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10/20/2019 Quick Rubric :)

Mr. Monopoly Assignment Rubric

The Mr. Monopoly assignment is worth 12 points total. Use this rubric as a reference of the work quality

Excellent Fair Needs Improvement

4 Points 2 Points 0 Points

Accuracy All information is accurate and Most of the information is Little or none of the information
from scholarly sources. accurate and from scholarly is accurate and from scholarly
sources. sources.

Content Written material meets the page Written material does not meet Written material does not meet
requirements and is organized. page requirements, but is the page requirement and needs
organized. to be organized.

Mechanics (Spelling & Mechanics reflect careful editing. A few errors are present, but not Mechanical errors are distracting
distracting. and needs correction.

This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at - 1/1

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