End of Work Data Form - Candide

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Student Name: Emma Stanard

Title of Work : Candide

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Character Theme Plot Global Issue

Choose a character or pair of Choose a theme in work and Choose an aspect of the plot Identify and describe a global
characters and what purpose explain its significance to the (point of view, conflict, issue that the author addresses in
they serve in the work. Then, work as a whole. Then, describe resolution, etc) and explain how the work. Then, list how the
describe how the author how the author conveys this the author crafts the work as a author develops the global issue.
achieves this purpose. theme. whole.

5-7 sentence Pangloss: Pangloss, a Philosophy is a prominent theme Conflict: ​Candide​ is filled with One global issue revealed in this
explanation of ideas philosopher and optimist, was in this novel. The characters all conflicts for the characters. Many work is the mistreatment and
in the work. Candide’s teacher. Pangloss is have very different philosophies. of the characters, including objectification of women.
a caricature of the philosopher Pangloss follows the philosophy Pangloss, Cunegonde, the Baron, This is shown through the stories
Leibniz, whose ideas Voltaire of optimism, which is a primary and others, have near death that Cunegonde tells of her
very much disagreed with. target of mockery for Voltaire. experiences, or are thought to be family’s death and what happened
Pangloss sticks by his belief Pangloss taught this philosophy dead and then end up alive. to her after that. The old woman
that everything happens for the to Candide and Cunegonde who Additionally, Candide goes also has similar stories of being
best because this is “the best of later begin to question this through many troubles and mistreated and objectified in her
all possible worlds” throughout philosophy. The old woman is conflicts to make his way back to youth. Pacquette is also treated
the book. Even when countless more of a realist while Martin Cunegonde. This ongoing like property in the novel. All of
events appear to prove his takes a more pessimistic view of conflict helps Voltaire to mock these women are treated like
theory wrong he still sticks by life. optimism and the traditional objects and not like human
it. Pangloss suffers many near adventure novel. Voltaire lets beings.
death experiences and these absurd things happen to the
constantly maintains his view characters to show how
that everything is for the best. everything cannot possibly be for
Pangloss is the character the best.
through which Voltaire mocks
the philosophy of optimism.
Author technique or ● Caricature ● Character foils ● Parody of adventure ● Mock heroism
strategies (bullet ● Foils - Martin, Old ● Absurdity novel ● Understatement
points) woman ● Mocking ● Irony ● Absurdity
● Absurdity- Pangloss ● Irony ● Absurdity
You may wish to ‘dies’ then comes back
consider: motifs, more than once
symbols, character ● Mocking, Irony
foils, narrative
technique, plot

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