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WORKSHOP - Nature of technology

Presented by:

Rigoberto Andres Galindo Garcia

Presented to:

Myriam Saavedra

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

March 19 of 2018

Desing Thinking ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Perception of the need:................................................................................................................................. 3
Formulation of specifications (requirements): ............................................................................................. 4
Final Solution ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Evaluation of the Solution: ............................................................................................................................ 5
Desing Thinking


Formulation of specifications:

Perception of the need:

1. more no car days.
Generation of ideas
2. the autority have to be more strict with the
In bogota the contamitation is a big problem tecnical and mecanical revision of the cars. To solve this problem we must have a
beacuse we don not hava fresh air and too culture of healthy life where the planet is
3. the mayor have to drive campaigns to cared for and respect for everyone.
much cars does not have the conditions for
stimulate the healthy life.
be on the streets. also the noise is another
problem because alters the tranquility of the
people. i want to fiz this issue.

Evaluation of the solution

Final Solution
I think so that this proyect can help to solve the
motivate the health life and the sports for problem because the technology
everyone on the city with technology help.
improves processes.

Perception of the need:

In bogota the contamitation is a big problem beacuse we don not hava fresh air and too much cars does not
have the conditions for be on the streets. also the noise is another problem because alters the tranquility of
the people. i want to fiz this issue.
Formulation of specifications (requirements):

1. more no car days.

2. the autority have to be more strict with the tecnical and mecanical revision of the cars using the technology
and the software development.

3. the mayor have to drive campaigns to stimulate the healthy life and publish it in mobile apps.

Generation of ideas:
To solve this problem we must have a culture of healthy life where the planet is cared for and respect for
everyone and we have to create more software that helps:

1. controlate the technical and mecanic validations of the cars.

2. controlate the public bike service on the city.
3. Send information with mobile apps about the health life programs for everyone.

Final Solution
motivate the health life and the sports for everyone on the city with technology help.
Evaluation of the Solution:
I think so that this proyect can help to solve the problem because the technology
improves processes.

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