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Nooraanee School

Hithadhoo, Addu


Week/ date Subject

Name No. of periods
Class Signature

Lesson no: Number of periods required:

Strand/sub strand
Key competencies
with indicators
Values with
Learning intentions
Success criteria
Materials required
Detail of the What activity will you use to start (introduce) the lesson?
learning activities
How are you going to connect the prior knowledge with new learning?

What activities student will be engaged in to learn the new content? How
does it cater for individual differences?

How are the key competencies/values mapped to the lesson?

What are the assessments that will be conducted during the lesson?

Reflection Were you able to implement the lesson as planned? If no explain the reasons.

What did the student enjoy most in the lesson?

Nooraanee School
Hithadhoo, Addu

Checked by Ms. Kulsooma Ali

Designation Leading teacher
Please tick whether the following are evident from the lesson plan
Lesson plan submitted on time
Lesson plan made as per the scheme of work
Learning intentions written as SMART
the lesson is meaningful and relevant to the students
lesson varied to cater for the individual differences

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