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Chapter 2

2.5 Summary

By studying the different related literature, problems and related studies, the

researchers came up with creating this project called Self Generating Electric Bike short

for SG E-Bike. The group used to know how each study work and apply some

improvements for creating much better innovation. This idea can be concluded as the

mixture of this all related studies, the researchers gathered information and theories on

how people can produce and eco-friendly, low cost and efficient vehicle.

Providing solution for this different problem on roads such as traffic, air pollution etc. are

the researchers’ main objectives, however another technology proposal foreign or local,

serves as the researchers guideline to build this vehicle. The team studied their different

creations and think of how people could build an eco-vehicle that doesn’t need any

external energy sources, an energy providing on pedaling the bike itself, will be the

main source of energy. Therefore, this proposed project aims to have an invention that

has a zero cost, zero pollution, generator and a motor in one simple vehicle.




Generators are one of the most essential inventions on todays technology.

The idea of having electricity during this generation could help the world to sustain its

balance in terms of energy crisis. A lot of inventors nowadays are trying to innovate

technologies that will be self generating power that is not harmful to the environment.

The Self Generating Electric Bike is one of the so called energy vehicle generator that

can help people in their everyday lives. This will function free from any energy sources

that may be needed to function in one vehicle.


The proponents mention earlier in the previous chapter, the different problems on

why they focused on innovating the Self Generating Electric Bike for the general public

as well as the objectives of this project. Given the situation, the team used the

methodology of Waterfall Diagram Model in order to have relatively linear sequential

design approach areas of engineering design and to have a proper outcome and

detailed plan of the project from beginning up to the end process.

Figure 3.1 – The Waterfall Diagram of Self Generating Electric Bike

 Planning

Success cannot be achieve without proper planning. So that is why the

proponents plans first and consider the opportunities on how they can give

solution on todays earth’s problem. One of those is carbon emmission that

dominates the population and has given us a big problem. This problem

becomes the researchers’ target, the researchers focus on creating a vehicle that

would be harmless in society and affordable for the people. Past generations

innovate different vehicles but they still emit harmful gases, in this case Self

Generating Electric Bike became the project of the proponents.

The idea of this project is to create a vehicle that could generate its own

power which would be use to power up the system itself. It will be eco-friendly,

because it has zero carbon emmission. Also the user won’t have to worry about

charging or petroleum refilling.

The project built together with one electric motor and that would act as a

motor and a generator. The charges that will be generated will fill up the installed

batteries and can be controlled by the switch operation. The switch can be

operated between on-off mode, wherein on mode states the bike is in motor

operation, while off mode states that it is in generating operation. Leakage

current is a main generators problem, to overcome this, the proponents installed

a charger controller to also prevent the battery from over charging.

 Data Gathering

1. The team researched about the idea of generators and motors, and how it

could possibly be combine together as one to create a vehicle that uses both

in a system. The group read different articles and studied researches on how

it may possibly come into reality. Related literatures and studies in both

foreign and local innovations serves as the foundation on pursuing this project

because of their successful implementation that relates to this design project.

2. The proponents also gathered data through asking tips and information

directly from the professors and engineers on how they will deal with different

problems involving hardware and software of the said project.

3. Online research and interview by different people are also a part of the data

gathering of the proponents. The team asked various related questions

should the innovated project goes well, and maximizing the knowledge

through surveying and studying.

4. The proponents use the experience of their practicum and past studies that is

related to this project design to be their stepping guideline on building this

Self Generating Electric Bike.

 Design and Development Hardware

Figure 3.2 – The Block Diagram of the system

The block diagram shows the flow of the system of SG E-bike. It starts with the
input on/off mode, when it is in OFF mode, the power collected on the pedal will go
through the battery and stored it for the future use of ON mode. However, if the said
system is in ON mode, the battery starts to release its current that will be controlled by
the speed controller located in the grip of the vehicle, then run the DC motor base on its
set speed by the user.
Figure 3.4 Flowchart of Self Generating Electric Bike

The diagram shows the chart flow of the product. The device all started from the

switch as you would press ON or OFF. If you (the user) will choose ON, the system will
ask itself if the battery has charges or none, if it’s says yes, it will move to the speed

controller and wait for the desired speed of the user before moving up to the DC motor

to enable amount of current to pass through. It will always ask the battery if it has

charges or none, once the battery goes empty, the motor will stop.

However, if you choose OFF, the system jumps to pedal power generating that

will move through the battery and comes up to the charger controller to ask whether the

battery is full or none if the system says yes, the charging will stop. While if it says no,

the charging will continue until it reaches full.

 Testing

In this phase, the functionality of each component of the project is tested.

Furthermore, the simulation of the whole system is performed for testing and

troubleshooting. For detailed information about testing, kindly proceed to chapter


 Implementation

Given the result of testing the propose system, the expected result was achieved.

From testing each component up to its function in the whole system operation is

proven tested and functioning, the system can now be implemented to the users

and cause convenience to the personnel’s.

 Maintenance
To maintain the system in good operation, there should be a preventive

maintenance to simply check its operation if it is still accurate or in need of a



One of the problems observed by the proponents is the power gained by the

generator is lesser compare to the produced on the motor. The generator generates

power in a small scale, meaning to say the proportion of the input and output cannot be

comprehend as 1:1. Which means the user needed to pedal more, for the battery to

charge more, and use upon e-biking. But people can solve this problem by doubling the

charges generates by the generator to achieve a 90 perccent efficiency.



Figure 3.5 Conceptual Framework of System

In figure 3.5, it shows the conceptual framework of Self Generating Electric Bike

on which the generator or the pedal work act as the input of the system stored in the

battery that acts as a process in the system and flows out through the motor which acts

an output of the system. The process continues in a cycle one after the another. In

summary the Self Generating electric bike generates charges and use this charges as

power to function the motor installed repeatedly.

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