Assignment-1 Role of Operating Systems and Command Line Interface (CLI) 1

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Section 1: Operating Systems (OS)

1. In order to lead a comfortable life, in this 21st century we have different technological
advancements in the field of home appliances which makes our day to day life easy. With
the installation of operating system in these device they become smarter and can possess
different fancy features and now they are called as smart home appliances. While
developing the operating systems, I would like to add an additional feature for the
operating system that will make it more beneficial to the customer. I would like to add
Arduino mega 2560, this is the technology that will make the appliances automated and
will help in minimizing power consumption. This controllers will be beneficial both
economical and energy efficient [1].
2. The major difference between the Linux and windows operating systems are as follows
 Since windows is commercial and it does not provide access to its source code for
the users whereas the Linux is the open source OS it will provide access to its
source code.
 File names in windows OS are case-insensitive whereas the file names in the Linux
OS are case-sensitive.
 Windows uses less running space because it uses micro kernel whereas the Linux
uses more running space because it uses monolithic kernel. However, Linux
system running efficiency is higher than windows.
 Booting can be possible either from primary or logical partition in Linux whereas
in windows it should be done from primary partition.
 Back slash is used in windows for directory separation whereas forward slash is
used in Linux.

There are few similarities between windows and Linux operating system, they are as
follows [3]:

 In both the operating systems Linux and windows the file systems can be
 PHP websites can be hosted in both windows and Linux OS through Fast-CGI.
 Kernel panic will occur on Linux OS which is similar to the windows blue screen.
 Server pieces of hardware can be run out of box by both windows and Linux OS.
 The file systems in both windows and Linux can be suffered from hard drive
3. An operating system is a set of instructions that acts as an interfacing tool between the
computer hardware and the user through which he can perform tasks like programming.
This operating system will interface with the subsystem managers CPU, Memory, I/O and
internal buses. As per the user command, the OS will access the memory for the
instructions and data it will process this data in the CPU and will communicate this
information to the user through I/O devices. For this entire process it uses the buses as
the communication path [4].
4. Batch processing is the process of execution of non-interactive tasks i.e. there will be no
involvement of users in the process. In this process the batch means it is a set of multiple
data that will be processed at a time. Yes, it is relevant. For example: it is still applied in
the organizations where reporting, integration, research and billing are relevant. Primary
example is banking sector [5].
5. There are different kinds of operating systems that can be used for internet of things (IoT)
devices depending on its usage. The most commonly used operating systems are as
follows: with in Linux based OS, Raspbian takes lead with usage of 71.8% followed by
Windows and FreeRTOS at 22.9% and 20.4% and some of the developer prefer to use of
bare metal programming. For example: smart homes and smart hotel rooms are the best
examples for the application of IoT device which provide additional convenience and
security [6].

[1] A. Weinreich, "The Future Of The Smart Home: Your Home's Operating System & The
Artificial Intelligence To Power It," forbes, no.

[2] "Differences Between Linux vs Windows," educba, no.


[3] "Similarities and differences of linux and microsoft windows operating system," ukessays,
linux-and-microsoft-windows-operating-system.php, 2016.

[4] C. F. &. D. COUSTAN, "How Operating Systems Work," HowStuffWorks,

[5] J. Spacey, "5 Examples of Batch Processing," Simplicable, no., 2017.

[6] A. Sekar, "5 Best Examples Of IoT Applications In The Real World," analyticstraining,, 2018.

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