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Beach Parangtritis is fairly well-knownattractions in Yogyakarta in addition

toother objects such
as Samas beach, Baron,Kukup, Krakal and Glagah. Parangtritis has a uniqueness that
is not found in the views of other attractions besides the big wavesare also the existence
of mountains of sand around the beach, which is usually
called dunes. This attraction has beenmanaged by the Bantul pretty
well, rangingfrom lodging facilities and markets sellingsouvenirs Parangtritis.

In Parangtritis There are also ATV, horse &carriage horses can be rented for up the
coast from east to west. In additionParangtritis also a place for air sports
Motorcycles are descended from the “safety bicycle,” a bicycle with front and rear wheels of
the same size and a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel.
There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles
are put to use, or the designer’s intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories
are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose bike.
Some motorcycles are specially adapted for specific job functions, such as those used by the
ambulance, Blood Bikes, fire, and military services, and for specilized delivery services, such
as pizza deliveries. Beginning in the 1960s with the Mountain Goat specialised motorcycles
were developed for use on farms.
While motorcycles typically have two wheels, some motorized tricycles are classed as three-
wheeled motorcycles. Some brands have made various types of three-wheelers direct from the
factory. Most of these vehicles are treated as motorcycles for registration or licensing
Adapted from:
Wacana bahasa Inggris diatas berbicara tentang sepeda motor sebagai alat transportasi moderen
paling banyak di jalanan. Bila terasa kurang paham, bisa membaca terjemahan berikut:
Sepeda motor adalah berasal dari model konsep sepeda yang disebut “safety bicycle” dimana roda
depan dan belakang mempunyai ukuran yang sama dan pedal engkol mekanik untuk mengerakkan
roda belakang.
Ada banyak klasifikasi dan jenis sepeda motor yang menggambarkan bagaimana sepeda motor itu
digunakan, atau berdasarkan dari maksud perancangnya, atau berdasakan dari 2 hal tersebut. Lima
kategori utama sepeda motor yang diakui secara luas adalah cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-
purpose bike
Beberapa sepeda motor secara khusus disesuaikan untuk fungsi pekerjaan tertentu, seperti yang
digunakan untuk ambulans, Sepeda olah raga, sepeda pemadam api, dan sepeda motor untuk
layanan militer, dan juga motor khusu seperti sepeda motor untuk mengirim pizza. Awal tahun 1960-
an dikembangkan sepeda motor dengan kebutuhan pada peternakan di Mountain Goat.
Sementara sepeda motor biasanya memiliki dua roda, ada beberapa motor yang beroda 3 seperti
becak bermotor beberapa digolongkan sebagai motor roda tiga. Beberapa merek sudah membuat
berbagai jenis three-wheelers langsung dari pabrik. Sebagian besar kendaraan ini didaftarkan dengan
tujuan tertentu

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