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When neither allele is dominant, so that a

heterzygote has a phenotype that is a blending of
each of the homozygous phenotypes (such as one
red color allele and one white color allele producing
pink flowers) it is called

A. Multiple alleles
B. Polygenic traits
C. Incomplete dominance
D. Autosomal inheritance
Incomplete dominance
2. The curly hair allele (HC) and the straight hair (HS)
alleles show incomplete dominance . If one parent
has curly hair and one parent has straight hair, what
is the probability that they have a child with curly
A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. 0%
If one parent has curly hair and the other has straight
hair, each offspring will inherit one of each allele from
parents. All offspring will have wavy hair.



3. If both parents have wavy hair, what is
the phenotype (and genotype) ratio for
their offspring?

A. 3:1 (curly to straight)

B. All wavy haired offspring
C. 1:2:1 (curly: wavy: straight)
D. 9:3:3:1

Curly Wavy

Wavy Straight

1 Curly : 2 Wavy: 1 Straight hair

4. Almost all sex-linked traits, such as
hemophilia, red-green colorblindness and
Duchene’s muscular dystrophy are caused
A. A gene on the Y chromosome
B. A gene on the X chromosome
C. A gene on chromosome 21
D. Hormonal differences
Females have two X chromosomes, so they have two copies of any genes on
the X chromosome. Females must inherit a recessive allele from both parents
to have the recessive phenotype.

Males only have one X chromosome. The Y chromosome does not have the
same genes. So males will express a recessive trait if there only X
chromosome has the recessive allele.
5. Red-green colorblindness is caused by a
recessive sex-linked trait (on the X
What is the genotype of a colorblind man?
C. XbY
D. XbXb
E. Can not determine
Males only have one X chromosome.
A coloblind male has the recessive colorblindness
allele on his only X chromosome. (Xb)
6. If a man is colorblind (a recessive sex-
linked trait),
A. All of his sons will be colorblind
B. All of his daughters will be colorblind
C. All of his daughters will be at least carriers
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
A Father passes his only A father passes his Y
X chrosomes to all chromosome to all sons.
daughters. So if he is So a father being
colorblind, all of his colorblind doesn’t affect
daughters will be at as son’s probability of
least carriers. being colorblind.
7. If a mother is colorblind and a father is not
colorblind, what is the probability of a daughter
being colorblind? (Find the probability just
among possible daughter outcomes)

A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. 0%
all have
The father’s only X chromosome always gets passed down to
any daughters he has.

Since this father does not have colorblindness, his X

chromosome must have the normal color vision allele.

All of his daughters will receive this dominant allele, and will
NOT have red-green colorblindness.
8. If a mother is colorblind and a father is
not colorblind, what is the probability of
son being colorblind? (Find probability just
among possible son outcomes)
A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. 0%
All the
sons will

Colorblind mother is XbXb. Father with normal color vision is XBY.

With these parents, all the sons will inherit their only X from their
colorblind mother and will be colorblind.
All daughters will inherit a dominant color vision gene on the X
chromosome from their father, so they will have normal color vision
but will be carriers due to the X they receive from their mother.
9. The pedigree below represents a family history for
sickle cell anemia which is a recessive trait (ss). Shaded
in individual have this recessive genetic condition.
Choose the response that includes all of the possible
genotypes of individual I-2.
A. SS only
B. SS or Ss
C. Ss only
D. ss only
E. Ss or ss
10. The pedigree below represents a family history for
sickle cell anemia which is a recessive trait (ss). Shaded
in individual have this recessive genetic condition.
Choose the response that includes all of the possible
genotypes of individual III-2

A. SS only
B. SS or Ss
C. Ss only
D. ss only
E. Ss or ss
11. The pedigree below represents a family history for
sickle cell anemia which is a recessive trait (ss). Shaded in
individual have this recessive genetic condition. Choose
the response that includes all of the possible genotypes of
individual II-4.
A. SS only
B. SS or Ss
C. Ss only
D. ss only
E. Ss or ss
9. You can determine the
genotype of individual I-2
because individuals with the
recessive phenotype must
have two recessive alleles.

10. In many cases, you

can not determine the
genotype of an individual
11. You can determine that individual II-4
with the dominant
must be heterozygous (Ss) because they
phenotype. Individual III-2 have a child with the recessive
could be SS or Ss. There phenotype. This child must have inherited
is no way of determining a recessive allele from both parents.
which genotype she has (Also they have a parent with the
from the pedigree. recessive phenotype- they must have
inherited the recessive allele from this
12. The 4 main types of blood A, B, AB
and O are due to

A. Polygenic inheritance
B. Multiple alleles
C. Sex-linked inheritance
D. A and C
E. B and C
13. For blood types, the A allele (IA) and the B
allele (IB) are codominant. The O allele (i) is
If a mother has blood type B and a father has
blood type A, which blood types are possible for
their children?
A. AB only
B. AB, A, or B
C. A or B
D. A, B, AB or O
The A blood type parent could have the
genotype IA i.
The B blood type parent could have the
genotype IB i.

So all 4 blood types are possible.

IA i
(AB) (B)
i Iai ii
(A) (O)
14. A trait that is polygenic is

A. Height
B. Widow’s peak
There is a wide variation in
height because more than
one gene controls this trait.
15. An autosomal trait is one that
A. is equally likely in males and
B. is more likely in males
C. is more likely in females
D. is caused by a dominant allele
E. is caused by a recessive allele
The autosomal chromosomes are the chromosomes
that are found in homologous pairs in both males
and females. (chromosomes 1-22 for humans).
Since both genders have pairs, these traits are
equally likely in males and females.
16. Nondisjunction is
A. An extra round of DNA replication in mitosis
B. An extra round of DNA replication in meiosis
C. Improper separation of homologous pairs in
D. Fertilization of an egg with multiple sperm
17. Having an extra copy of a
chromosome is called
A. Trivalent
B. Trisomy
C. Bivalent
D. Monovalent
E. Monosomy
Down’s Syndrome is Trisomy 21
1. C 14.A
2. E 15.A
3. C 16.C
4. B 17.B
5. C
6. C
7. E
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. D

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