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Lunes, 21 ktubre

inatiasan niP^ang^ulong Rodrigo Duterte

na magre- Hataman. isans magating n
?9eyJy Sgakerl4ujiv
sa 1987 Constitution at magbalangkiin! mambabatas
oago upang magbigay-daan sa federalTorm si pimentel.
govemment, _^-lkinalulungkot ko.ang pagpanaw ng isang
'As. we pay tribute and honor to this magatrng na .mambaba_tas at hinahangaan6
re_speded an.d courageous statesman, we sErteman ng atjng bansa,'ani Hataman-
__- He is truly a great Mindanaoan and a good
lil::lJ,f :",L'S"lj..''#1*'#,;mL.r:m* mentor to us all. He is known asUre Father o'f the Government, though he did far
upoo nm," dagdag ni paneto. (ROSE
NOIENAR|Oi rnar rorourcountry. He isa passionate more tha;
In.rne l.,_httippines and its-people, and he gave
- PAGPANAW rl set. rere
mucn lorus and our welfare. Sen- Nene:with
l!9 mryembro ng 18th Conqress sa i3""?ilif ::;,if,.lii;E8Ji?iB,l'fii
pamum_uno ni House SpeakerAlan peterbayetano ilj1i*ff
ay nagpahiyag ng pagkalungkot sa pagpanaw nina Calgtano at Hataman sa pakiki-
n p res ide n I
Aq u i ti n o'rN e ;; ; ramay stna euezon City Rep. Athed Vargds, si 1
Fln]XXtllyr."" ","
"We, members bf the 18th Congress filtff lftT#\T"["ff '' "t
deeply saddened
by the demjse of
Fqge a (GERRYBA|.OO)
former Senate
Jr., 'ani Cavetano
"He fias a
Filipino statesman
popularly knqwn
as Father of the
Code and stalwart
advocate for
Federalism," aniva.
Para k'ay

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