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Introduction to Differential Evolution

Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahtai
Differential Evolution
It is a stochastic, population-based optimization algorithm for solving nonlinear
optimization problem

The algorithm was introduced by Storn and Price in 1996

Consider an optimization problem

Minimize ݂ ܺ
Where ܺ = ‫ݔ‬ଵ , ‫ݔ‬ଶ , ‫ݔ‬ଷ , … , ‫ݔ‬஽ , ‫ ܦ‬is the number of variables
Evolutionary algorithms
Mutation Recombination Selection

Next Generation

This is a population based algorithm No Yes

Consider a population size of ܰ Optimal
The population matrix can be shown as
‫ݔ‬௡,௜ = ‫ݔ‬௡,ଵ , ‫ݔ‬௡,ଶ , ‫ݔ‬௡,ଷ , … , ‫ݔ‬௡,஽
௚ ௚ ௚ ௚ ௚

Where, ݃ is the Generation and ݊ = 1,2,3, … ܰ

Initial population
Initial population is generated randomly between upper lower and upper bound

‫ݔ‬௡,௜ = ‫ݔ‬௡,௜

+ ‫݀݊ܽݎ‬ ∗ ‫ݔ‬௡,௜

− ‫ݔ‬௡,௜

݅ = 1,2,3, … ‫ ܦ‬and ݊ = 1,2,3, … ܰ

Where ‫ݔ‬௜௅ is the lower bound of the variable ‫ݔ‬௜

Where ‫ݔ‬௜௎ is the upper bound of the variable ‫ݔ‬௜

From each parameter vector, select three other vectors ‫ݔ‬௥ଵ௡ , ‫ݔ‬௥ଶ௡ and ‫ݔ‬௥ଷ௡ randomly.
௚ ௚ ௚

Add the weighted difference of two of the vectors to the third

‫ݒ‬௡ = ‫ݔ‬௥ଵ௡ + ‫ݔ ܨ‬௥ଶ௡ − ‫ݔ‬௥ଷ௡

௚ାଵ ௚ ௚ ௚

is called donor vector

‫ ܨ‬is generally taken between 0 and 1


A trial vector ‫ݑ‬௡,௜ is developed from the target vector, ‫ݔ‬௡,௜ , and the donor vector,
௚ାଵ ௚


݂݅ ‫ܥ ≤ )(݀݊ܽݎ‬௣ ‫ܫ = ݅ ݎ݋‬௥௔௡ௗ ݅ = 1,2,3, … ‫ ܦ‬and
‫ݑ‬௡,௜ =ቐ ௚
‫ݔ‬௡,௜ ݂݅ ‫ܥ > )(݀݊ܽݎ‬௣ ܽ݊݀ ݅ ≠ ‫ܫ‬௥௔௡ௗ ݊ = 1,2,3, … ܰ

‫ܫ‬௥௔௡ௗ is a integer random number between [1,D]

‫ܥ‬௣ is the recombination probability

The target vector ‫ݔ‬௡,௜ is compared with the trial vector ‫ݑ‬௡,௜ and the one with the
௚ ௚ାଵ

lowest function value is selected for the next generation

‫ݑ‬௡,௜ ݂݅ ݂ ‫ݑ‬௡ < ݂ ‫ݔ‬௡

௚ାଵ ௚ାଵ ௚
‫ݔ‬௡ =ቐ
‫ݔ‬௡ ܱ‫݁ݏ݅ݓݎ݄݁ݐ‬

݊ = 1,2,3, … ܰ

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