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4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City


I. Project Title: Raspberry Pi based Smart Waste Management System

with GSM
Subtopic: Waste management system for Barangay using IoT

II. Background of the Study:

One of the biggest challenges that confront the future in metro cities is
waste and garbage management. The common way of disposal of waste &
garbage is unplanned and uncontrolled openly dumped on the roads. This
method is unhygienic and harmful to humans, plants, and animals. This
unhygienic way of dumping waste can generate liquid leachate which may
pollute underwater resources; causes a harmful disease and may end having
an unclean environment.

Since we’re all in an era where things can be manipulated and resolved by
technology, the use of environmental technology such as the internet of things
can be a big help with this issue. The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently
considered as a basic communication infrastructure for smart cities, where
machines communicate automatically between each other.

Smart Waste Management System with GSM is a raspberry pi-based system

consists of a mechanical setup that is very innovative which will help to keep
the Barangay and cities clean. This proposed system monitors the garbage
bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via
an SMS. For this, the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to
detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth. By
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

having such a system in multiple places everything is monitored and controlled

by a centralized node using IoT technology.

III. Purpose and Description:

Smart Waste Management System with GSM is an innovative and automated

system that will help to keep the barangays and cities clean and healthy. This
proposed system will monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of
garbage collected in the garbage bins via an SMS, the system uses ultrasonic
sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with
the garbage bins depth.

The system makes use of Raspberry pi board, LCD screen, GSM modem for
sending data. The system is powered by a 12V transformer. The LCD screen
is used to display the status of the level of garbage collected in the bins.
Whereas GSM is built to show the status to the user, monitoring it with SMS.
The SMS consists of text related to all garbage bins. The LCD screen shows
the status of the garbage level.

The system puts on LCD screen continuously monitoring of garbage with

raspberry pi board. Thus this system helps to keep the Barangay clean by
informing about the garbage levels of the bins by providing SMS to the
respective person. The proponent believes that a Smart waste management
system with GSM can solve or reduce the waste management problem in the
metro city to a minimum level.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

IV. Statement of the Problem

General Problem
Over the years, waste disposal has become the major problem in every City.
Therefore, the traditional way of manually monitoring/ collecting the wastes in
waste bins, indiscriminate dumping, irregular collections of wastes are
complicated, unmanageable process that leads to the Unhygienic Environment
and look of the Barangay.

Specific Problem

 The ineffective waste collection in the inaccessible areas of the

 Trucks go and empty containers whether they are full or not
 Bad smell spreads and may cause illness to human beings
 The overfilled trash bins create unhygienic conditions

V. Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop a system that will help to have a manageable
process in monitoring/ collecting wastes and to have a healthy and Hygienic
Environment in a Barangay

Specific Objectives

 To develop a system that will give a real time information on the fill level
of the dustbin.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

 To create a system that will improve environment quality.

 To build up a system that will help to have fewer smells and Cleaner
 To develop a system that will reduce Environmental Pollution and
maintain Hygienic health conditions.

VI. Scope and limitation of the Project

 The system can notify the authority if the dustbin is full or not via text.
 The system can give the real time information about the fill level of the
 The system gives the accurate location where the specific dustbin
 The system will only be sending a message with one respective person.

 The system can’t detect if it’s biodegradable or non-biodegradable.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

I. Project Title: Personal English Trainer – AI Voice Assistant

Subtopic: Raspberry Pi-Based Linguistic AI Companion

II. Background of the Study:

As we continue living in a digital age, technology provides numerous

tools that we can use to enhance learning. Especially for students, who seek
help through the use of technology-based development. With mobile and other
wireless devices becoming an increasing requirement across every industry
today. Integrating technology in education helps the student stay engaged.
Most of the students today have been using devices like tablets, smartphones,
laptops and desktop to play and learn. It is the reason that technology has to
become more intelligent to make our lives easier and computers more

This study addresses one of the issues of the students, the English language
anxiety. As a student, learning a second language helps us not just to
communicate across different cultures but it provides a competitive edge in
career choices. Additionally, the ability to communicate in English is becoming
more and more important in the increasingly integrated community. English
communication is one of the basic skills that a student has to develop to
survive in the world of work. However, the English subject which is the one
responsible for learning and developing one's literacy skills is not an easy
subject for many. Many develop fear or anxiety by simply thinking about it.
Many students have always encountered problems that did not make the full
learning of this language. To learn English requires constant practice and
patience and enough word vocabulary. The kind of feeling that prevails among
students is that it is not possible to achieve fluency or mastery over the
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

English language. This kind of tendency prevents students from learning


Technology Can Help Where Humans Struggle, and with the presence of the
new trends in technology such as the Iot, these problems can be solved.
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the field of computer science that attempts to
simulate characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include
learning, reasoning, and adapting.

That is why the proponents came up with the idea of reducing the pressure of
the students by creating a Personal English Trainer. It can help students to
broaden their English vocabulary which is a very important part of learning a
language. The proponents believe that technology can help student’s reading,
writing, speaking and listening skills in English. The proponents are certain
that this device will improve not just the student’s English skills but their
confidence to conquer English language anxiety.

III. Purpose and Description

Personal English Trainer is a Voice integrated device that uses Raspberry Pi

that provides accurate and convenient personal English Voice assistant to the
students. The primary purpose of the study is to help students who lack in
proficiency in English language and to train them at the same time. With the
device’s handy feature, the students can bring it anytime and anywhere. And
also, the device is a voice navigated which makes it user-friendly.
The proposed device has the following features:
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

a) Writing & Editing Assistant –The proposed system make the writing and
editing process more engaging by just asking with the AI.
b) Research Buddy-The AI assistant can help you to search for certain
words that you are unfamiliar with.

The proposed device has the following hardware requirements:

a) Raspberry Pi 3B/B+
b) Micro-USB Cable & Micro-USB power adapter for Raspberry Pi.
c) Micro SD Card (Minimum 8 GB)

IV. Statement of the Problem

We intricate the problem of students using the information gathered from

interview with the students of different schools.

General Problem:
The main problem is that the student’s difficulty in proficiency and
incompetence in using the English language.

Specific Problems
 The students find it very hard in communicating with someone who is
capable of speaking English.
 Students learn English through their English subject, making it limited
for them to exert effort to study English.
 The students think that English is a complicated subject.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

 Pronunciations or the inability to understand or comprehend new

 English vocabulary becomes a huge problem.

V. Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop a system that will help the students to be proficient
and competence in using the English language.

Specific Objectives
 To Create a system that will encourage students communicate using
English language,
 To Develop a system that will enhance the English vocabulary of
 To Build up a system that will enlighten the students about the
significant of learning English Language.
 To create a system that will help the students to pronounce correctly
and comprehend a word.
 To develop a system that applies the AI technology that will motivate
students to learn English Language.

VI. Scope and limitation of the Project

 The system can search certain English word.
 The system can only communicate using the English language.
 The system provides information based on data that are stored on it.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

 The system also has the additional feature of a humidity sensor

wherein it can give the measured temperature.

 The system can’t help the students to construct sentences.
 The system has stored only minimum information.
 The system only has information about English Topics, Phrases, and
 The system can’t think for itself because it can only do what it is
programmed to do.
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

I. Project Title: Smart Emergency Button

Subtopic: Emergency Button for Elderly with Serious Illnesses

II. Background of the Study:

The elderly population is continuously increasing, and the problems faced

by these people are increasing simultaneously. Nowadays these people are facing

problems like lack of care, emotional support and economic support from the

family, etc. Our culture recognizes the status of the parents as that of God.

The elderly, especially those who are weak and/or dependent, require physical,

mental and emotional care and support. When this is not provided, they suffer

from neglect, a problem that occurs when a person is left uncared. This is

worsened as the elderly are less likely to demand attention than those of other age

groups. Many older persons live in fear. Whether rational or irrational, this is a

relevant problem faced by the elderly that needs to be carefully and effectively

addressed. Elderly who suffer from fear need to be reassured.

Emergency situations are increasing worldwide, and older people remain one of

the most seriously affected groups. Some emergencies happen inside and outside

the home. Elderly who suffer from mental and physical diseases requires attention.

Some elderly dies because they lack assistance and accompany. And, some
4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

emergencies need to be treated while help is still on the way.

Since technology is one of the main sources of help when it comes to a faster and

easier way of living, it can be a big help in developing devices that will assure the

elderly to be safe.

Emergency Button for Elderly with serious Illnesses is a raspberry-pi based

system that uses the smart emergency button which sends an SMS to a pre-

determined device when pressed. This project uses a Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless.

The project will be able to trigger an emergency alert in a button-press event. It

must have Internet connectivity, as long as the people who receive the alert can

be located anywhere in the emergency trigger moment.

4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

III. Purpose and Description

Emergency Button for Elderly with Serious Illnesses is a smart alert button

that sends notification to the person who is intended to receive it once the button is

pushed. This proposed project will benefit the elderly who has a serious illness

and is sometimes left alone. The person will receive an SMS that serves as a

warning that an emergency is happening.

Considering this requirements, Raspbery Pi Zero Wireless fits well. This board has

built-in wi-fi connectivity, powerful computational resources for an embedded

device (powerful processing, good RAM memory amount and a bunch of GPIOs),

small size (comparing to another popular Single-Board Computers available), can

run Linux OS (a very reliable and powerful operational system, what allows great

future improvements on project) and, last but not least, has a very competitive


IV. Statement of the Problem

General Problem

The elderly who suffer serious diseases outside and inside their home faces

higher risk of danger during an emergency when no one knows they are on the

event of the emergency.

4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

Specific Problems

 An elderly who doesn’t even know how to use cellphone will not get an

immediate help.

 Using cellphone requires to several clicks and push to send help.

 Elderly who are also differently abled will have a hard time sending help.

 Elderly who depends on cellular phones has the tendency of misplacing

their phone.

V. Objective of the Study

This project goal to develop an emergency alert button that will lower the risk

of danger of the elderly by immediately sending help during an emergency.

Specific Objectives

 Provide a system that doesn’t require demos and instructions to use for

faster response.

 The device that only need just one push to send help.

 Elderly who also is suffering from disability will have the capability to ask

for assistance

 Wearable and handy device that can be brought anywhere.

4th Floor Sunshine Plaza Mall, Arca South, Taguig City

VI. Scope and Delimitation


 The system is Wi-fi operated

 Send help in just seconds

 SMS Notification enabled

 Single-click operated device


 The system can’t detect the elderly’s location

 One receiver of SMS notification at a time

 Can’t contact using calls

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