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Colonialism is a system in which a state claims sovereignty over territory and people outside its own

boundaries; or a system of rule which assumes the right of one people to impose their will upon another
During the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, rich, powerful states, including Britain and other
European countries, owned third world colonies. ‘Third world’ originally referred to countries that did
not belong to the democratic, industrialized countries of the West or the state-socialist, industrializing,
Soviet Bloc countries .


Some of the social aspects highly molded during the colonial era include;

1. Discriminate life.

2. Environmental issues

3. Ethics

4. Holidays & traditions

5. Homelessness

6. Human rights

7. Social events

8. Land

9. Identity

1.Discrimination and racism.

Though discrimination existed even before the arrival of the colonialist, it was enhanced by their arrival.
Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race are a primary determinant of human
traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Racism's effects are called "racial discrimination." In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups
may be denied rights or benefits, or receive preferential treatmentRacial discrimination typically points
out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, although anyone may be discriminated
against on an ethnic or cultural basis, independently of their somatic differences.


Most economic activities involved hunting and gathering ,fishing,cropfarming and livestock keeping.

A significant landmarkS in the economics of Kenya were;

The construction of the railway.

Impact of the railway constructionwas:

 Coming of the indians into Kenya led to setting up of shops to serve the needs of the
europeans and the Africans in the interior.
 Mission groups were able to peneterta the western parts of kenya to spread the gospel.
 Upon completion of the railway line,africans were employed to do a variety f semi-skilled
and later skilled jobs.

Settling of setlers in Kenya.

 Led to large-scale farming in kenya.

 Introduction of new crops such as; wheat in the Uasin Gishu plateau,pyrethrum in
Naivasha,coffee in the highlands of Central Kenya, tea and sisal in Limuru.
 Development of livestock farming through introduction of new breeds of animals like the
merino sheep ,milking goats ,horses,hybrid cows.
 New technology of food preservation like canning ,freezing and salting.


This is the development and growth of town from small villages due to other factors that resulted to
develoing of infrastructure depite the selective enjoyment of this development due to racism.

Cosequences ;

 Bringing together of various ethnic grousp which formed a good mixture of talents and skills into
the labour force.
 Improved population in the towns thereby promoting the housing industry.
 More employment in town maintenance related jobs.
 Development of unions which helped workers fight for their rights.


Cristian missionaries introduced western education system into Kenya.


 Impoved the quality of labour by bringing in skilled manpower.

 Creation of employment to teaching staffs.
 Improved and sustained modern farming technology.

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