfraternity athletic events that contributed to awards like the Ives Trophy.
ternity system was designed ment…since this was such a nity games featured serious
to “get the men [that are] not close contest.” levels of competition, the As engagement grew highest point total throughout side—seems a fitting tribute
varsity material … exercise Capitalizing on the pop- leagues were not exempt from throughout the early 1900s, the entire year. to Sigma Nu’s triumph.
and competition,” according ularity of the non-varsity the realities of Greek life. Fra- other campus organizations One such cup, the Interfra- The current system of intra-
to the Interfraternity Athletic leagues, fraternity members ternity members were warned and institutions blossomed to ternity Winter Sports Trophy, mural athletics is undeniably
Council (IAC) minutes from sought to expand their juris- not to sabotage their own support this form of athletics. is still held in the George J. more open, diverse and acces-
November 10, 1931. diction from managing ath- teams by hazing their recruits A set of trophies and cups were Mitchell Department of Spe- sible than the exclusive, com-
Interfraternity contests letic affairs to college affairs to a point where they would bought to reward the winners cial Collections and Archives. petitive system set up by the
quickly grew in size and pop- at large. be unable to compete: of various divisions of competi- In 1927 and 1928, the trophy fraternities. However, through
ularity. Participation shot up “Confer with the Student “[It is vital] that freshman tion. For each season of compe- was won by Sigma Nu, which the Bowdoin archives and
from the original flag football Council on becoming the In- football [players] should be tition, one fraternity was named existed in what is now Helm- through artifacts like trophies
leagues as other sports were terfraternity Council instead exempt from all kinds of haz- the champion and presented reich House. The trophy— and meeting minutes meticu-
added to the list. Baseball, of the Interfraternity Athletic ing by the fraternity liable to with an engraved trophy. The which is somewhat tarnished, lously cataloged over decades,
basketball, track and swim- Council—thereby broadening injure them,” read the IAC Ives Trophy was awarded to the has a dent or two and still the history of these leagues
ming attracted more and its powers,” read the minutes minutes from October 1, 1931. fraternity that accumulated the smells faintly of stale beer in- lives on.

JV soccer team welcomes two women to roster

leagues that anyone can register men and women, there is students within a week who ex- tion Of Soccer (B-POOS) in lieu before agreeing to join but even-
by Sebastian de Lasa teams within and play against only one team out of seven in pressed interest in joining the of an organized team. tually decided to go for it.
Orient Staff
each other, is the most popular the A-league that has a single team, and she enlisted the help Even joining B-POOS, a sim- Hickey and Maffezzoli feel
After an undefeated 2018 way to play recreationally on woman registered on its roster. of the Bowdoin Athletics De- ilarly male-dominated space, wholly included by their team-
season, the junior varsity (JV) campus. Within Bowdoin in- There are 47 men registered partment to organize the team took chutzpah, said Maffezzoli. mates, but they acknowledged
soccer team (2-1) welcomed tramural soccer there are three on A-league teams. There are as an official JV program that “What Lauren and I are do- that they were fully aware of their
two new members to its team— leagues: A-league being the two women. played other colleges. ing, to come to B-POOS as a gender while being on a men’s
female athletes Lauren Hickey highest skill level, B-league a step That being said, there are However, due to the admin- woman, does require that ex- team. Maffezzoli mentioned how
’20 and Gabrielle Maffezzoli ’20. istrative burden of founding a tra,” Maffezzoli paused. “I don’t the psychological “stereotype
Hickey and Maffezzoli have team, the women were only able know if it’s confidence or if it’s threat” comes into play.
played soccer their whole lives. The men on the team might ... to schedule a few scrimmag- just like, ‘I don’t give a crap.’” “The men on the team might
Maffezzoli played on the Bow-
doin women’s varsity soccer
bump into us and be like, ‘Oh es among themselves. When
Trogu attempted the next year
Through B-POOS, Maffezzoli
played against most of the men
… bump into us and be like,
‘Oh my god, are you okay?’
team as a first year, but quit the my god, are you okay?’ They to convert the team to a club on the men’s JV team. She joking- They think we’re really fragile
team after that season. For the team rather than JV, Student ly expressed her interest in join- … We run into each other and
two women, soccer has been think we’re really fragile ... We Activities told her that there ing the team but was surprised they think that they’ve killed us.
an integral part of their lives at was not enough field space for when she was met with support Like, no, I’m fine,” said Hickey.
Bowdoin. run into each other, and they them to play, and the Athletic from the men on the team. Despite the dynamics that
“Soccer has honestly pro-
vided me with some of my
think that they’ve killed us. Department “[did not] advocate
for [the team]”
“Some of them were like,
‘Gabs, you should totally do
come with being a woman play-
ing on a predominantly male
highlights [at] Bowdoin,” said
Like, no, I’m fine. Hickey tried to play on the
women’s JV team before it
it.’ I was like, ‘Good one.’ Then
junior year I decided ‘why the
team, both Hickey and Maffez-
zoli expressed their happiness
However, the soccer scene –Lauren Hickey ’20 folded and expressed disillu- heck not,’ especially considering with the situation.
at Bowdoin exhibits a strict sionment with the Bowdoin there’s no women’s JV team,” “I’m grateful to all our new
gender divide. That divide ex- administration concerning its said Maffezzoli. teammates—the men on the JV
ists most obviously in the dis- down from that, and C-league, plenty of women on campus handling of the team. Since both Maffezzoli in turn reached team—because definitely, [join-
tinction between the men’s and which currently has two teams looking to play soccer at a high- athletes were still interested in out to Hickey, knowing she ing the team] was intimidating
women’s varsity teams, but also that both fall under the six play- ly competitive level. Sofia Trogu playing soccer at a competitive would be interested in joining and also exciting … I do not feel
in more subtle ways within the ers per team minimum. ’19 started a women’s JV soccer level at Bowdoin, Maffezzoli the team given their mutual in- animosity or any difference in
soccer community. While the B-league teams team during her sophomore and Hickey got involved with volvement with B-POOS. Hick- treatment. So I’m just grateful,”
Intramural soccer, a system of have a fairly even balance of year and was able to gather 35 the Bowdoin Pick-up Organiza- ey was similarly a little hesitant said Maffezzoli.
Friday, October 4, 2019 SPORTS 11

Despite slow start, volleyball hits stride at the right time

into this season … [We’re] ing really tough competition, fore, but it provides us more
by Ian Ward finding our new identity as and we’re playing well, but options with having a hitter
Orient Staff who we are this year, in 2019.” we couldn’t get that collective and not having a setter in the
Bowdoin women’s volley- Johnson and Wales entered team confidence ... I think fac- front row,” said Cady. “I would
ball (6-6, NESCAC 1-2) en- the match with an 11-1 record ing the number-five [team] in say that overall [there is] more
tered last Saturday’s matchup and ranked fifth in the Amer- the nation right now was what speed in every position, and
against national number-five ican Volleyball Coaches Asso- we needed to first bring out that’s something that we [had]
ranked Johnson and Wales ciation (AVCA) poll, the same that confidence, and then also on Saturday that we hadn’t
(11-3) having lost four of their poll that ranked Bowdoin prove to ourselves that we had seen all season.”
last five games—including two 23rd nationally a month ago. what it takes.” Abrams said that most im-
straight-set losses to confer- In 2018, the Wildcats post- Sophia Pahl ’22 led Bowdo- portantly, the win allowed
ence rivals Wesleyan (10-2) ed a 33-2 record, including in against the Wildcats with the team to clear its mental
and Tufts (12-0)—and with a Greater Northeast Athletic 13 kills while adding 12 digs hurdles that had accumulated
three times as many losses in over the course of the faltering
the past month as it had ac- start to season.
cumulated across all of last I think facing the number-five “I think we could sense
Yet, they emerged with the
[team] in the nation right now ourselves playing with a bit
of fear,” said Abrams. “[We
program’s first ever victory was what we needed to first were] not playing to win, but
over a top-ten team in its 34- playing not to lose, and I think
year history.
bring out ... confidence, and we found a way to get past that
In the first game of a day- then also prove to ourselves that and just play without any neg-
time doubleheader, the Polar ative pressure.”
Bears topped the Wildcats we had what it takes. And the new mindset is
with a score of 3-1 at Tufts here to stay.
University in Medford, Mas-
–captain Dani Abrams ’20 “I don’t think there’s any
sachusetts. In the second game turning back. I think we’re a
of the day, Bowdoin also put Conference championship and five service aces. Captain new team now compared to
away Maine Maritime (10-3) and a trip to the finals of the Caroline Flaharty ’20 paired what we were a week ago,” said
by the same scoreline—draw- NCAA Tournament Provi- 10 kills with 17 digs, and Ella Abrams.
ing the team’s record even at dence Regional. Haugen ’23 led the team with Bowdoin currently sits sev-
6-6 overall. After losses to Bowdoin and 25 assists. enth in the NESCAC stand-
The team is adjusting to the Tufts this past weekend, the The addition of Hau- ings, tied with Bates (9-4,
reality of a new season after Wildcats have dropped to 15th gen, a setter, as well as Jaida NESCAC 1-2) with a 1-2 con-
last fall’s record-setting cam- in the ACVA rankings. Hodge-Adams ’23, a right-side ference record.
paign. The historic win came at the hitter, has allowed the Polar The team plays its first
“The record is a fun thing right time for the Polar Bears, Bears to modify their rotation conference game at home
to break,” said head coach as the team struggled to set its from a 5-1 system to a 6-2 tonight at 8 p.m. in Morrell
Erin Cady. “It’s kind of saying season on the right track. system, which gives the team Gymnasium. The game is the
goodbye to last season when “I think it was definitely more offensive options on the team’s annual Dig Pink Night,
you have this remarkable 29-2 a mental shift for our team,” court at any given time. a fundraising initiative to raise
record and thinking that that’s said captain Dani Abrams ’20. “With that offense, it’s money for breast cancer re-
just going to carry you over “We started out the season fac- something we haven’t run be- search.

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APEX PREDATOR: Sarah Evans ’23 sizes up a ball at the top of its arc in a
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12 Friday, October 4, 2019

In support of those speaking up
Twelve Bowdoin housekeepers wrote an op-ed this week detailing the real-
ities of the work they do to clean Bowdoin’s spaces. The letter paints a picture
of Bowdoin as an employer that is, frankly, shameful.
The College presents itself as an institution guided by the principles of the
Common Good. Thus, people tend to expect—incorrectly—that Bowdoin
housekeeping staff are compensated fairly.
As Bowdoin students, it embarrasses us to imagine the scenario described
in the op-ed: a housekeeper had to explain the harsh reality of their life as a
Bowdoin employee to someone who assumed that they were well-paid. This
is not the portrait of Bowdoin that the College projects, either to the outside
world or to students.
But we are watching now.
It is true; many students on this campus do come from a position of priv-
ilege (about half of current students pay the full sticker price of $70,000 a
year). Even students on financial aid benefit from the abundant resources of
this College. But privilege should not excuse indifference. When courageous
people, such as these housekeepers, bring attention to problems that the Col-
lege would rather sweep under the rug, our community can begin to engage
in these conversations.
Though organizations such as the Bowdoin Labor Alliance can be power-
ful instruments of change, the first-hand accounts provided by housekeepers
are exponentially more powerful. We appreciate that it is significantly more
difficult for those members of our community to speak out, and we admire
those who have done so. We also firmly believe that they should not have
had to.
Our position as students working on a college newspaper lends us signifi-
cant insulation from consequences which others might face. Unlike Visiting
Assistant Professor of German Professor Andrew Hamilton, the author of a
September 20 op-ed questioning the principles of Bowdoin’s leadership, we
don’t have to worry about jeopardizing the future of our professional careers.
A piece by Radu Stochita ’22 in this issue’s opinion section calls on us to
Banding together: Bowdoin
housekeepers share their story
bite the hand that feeds us, regardless of the power (or lack thereof) we hold
on this campus. Hamilton’s op-ed and this week’s statement from the house-
keepers are courageous examples of community members doing just that.
Some people here are in positions of power—among them, alumni, profes-
sors with tenure and students who don’t receive financial aid. Others, how- Things have changed. The housekeep- President Clayton Rose’s house—and new employees to join Bowdoin is to in-
ever, are in positions of vulnerability. They include students on financial aid, ing department isn’t like it used to be. I his second house! And you don’t get any crease the starting pay.
untenured professors and support staff members. have to struggle to get out of bed to come more money. In how many companies It makes me laugh when I meet peo-
We hope you keep talking. We are listening to you, and we hope the ad- to work. I loved coming to work. But do you clean the boss’s house? ple and I tell them “I’m a housekeeper at
ministration is as well. now everything is so different. Bowdoin Parts of this campus have a serious Bowdoin” and they say, “Oh, you must
The College is apprehensive about critical messages, especially during prides itself on being a great communi- mold problem. It’s in the walls and venti- make good money.” My pay shows how
Homecoming Weekend because these messages tarnish the squeaky-clean ty in the public eye, but behind closed lation systems. This is happening all over much I am respected. We’re supposed to
image the College promotes. Alumni returning to campus ought to be doors it’s quite a different story. the place, but we’re not warned. We have be so grateful for whatever they give us,
shocked and appalled. They ought to act on that. To Bowdoin’s housekeepers: To be clear, I am not writing this to to deal with bedbugs, lice, vomit, blood like the pay raise this summer of a few
we support your fearless efforts to better this institution and hold account- hurt anyone. I love my job and the stu- and asbestos. There are no precautions cents. Now some of us who’ve been here
able those who disgrace it. dents, and have a good relationship with for us. They don’t care. At Bowdoin a long time are making the same or just a
the staff I have met. I just wish the Bow- there’s no “maximum” level of work. few cents more than someone who’s been
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, doin community could be in our shoes They can just keep going if they want. here a lot less time. What they did by giv-
which is composed of Emily Cohen, Brianna Cunliffe, Roither Gonzales, Rohini Ku- for a day and see what it’s like. I’m doing three buildings, and more ing everybody “raises” was to shut every-
rup, Alyce McFadden, Nina McKay, Danielle Quezada, Reuben Schafir and Jaret On my first day, I was very open if someone calls in sick, all in the same body up. To make everyone go away.
Skonieczny. about not knowing how to do things eight hours. And the buildings just keep Bowdoin can’t see how wrong they
yet. I never got training, and then I get popping up. We’re expected to hear “this are when they say “We don’t have
reprimanded. I’m even expected to train is how it’s done,” period—no talking, the money to pay you more.’’ It’s dis-
others now. My first month at Bowdoin, no input. This is physical work that will turbing to me that the college would
I was called to the child care center, told break you down and wear out even the rather hire lawyers and pay legal fees
to put my hair in a ponytail, start bagging most physically fit person, with continu- to fight against housekeepers than pay
ESTABLISHED 1871 up everything that was made of soft fab- al stress on the muscles and repetition of us a living wage.
ric and throw it in a truck. Later they told the same movements. We had this whole meeting last year 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information me it was a lice infestation. This was just I’ve worked in many places since I was with administration, where they talked
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, the first of many infestations I would lat- 15. But here I feel so discouraged and about us being at the “top of the compet-
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in er take care of with no official training on disappointed. Is this how Bowdoin wants itive market.” Brunswick High School is
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse pest removal or any equipment suitable their employees to feel? This is what I’ve right down the road, paying their custo-
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community. to do the job well. felt like since day one. Do I feel respect- dians 21 bucks an hour. We have house-
We have to go to Mayflower Apart- ed? Nope. If we were respected the way keepers that have been here 20 years and
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden ments, Pine Street and Stowe Inn. We we should be, instead of being treated more not making that. It’s a disgrace.
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief have to use our personal vehicles, or like children, maybe we would have re- It’s disturbing to see all my coworkers
we’re supposed to walk to our buildings spect for management. We are afraid to afraid for their jobs, afraid to speak up
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor and tear our shoulders out carrying smile. If we say or do the wrong thing about being overworked and underpaid.
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone things. These are all off campus, miles we could be sent to HR. Management I am sick and tired of the bosses saying
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson away, and we’re not reimbursed for gas. If encourages hostility and divisiveness to us, “you chose to be a housekeeper.” To
Photo Editor Roither Gonzales
Rohini Kurup Features Editor we can’t make it in time, we’re told we’re between us. They encourage us to tell on me that is so disrespectful. I fell in love
Ann Basu Emma Sorkin taking too long and asked why we’re late. each other, and it’s contagious. They even and had my own family. I put my family
Mindy Leder Nina McKay
Ian Ward How many housekeepers or even cus- want us to take pictures if someone hasn’t over finishing college. But I am proud to
Sports Editor
todians have to walk with their supplies a gotten to clean something. be a housekeeper and feel it’s rewarding.
Layout Editor Dylan Sloan
Executive Editor mile down the road? How many schools I feel like I am in lock down. We are Bowdoin should respect us housekeep-
Emma Bezilla A&E Editor call their cleaning staff housekeepers? constantly being checked on. If we are ers and dining and facilities staff as much
Jaret Skonieczny Kate Lusignan
Eliana Miller Cole van Miltenburg How many housekeepers have to start sitting down we are asked what we are as they do everyone else that makes this
Ian Stewart
Opinion Editor work at 5 a.m.? How many housekeepers doing, all the time. We are always being college run. We are just as important.
Associate Editor Diego Lasarte have to clean sticky, beer-stained floors watched to see what time we get to the They don’t make penny candy any-
Data Desk Editor
Kathryn McGinnis after parties, or wax and buff floors with time clock to punch out. A lot of us are more. Those days are long gone. I can’t
Gwen Davidson Lucie Nolden Page 2 Editor large machinery? upset and frustrated and have no one in live on what my husband and I bring
Drew Macdonald Lucy Ryan Lily Randall When we’re working overtime and management anymore that we can go home monthly. I feel like we should have
George Grimbilas (asst.) Reuben Schafir
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Calendar Editor big jobs like graduation, newer house- to, but when you ask people to go to the a living wage so that we can afford to buy
Jane Godiner keepers will ask me for guidance. I’m Bowdoin Labor Alliance meeting they steak sometimes and so we can pay our
Head Copy Editor
Head Illustrator given all this responsibility but manage- choose not to or are afraid. mortgages and everyday bills. I don’t feel
Devin McKinney Senior News Reporter
Sara Caplan ment still won’t promote me to “Senior So many people are looking for oth- like we are asking a lot.
Nate DeMoranville Housekeeper.” er jobs. If the position of housekeeper Bonnie Perkins, Beth Icangelo, Jane
Copy Editor Horace Wang
Social Media Manager Sebastian de Lasa When the events setup crew is at Bowdoin is so desirable, why have Davis, Laura Leonard, Melanie Craig,
Ayub Tahlil Danielle Quezada Senior Sports Reporter swamped, we are also called upon as there been four vacant positions since Michael Gilman, Mickey Brockett,
Sophie Friedman Emily Staten Ella Chaffin backups. We get paid housekeeping wag- last November? We’re so understaffed Pamela Weeks, Sandy Green, Sherry
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the es but are expected to work harder than that we can’t take vacations––they have Cousins, Tenaj Ormsby and Tracey
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions two job titles combined. them blocked off so you can’t take a day Taylor are all currently employed as
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. Housekeepers even have to clean off. And the only way we are going to get Bowdoin housekeepers.
Friday, October 4, 2019 OPINION 13

Stop giving bigots platforms at Bowdoin

asserts that Ford’s characters in Ford’s reaction to Hoffman is ed that, “sometimes I hear them at
by Mitchel Jurasek the collection are “nearly indis- one that at least levels some type night singing over in their cabins.”
Op-Ed Contributor
tinguishable” and writes that “if I of revenge on an equal (albeit a The event two weeks ago left
Two weeks ago, at an on-cam- were an epidemiologist, I’d say that deranged type of revenge): You me sitting half-way around the
pus event highlighting the authors some sort of spiritual epidemic has give my book a bad review, I shoot world and staring at the Facebook
Richard Ford and John Banville, started to afflict white upper-mid- your book in my backyard and livestream and fuming, as I sat
President Clayton Rose intro- dle-class professionals.” mail it to you. and watched this bigoted man
duced Ford, saying that “he has Two years later, Ford met In the other case, Ford’s reac- receive so much power at my
been awarded too many prizes Whitehead at a party and spat in tion was to simply spit on a black school. This is not the first time
to count.” While Ford’s resume his face. man. Ford has been given a platform at
boasts impressive prizes includ- While it’s hard to think of a As the essayist Rebecca Solnit Bowdoin (in fact, he taught here
ing the Pulitzer, it hides a part of decent person who does such a put it, “that’s just a white creep once), but it should be the last.
his character that Rose chose not thing to a critic, this form of be- spitting on a black man.” Bowdoin needs to do a better
to highlight. To be brief, it’s easi- havior is not unusual for Ford. Af- An even further appalling part job at vetting its candidates for
est to simply say Richard Ford is ter Alice Hoffman similarly gave of this story is that in 2017 Ford lectures, fellowships (I’m look-
a racist. Ford a bad review, he took one of wrote in Esquire that he still be- ing at you Arthur Brooks and
A 2017 article in The Guardian her novels, shot it with a gun and lieves it was the right reaction. the McKeen Center) and every
titled “Richard Ford should swal- then mailed it to her. Whitehead’s exchange with Ford other position at the college. We
low his pride over Colson White- And although I personally is one of a string of racist interac- especially should not be giving
head’s bad review” gives ample feel that racism is explicit in the tions and remarks the author has up valuable positions of power
evidence. exchange with Whitehead, little hidden in the resume President to racists. It’s a waste of—not to
In 2001, Colson Whitehead, an doubt is left after thinking criti- Rose spoke of. The fact that Ford mention an insult to—students’
African American writer, reviewed cally about the reaction, his past once told the Kenyon Review that time and education.
Ford’s “A Multitude of Sins” in (and present) comments and even the relationship he has to his char- Mitchel Jurasek is a member of EMMA SORKIN
the New York Times. His review his writing. acters is “master to slave.” He add- the Class of 2021.

The Fox Box: on the optimism of Generation Z the internet from the 1980s to the first generation that’s being olds volunteer on a regular basis
by Jared Foxhall the mid-1990s, Millennials can significantly affected by climate and 76 percent are concerned
Opinion Contributor
remember seriously using things change, and the last generation about humanity’s impact on the
The first few essays from the like VCRs and MySpace and in- that can do something about it.” earth. And for some reason, even
Fox Box will be a deep dive into venting things like Facebook and A recent study from McKinsey though we are consistently de-
the particulars of what makes Netflix. Millennials are seen in & Company says that as consum- fined as the “realist” generation,
Gen Z different: Who are we as the workforce as being flexible, ers we value “uniqueness” and results from polls conducted by
consumers? As activists? What collaborative and valuing work/ “ethics” while our parents con- Heartland Monitor Polls showed
do we care about and how will life balance. They denounce the sumed with a bend toward luxury that we (by an overwhelming
we shape the world to come? In kind of corporate drudgery their items and brands. McKinsey char- amount) find “enjoyment” and
this column, I hope to draw from parents went through and as a acterizes our behavior as “uniden- “ability to make a difference”
analytics and research, as well as result, seek jobs that drive their tified id,” (seeking user unidentifi- more important than money and
interviews and anecdotes to probe interests instead of careers. able platforms such as Snapchat) skills when it comes to finding a
the soul of who we are as a demo- Our context as Gen Z is some- “communaholic,” “dialoguer” and job. As we age and rise to greater
graphic cohort. what different. Millennials were “realistic.” The underpinning trait, influence, it will be fascinating
Because the kind of internet raised in the context of economic above all, centers around a search to see how these demographic
we use today was designed by prosperity and a transitional peri- for truth: expressing individual temperaments reflect outwards in
Millennials for Millennials, Gen od of barely any internet to the ex- truth, connecting through differ- structuring society.
Z—those born between the mid- ponentially smarter and infinitely ent truths, understanding differ- Today, 25 percent of Amer-
1990s and early 2000s—often get SHONA ORITZ connected internet we currently ent truths and unveiling the truth icans are Gen Z, between the
mistakenly clumped into their de- other memes, are actually how we sider looking in. To our parents use. By contrast, members of Gen behind all things. As a result, we ages of 4 and 24 years old, which
mographic cohort. The purpose spend many of our most intimate and grandparents we are apathetic, Z are true digital and smartphone are more willing to join someone will be decidedly the largest con-
of this column is to assert the op- moments. We relate to each other politically unengaged, distracted, natives. Social internet networks who thinks differently if there is sumer and voter base. What do
posite: that Gen Z is unique and through images and the immedi- screen whores, “more disconnect- and the “multiple realities” and a shared cause and we are more we demand of the world and of
actually more optimistic than our acy of information and connec- ed than ever” and the most ADHD identities that the internet har- likely to stop buying from brands each other? How will we engage
predecessors for several reasons. tion. And when an image doesn’t generation in history. Much of bors have defined our behaviors that aren’t woke by our standards. with our political economy and
My sister and I are both Gen send in a millisecond we act as their criticism makes sense as our and our search for truth from a Though young, the leading with our identity to shape a better
Z, babies of internet 2.0 (the high- if the world owes us something. parents were raised out of the con- critical age. While we are arguably edge of our generation already world for our offspring than the
speed, semantic systems web). She My father can easily recall a time text of meritocratic capitalism and less self-oriented or entrepreneur- defines themselves as do-gooders one created for us? I invite you
is 17 and I am 20. The web shapes when a PNG file took a day and a political transformation. ial than Millenials, we are com- and activists. A Pakistani teen, to consider these questions with
not only how we communicate half to load. Outcry from Gen X is noth- munaholic-realists facing larger Malala Yousafzai, became the me and decide where you lie. It
and stay in touch, but also the The way my sister and I use the ing unfamiliar, especially not for existential threats like irreversible youngest person ever to win the is important because our next
nature of the relationship itself. internet has been bemoaned since Millennials who are labeled as debt and financial burden, climate Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at age generation depends on it. Because
The late nights we spend on our we were children by our parents hopelessly entitled and endeav- change, and political disunity and 18. A study by cultural forecasting you depend on it.
living room couch, each on our and by virtually every Gen X (born oring for instant gratification and unrest. As climate change activist firm Sparks and Honey found Jared Foxhall is a member of the
respective devices sending each between within 1965 to 1980) out- recognition. Born on the cusp of Nadia Navar puts candidly, “We’re that 26 percent of 16 to 19-year Class of 2022.


The time of Richard Ford is over ARE YOU PROUD TO BE A BOWDOIN

To the Editor, stealing the line and made reference to his
Editor’s comment: “He said it was the most
The day following a 16-year-old female’s
indictment of the devastation wrought by
brilliant sentence.” or some such squat.
I heard no protest from his fellow Mem- Answer at
white western men at the United Nations ber interviewer. At which point, I left. I fear
General Assembly Climate Change Action the oblivion of both members to the sexism
Summit, Bowdoin hosted a conversation that takes nice little girls like Greta Thun-
by two proud members of another flank
of that canon—the part reserved for great
berg and finds a place for them where they
are shamed into silence and personless-
Last issue’s response:
important self-awarding white male writers
(Richard Ford and John Banfield). Coinci-
ness. Donald Trump is doing his part but I
have to say both Members of the Canon at Q: DO YOU FEEL SAFE GOING TO AN
dence, maybe, but the speakers reified the Bowdoin did a pretty good job of it them-
problem a 16-year-old had the moral cour-
age to identify. They didn’t seem to notice.
selves—albeit coming out of a habitual sec-
ond nature.
“Man is a god in ruins,” Member Banfield
said, quoting Emerson. In describing his
Shameful, as a morally courageous
16-year-old might say. 61% YES
agonizing daily descent into personlessness
as he picks up his pen, he acknowledged Susan Cook 39% NO
Based on answers from 135 responses.
14 OPINION Friday, October 4, 2019

Pass/failing is an act of academic cowardice

cite less genuine motiva- evade much of the revis- options. However, over time,
by Ella Crabtree tions as well. Students ing, rewriting, quizzing Bowdoin’s reputation will ad-
Op-Ed Contributor
frequently claim and serious studying they just— graduate schools and
As the leaves change color that pass/failing di- would otherwise engage employers will understand
and students trade their flip- vorces the learning with. Taking classes that Bowdoin has become
flops for Bean Boots, profes- experience from the without conse- more difficult overall, and
sors begin handing back as- grading system. “I’m quences for our adjust their qualifications ac-
signments. Essays and exams not so focused on my grade point cordingly. Personally, I’d rath-
return marked up, commented grades,” they say. “I just averages there- er have a transcript with a few
upon, praised and construc- care about the learning fore deprives B’s than a transcript from an
tively criticized. Concurrent- experience.” If this were us of valuable, institution which unnecessar-
ly, the school approaches its true, students would pass/ challenging ily and artificially protects our
Credit/D/Fail deadline. At this fail so-called ‘easy-A’ classes learning expe- averages.
point, students must choose at the same rate that they do riences. Without For better or worse, we are
whether to “pass/fail” a class difficult ones. Anyone can see these experiences, in a reputable, rigorous and
or receive grades on a typical that classes get pass-failed as what are we here for? exclusive academic environ-
letter scale. Students may take a function of their difficulty. Of course, in some ment. As such, most students
up to four of their required 32 We’ve all watched the process: cases, pass/failing may should receive B’s and C’s.
graduation credits on a pass/ students receive their first be necessary. For They should receive B’s and
fail basis. “D’s” and “fails” fac- grades, become intimidated example, a student C’s that factor into their grade
tor into student grade point and excuse themselves from with a concussion point averages and affect their
averages as 1.0s and 0.0s. rigorous and potentially hum- may need to curb standing. And guess what—it’s
However, if a student receives bling academic experiences. shocking. the rigor of their OK! Bowdoin does not need
“credit,” their grade point aver- Contrary to popular senti- When he schedule and re- to replace these grades with
age remains unaffected. Thus, ment, this does not de-empha- welcomed duce their work ambiguous “credit” marks,
by employing the pass/fail op- size grades. It rather demon- the Class of LILY FULL load. In this case, only serving to safeguard stu-
tion, one may receive medio- strates that Bowdoin students 2022, Presi- Credit/D/Fail is an excel- dents’ averages and preserve
cre passing grades without fear are obsessed with grades. It dent Clayton encourages just the opposite: lent option. However, pre- their egos. Consistent with its
of compromising their overall shows that we are over-accus- Rose discussed it encourages academic cow- cluding such circumstances, self-proclaimed quality and
academic standing. tomed to excelling and are un- the importance of intellectual ardice. For most Bowdoin stu- I do not think that students rigor, I implore Bowdoin to
Some students are honest able to stomach the possibility fearlessness. He encouraged dents, merely passing a course should pass/fail their classes. stop allowing such a cop-out.
about their impulse to pass/ of B’s and C’s. students to break out of their is not a difficult task. Con- In fact, without a note from a In the meantime, out of re-
fail classes. “I don’t want to For a student body that comfort zones and take diffi- sequently, pass/failing allows dean, I do not think Bowdoin spect for themselves, I implore
put all of my efforts into this prides itself on intellectual cult, unfamiliar subjects for students to slack off. Rather should give them the option students to step up and forgo
class,” they say. Or, “I don’t curiosity and espouses the the sake of learning. I believe than putting in the serious to do so. I understand that the pass/fail option.
think I’ll be able to get an A importance of rigor, the preva- that pass/failing, in its absti- work required to get A’s in this will have implications Ella Crabtree is a member of
in this class.” However, people lence of pass/fail at Bowdoin is nence from real consequences, demanding courses, students for students’ post-graduate the Class of 2022.

Why it is your duty to bite the hand that feeds you

why should you complain?” behave like others do: show some circumstances. The vast trucks are waiting for us at tion. It is not a bad thing, and
by Radu Stochita This philosophy domi- gratitude, smile and abstain majority witness how some the beginning of the year and we should be encouraged to
Op-Ed Contributor
nated my life back home in from criticism. “It won’t programs are made solely even free swag can sometimes speak up and question every-
Throughout my childhood Romania, where one had to do you any good,” she said. for the reproduction of the be found in Smith Union. thing that we take for granted
I was reminded that I should adapt, to tacitly accept the Living her entire life under wealthy class and how much There are programs for people in this school to see if there is
never bite the hand that feeds wrong-doing of others, with a system that pushed aside individualism is promoted. of color, LGBTQIA+, low-in- room for improvement.
me. I should just smile, sit the hope that one day it would those that had the courage to The vast majority accept this, come or first-generation Should we have a student on
quietly and accept what I re- get better. Did it ever get bet- speak up had left her with the adapt to it and promote it as a students. There is something the Board of Trustees? Should
ceived without further ques- ter? We still ask this question impression that change was way of life. happening here that can fit ev- Bowdoin encourage its work-
tioning it. As some people 30 years after the Revolution impossible. The idealism that We are reminded daily eryone’s needs. It sure seems ers to form a union? Should
have put it: “At least you opened our borders and al- once dominated the rebirth that we are privileged to be like we have everything we Bowdoin Student Government
got something, lowed “freedom” to be born. of my nation after 1989 has at Bowdoin and that we have want here, but to me, some- take a stronger stance regard-
Before I left for college, my slowly faded. Some people the chance that others don’t. thing seems to be missing. ing the workers’ situation on
mother reminded me that I still have it, marching into the We clearly are, in a place that What is missing is the campus? Should the Board of
was to be a guest at the streets whenever something tries to ensure that we are very courage to bite the hand that Trustees include more people
table and that outrageous happens, but the comfortable and have every- feeds you. It is not a bad thing who work outside of the fi-
I should vast majority of my country thing that we need. In some to do, as no one should think nancial sector? Should we have
will sit quiet and accept it. ways it makes it seem utopian, that we are not grateful more exposure to arts opportu-
The vast majority witness because the moment we leave when we nities in Career Exploration &
the wrong-doing and the campus, we enter a differ- express Development? Should we hold
the things that might ent reality. We are wel- criticism our class councils accountable
be unethical or comed with snacks or heavily to better inform us of what
questionable in at events, food target some they are actually doing?
school in- These are some questions.
stitutions More are to be asked. Bowdo-
with our in is a place which welcomes
concerns. It us with arms wide-open,
is not negative pampers us and gives us a lot
for students to be of comfort. Still, it should not
N aware of their environ- be left without criticism. We
RA ment, and it is natural need people that can speak
for them to want to up, not ones that sit quietly
express their opinion. and accept everything.
It is not a bad thing This article was inspired by
to criticize the place Andrew Hamilton’s op-ed and
that offers you a free his commitment to biting the
meal, provides a roof hand that feeds him.
over your head and Radu Stochita is a member
gives you an educa- of the class of 2022.

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on-campus organizations.
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Friday, October 4, 2019 OPINION 15

Why revising your past ideas is important

conservationists and their ur- learning more fully about the logophile’s anxiety makes
by Holden Turner ban-centered objectives and public lands problem—and me want to commit:
Op-Ed Contributor
the deep ecologists and their about any complex issue— that I will not
I would like to revise my radical actions against devel- now gives me pause. And hesitate to
Common App essay. Thank opment. While this is far too makes me want to revise. And take back my
you, admissions office, for general of a summary, the the- revise. And revise again. words when
seeing the potential in what ory is not my subject matter When once I wrote that I speak in ig-
I wrote and inviting me to here. Knowing what I know I felt free in the wild, I now norance. And
enroll, but my priorities then now about the history of the cringe to think of my tactless- everyone
do not match my beliefs now. term, I would choose to take ness in acknowledging why speaks from
And for this reason I have a back some of what I wrote. I could feel the privilege of a position
few changes to make. To quote myself at age 17: freedom in this space. In this of some
I wrote my essay reflecting “It’s so liberating to be in the case, I was further supported ignorance.
on a multi-day outdoors expe- wilderness!” I recall writing by precedent of my cultural Talking of
rience in a close-knit group. this while staring into a deep ancestors. Male Anglo-Euro- the wilder-
This sort of theme is not and dark maple forest next to pean writers had also written ness when
unique: camping programs, my tent. I reproduced it verba- of their awe when walking I was barely
backcountry experiences and tim in my essay to show how I under bare-topped mountains acquaint-
even family trips are excellent reveled in an authentic sense and through pine forests. ed with
topics to explore when look- of place. Another example And though I intended to the threads
ing for personal qualities to of what I wrote: “Wilderness describe fragile ecosystems, I leading to
express to college admissions should not be taken lightly.” also reproduced the problem and from that
and I admire those of you This time, I was referring to of denying that humans had word is a
who submitted one of these the lichen on rocks above the domination over the land, good exam-
for your love of the places you tree line. Hikers should know and calling that natural. My ple. And
saw and people who joined this alpine ecosystem is very experience was not in pristine so I would

you. These memories contain fragile. I imagined I guarded nature – it was in a landscape like to take

crucial lessons. I applaud life from the polluting im- set aside to seem that way. Its back my

what you wrote in your es- pact of our footsteps. I wrote architects intended to deliver admissions
says about leadership, inner about its fragility to show the sort of experience I wrote writings,
strength and stewardship of that I could be a protector of about, but that experience maybe cast them
beautiful landscapes. vulnerable places. I thought is an illusion. An American like old journals into
The issue that I take with wilderness was inherently landscape has not gone un- a fire, because they represent once wrote? Would
my own essay is that I wrote valuable. I thought wilderness trammeled by human actions someone who is not me any- you revise it if you could? And
it as a blind lover of wilder- always implied getting near- in any recent history. more. At least, I would not how might someone come to
ness. Bowdoin courses have er to the quick of life. Out of Reckoning with my essay write in the same way now. terms with their past igno-
changed that. Four semesters the 650 words allotted for the now leaves me hoping to start I’ll end this op-ed with a rance? This may seem like a
in the Environmental Studies Common App essay, I used over from that story I was try- few questions to think over. small question, but its answer
(ES) program here will not the word “wilderness” seven ing to tell about myself and For anyone who has recently determines the difference be-
let anyone get away without times. All the better to sketch makes me try to think more written application essays that tween burning out of fear all
confronting this word, “wil- myself as an advocate of the carefully about the weight of demonstrate your personal the notebooks you ever kept
derness.” American scholars best land in our country. every word before I set it down values: Are you prepared to and letting them accumulate
have interrogated the con- But this is what I just wrote in type and have it diffused find that after a year, or more, on the shelf to keep you hum-
cept and found it complicit in the margins of my readings: across whoknowswhere. My you may no longer see your ble. For now, I opt to let the
in unjust treatment of people Wilderness cannot be an end essay was not written careful- topic in the same way? How dust settle on my writings, and
and landscapes. According to unto itself. I smile at the iro- ly. But painstakingly choosing might you revise your theme in the meantime I patiently
what is read in ES classes, the ny. Three years ago I believed words has me questioning to respond to a greater aware- nurture my words along until
wilderness myth has support- fully that I would support the effect of each one before ness? And for those who wrote I am satisfied enough.
ed the Romantics and their the wilderness preservation I cause an impact of some an essay years ago: Can you Holden Turner is a member
erasure of other cultures, the movement in college, but unknown rippling reach. This see any issues with what you of the Class of 2021.

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16 Friday, October 4, 2019

Audubon’s “Birds of America” Page-
Turning with Katie Galletta ’21
The George Mitchell Department of Special Collections and
Archives, along with biology major Katie Galletta ’21, will host
its monthly page-turning of John James Audubon’s double-
elephant folio, “Birds of America.”
Special Collections, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 12:30 p.m.

“Elucidating Proton-Coupled Electron
Transfer Mechanisms Underpinning
the Catalytic Generation of
Renewable Fuels”
Jillian Dempsey, associate professor of chemistry at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will lecture
on her work researching avenues to convert energy-poor COAST IS CLEAR: Construction continues on the Schiller Coastal Studies Center, which will include a “Living & Learning” building and a residential
feedstocks into energy-rich fossil fuels using multi-electron, component. The College expects the project to be completed in late August 2020.
multi-proton transformations.
Room 20, Druckenmiller Hall. 3 p.m.

In My End is My Beginning: An Artist’s
“Carbon Dioxide Removal Approaches:
HOMECOMING Talk by Bruce Herman Their Potential Role in Addressing
Homecoming at 24 College Bruce Herman, painter and holder of the Lothlórien Climate Change”
The Sexuality, Women and Gender Center will host an event Distinguished Chair in Fine Arts at Gordon College, will give Wil Burns, professor of research and founding co-executive
for Bowdoin students to meet alumni affiliated with 24 a lecture on the themes present across his artwork. director of the Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy at
College. Gelato will be provided. Peter and Rosanne Aresty Digital Media Lab, Edwards American University, will weigh the risks and benefits of various
24 College Street. 2 p.m. Center for Art and Dance. 4 p.m. carbon dioxide removal options, as well as the government’s
role in combating climate change at the international level.
HOMECOMING EVENT Lantern, Roux Center for the Environment. 4:30 p.m.
Homecoming Harvestfest: A Henni and Harry Friedlander Award for
Celebration of Autumn in Maine the Common Good
The Bowdoin community will celebrate the fall season Ryan Speedo Green, an inspiring bass-baritone at the
with lawn games, craft beer and a concert by Tricky
Britches, a Portland-based folk band.
Metropolitan Opera and the holder of many prestigious music
awards, will receive the Henni and Harry Friedlander Award
for the Common Good in recognition of the adversity he has
Dudley Coe Quad Tent. 3 p.m.
overcome and his many musical achievements. LECTURE
HOMECOMING Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Recital Hall. 7:30 p.m. The Sourdough Project: How Public
Lunch at the Center for Multicultural Life Science and History Reveal Stories
Benjamin Harris, director of the Center for Multicultural EVENT Behind Our Daily Bread
Life, and Eduardo Pazos Palma, director of the Rachel Lord Meditation Matthew Booker, associate professor of American
Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, will host lunch and a Bernie Hershberger, director of counseling and wellness environmental history at North Carolina State University, will
casual conversation for alumni and students. Programs, will lead an afternoon meditation session. present the initial results of the Sourdough Project, an initiative
30 College Street. 11:30 a.m. Room 302, Peter Buck Fitness Center. 4:30 p.m. to map and genetically source the yeasts and bacteria in
sourdough bread.
Lantern, Roux Center for the Environment. 7 p.m.


“The Transnational Framework of
FILM SCREENING DISCUSSION Modernism’s Many Emergences,
Aquarela “Chance Encounters” 1900-1950”
Frontier will screen Viktor Kossakovsky’s “Aquarela.” The Jay Sosa, assistant professor of gender, sexuality and women’s Independent scholars Roger Conover ’72 and Laurette
film is captured at a rare 96 frames-per-second and aims to studies, and Shu-chin Tsui, professor of Asian studies and McCarthy will discuss international artwork that laid the
capture the beauty and power of naturally flowing water. cinema studies, will discuss the photographs in the Museum’s groundwork for modernism in Europe and North America
Tickets are available online. exhibition “Art Purposes: Object Lessons for the Liberal Arts.” during the early twentieth century.
Frontier. 3 p.m. Museum of Art. 12 p.m. Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m.

11 12 13 EVENT 14 15 16 EVENT 17 EVENT

Vinyasa Yoga Take Back the Music at the

Night Museum

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