Quality at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company: A Case Study To Be Submitted To Professor Maria Herbal Endencia

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Quality at the Ritz-

Carlton Hotel
A Case Study to be Submitted to
Professor Maria Herbal Endencia

Gem Rose F. Barrera

1) In what ways could the Ritz-Carlton monitor its success in achieving


> Ritz-Carlton monitor its success in achieving quality by identifying customer

wants. One thing is monitoring customer's feedback, in this, management may

know about the quality of services and its impact towards customers'

satisfaction. The Ritz-Carlton treats quality as if it is the heartbeat of the

company. This means that the company has a commitment to meet customers

expectations and making sure that each hotel is free from any deficiency.

Moreover, the company believes that a more educated and informed employee is

in a better position to make decisions in the best interest of the organization.

Creating an atmosphere of refined elegance and relaxation, every employee

indeed have the commitment to make the desired experience happen for each

and every guest. Ritz-Carlton maintain a good relation between its customer—

exceeding their expectations and gaining loyalty. Winning the "Malcolm

Baldridge National Quality Award" represented a significant milestone in the

company's quest for quality achievement.

2) Many companies say that their goal is to provide quality products or services.
What actions might you expect from a company that intends quality to be more
than a slogan or buzzword?
> Some actions that would help to intend quality rather than a slogan or the buzzword.
Companies should adopt total quality management to improve the quality in an
effective way. The company should also consider the customer's wants and building
good relationship between them to gain loyalty and earn customer satisfaction.
According to Armand Feigenbaum, quality is a total field and "the customer defines the
quality". Moreover, an overall management strategy towards quality must be clearly
stated . This is articulated in the mission vission of the organization. The vision
statement is the anchor point of any strategic plan. It outlines what an organization
would like to achieve and gives purpose to the existence of the organization. The
mission vision of the company is a reflection of the organization's aspiration,
commitment, and values. From the discussion in our class our professor said that
"Everyone in the organization has some responsibility for quality, but certain areas of
the organization are involved in activities that make them key areas of responsibilities".
Training employees and making them knowledgeable will be one of the key points in
exceeding customers satisfaction and achieving quality service.

3)What are some nonfinancial measures of customer satisfaction that might be

used by Ritz-Carlton?
> Nonfinancial measures of customer satisfaction:

•Customer Complaints- in business you should accept the critisism and negative

feedbacks among your customers, because this will enable you to know what to

improve and what to change for the betterment of the service quality. Like the

quotes say "turn your weakness into strengths". This more encourage the

company to improve continuous.

•Food Quality- in serving the hotel customers the food presentation and quality of

food is important. It will boost their appetite that will lead to satisfaction. Food

quality is the characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers.

•Room Service- this is one factor, because this is a hotel room for consumption.

4)What are some of the practices/approaches done by Ritz-Carlton that may be

worth applying in your own work setting?

>Customers Feedback, because this will help me know what is needed to change and what is

needed to improve. This will also help to know if the customer is satisfied.
>Continuous Improvement, because everyday there is something new and we have to go with the

flow so that we won't be left out and have an edge to our competitors. It only means that we are

seeking to make never-ending improvement. It should start by improving the employees skills.

Training them, Educating them to make a good performance and achieve quality service.

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