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Jalan Baturaja Keban Agung  0734-4570005 Kec. Lawang Kidul 31715



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama Siswa : .....................................................

Hari / Tanggal : ..................................................... Nomor Ujian : .....................................................
Pukul : ..................................................... Kelas : XI ................................................
1. Aditya : shall we go camping to “Siola Bella : It’s as crowded as Jakarta and
Beach”this holiday Surabaya. The weather is rather cold at night.
Fahri : ……...I’m sure we will have some fun Salsa : Do you like quite places?
there. Bella : yes I do
a. I don’t agree d. that’s good idea Salsa : so do I.
b. oh, I disagree e. Oh it’s not okay
c. I,m sorry, I can’t 8. Where is Bella going to spend the holiday?
a. In Batu d. In Surabaya
2. Teacher : would you mind not talking during the b.In Malang e.In Bandung
lesson? c. In Jakarta
Student : …………………………………………….
a. I’m sorry,I’ll keep silent d. sure I’ll talk to you 9. Bella is going to spend the holiday there because she
b. I’m still happy e. OK,thanks likes…………
c. never mind a. Interesting places d. Quite places
b. crowded places e. cool places
3. Elisa : wouid you like to come to our farewell party c. Isolated area
Tina : ………………I have to see my dentist tonight 10. How is the weather at night?
a. Of course d. that’s good idea a. Hot d. rain
b. I’d love too e. don’t worry b. dry e.wet
c. I’m sorry, I can’t c. cold
11. Niken : Where did you go for your birthday?
4. Firman : you should go to doctor to see your Ayuda : I went to Bali
healthy,Yuda? Niken : How was the………….there?
Yuda : Oh I think, I’m okay .my sick is not too Ayuda : It was hot and day
serious a. Season d. temperature
The underlined utterances is about…………………………. b. climate e. situation
a. Agreeing d. apologizing c. weather
b. disagreeing e. certainty
c. requesting 12. Oki : I heard that you have won the poetry reading
5. Rivan : Do you mind if I close the window? April : Yes that’s true and I’m very excited about it
Soni : ……………………….and close it Oki : ………………………..
a. I know d. not at all,go right ahead April : Thanks.
b. yes of course a. Are you sure d. You are so beautiful
c. I have no idea b. Do you like it e. OK
c. Congratulations
6. Mita : What do you think of “ Laskar Pelangi” the
movie? 13. Ari : You look busy with your assignment. Do you
Asta : ………………………I have not seen it. need a help?
a. Yes it is d. I can’t say anything Dessy : …………………but I should do it on my own.
b. you are right e.don’t worry a. Thanks d. please help me
c. I don’t think so b. no,I don’t e. OK,thank you
7. Desi : I think it is going to rain
Budi : …………..look at the sky! It’s so clear, no cloud 14. Lia : ……………….! The street is
there slippery ?
a. I think so d. you don’t know it Lestari : Of course I will drive carefully
b. I don’t think so e. It can be a. Look out d. mind your step
c. I agree with you b. be careful e. just go
c. watch out
The text forquestions 8-10
Salsa : Where are going to spend your 15. Tiara is a beautifu girl. she has a long straight hair and
holiday? also has a pointed nose. Beside that she is low profile but
Bella : In Batu near Malang East Java she is very talkactive to everyone.
Salsa : Why are going to spend your holiday What is Tiara bad habit?
there? a. Beautiful d. talk active

b. pointed nose e.arrogant he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who
c. low profile came late and not obey the team rules.

16. Alpan : excuse me, …………where the barber shop? 21. When did the writer really love football?
Budi : yes just go straight down this road, the a. When he was in elementary school
barbershop is on the right side b. Every Saturday afternoon
a. Do you know d. Do you c. When he came late and not obey the team rules
agree d. when he would gounded anyone
b. This is Indah Speaking e. I disagree e. When he was in junior high school
c. What’s wrong
22. Where the writer used to play football
Read the following text and answer questions 17 to 20 a. In stadium d. In a school field
Juhha’s Wonders b. In the sport hall e. in the yard
Once upon a time, there was a small village in Baghdad. Its c. In his own field
population was very small. In this village everybody knew
each other and knew every little or big problems that went 23. How was the couch couching him?
on in the village. In this small village there was a bakery that a. Strong d. Lazy
was popular for its delicious bread. b. Smart e. happy
One day a poor old man was walking in the street passing c. Discipline
the bakery and he stopped to smell the scent of the bread
which was spreading out of the bakery. 24. The coach grounded players who …..
Suddenly, the baker caught the old man and shouted at him a. were smart d. obeyed the rules
demanding the price of bread’s scent. He almost drag him to b. were decipline e. arrogant
the police. c. came late
A very famous wise man named Juhha heard the baker
shouting. So he went to him and asked about the problem. My happy weekend
Juhha stood calmly listening to the baker and he thought for On Sunday morning my family and I went on a boat cruise.
a solution. We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past
After a few minutes Juhha’s eyes glistened and an amused some cargo ships. When we got to Lincon Park we had a
smile was on his face. He asked the baker “How much picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing
money do you want?”. The baker and poor man were tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown
astonished, but the baker answered “3 dinars”. Juhha took was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we
the money out of his wallet and put it in his pocket and went home. Although it was tiring, we were happy.
shook the money. “Did you hear the sound of the money?”
Juhha asked. “Yes, I did”, the baker replied, and with big 25. Who are the participants in the story about?
smile Juhha said “Well then, this is the price of your bread’s a. A,B,C,D are correct.
scent!” b. the writer’s family and Mr. John Smith
c. Mr. John Smith and the writer
17. Who stopped to smell the scent of the bread? d. Mr. Brown and Mr. John Smith
a. The baker. d. Juhha, the wise man e. the writer and Mr. Brown
b. The police. e. the thief
c. The old poor man. . 26. What is the genre of the text above?
a. Descriptive d. Procedure
18. What did the baker do to the old man? b. Recount e. Report
a. He wanted to hear the sound of the old man money. c. Narration
b. He demanded the old man to pay for the scent.
c. He shouted his problem to the old man. 27. What is the purpose of the text?
d. He gave the old man some solution. a. To entertain the reader.
e. The baker was astonished b. To tell about past event.
c. To describe a particular place
19. ” ….., which was popular for its delicious bread” d. To inform about the end of the week.
(paragraph 1) e. To describe how to make something.
What does the word “delicious” mean?
a. Sour d. Unpleasant 28. The text is organized in ....
b. Tasty e. Happy a. Identification – Description
c. Bitter b. Orientation – Complication – Resolution
c. Orientation – Events – Re-orientation
20. What can we learn from the story above? d. Goal – Materials – Steps
a. We must help poor people. e. Re-Orientation – Events – Orientation
b. We must take the benefit of what we offer. 29. “Although it was tiring, we were happy.”
c. We should pay nothing for things we use. The underlined word refers to ….
d. We shouldn’t ask other to pay for what they don’t a. the writer d. the rock climbing
d. the family e. the boat cruise
e. We must be happy c. his picnic

Read the following text and answer questions 21 to 24 This text is for questions 30 to 34
When I was in elementary school, I really loved football.
Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school field with my A shepherd boy, tending his flock not far from a village, liked
team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. to amuse himself by crying out “Wolf! Wolf!” His trick
My coach was a kind person. But, while he was couching us, succeeded two or three times. The whole village came

running to his assistance, only to be laughed at for falling for d. there were more than five clubs joining the competition
his joke. e. the writer played football in the morning
Then, one day, the wolf came for real.
The boy cried out in earnest, but his neighbours, thinking 38. When did the writer always play karate?
he was tricking them, ignored his cries, and the wolf a. In the afternoon. d. On Sundays at 4
devoured the sheep. p.m.
b. On Sundays e. On Monday mornings
30. The genre of the text above is .... c. Every morning
a. descriptive d. report
b. procedure e. narrative This text is for questions 39 to 40
c. recount Dear Clara,
How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip
31. Then, one day, the wolf came for real.(Paragraph 2). with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30
This part of the text is called .... kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine o’clock
a. steps d. events in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent
b. complication e. resolution the morning playing in the beach. We also made a castle
c. identification from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant
overlooking the beach. After lunch we climbed a large hill
32.. The phrase “cried out” in paragraph 3 is closest behind the beach and saw the beautiful view from the top.
meaning to .... We got back to the bus around three o’clock and then we
a. wept d. busted came back to town.
b. desperate e. screamed What is your holiday experience? Please share with
c. hurt me.
Sincerely yours,
33. The shepherde boy’s personality was a/an .... Hilda
a. happy-go-lucky-boy d. annoying boy 39. The letter tells us about ....
b. caring boy e. intellegent a. Hilda’s holiday experience
boy b. a nice beach d. Hilda’s classmate
c. decisive boy c. Hilda’s feeling e. Hilda’s daily activities

34. Pronoun “them” in paragraph 3 refers to …. 40. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. The shepherd boy d. The shepherd boy’s a. It took one hour to go to the beach.
neighbours b. The writer went to the beach on Saturday.
b. The wolf e. the village c. The beach is at the writer’s town.
c. the sheep d. There was a large hill behind the beach.
e. The writer made a castle from sand at the beach.
This text is for questions 35 to 38
When I was in Junior High School, I joined two clubs. 41.Mother:….,Son! The Car is running fast from the
They were the football club and the karate club. I joined right side
those clubs because I love sports, especially football and
karate. I played football on Sunday mornings and karate on
Son:Don`t Worry ,Mom
Mondays at 4 p.m. a.Look Up c.Walk Outt e.Watch Out
One day my football club joined a football competition. b.Keep Up d.Keep Outt
There were eight clubs joining the competition. At first, our 42. Mother:Being aware that she will not be able to
club won the match. Then, we have to defeat another club pass the final exam, she gives Up her hope to
to get to the final. Remarkably, we won again. After those continue her study .she will look for a job.
two matches, we had lunch in the cafetaria nearby. We were Father:l`ll suggest her.
so impatient to play in the last game. It was the hard one
The bold italic phrase means….
because our opponent was very tough.
Finally, we won the game with a nice score of 3-2. We a.lets c.thinks e.changes
were very happy and proud. b.stops d.alters
35. The purpose of the text is .... 43.Mom:You Have turned on the radio too loudly ,Edo.
a. describe someone Edo:Is that a Problem?
b. describe about something in general Mom:Yes,the baby is sleeping.Please….!
c. entertain the readers or listeners Edo:Ok.Sorr.then.
d. explain how to do something
a.take care
e. tell the past events
b.go ahead
36. “ Then, we had to defeat another club ....” The c.Switch it off
synonym of the underlined word is .... d .pay attention
a. to attack d. to play e.behave yourself
b. to join work 44.Manager: Can you do the work by yourself?
together Secretary: With the limited time given,... l need a
c. to beat
37. The following statements are TRUE according to the a.l`m sure l can do it myself.
text, except .... c.l won`t be able to do it myselff
a. the last game was very easy to win b.l believe l`m able to do it myself d.l`m capable
b. there were two clubs in Junior high school to do it myself e.l`m competent to do it myself
c. they had lunch after those two matches

45.Mr.Fadel:Are you sure you are able to manage the displaced water mass moves under the ..(49) gravity to
new restaurant ? regain its ocean like …(50) a pond .
Mr.Jack:Absolutely…I have a six year manager Tsunami always brings great caused by
experience. the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front, as
a.l can`t do it the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods …the
b.l`m soory l can`t coastal area.
c.l`m unable to do it 46 a. comes from c.came in e.came of
d.l`m competent in it b.come by d.coming from
e.i`m s 47 a. placed by c.located at
Tsunami e.displacing in
The term of “tsunami”…(46) the Japanese which at d.displaced on
means harbor (“tsu”) and wave (“name”). at c.chance by e.happen
A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in in
a lake or a sea is rapidly(47) a massive scale .A tsunami b.exist on d.occur at
can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms 49a.effect by c.influence of e.affect
and vertically displaces the overlying water . such large of
vertical movements of the earth’s crust can…48) plate b.result of d.use of
boundaries . 50 a. reaction of c.waves at e.ripples
Subductions of earthquakes are particularly on
effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser b.rustle by d.movement of
oceanic plates slip under continental plates .As the

A B C D E 21
1 22
2 23
3 24
4 25
5 26
6 27
7 28
8 29
9 30
10 31
11 32
12 33
13 34
14 35
15 36
16 37
17 38
18 39
19 40

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