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Date June 13 2019 Meeting Facilitator Alemania, M.

Time Started 4:00 PM Minute Taker Basco, C..
Time Ended 8:45 PM Schedule of Next Meeting August 21, 2019/3:00 PM
Venue GRLASS Headquarters Venue of Next Meeting TBA
Member Present Abenojar, M., Alemania, M., Amoguez, Z., Basco, C., Brillo, K., Domingo, A., Gamit,
N., Garcia, D., Lanquino, J., Non, M., Peregrino A., Reyes, S., Tablizo, J., Uba, C.,
Velasquez, C., Montenegro, A.
Member Apologies Valencia, C., Abanto, A., Piñero, J.
Guest: Mr. Emmanuel Reyes

1. Committee Updates
a. Secretariat
b. Finance
c. Special Events
d. Knowledge Management
e. Social Actions
f. Training and Student Development
g. Volunteer Corps
h. Internal-External Affairs
2. Other Matters
3. Calendaring

Agenda Notes
Secretariat Review of Previous Minutes
- The secretariat reviewed the previous minutes of the meetings by reading the important
details from the previous meeting.
Finance Financial Statement Report (Transition)
Available budget of the current term from:
● GRLASS-LDP Cash Box = 15, 473. 75
● Turned-over cash from the '18-'19 term = 4, 792. 00
● Current total budget = 20, 265. 75
Yard Sale
- Duration of call for donations: July 15 - August 31
- Sorting of donations will be on: September 2 - 7
- Yard Sale wave: September 16 - 21
Committees involved:
● Knowledge Management (Publicity Material)
● Internal-External Affairs (Update and tap GRLAs, GRLA Inc. and other young
professionals for resources)
- Contest duration: July 15 - August 15
- Proclamation of winners: August 15
- Tentative date of recognition: August 24
Committees involved:
● Knowledge Management (Publicity Material)
● Internal-External Affairs (Update and invite GRLAs)
GRLA Merchandise
- Duration of photoshoot: August 25 - 31
- Publicity of newly designed merchandise: September 6
- Merchandise items to be released: T-shirt, pouch, bar pins
Committees involved:
● Knowledge Management (Publicity Material, Photoshoot)
● Volunteer Models
Other concerns:
Files accessible to CT: Monthly Financial Tracker, GRLASS Official Financial Log, Ready-to-
print Reimbursement Slips
Special Events GRLA Idol
- Date of Pubmat release: July 13/15
The following were presented:
1. New logo (American Idol-inspired)
2. Overview
3. Brief Background
4. Qualifications
5. Mechanics
6. Suggested theme: American Idol, Alladin
Things to do:
- Release publicity materials
- Recruit GRLA Idol candidates
- Tentative date: August 24
- Date of pubmat release: A week before the event
- Suggested theme: How will you empower the youth to be part of nation-buding through
Integrity, Service and Excellence?
Suggested speakers:
● Cardinal Antio Tagle (Manila Archbishop)
● Antonio Meloto (Gawad Kalinga Founder)
● Malou Mangahas (Broadcast journalist)
● Mayor Joy Belmonte (Quezon City Mayor)
● Mrs. Charo Santos Concio
**send guest speaker request letters to distinguished GRLAs
Things to do:
- Look for possible speakers
- Release publicity materials
Search for Mr. and Ms. GRLA (tentative)
- Date of pubmat release: August 24
**updates will be given next week

Knowledge Presentation of KM Outputs

The outputs of KM Committee were presented:
● Initial Project: Photo shoot
● Online publicity blast
● Updated letterhead (accessible for drive)
● Calling cards
● ID (ready for printing)
● ARISE Primer
● Active responses to GRLASS Social Media accounts
● Rebranded publicity materials: Birthday Pub, PRTW Pub, GRLA Idol
Release of PAMANA (June 2019)
- PAMANA issue for the month of June was released on July 12.
KM Activities in progress:
● Behind-the-scenes
● Conceptualization of GRLA videos (e.g. GRLA Diaries)
● CAUSEtomISE Publicity Material

Social Actions Bayanihan Camp Project Orientation

- Bayanihan Camp Batch Project Orientation for Batch 8 (Integr8) was held on July 6, 2019
- Planned Batch Project: Art workshop
- Top 3 Target Project Beneficiaries:
A. 40 Lumad (Objective: Focuses on breaking down boundaries between the Lumad
community and youth in urban areas)
B. Youth who experienced domestic violence
C. . PWDs
Project Right to Write at Diosdado Macapagal E.S.
- PRTW actual date: July 17 (suggested to be moved in the afternoon)
- Buying of supplies and repacking: July 13 & 14
- Beneficiaries: 150 Grade 1-3 indigent pupils
- PRTW Program Changes
● include a storytelling activity
● divide volunteers into groups for storytelling
KAYAmanan: Gabay sa Kaalaman
- Tentative date: July 31
- Target Beneficiaries: 30 Gr. 2 students
- Target no. of volunteers: 15 volunteers (buddy system)
- 9 sessions (including graduation day; suggested to be every last Saturday of the month)
- The project focuses in reading comprehension and vocabulary enhancement as well as sharing
the values of ISE
- In need of volunteer tutors (ISEscholars)
- IMS are ready for printing
- Orientation for volunteer tutors will be conducted (before session)
Adopt-A-School Project (Cruz na Ligas Elementary School)
- Kiddie Disaster Training ("Kidlat: Batang Mulat sa Sakuna")
Basic training workshop for Core Team officers:
● Minimum of 15 participants
● Tentative date: July 27
● Start of module-making: August
Paglingap ni Gerry
- Tentative date: August 31

Training and Student Bayanihan Camp Batch 8 Evaluation (Integr8)

- Evaluation mean: 3.763 (Between very good [4] and good [3])
Useful Aspects:
1. Team-building activities
2. ISE session and activities
3. Speakers and facilitators
4. Familial bond
5. Timeliness
6. Audio system
7. Akbayan
8. Bonfire
Points for improvement:
1. Cleanliness
2. Water supply
3. Contingency Planning
4. Audio system
5. Longer ISE session duration
6. Venue
7. Information
8. Make it a 3-day camp
Personal Impact:
1. Best camp ever
2. Near being perfect
Bayanihan Camp Batch 9 Evaluation (Nueve Decan'tos)
- Evaluation mean: 3.813 (Between very good [4] and good [3])
Useful Aspects:
1. Bayanihan
2. Wise leadership
3. Core values and its application
4. Unity
5. Powerpoint presentations
6. Kits and materials
7. Series of activities
8. Application of inputs
9. Speakers and facilitators
10. Bonfire
11. Akbayan
Points for Improvement:
1. Audio system
2. Sleeping commodities
3. Time consideration
4. Time management
5. Increased number of participants
6. Food choice
7. Comfortable seats
8. Information dissemination
9. Enough bathrooms
10. Longer camp duration
Personal Impact:
1. Improved our skill through leading the youth
2. Best camp I ever attended
Bayanihan Camp Batch 10
- Date: July 20 - 21
- 31 confirmed attendees
- Target date for manual completion: August 2019
- Target date: August 2019
- ARISE publicity material was posted on July 2
- ARISE primer was released
TSD will now require an accomplished Training Service Agreement (TSA) before conducting
- Must be accomplished by the school before ARISE
● Minimum of 30 participants, maximum of 60 (if participants exceed, there would be a
training service fee of 300 Php per facilitator)
● Compliance deposit of 500 Php (to be returned after ARISE; to be kept upon ARISE
● Participating school will be asked for donation of school supplies
School Partnerships and Inclusive dates:
● July 27: Filemon T. Lizan SHS
● August 3: Mother Divine Providence School (Elementary)
● August 24: Mother Divine Providence School (High School)
● September 7: Antipolo National High School
● September: V. Mapa High School
● October: Pasig Catholic College
Volunteer Corps - July 22: Date of online registration for Volunteer Corps 2019-2020
- Volunteer Corps Orientation will be conducted (date to be announced)
Internal & External InEx Affairs conducted an Opening Activity: Let's play cards!
- Opening activity's objective: To start the term/meeting with acknowledging the strengths
Internal Affairs Updates
- Invites for Bayanihan Camp 10
- 254 GRLAs batch 2015-2019 from NCR, Region III and IV-A areinvited through text brigade
and email
Overall rating: Very Good
General Comment: Informative
GRLA 2019 Orientation
Overall rating: Very Good
General Comments:
● Improve the sound system
● Include a CR break in the program
● Good interactive activities
● External Affairs
External Affairs Updates
- Updates on sending of letters to prospective partners and sponsors
- sponsorship letters were sent to publishing houses (for adopt-a-school program)
- needs to update database
YORP (Youth Organization Registration Program)
- YORP is a program under the National Youth Commission (NYC)
- Participating in YORP will lead the organization to wider connections
Internal-External Affairs Activities:
1.Complimentary bags
● Every meeting has a monthly appreciation task
● Task for this month: Eeach will write messages for 2 to 3 people you want to be closed
2. Committee Dare Wars
● Template is available in google drive
● Completion of dares will be documented
● Dares are divided into two: easy and hard dares
● Each dare completed will have points, if not done within a week, there will be
● First counting of points will be at the end of the year
● Start of 2nd run of Committee Dare Wars will be on January and will end on June
● Committee with the highest point will have a prize
3. Workshop per committee
● Sessions will be conducted every meeting
● Schedules:
A. August - KM
B. September - Finance/Secretariat
C. October - TSD
D. November - Execomm
E. January - SocAc
F. February - InEx
G. March - Spevs
H. April - LDP
- Piso per minute (effective to all events)
Evaluation of Committees
- Schedule of evaluation: December & June
Recreational/Outdoor Activities
Activities' schedules are as follows:
A. November: Holloween Recreational Activity (Suggestions: Intramuros walk in the
dark, Asylum, Breakout)
B. February: Post or Pre-Valentine date (Picnic)
C. March 7-8: Hiking or overnight at the beach
D. May: Trampoline Park or Star City (Other suggestion: Enchanted Kingdom)
- Other suggestion: Birthday celebrant/s will sponsor the recreational activity of the month

Other Matters Be Like Jesse: Youth Grant Competition

- Deadline of submission: July 20, 2019
- Prospective Project Proposal/s:
● Juan Spark
Calendaring JULY

July 15 - August 15: CAUSEtomISE

July 17: PRTW (DPMES)
July 20-21: Bayanihan Camp Batch 10
July 27: ARISE Training for Filemon T. Lizan SHS)
July 27: Tentative date for training about disaster preparedness for facilitators of KIDlat:
batang mulat sa sakuna
July 31: Tentative date for PROJECT RIGHT TO WRITE / KAYAmanan: Gabay sa
Kaalaman (CNLES)
August 3: ARISE Training for Mother Divine Providence School (Elementary)
August 15: Proclamation of winners
August 24: ARISE Training for Mother Divine Providence School (High School)
Tentative date of Recognition (CAUSEtomISE)
August 31: Paglingap ni Gerry

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