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For this project I will be helping the Taylorsville Food Pantry.

They are a 501(c)3 and I

have volunteered here fairly religiously over the past few years. They provide food to any
Taylorsville citizen that is in need of food within specific income limits.
I have contacted the owners of the pantry, and they were excited to have some marketing
done for their center. Contact info: Sue and Tiffany 801-541-7120
During this project I hope to raise awareness of the services they provide and help raise
some donations for the pantry. To do this, I will be revamping their facebook page as well
as posting on my own social media. I will also be making a flyer to take around to posting
locations around Taylorsville to raise awareness and gather some donations. I have already
started working with Sue to make a flyer to post around. I plan to target patrons who have
a family as well as the homeless population. Most of the homeless population have no idea
that they are there to provide services at all.
A non profit organization is typically an organization that provides a service to others and
is not for profit. They often times will take donations for the use of services provided, but
do not make money on anything. They are usually run primarily on other people's
donations. This also means that any donation made to a non profit is tax deductible.
I'm hoping that I will learn what it is like to market for a small business/non profit. I love to
keep as much of my life geared to supporting local businesses and make donations when I
can to local non profits. I am excited to see what the Taylorsville Food Pantry functions
behind the scenes as well as try to raise awareness mainly to the homeless patrons who
need a little extra care.
This assignment will benefit the organization by not only bringing more patrons into their
pantry, but also raise donations for the pantry to help them sustain longer on products they
don't typically receive or with items that are most frequently asked for.

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