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Real Estate Development in Mars

Group Number: 3
Name of Students:
Debasis Senapati (PGP/21/143)
Milind Roy (PGP/21/155)
Mohit Mishra (PGP/21/156)
Vinoth Kumar G (PGP/21/185)
Yugandhar Vullakula (PGP/21/186)
Swati Gautam (PGP/21/366)
Shirley Joshua (PGP/21/368)


March 2018
Through this proposal, our organization suggests that it can drum up large sum of money for
sending humans to Mars and establishing a colony there, instead of having governments
funding such mission with large taxation (in dollars). One of the senior research scientists at
research centres of NASA in Langley, Joel Levine, quoted in reputed Cosmology Journal about
their plans that covers all aspects of journey to Mars-spacecraft design, psychological and
medical issues, establishing Mars base, formation of colonies, and business proposal that
overcomes the budgetary barriers which always have prevented countries like US from sending
humans to the Red Planet. We can have a first mover advantage by associating our organisation
with such big names.
We can raise money from licensing the broadcast rights, toys, books, movies, clothing etcetera.
But one of the main solution is corporate sponsorships, merchandising and marketing which
NASA never did before.
“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" - Neil Armstrong
Space has been one of greatest desires of human exploration. Marsion Pvt. Ltd. Seeks to expand
the possibility of life on other planets and to further deepen the presence of human civilization
on Mars and the solar system. As trailblazers in the field of development of land and colony in
mars. We seek to pave way for other pioneers to collaborate and develop resilient space
infrastructure which would then contribute in people living for extended period of time and
generate livelihoods and make Mars home for future generations of humans. We feel that Mars
is only the first the first step in our exploration of the solar system and which will help us find
develop the potential of humans and create endless economic opportunities.
Marsion is a private limited company the business is a legally established entity in the United
States of America. While the company is in the real estate development sector. But performs it
activities in the extra-terrestrial space. It not only wants to develop the real estate but also
provide some ancillary benefits for people who to come to visit and stay in mars.
The vision and mission statement of the company exist as the following.
Vision: To make mars as home for humans

1.To develop a sustainable system of architecture for life to exist

on Mars

1.To provide a memorable experience of life on Mars

1.To build world class real estate concepts on Mars.

The company while holding lofty aspirations doesn’t want to lose sight of the near future. The
distinct vision maybe to make human life exist for indefinite periods on Mars. But in the near
future the company would focus on developing Mars as tourist resort.
We are going to be situated in Sriharikota, where it will be able to use the existing human
resource in creating capabilities. We would try to rope in the visionary Elon Musk as one of
the independent directors in the company and also hire directors from NASA who have
collaborated in their Mars exploration missions.

 Exciting space of Extra-terrestrial development
 Unique approach to life outside earth that can attract many space enthusiasts
 Great R&D capabilities
 High capital investment in the beginning is required.
 Young Organization-Brand Awareness so the level of trust that people have in this
company is less
 Limited capacity and a small customer base
 We require complex tools and technologies for the creation of human base. Some of
these are nuclear power plants, vehicles (unmanned and manned), oxygen sources of
power (thermal, electrical, motive; and ranging from small to large), Systems for
navigation and communications, technologies or say equipment for construction, IT
support, medical tools and strategies etcetera. Thus, we need highly technologically
capable employees for that matter.
 Large number of business opportunities will be created in manufacturing and aerospace
 Employment to large number of people
 R&D will rise up to large heights
 High raw materials prices
 Customers’ reservations about travelling to space
 Accidents in space can be catastrophic
 Competition from established space agencies
Factors include high capital requirements,
The threat of Stringent govt. regulations, extensive R&D
new entrants- requirements, barriers to exit for existing
players are also high.

There are couple of Intensity of Threat of There are a few substitute

existing players in the LOW PORTER’S
Existing Rivalry - Substitutes-
products that
currently there in the
FIVE FORCES market such as the
SpaceX Company which
MODEL plans to provide trips to
The parts we are going to need
Bargaining Bargaining
are highly specialised and very power of power of
much technologically advanced, suppliers-HIGH Buyers-LOW
also the technology is controlled
by few people. They have high The customers only purchase in
control over the parts. small quantities and are not able
to influence the decisions of the
Need for alternate Earth!
The rate at which population at earth is increasing is too high and eventually earth cannot hold
its population. We will run out of resources and space over time and with global warming on
our head, the idea of a colony on mars seems plausible. Thus, the market for a place on mars
will be increasing in future considering the rise in intensities of these issues.
Customer segments
Since our company is a global company with branches all over the world, the market for this
business is very wide and is spread across countries. We have segmented the market based on
the per capita income of the countries. We have grouped the countries in 3 subgroups based on
their per capita income namely developed, developing & underdeveloped countries. Initially
we will target the rich or developed countries and followed by the rich citizens of the
developing countries. This would ensure that the rich citizens of the developing countries
would become more aspirational and would increase the sales at lower advertisement and
promotion costs. Our initial focus will be based on the number of billionaires a country has and
with success in reduction in cost more millionaires can be welcomed aboard.

Country No. of Billionaires

France 52
Brazil 59
Saudi Arabia 59
Hong Kong 79
India 90
Switzerland 95
United Kingdom 106
Russia 118
Germany 130
China 260
United States 585

Since, the cost of the travel and relocation is around 280 million, we will initially target at the
billionaires and then followed by the big millionaires who can afford the cost of relocation.
The total number of billionaires in the world in 2017 is around 2000 as per Forbes, and out of
these 2000 around 1630 are in the mentioned countries. The value proposition of our business
for the customers is an alternative place for various reasons like
1. Enjoying life with thrill after retirement
2. Vacation trips
3. Opportunities to explore Martian resources
4. As a survival place as the earth is being over burdened
Inventory and revenue streams
Since this a service business there is no inventory cost, but there will be one launch per year
for taking the customers to their locations and customers need to register for the this well
before the scheduled departure date so as to receive


Once the target segment and target customers are identified for our business, a perfect plan for
making out target customers aware of our product is very much essential. Ideal purpose of a
marketing plan is to make our customers aware of the service that we provide, to convey the
message to the customer about our service, and to reinforce the message through advertising
and media planning. As our target customers are a niche, Ultra-rich, famous and eminent
personalities, we should adopt a direct, referral and outbound marketing plan.
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing’s goal is to directly address the target segment with our message, without the
help of any third party. Examples of direct marketing include sending out promotional
messages to potential customers, telemarketing etc., As a result of direct marketing, the
particular target segment is covered and information about our service is conveyed effectively.
It is a cost-effective technique to adopt. Some of the direct marketing techniques that can be
adopted in our business are
1. Sending e-mails to the selected recipients (of our target customers)
2. Sponsoring events in which most of our potential customers are expected to participate
(Oscars, Emmy Awards, etc.,)
3. Sponsoring sports telecasts, TV shows that ultra-rich, elegant, niche segment of the
society watch (Golf tournaments, Nashville, Empire, etc.,)
Referral Marketing
Referral marketing works in same way as word of mouth works. Word of mouth proves to be
the most reliable and efficient mode of advertisement. Satisfied customers send out good words
about our service and prospective customers believe their feedback and come to us to
experience the same quality of service. A Referral program for our marketing shall be used
initially for six months to one year. A typical referral program will work like shown below.

STEP 4: They, in turn, get

five such tokens and the
process goes on.
STEP 3: Prospective
customers referred by the
customers shall board the
STEP 2: Customers who ship at a promotional
completed the trip with price
us will get five such
STEP 1: A token of trip or tokens (It can be
invitation shall be rolled transferred to other
out to selected personnel people)
(Neither transferrable not
returnable). They get to
travel at a promotional

The main advantage of this type of marketing is that an artificial demand can be created. The
FOMO principle – ‘Fear of missing out’ principle helps us to attract more customers as the
ultra-rich may feel left out if some of their friends or business partners get to experience Mars
and the others can not. This will work in our favour. As the friends of our customers shall be
expected to be well-off, they can refer their friends who could afford our service.
Outbound Marketing
Outbound Marketing is a traditional form of marketing seeking to procure potential customers.
This technique is generally costly as the conversion ratio is very less. But, in our case, the
revenue from one customer is so high that the promotional, advertisement costs are relatively
negligible. This technique will help us to find out customers who are not in our target segment
but still wants to use our service. Some of the techniques used in outbound marketing are
1. Setting up stall or booth at the trade fair, exhibitions, etc.,
2. Advertising in newspaper and televisions
3. Setting up banners in public places
4. Advertising in malls and cinemas

Since our company is providing not only real estate service in Mars but also transportation
facility, there is no direct competitor to our business in the market. We will also have the first
mover advantage as the global average space craft successful launch rate is around 80-85
percent, with our first launch itself we will gain consumer trust and good image. Also the
investment that is required in this business is too high and thus it creates a huge barrier to entry
for new players into the market. Our company will have monopoly over the market for a long
period of time due to unique nature of business and its operation.
However, Spacex founded by Elon Musk may emerge a competition in future in this business
as it is already investing in technology to reduce the fuel costs and increase the efficiency of
the aircrafts.

Thus, we expect complete rule over the market for initial years and in future we may lose some
of the market to Companies like Spacex. To tackle these issues, we plan to undertake scenario
planning and invest in new technology, setting up R&D centres to look for reducing the cost
of operations of our equipment.


1. Head Quarters:
As the inception and founding of our company has taken place in India hence we
propose setting up the Headquarters in India itself, in Sriharikota, for better aerial
and water connectivity as lots of cross border interactions with scientists and advanced
research and development facilities has to take place in an enterprise of the proposed
scale. Moreover, Sriharikota houses ISROs rocket launch pads and this will facilitate
our space travel as well. Also, establishing the Headquarters in India will be helpful as
most senior and middle management employees are going to be of Indian origin. And
hence cost of management decisions will be greatly reduced.
2. Plants, Warehouses, Branch Offices:
The location of manufacturing plants, warehouses and branch offices will be
production specific. At the initial stages of operations like for the first 5 to 10 years
the manufacturing plants and any other capital-intensive operation will be set up on
Earth itself but with time as business gets more established and revenues start flowing
in we will move on to setting up plants on Mars itself to make operations more
As far as service provision is considered, the top five countries where we have
maximum customers from can be made as regional bases because ease of service
availability is an important aspect of customer satisfaction. Service centers shall
also be set up on Mars once our customers start occupying their houses.
3. Showrooms:
We plan to set up state of the art showrooms in the capital cities of major customer
countries in order to display the design and architectural underlying aspects of the
homes that we will be providing to our customers. There will be small scale prototypes
of the other facilities that we will be providing such as the sanitation system, the
recreation setup, the conveyance facilities etc. And well-trained salespeople will
explain the functioning of this efficient extraterrestrial real estate proposal.

Type Location
Head Quarters Sriharikota, India
Plants, Showrooms, Sriharikota, India
Branch Offices, Washington DC, United States
Warehouses etc. London, England
Beijing, China
Moscow, Russia
Paris, France

Please turn the page


•Before starting of any real estate project, a bunch of experienced scientists, engineers and
researchers need to conduct a geographical survey of the terrain in Mars. This will help determine
Geographic what kind of buildings can be built there, how deep , strong or different the foundations for these
al Survey buildings has to be and at what scale construction can be done.

•Currently approximately 5 billion people have bought land on Mars. Using these numbers and
taking into account several other factors like tastes, preferences, safety issues, feasibility we need
Future to determine our immediate demand as well as calculate projections for the future so that the
Growth scale of our operations can be fixed.

•From among the 5 billion people already owning land in Mars it is seen that majority are
celebrities and the super affluent.. Similarly we have to target these groups and in addition
identify other groups as well that have the ability to afford and in the future may grow and have
Identifying enough finances to afford these facilities. Also, such groups are to be identified, which can
Target Groups perchase our offerings on credit. Mainly youngsters with a flair for the unique and people with a
scientific bend of mind need to be approached.

•Once the survey is done and target goup is identified, we need to fixate on our offerings, Will be
setting up residential complexes, commercial buildinds, shopping malls and so on? Also in the
category of residential complexes will our structures be temporary or have a perpetual life? Will
Determining we focus more on flats or duplexes? Will the interiors be contemporary, vintage, or technologically
Products inclined? Should we provide services apart from housing? These are questions that we will be
and Services dealing with in this stage.

•What are the building materials that we can use to build our structures and that will stand the
Raw atmospheric conditions on Mars? What are the machineries and research facilities that will be
Material and required to prepare our various product and services offerings? This will be dealt with in this stage.

•For a project as technologically advanceda s extreterrestrial real estate, the mode of operation of
business (both on the management and manufacturing level) has to be highly automated. Apart
Mode of from the research and development, construction, sales and marketing bit, rest all aspects of the
Operation production process can be managed with minimal human intervention.

•It will be our enterprises' critical focus to maintain the operating capacity of our plant at a
minimum of 80%, by generating ample sales via different marketing platforms. The high
Capacity investment in capital and machinery, will require a capacity of 70 to 80 % to prevent the
Determination machinery from inefficient operation and consequent loss making.

•Personnel selection forms a very crucial decision in the production process. A strong leadership
and an efficient and skilled workforce is required for the sucess of any organisation and we need
Personnel the same. This aspect is dealt with in detail in further sections of the report.

•Although all decisions will be taken up after effective research and development, the technical
Technical feasibility of all buildings and facilities are to be checked before human inhabitation is allowed.

•Dealt with in further sections. (Souces of funds, accounting and funds management)
For our enterprise extensive research and development facilities need to be established. What
we have decided is to develop an excellent R&D Team including researchers and scientists
who used to work for ISRO and NASA to guide and lead young talent from the best institutions
across the world that would look into the innovation, maintenance and feasibility aspect of our
business. We will also try to work in collaboration with NASA and ISRO so that we can at
times make use of their advanced equipment and other resources.
Two R&D centers would be set up, one in India and the other in the US. And they will be
working in collaboration with ISRO and NASA respectively

The following enterprises will be used extensively by our enterprise for successful space travel
and rehabilitation:
1. Artificial Intelligence (For extensive automation)
2. 3D Printing (For replicating vital items using economically available plastic)
3. Space Sails (For lower fuel consumption travel)
4. Optical space (For maintaining effective communication with Earth)
5. Atomic Clock (For efficient navigation)
6. Suspended Animation (For safe hibernation of travelers)
7. Force Field (For protection from attacks)
8. Aeroponic Crops, Specials seeds suspended in the air (For continuous food supply)
9. Air Recovery and Water Recycling Technologies
All material sourcing shall be done from the market leaders. In case after R&D it is determined
that we need materials that are innovations in themselves then we shall try producing them
organically in our state of the art research and development facilities.


Given the magnitude of the mission and the key milestones it has to achieve in the next 4-5
years, the leadership and the management team plays a critical role in ensuring the success of
the mission. Even though the business model is expected to generate profits and the mission is
to set up colonies in Mars and develop a real estate business there, it will be very difficult to
achieve through the involvement of the private businessmen only. For making things more
accountable and the environment collaborative for this novel project, it will also be supported
by the govt. of India, guided by ISRO, supported by top real estate firms in India and thus will
have a balanced combination of top personnel from each field in the leadership team and the
board of governors.
Now, if we look at the current organizational structure of ISRO, the largest space mission
organization in the country, we will see that it is being headed by the Honourable Prime
Minister of India. The govt. allocates money to be reserved for space mission and the same is
handled by the Department of Space (with a cabinet minister taking care of all the financial
needs and responsible for the progress and challenges). Under the department of space comes
the ISRO, and within ISRO there are a number of small organization working in tandem with
each other for a specific purpose, but all related to the space and the defence sector. Some of
the organization that are under ISRO are VSSC (Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre), LPSC (Liquid
Propulsion Systems Space), ISAC (ISRO Satellite Centre), NRSC (National Remote Sensing
Centre). Now each of these sub organization within ISRO are headed by different people and
report to the ISRO chairman and work in coordination with each other, sharing technologies
and findings.
On similar lines, the following organization structure is chalked out for the Real Estate Mission
on Mars. Since this will be a profit-making organization in the long run, it will be headed by
the founder for the initial few years. He will assume the position of Chief Executive Officer
and be responsible for driving the entire organization. He will have all the key powers and his
responsibilities will involve taking key corporate decisions, handling the overall operations and
resources for the company, and acting as the main communication channel between the
corporate operations and the board of directors.
To achieve the project of this grand scale, we need a lot of flexibility in the structure and make
it less bureaucratic for quick decision making. In such case, the CEO and Chairman will be the
same person for clear leadership direction. Now moving down the hierarchy chain, the aim will
be to keep the structure more organic in nature and the overall system flat, like in the case of
SpaceX programme where one can communicate with anyone irrespective of the level they are
working. So, structure will constitute a maximum of 4-5 levels at the initial stage which may
increase to 1-2 more after a few years based on the challenges and complexities.
Thus, the next line with be that of CXOs. Since the key focal points for the success of the
program are finance, marketing, operations, technology and Human Resources, every domain
will have a separate leader handing the entire operation he is responsible for and working in
coordination with other CXOs. The below analysis gives the complete information on the
organisation structure and approximate remuneration at various level.
Board of Directors - 8 Member board comprising 6 men (at most) and 2 women (at least).
Among them, 4 are independent directors.
Marketing Finance Technology HR Operations R&D
CMO (1) CFO (1) CTO (1) Global HR COO (1) Chief of
Head (1) Research
Marketing Financial Technical HR Procurement CTO (2)
Manager (2) Director (2) Supervisor Supervisor Head (2)
(2) (2)
Product Revenue Cycle Resource HR Logistics and Senior
Manager (1) administrator1) Manager (2) mentor1) distribution Researchers
manager (3) (3)
Market Tax Officer (2) Maintenance Recruiter Warehouse Junior
Researcher Manager (2) (3) Manager (3) Researchers
Marketing Financial Junior Trainee (1) Supply Chain Fellow
Consultant Analyst (2) Technical Manager (4) trainee (4)
(3) Managers

We also have the following committee’s in our organization for efficient and smooth
Name Members
Audit committee 4 members including 1 Chairperson
Risk Mitigation Committee 3 members including 1 Chairperson
CSR Committee 3 members including 1 Chairperson
Innovation Incubation Cell 4 members including 1 Chairperson
Wage Revision Committee 3 members including 1 Chairperson
Internal Complaints Committee 5 members including 1 Chairperson

Employee JDs and Profiles:

- Managing sales and marketing via controlling personnel.
- Come up with ground breaking advertising campaigns for space travel and real estate.
- Brand building and maintaining good public relations.
- Managing identification of potential target markets via market research analysis.
- MBA from a reputed institute.
- Preferably an engineer.
- Should have a rich prior experience of at least 15 years in the field of marketing as a
- Fund Management
- Budget preparation
- Funds Allocation
- Should be a Chartered Accountant
- Preferably an Economics graduate.
- Should be adept at accounting.
- Should have worked in the senior management of the finance department of a
renowned firm for at least 15 years.
- Looks after the technical designing of our products and services.
- Is adept at troubleshooting in case of a technical crisis.
- Should come up with innovations that will help us stay ahead of the competition
- A Master’s degree in engineering is preferable.
- Professional training in hydraulic and pneumatic automation preferably from Bosch.
- Should have worked in the senior management of the technical department of a
renowned firm for at least 15 years.
- A leader who manages all the different domains.
- Good people skills and technical abilities.
- Should be able to visualize a bright future for the organisation.
- A management degree from a reputed institution.
- Proven charismatic leadership abilities.
- Should have a work experience of at least 20 years in a leadership position in a
reputed, healthy, global firm.
Remuneration and Compensation
Based on the recommendation of the remuneration committee we have divided the workforce
into 5 pay scales, namely A, B, C, N-1 and N-2.
Grade Designation Salary ($) (basic) Others
A CMO, 1000000 CTC will include
CFO,COO,CEO,GLOBAL Health benefits
HR Head, R&D Chief Travel allowance
Profit Sharing
Other expenses
Performance Bonus
B Marketing Manager, 500000 CTC will include
Financial Director Health benefits
HR Supervisor Travel allowance
Procurement Head Other expenses
Performance Bonus
C Product Manager 2000000 CTC will include
Revenue Cycle administrator Health benefits
Logistics and distribution Travel allowance
manager Other expenses
Senior Researchers

N-1 Market Researcher 100000 CTC will include

Tax Officer Health benefits
Recruiter Travel allowance
Warehouse Manager
Junior Researchers

N-2 Marketing Consultant 100000 CTC will include

Financial Analyst Health benefits
Trainee Travel allowance
Supply Chain Manager
Fellow trainee

CSR Initiatives
The CSR activities will be given a budget share of 2% of the profits the company generates.
As the initial few years will take to achieve the breakeven point, once we get that, the CSR
activities will focus mainly on helping the govt. send satellites to space at zero prices, working
with Defence team to do new research in the field of space and aviation technology and working
on various education and health related issues in and around Sriharikota, the place where the
main plant and the launch pad is expected to set up.

The HR policies should focus on promoting the start-up culture and strong sense of purpose in
terms of serving a cause for humanity and dedication and promoting a strong sense of
commitment to the organisation
 Stock options for employees for promoting commitment
 Insurance scheme for employees and their families
 Strict compliance with government regulations and standards
 Beyond par compensation for the employees of the organisation
 Development of strong cross functional skills by providing opportunities for working
in multiple team
Costs for sending
first rocket to Mars
(All prices in
dollars) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2022 2023 2024 2023 2024
Fixed Costs

Spaceship Module 480,000,0 480,000,0

Cost (basic) 00 00
Spaceship Module
Cost (Interplanetary 120,000,0 120,000,0
upgrade) 00 00

270,000,0 270,000,0
Launch Vehicle Cost 00 00

100,000,0 100,000,0
Space Suit Cost 00 00

Space Launch 500,000,0 500,000,0

Systems Cost 00 00

Factory and Office 240,000,0 240,000,0

Set up Costs 00 00

1,710,000, 1,710,000,
000 000
Overhead Costs

200,000,0 220,000,0 242,000,0 266,200,0 292,820,0 322,102,0 354,312,2 389,743,4 428,717,7 471,589,5 518,748,4
Salary to Employees 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 62 38 92

342,000,0 376,200,0 413,820,0 455,202,0 500,722,2 550,794,4 605,873,8 666,461,2 733,107,3 806,418,1 887,059,9
Maintaince Costs 00 00 00 00 00 20 62 48 73 10 21
Training cost to 50,000,00 55,000,00 60,500,00 66,550,00 73,205,00 80,525,50 88,578,05 97,435,85 107,179,4 117,897,3 129,687,1
Travellers on ISS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 41 85 23

Costs for raising debt 15,000,00 16,500,00 18,150,00 19,965,00 21,961,50 24,157,65 26,573,41 29,230,75 32,153,83 35,369,21 38,906,13
(D/E of 0.25 at 6%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 2 5 7

1,000,000, 800,000,0 640,000,0 512,000,0 409,600,0 327,680,0 409,600,0 327,680,0 262,144,0 327,680,0 262,144,0
R&D Costs 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0 283,860,0
Depreciation cost 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Cash reserved for 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00
potential expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,900,860, 1,761,560, 1,668,330, 1,613,777, 1,592,168, 1,599,119, 1,778,797, 1,804,411, 1,857,162, 2,052,814, 2,130,405,
000 000 000 000 700 570 527 280 408 248 673
Marketing Costs
Digital and creative
media Agency Cost
(For ads,
promotions) 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 1,331,000 1,464,100 1,610,510 1,771,561 1,948,717 2,143,589 2,357,948 2,593,742

10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00 10,000,00
Advertisement Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Marketing 11,000,00 11,100,00 11,210,00 11,331,00 11,464,10 11,610,51 11,771,56 11,948,71 12,143,58 12,357,94 12,593,74
Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 9 8 2

3,621,860, 1,772,660, 1,679,540, 1,625,108, 1,603,632, 1,610,730, 3,500,569, 1,816,359, 1,869,305, 2,065,172, 2,142,999,
Overall Cost 000 000 000 000 800 080 088 997 996 196 416

Revenue Streams
Revenue from Space 2,600,000, 2,652,000, 2,705,040, 2,759,140, 2,814,323, 2,870,610, 2,928,022, 2,986,582, 3,046,314,
Tickets 000 000 000 800 616 088 290 736 391

Merchandising and 10,000,00 11,000,00 12,100,00 13,310,00 14,641,00 16,105,10 17,715,61 19,487,17 21,435,88 23,579,47 25,937,42
Sponserships 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 7 5

10,000,00 11,000,00 2,612,100, 2,665,310, 2,719,681, 2,775,245, 2,832,039, 2,890,097, 2,949,458, 3,010,162, 3,072,251,
Total Revenue 0 0 000 000 000 900 226 259 178 213 815

- - -
Earning before 3,611,860, 1,761,660, 932,560,0 1,040,202, 1,116,048, 1,164,515, 668,529,8 1,073,737, 1,080,152, 944,990,0 929,252,3
Taxes (EBT) 000 000 00 000 200 820 62 263 182 17 99
18651200 20804040 22320964 23290316 21474745 21603043 18899800 18585047
Taxes at 20% 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2.5 6.3 3.3 9.9
- - -
3,611,860, 1,761,660, 746,048,0 832,161,6 892,838,5 931,612,6 668,529,8 858,989,8 864,121,7 755,992,0 743,401,9
Net Profit 000 000 00 00 60 56 62 10 45 13 20
- - - - - - - - - -
Cumulative 3,611,860, 5,373,520, 4,627,472, 3,795,310, 2,902,471, 1,970,859, 2,639,389, 1,780,399, 916,277,4 160,285,4 583,116,4
Earnings 000 000 000 400 840 184 046 236 91 77 42
Break Even at 2024
-1,000,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2022 2023 2024 2023 2024


Earning before Taxes (EBT) Cumulative Earnings


Market risk: With an already habitable planet which sustains the needs of its various dwellers,
there appears to be no scope for a project where they would have to forego their eloquent
lifestyles and the comforts of their homes and the world that has nurtured them since their
childhood. Though the Mars habitation programme provides an opportunity to nurture the spirit
of adventure in a broader sense beyond the current capabilities and frontiers of the planet, it
still appears as a dream, utopian in a certain sense where people would be wilfully ignoring the
risks and dangers the red planet would have in store for them and how it may be life threatening
and impose huge risks and concerns once the news regarding the liabilities and fatalities come
to exposure. But beyond all this, the cost would not be substantial but enormous beyond limits
until economies of scale can be achieved which would be helpful in bringing down the costs to
a certain extent. As it appears, the current market
will only consist of a handful of billionaires with
the craziness and unbound propensity for
adventure to sacrifice their comforts and
earnings for a whirlwind ride that may lead to
nowhere. Beyond an advertising campaign
which may speak of adventure and what not,
living for a few days shall reveal the fact that
Mars might be no more than a desert and making
the planet hospitable would need a tremendous
amount of effort and willpower. Even the
product that is being sold will provide an unclear
picture of its features and what it may lay in store
for its customers. Thus, the product as well as its
price will act as a potential barrier and cause high
amount of market risk.
Competitive risks: As for the current state with its niche offerings, MARS colonisation
provides significantly low competitive risks. Otherwise for the pioneering work of Elon Musk,
this would have been less tangible but the significant developments in this regard by SPACEX
provides an opportunity to use the SPACEX as a platform to further advance their pursuit in
the colonisation programme. Hence with SpaceX initializing the commercialisation of the sale
of its Falcon Heavy rockets which have made created ripples in the market with its high success
rate and fuel-efficient characteristics will introduce competition by introducing more
companies in the value chain. Another interesting development has been the success in
ensuring the reusability of the cryogenic engines which will be able to pave its way back to the
launching pad after successful launch and take-off of the falcon rockets. Another interesting
development has been the development of automated docking of shuttle to the space station.
This will in fact speed up the process of colonisation of Mars by enabling quick and effective
transfer of inventory for the development of infrastructure in Mars. With pioneering work and
competitions, we shall see high amount of competitive risks with companies vying for taking
up this project in collaboration with SpaceX and Nasa. So, in the next few years judging the
current state of developments, we can see strong competition among the new generation of
entrepreneurs. However, we will see the strong role of government in regulating laws and rules
of the game when it comes to Mars colonisation program and real estate will have to abide by
the rules whether it be anti-competitive laws or tariffs and taxes.

Technology risks: Take-off & Landing: There is a high probability of risk of life with the lift-
off of humans and cargo in space shuttles from the Earth’s atmosphere and similar risk is
involved in the landing process almost equal to climbing Mount Everest which is very high
comparable to driving. Hence, the process will introduce a significant amount of liability.
Exposure to radiation: The travel and stay at Mars shall expose the travellers to significantly
high amounts of radiation in the absence of the Earth’s magnetic field which deflects the waves
thus exposing them to the risk of cancer and hence without significant developments in
technology the danger is undeniable which may even be fatal to life and cause significant
liability to the business.

Health hazards: With an extremely thin atmosphere and significantly low gravity, the current
state of technology may be inadequate and significant strides has to be taken in the regard of
creating a suitable environment replicating the gravity of the Earth’s atmosphere and the
process of terraforming and continuous upgradation of infrastructure in lieu with the demands
of the Martian residents will pile up the inventory and lead to obsolescence and rising costs
and there is a probability that in absence of required developments in line with the demand, the
project may turn out to be a failure.

Execution risk: Even with the current state of developments, the mission of Mars still remains
a dream. Having not been able to send the first person to Mars, there is a significant probability
that the project might never come to fruit or may take many years beyond what is being
projected by the visionaries. So, to eliminate the execution risk we have to ensure to eliminate
the pain points in take-off, landing, terraforming and ensuring effective functioning of vital
organs. Beyond that, as the first-person lands to Mars and experiments are initiated they will
come to know of various risks which might not have been taken into consideration including
the pH level of the Martian soil, whether it shall be suitable for sustaining crops and whether
the environment poses risks due to climate like sandstorms, etc which may cause significant
damages and delay the project. Also, the success depends on the active support of the
government as the change of regimes in US have exemplified and hence a hostile government
might raise the risks associated with the project.
Capitalisation risks: All the above reasons shall cause unexpected rise in the costs and capital
spending may rise exponentially until a certain level of feasibility is obtained and hence the
colonisation program would require deep pockets to mitigate and ensure recovery from the
risks which will causes significant costs.

1. Dr. Rhawn Joseph (2010), “Marketing Mars: Financing the Human Mission to Mars
and the Colonization of the Red Planet”, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 12, pp. 4068-
2. Charles Q. Choi (2011), “For only $160 billion, you can buy …Mars!”, Retrieved
3. “Capabilities & Services”, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (2017), “Retrieved
4. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). “Journey to Mars - Pioneering
Next Steps in Space Exploration”. NASA.
5. Department of Space, “Organization Structure”, Indian Space Research Organization,
Retrieved from
6. Indian Space Research Organization. (2017). 2016 annual report of the Indian Space
Research Organization. Retrieved from
7. Retrieved from
8. Steven Sinofsky. “Is SpaceX a unit or functional organization? How does its
organization structure compare to Tesla's?”. Retrieved from
9. Martin Vargic, “How much money would it cost to finance a manned mission to
Mars?”. Retrieved from
Resume of possible key managers/ leaders of the company/ promoters

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