Llaa Assignment 5 Presentation

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LLAA Docent Training Assignment 5

Presentation Assignment
Due: Thursday, March 5

At the culmination of the training course, you will give a 20-minute interactive
presentation to your peers and training coaches. For this final assignment, you will
spend about five minutes introducing yourself and discussing one or two elements
of art, then spend the remaining time discussing two artworks from one grade level
portfolio, and end with a brief conclusion.

What you will need:

 Two images from one grade level portfolio
 A methodology for introducing the elements of art – you may use props, a white
board, etc. A white board and dry erase markers will be available to you.
 Presentation Template

Keep in mind:
 Each presentation will last 20 minutes. Be sure that you include an
introduction, a discussion about the elements of art, a discussion on two works
of art, and a conclusion.
 The presentation should be interactive. Before you begin, share the grade level
of your presentation with the group and we will ask age-appropriate questions.
 Be flexible! Preparation is the key to a good presentation, but you also have to be
prepared for the unexpected. If the questions or discussion put forth by the
group steer you in a direction that you hadn’t planned for, try to go with the flow.
If someone gets carried away and veers too far off topic, feel free to rein them in.
 Run through your presentation a few times to build confidence. Have a family
member or friend observe your presentation to provide feedback.

What we will look for:

 Are your questions and vocabulary age appropriate?
 Do you use good communication skills when addressing the group?
 Are you engaging the group in an interactive discussion, rather than lecturing the
 Are you being an active listener?
 Are you using your time effectively?

 After your presentation we will allot ten minutes for reflection. You will be asked
to reflect on your own experience, and your peers will be asked to share their
own experience as your “student.”

Let’s Look at Art Presentation Template

LLAA Docent Training Assignment 5

Docent Name: _______________________________________ Student Grade: _____________


Art Elements:

Artwork 1


Relevant Information about the Artwork:


Artwork 2
LLAA Docent Training Assignment 5


Relevant Information about the Artwork:


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