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Guided Meditation Workbook

Giving and receiving forgiveness is an essential step in finding emotional freedom, although
that doesn’t mean it is easy to achieve. For some people, even the idea of forgiveness brings
resistance and discomfort. There is a common belief that many hold about forgiveness, and it
is that if you choose to forgive, then the wrong is made right and the offender is off the hook.
If you hold this belief, you are the only one who is suffering in the situation.
When you can view forgiveness as the path to releasing your own resentment, anger, and
pain, it becomes the necessary step toward your freedom and happiness. And all you need to
move into this liberating place is one ingredient … HOPE.
Hope is a powerful antidote to feelings of resentment and despair. The difference between
those who let the wrongdoings in the world bring them down and those who choose to
forgive—and embrace the goodness of life—lies with the ability to trust and believe that all is
unfolding exactly as it should.
A life marked by hope is a life marked by optimism and the ability to resolve conflicts from
within. It doesn’t mean that you are always happy or that you can’t feel emotions like hurt
and anger, but it does mean that you view negative circumstances as temporary, that you
have faith that you’ll find your way out of the darkness, and that you have the power within
yourself to forgive, heal, and transform negative circumstances for the better.
No matter how great the obstacle you’re dealing with, if you can embrace the elements of
hope to forgive—and free yourself of the burden of resentment and anger—then opportunity
and peace will be just around the corner.
This workbook will help you identify which areas of your life to focus on—in order to cultivate
positive change and a more hopeful mindset through the ups and downs of life. Please
answer the questions based on your current state and present feelings sometime before you
begin the Hope Offers Forgiveness meditation.

© 2018 - 2019 The Chopra Center

Overcoming Chaos
Before-the-Workshop Exercise:
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most satisfied, please rate how satisfied you are in
each domain of your life:

Relationship to self Relationship to others

Connection to your community Career and success
Health and wellness Spirituality
Financial well-being

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most intense, how much do you feel these emotions
on a daily basis?

Stressed Anxious Resentful

Disconnected to others Unsettled Guilty

3. What are 3 things in the last year that you’ve struggled with? If nothing immediately
comes to mind, take a look at the domains of life (from question #1) that you rated
below 5 and consider why these areas of life received lower scores.

4. What are the top 3 to 5 negative emotions that are most present in your current day-
to-day life?

© 2018 - 2019 The Chopra Center

5. What are the top 3 to 5 positive emotions that are most present in your current
day-to-day life?

6. What do you hope to learn from the Overcoming Chaos Workshop?

7. How do you feel mentally and emotionally at this moment? Set a timer for 10 minutes
to journal what’s on your mind. Allow the thoughts to come free-form, without
censoring as you write.

© 2018 - 2019 The Chopra Center

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