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过 (guò)= have done...

We learned past tense indicator 了. By simply adding 过 (guo) after the verb
we can indicate an action that has been experienced in the past.

Example: 我吃过苹果派 (wǒ chīguò píngguǒ pài) = I have eaten apple pie

我去过中国。(wǒ qùguò zhōngguó) = I have been to China

我看过世界杯。(wǒ kànguò shìjièbēi) = I have watched the World Cup

没有。。。过。。。= have not done...

有 (yǒu) = to possess something

Example: 我有电脑 (wǒ yǒu diànnǎo) = I have a computer.

没有 (méiyǒu) = have not, do not possess

Example: 没有去过(méiyǒu qùguò) = Have not been to

没有看过电影 (méiyǒu kànguò diànyǐng) = (I) have not watched movie

没有工作过 (méiyǒu gōngzuòguò) = (I) have not worked

我有电脑,没有书 (wǒ yǒu diànnǎo, méiyǒu shū) = I have a computer, I don't have book(s).

有没有 = have or not have...

Example: 你有没有哥哥?(nǐ yǒuméiyǒu gēge) =

Do you have or not have an older brother? (Do you have an older brother?)

你有没有喝过咖啡?(nǐ yǒuméiyǒu hēguò kāfēi) =

Have you had coffee or not?

Dialogue: A: 你好,你是日本人吗?(nǐhǎo, nǐshì rìběnrén ma) =

Hi, are you Japanese?

B: 是的,你呢?
(shìde, nǐne)

Yes, how about you?

A: 我是中国人,你去过中国吗?(wǒshì zhōngguórén, nǐqùguò zhōngguó ma) =

I'm Chinese, have you gone to China?

B: 我没有去过中国。 我吃过中国菜。

(wǒ méiyǒu qùguò zhōngguó. wǒ chīguò zhōngguó cài) =

I have not gone to China. I have eaten Chinese food.

A: 我没有吃过日本菜。日本菜好吃吗?

(wǒ méiyǒu chīguò rìběn cài. rìběncài hǎochīma?) =

I have not eaten Japanese dish. Is Japanese dish tasty?

B: 现在我们去吃日本菜吧,你有时间吗?

(xiànzài wǒmen qù chī rìběncàiba. nǐ yǒu shíjiānma?) =

Shall we now go eat Japanese food, do you have time?

A: 我有时间。(wǒ yǒu shíjiān) =

I have time.

时间 (shíjiān) = time

有时间 (yǒu shíjiān) = have time

你有时间吗?(nǐ yǒu shíjiānma?) = do you have time? Are you available?

我没有时间 (wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān) = i don't have time. I'm not available.

Dialogue: A: 你喝咖啡吗?(nǐ hē kāfēima?) =

Do you want coffee?

B: 今天上午我喝过咖啡。(jīntiān shàngwǔ wǒ hēguò kāfēi) =

This morning I drank coffee.

A: 你喝可乐吧。(nǐ hē kělèba)

How about drinking coke?

B: 有没有水?我喜欢喝水。
(yǒuméiyǒu shuǐ? wǒ xǐhuān hē shuǐ) =

Do you have water (or not)? I like to drink water.

A: 对不起,我没有水,我有茶。(duìbùqǐ, wǒ méiyǒu shuǐ, wo yǒu chá)

I'm sorry, I don't have water, I have tea.

B: 我没喝过茶,茶好喝吗?

(wǒ méi hēguò chá, chá hǎohē ma?)

I have never drunk tea, is tea good?

A: 好喝。(hǎohē) =

(it) tastes good.

不好喝 (bù hǎohē) = (the drink) does not taste good

不好看 (bù hǎokàn) = not interesting, not fun

Example: 电影不好看。(diànyǐng bùhǎokàn) =

The movie is not interesting

没有喝过茶 = 没喝过茶, Here the “ 有” is dropped and is a shorter way of

saying “(I) have not had tea” The shorter version is more frequently used in
daily conversation.

Example: 我没有学过中文 (wǒ méiyǒu xuéguò zhōngwén) = 我没学过中文

I have not learned Chinese

我没有买过电脑。(wǒ méiyǒu mǎiguò diànnǎo) = 我没买过电脑

I have not bought a computer.

我没有工作过 (wǒ méiyǒu gōngzuòguò) = 我没工作过

I have not worked

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