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Divorce issue

Name Satyabrata Gantayat

Birth Date With Time 08 Aug 1984 09:55
Birth Place India, OD, Bhubaneswar, Near By Bhubaneswar, 20.2960587, 85.82453980000003, 330
Marital Status Married
Occupation Salaried
language English
Query Details I want to get a problem free divorce from my wife. We married on 16 July 2016 and she
left my house in February 2017. My date and time of birth 08/08/1984 9:55 AM. We have a child and
now I am very much traumatised. Question: When I will get divorce,will it be mutual or contested and
will I remarry
Category Marriage

Dear Satyabrata Gantayat

Feed back : Spouse detail Date of birth 29/05/1987 10:15 AM Bhubaneswar

Looking into both of your chart, the quick answer to your query is that your chances of getting Divorce is not so
strong. The time frame after Nov 2019 will bring some opportunity to improve your relationship. As you told that you
a children too so its better to avoid divorce. Still if you want to get the divorce then the time frame of second trimester
of the 2020 will be favorable. There is a chance of some legal proceeding during divorce as your spouse chart contains
Shani Surya Shapit dosh that will indicates some judiciary process. So first try to resolve the things wisely during the
first half of the year 2020. Be careful in using words as they may create some troubles to you. When the Saturn
changes in year 2020 will help you to get the divorce from your spouse. The chances of remarriage are not so strong.
If happen then it takes some time.

Hope this answers your question and we look forward to the next question.

From remedial point of view, I suggest you to practice the below astrological remedies which will boost your chances
to get desired results of your efforts.

Also, you should worship the lord Sun by performing Yoga/Sun Salutation in the early morning immediate after Sun
rise, as it will help you to gain positive energy.

The root cause of the issue is that position of the Mars in your spouse chart is not so auspicious. This brings some
dissatisfaction in your intimate life. Expectations of your spouse may not fulfilled in many term.

In your horoscope the placement of Saturn in 2nd house of speech may gives you harsh voice that ill hurt others. You
should be careful and use appropriate words in your speech.
In your chart the lord of 7th house of marriage is in good position and making an auspicious yoga with Moon. It is
also a natural significant of marriage but it is retrograde.

Current transit of the Saturn is passing over the Natal Jupiter and creating troubles since last 2 years. You are also
running under Saturn Sade sati which also not a good phase so bring struggle in your life.

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