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Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700

Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; TeleFax (088) 813-2717,


EL 103 – Living in the IT Era
1st Semester 2019 – 2020

Going Social - Social Media (Vlogging Project)

Title: __________________________________________________________ Date of Submission: ________________

Group Names:
Name Signature
1. ______________________________________________ ________________________________
2. ______________________________________________ ________________________________
3. ______________________________________________ ________________________________
4. ______________________________________________ ________________________________
5. ______________________________________________ ________________________________

Vlogs have huge role of amplifying views about ways audiences should be acting and
behaving. Since the internet is becoming a way of life, vlogs can contribute the shaping the
identity of audiences. The vlog can help practice safe, responsible, and effective ways of using
internet and social media.

Task Description:
Students will work together to create a minimum of 5 minutes of video log during
intramurals. Student may incorporate music to express their connection to the topic in a
creative format. The final project should be saved on a flash drive and uploaded in social media.

Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Score

Video Video was Video was Video was made, There was no
Quality completed and had completed and but had very little Video, or tape
all required contained all if any editing. was totally
elements. The required items. Many poor shots unedited with
video was well Editing was not remain. Video no transitions
edited and moves done as well as it was very
smoothly from should have fragmented and
scene to scene with been. Some poor choppy
proper use of shots remain.
transitions. Movie is still
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; TeleFax (088) 813-2717,

Sound Sound is clear and Vlog is Vlog somewhat Vlog is difficult

Quality volume is understandable difficult to hear to hear or is too
appropriate. and volume is or is occasionally loud.
appropriate. too loud.

Presentation The students speak The students There are several No preparation
clearly and the speak clearly and confusing was done for
audience can tell present the moments and the the
that the group information information presentation
understands and expected. Video presented is not and the
knows the is adequate. completely information
information. It is shared during the that is
evident that the presentation. It is presented lacks
group practiced obvious the much of what is
what would be group did not expected.
said/done. rehearse much
prior to taping.
Video The presentation Presentation Does not have all The
Content includes all includes all of the important presentation is
information relevant information from lacking in
relevant to the information, but the posters. required
topic in an it is not well- There is not elements. There
organized fashion. organized. enough are many gaps
information in information
presented. presented.
Information is
presented in an
Video length Total of 16 minutes Total of 9 to 15 Total of 5 to 8 Total 5 minutes
or more. Credits is minutes. minutes. Credits and below.
not included Credits is not is not included Credits is not
included included
Timeliness The vlog was The vlog was The vlog was
submitted and submitted and submitted and
uploaded ahead of uploaded on the uploaded after
the deadline day of the the deadline


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