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1. Add suitable TAG QUESTIONS to the following sentences.

1) That's the best solution, _______________?
2) Nobody failed the exam, _______________?
3) Everybody's coming to the wedding, ______________?
4) Let's meet at the Irish pub, _______________?
5) We never see that actor any more, _______________?
6) It's hardly surprising, _______________?
7) There's nothing anyone can do, _______________?
8) Somebody must have Tom's phone number, ______________?
9) Let's go for a walk, _______________?
10) It's never too late , _______________?
11) There wasn't enough paper in the printer, _____________?
12) If he spoke better English he would look for a job abroad, _______________?
13) They've already sent you the invitation, ________________?
14) We should invite them to our party, ______________?
15) You had to sell some shares, __________________?

2. Rewrite the following sentence to make ADJECTIVE CLAUSES. They can be

1) The Amazon River is perhaps the longest river in the world. It contains a fifth of the
world's river water.
2) What's the name of the book? You want me to read it.
3) The Taj Mahal is the most famous building in India. It was built in memory of the
emperor's third wife.
4) The hotel we stayed in. The hotel was very expensive.
5) The Beatles recorded in the 1960's. They are the most influential pop band of the
twentieth century.
6) The meeting was cancelled. This surprised a lot of people.
7) I rent a house. It is very small.
8) Norm's brother is getting married this weekend. Norm is giving a speech at the
wedding reception.
9) They met in New York. They fell in love and got married there.
10) I went to England with Tony. He had never been there before.
11) Last night we had Japanese food. I love it.
12) That's the boy. His mother works in the post office.
13) The businessman was very rich. I saw him last night.
14) Once a year, I visit Toronto. I grew up there.
15) The man smoked forty cigarettes a day. He died of a heart attack.

3. For each sentence below, decide if the adjective clause (in bold) is RESTRICTIVE (R)
1) Students who have young children are invited to use the free daycare center. ____
2) I left my son at the campus daycare center, which is free to all full-time students.
3) John Wayne, who appeared in over 200 movies, was the biggest box-office
attraction of his time. ___
4) I refuse to live in any house that Jack built. ____
5) Melanie, who was born in a boxcar somewhere in Arkansas, grows homesick every
time she hears the wail of a train whistle. ___
6) My new running shoes, which cost more than a hundred dollars, fell apart during
the marathon. ___
7) I lent some money to Earl, whose house was destroyed in the flood. ___
8) The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their
children. ___
9) A physician who smokes and overeats has no right to criticize the personal habits of
his patients. ___
10) The beer that made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of me. ___

4. Complete the sentences with the correct INDEFINITE or DEFINITE ARTICLE A /

AN /THE. Use X when NO ARTICLE is needed.
1) Can you play ____ musical instrument? I play _____ piano and ______ guitar.
2) Do you own _____ guitar? Someone left ______ old guitar sitting on the table.
3) These days, _____ apples are really expensive. And _____ lettuce costs a fortune!
Why do ______ fruit and _____ vegetables cost so much?
4) Diana thinks ______ creativity and _____ innovation are something you can't teach,
but I disagree.
5) Dr. Preston told me that ______ pronghorn is the fastest land animal on the planet,
but I think he was wrong. I'm pretty sure ______ cheetahs are faster.
6) The environmentalist argued that ______ clean air should be _____ universal
"human right". He discussed the effects of ______ pollution on ______ human health.
7) Cheryl thinks _____ cats make the best pets, but I think _____ dogs have more
8) The documentary discussed whether ______ cat was domesticated in ancient Egypt
or in an earlier period. I have ____ cat, so I was very interested in _____ program.
9) I wish I could play ______ violin. I love string instruments like ______ violins and
_____ cellos.
10) I read that ______ bristlecone pine is the longest living tree in the world. And I also
read ______ sequoias are the biggest trees in the world. Amazingly, both trees are
found in California!

5. Read the following paragraphs. Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'X' (no article)
1) Frank Crawford is ______ American citizen. He is also ______ FBI agent (and has
______ ID card to prove it) whose qualifications include ______ M.A. and ______ Ph.D.
- and he has ______ I.Q. of 160. Because his father was ______ M.P. in ______ England
and his mother, ______ Italian, worked as ______ G.P. there, Frank often sees things
from ______ European perspective. He strongly supports ______ idea of ______ united
Europe. He was recently in London for ______ one-day conference on ______
organized crime, and he gave ______ speech which lasted ______ hour. (You can get
______ copy of his speech by sending ______ s.a.e. to ______ address below.) When in
London he always stays at ______ hotel in ______ Holland Park, near ______ Oxford
Street, where he always eats ______ onion sandwich for ______ breakfast. When
Frank inherited ______ fortune from ______ uncle recently, he used it to found ______
university and buy ______ x-ray machine for ______ hospital.

M.A.: Masters of Arts
I.Q.: Intelligence Quota
M.P.: Military Police or Member of Parliament
G.P.: General Practitioner (Family Doctor)
s.a.e.: Stamped addressed envelope (a prepaid envelope with the address written on

2) There was ______ collision between ______ car and ______ cyclist at ______
crossroads near ______ my house early in ______ morning. ______ cyclist was taken to
______ hospital with ______ concussion. ______ driver of ______ car was treated for
______ shock. ______ witnesses say that ______ car was going at ______ seventy
miles ______ hour.

3) My aunt lived on ______ ground floor of ______ old house on ______ River
Thames. She was very much afraid of ______ burglars and always locked ______ house
before she went to ______ bed. She also took ______ precaution of looking under
______ bed to see if ______ burglar was hiding there.

6. Complete the sentences by stating conditions with “only after”, “only if”, “provided
that”, ‘as long as”, “otherwise”, “unless”, “even if” (you can use each expressions
more than once.
1) You shouldn't change lanes ___________ you signal first.
2) A driver may change lanes ____________ it is safe to do so.
3) You shouldn't change lanes ___________ you signal first.
4) A driver may change lanes ___________ it is safe to do so.
5) A driver should park in a handicapped space ________ the driver has a special
6) When parking, a driver should park between the marked lines. __________, he will
take up two spaces.
7) ___________ he plays piano, I go for a walk.
8) It'll be worth our while to continue producing large quantities ____________ we
continue to market and promote the product. Otherwise, we should slow down
9) ___________I hadn't said that to her. She's not speaking to me now.
10) I'll lend you the book ___________ you promise to give me it back next week.
11) The vaccine has saved tens of thousands of children who would _________ have
12) We're going skiing next week _____________ there's enough snow.

7. Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases from the list.
point out witty insight fixated faulty scarce dwindle cranky will power
1) All of us are feeling the pressure plus you have a new baby and a _________
husband who isn't helping you a bit.
2) While Oliver is positive about the use of radioactive metal, he does ________ there
are dangers.
3) She beamed another brilliant smile, and it took all his _________ to leave her to see
one of his least favorite people.
4) Thousands of years hadn't given him much __________ into a woman's way of
thinking, but this he knew without a doubt.
5) British farmers of long experience look back to 1874 as the last of the really good
years, and consider that the flourishing days of British agriculture began to _______ at
about that time.
6) He was well known in fashionable circles, where his ________ conversation and his
pleasant manners made him a favorite.
7) “My eyes were __________ on his playful, deep-set brown eyes” (Bernard Lown).
8) Good water is everywhere so ________ that but for the rain preserved in cisterns
the country would be mostly uninhabitable.
9) I need you to take me to a travel agency so I can arrange to go home, she said with
exaggerated slowness to make sure he understood despite her __________ translator.

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