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Alexis Chavez

1007 W Prince Rd #56

Tucson,AZ 85705


FWHS Principle- Jim Brunenkant

Flowing Wells High School
Tucson Az


Dear Mr.Brunenkant

I am writing in regards to the school dress code being unfair as it is far more strict for

girls than boys. For example, girls are being dress coded for showing something as

innocent as their shoulders. This is an infringement of student rights to be able to express

themselves in a way that is not offensive or disruptive to the learning environment.. In

“How to Enforce the Student Dress Code in a Fair Way”, it states that “​a good policy

applies to everyone; there are no gender-specific rules, no double standards. If girls can’t

wear tank tops, neither can boys; if girls can’t show collarbones, neither can boys.”

Therefore, it is unfair to have a rule that’s held against one specific gender and not the

other. According to “Do School Dress Codes Discriminate Against Girls?”, if a student

is distracted by something someone else is wearing, that student could be moved to the

other side of the classroom rather than punishing the other individual for that person’s

distracted mind.
So to summarize, students should not be dress coded because there are more reasonable

options to the problem. Also, it is unfair to be more strict with girls and not boys. I hope

you consider my research and make changes to the dress code to make it more fair.


Alexis Chavez

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