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Professional Learning

Teacher Observation

Date Tuesday 24th of August 2019

Lesson Observed- Reading Session

Teacher Observing –Maria Zarafa

-Students were quiet during the silent reading session. They knew exactly
what to do and it was very obvious that they were aware of the routine and
-Liked how students had their own folders with books before the session,
which all seemed to be at their levels.
-It was good how you roved around the room and assisted with students and
heard them read.
-It was good how students had a variety of books to look at or read, one was
at their level and one was slightly more challenging
-The feedback that you were giving the students was great, both individually
and at a whole class focus. You were doing some really good PB4L

-Next time maybe have a notebook or checklist and you could be writing some
anecdotal notes about their progress or what their next focus could be for a
guided reading or shared reading session.
-Maybe thinking of reducing the time that the students spent at their table
reading, for a small number of students it was a little bit to long.
-You could also have a focus, “Today as you are reading l would like you to
focus on……”

Transition to next lesson

-The transition was very quick and l liked the strategy that you used, counting
down was quick and students were settled down in their learning space ready
for learning. Really liked the idea of having their own space on the mat as, it
meant students had no distractions and they were not worried about their
friends sitting next to them.

Shared Reading

-The cards that you used were really good and it made connections to names
and vocabulary which made it east to make a connection to
-Students had time to see the cards and practise what they were learning
several times. It is always good for students to consolidate their learning, as
all students learn at different times.
-Students knew the blends and it was really good to see a lot of hands up and
students answering your questions.
-Liked the way that you went over work that was completed in previous
lessons and l liked how you said, “We did this on….”
-Going over the students prediction of the big book was really good and it set
the tone of the lesson.
-Liked how you had your focus for the lesson and shared it with the students.
-Liked how there was a visual so students could make a connection.
-Your explanations were good and very easy to understand.
-Your questioning was really good.
-Liked the way that you were holding the big book as it meant that you had a
very good visual of all the students.
-It was great how you were pointing to the words as you were reading the
-Liked how you did not read all the book and stayed to a time limit and
particular focus,
-Great connections to VCOP Kung Fu Panda, so students had the visual,
kinestics and audio, so you were focussing on all the three learning styles.
-Liked how shared reading was short and students were not sitting on the mat
for a long period of time.

Reading Activities

-It was fantastic how the reading activities were ready to go. You had a task
board and there also was a visual for you and the students.
-Liked how you dismissed the students one group at a time, this meant that
the environment was quiet and you have set up your expectations for your
-Great strategies were used when the students were getting louder.
-There was a variety of reading activities for students to work through. It was
good how you catered for all the different learning abilities and styles.
-You matched students up well, there was a lot peer tutoring happening which
was great to see. Students were using great vocabulary and they were
challenging each other.
-Students were all engaged and seemed to be having a lot of fun whilst
learning, which is very important.

-Next time start the lesson with the learning intention written on the board so
students are aware of what they learning and also the success criteria.
-It would be good to stop and explain the new vocabulary, as some students
might not understand the new vocabulary.
-You could use the four different colours for the characters and spilt students
into four and have some choral reading happening, so students could have
practiced fluency, expression and reading to punctuation.

Small Group Focus

-Liked how you were doing some consolidation work from the reading focus
previously with some students who needed some more explanation and
targeted teaching.
-Great work on the following blends th, ch, wh, sh
-Liked how you had a kinestic focus, using your finger to demonstrate the sh
sound, it was a good way for students to remember that sound.
-You gave student a lot of clues and supported them visually. Even when
students were having difficulties you were good with supporting them, and you
have a really good rapport with your students, which is very important for
students to have a nurturing environment when they are learning. You tone of
voice was really good.
-It was good how you were well prepared for the lesson, you had everything
cut out and ready to go. You thought about which examples to give each
student based on their individual learning needs. It was good how you
challenged them also, and they actually were surprising you with their
-You have really good questioning skills; there was a mixture of open and
closed questions.
-You were inclusive and made sure each student was included and made
appropriate adjustments. You used enabling and extending prompts.
-It was good how you were also keeping eye on the other students working at
their activities.
-Liked the way you went around to different groups when you finished your
focus group,
-Pack up time was quiet and quick; once again students knew the
expectations and the routines.

-Next time start the lesson with the learning intention written on the board so
students are aware of what they learning and also the success criteria.
-You need to have your focus sheet next to you so you are documenting
student’s progress and writing down where to next.
-It might be a good idea to have a whisper phone, so students can listen to
the sounds.
-I would of tried to do also do another focus group, because there still was
time to do a guided reading or language experience session.

-Your transition sessions are fantastic.

-Students were always kept busy and learning. They knew what was expected
of them.
-You demonstrated very good behaviour management skills.
-Well organised and each session was planned well and each step was
thought out and you were able to keep to time.
-You have a lot of knowledge about reading, vocabulary and punctuation.

A great lesson Brodie, you have come such a long way in your teaching. You
are a great listener and always take upon the advice that is given to you and
implement the suggestions. You seem a lot more confident and this is evident
in the way you teach. You know your students well and this is evident in way
you teach the students and put in the correct adjustments and strategies. You
are well prepared and you can see that you take the time to do your
preparation work and this is why your lessons flow well. You are always
positive and l really like how you ask questions and clarify when you are not
sure. Keep this up, as this is a good trait to have as a teacher.
Congratulations on a good lesson.

Maria Zarafa

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