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Critical Research

Presented to
Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines - Diliman
In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements prescribed in
Isl Studies 275, Muslim Personal Laws on Inheritance and Succession

Presented by

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Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem. In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

I grew up believing that when it comes to distributing estate of the deceased it is the elder / eldest

who takes the larger portion of the estate, because this is what I observe and hear from my

relative. I would hear some who would be trapped in a turmoil because of the disagreement, even

just after the 7 days funeral, they would fight over the “tabang” or aid given by friends and

relatives of the deceased, mostly it is the eldest who is taking it, if not, if the deceased was

hospitalized it is the ones who had spent the most during the hospitalization who takes it, more

like reimbursing his/her hospital expenses

I believe that Islamic law of Succession and Inheritance is somehow neglected among Maranao

otherwise it is not widespread, in fact, I just learned about it at later age during my Shariah

training May of this year. Upon learning it I was astonished to know that what I thought of how

Far’aid is done, all my life, was totally wrong or could be considered un-Islamic. Hence, I pick

“The Dilemma on The Implementation of Islamic Law on Succession and Inheritance in

Maranao Communities” as my topic to explore and delve in to the reasons why turmoil is

prevalent or somewhat affiliated to the distribution of inheritance/ estate among Maranao


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Problem in inheritance is the most common cause of conflicts among Maranao families, in fact

there is one prominent family in Marawi where up to now their conflicts remain unsettled. It is

known that their conflict was due to the management of, once prestigious school in Marawi City

owned and left by their deceased father. Since his surviving heirs never arrived in agreement as

who will manage the school; they had no choice but to close the school.

Indeed inheritance is one of the complex branches of Shari’ah, hence, without the proper

knowledge of it, it will not be executed properly or may be done wrongly. Allah (s.w.t) is very

specific pertaining to inheritance in the holy Quran, therefore there is no doubt that its proper

implementation is part of our ibadah.


The main objectives of this research are the following: First, to discover and explore how

succession and Inheritance is implemented among the Maranao communities. Second, find out

how well known is Islamic law on inheritance among Maranao and finally to determine what are

the predicaments in implementing Islamic inheritance among Maranao and In sha Allah by the

end of this study we will be able to know how to address it.

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The subjects of the study are Maranaos both male and female to ensure that I will not get biased

results since I will also be asking about respondent’s view on 2:1 ratio or male getting a share

equivalent of two females.

This study limits its coverage to (18) eighteen to (60) sixty and above years of age subjects only.

Its main purpose is to consider respondent’s knowledge and experience about the topic.


To obtain a most valid research, I decided to use survey as my primary research method. I

conducted the survey via phone interview, pen-and-paper survey administered to my respondents

and I also took advantage of the social media by sending my questionnaire to some of my

facebooks friends. The questionnaire composed of questions seeking information and answers

regarding the main objectives of this study.

I used the following data sources: first, The Holy Qur – an Second, the P.D. 1083 also known as

the Code of Muslim Personal laws of the Philippines. I also utilize the power of the internet, by

searching in hope of finding similar research but I simply did not find anything closely related to

what I wanted to find out. I ended up with results of web pages that simply contained the word

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‘Inheritance’ or ‘shari’ah’ in their title but they were all helpful. Through these websites, I

managed to find relevant information regarding my topic, therefore, it could be said that most of

my sources are from reliable write-ups from the internet.


This study on implementation of inheritance in Maranao communities is significant as it can shed

light and provide valuable information and findings towards proper implementation of Islamic

inheritance for the Muslim community not to trap into conflict. Furthermore, by having a full

knowledge of this, we would be able to maintain the harmonious relationships with our families

and kinsfolk.

And above all it is part of our Ibadah, and it is our responsibility as a Muslims to acquire

knowledge about important aspects of our religion and impart it to our fellow Muslims.

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Allah in his infinite mercy has revealed many commandments in the Holy Qur'an and through

our beloved Prophet Muhammed May Allah send peace and blessings upon him. He has done

this in order to guide mankind to the straight path, the path which leads to entry into paradise.

One can only achieve this goal by following the religion of Islam.

Islam being a complete religion gave rights to every living creature. In the times of ignorance:

the pre-Islamic era, orphans, women and the weaker links in the human chain had become prey

of many injustices and had no rights whatsoever, but the advent of Islam brought a change and a

revelation that history had never witnessed before. Women, regardless of their dependency on

men or their sensitive nature were given rights which were previously either non-existent or

ignored. Out of the many rights women were given at the dawn of Islam is Inheritance.

In the Arabic language, Inheritance is known as ‘Fara-idh', which is the plural of ‘Fareedah',

which means something that has been fixed, set or determined. This branch of knowledge is

known as ‘Fara-idh' because it has been fixed by Allah in the Holy Qur'an. (http://www.inter-, 2015)

Death is inevitable. As a result, Islam being a complete way of life has spelt out how the

deceased’s estate should be shared among his heirs. By estate, we mean the entire property a

deceased leaves behind such as houses, cars, clothes, furniture, land, farm, jewellery, cash (at

hand and in bank), shares, bonds, and so on including socks and underwear; everything.

Subhanal-Lah. (Inheritance in Islam)

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Succession (‘Fara-idh') is a mode of acquiring ownership of properties, because the ownership

by a person of certain properties are transmitted and passes by his death to his heirs or others

who acquires them according to his will or by legal succession in accordance with law. (Sr.,

Commentaries on the code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines)

Mirath means inheritance to be shared from the property of the deceased among his successors.

The study of Mirath in shariah gives rules as to who inherits and who is to be inherited and what

shares go to the heirs. The death of a person brings about transfer of most of his rights and

obligations to persons who survive him and are called Wuratha that is heirs and representatives.

The compulsory transferring of the deceased’s property to his heirs is called inheritance.


The Holy Qur'an and our beloved Prophet Muhammed May Allah send peace and blessings upon

him laid much emphasis on the importance of Islamic Inheritance. In many Hadith our beloved

Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him talks of the importance of Inheritance in

the Islamic manner and Allah informs man in the Holy Qur'an of its procedure.

“God (thus) directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance) to the male, a portion equal to

that of two females: if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance: if

only one, her share is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased

left children, if no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third, if the

deceased left brothers or (sisters) the mother has a sixth. The distribution in all cases is after the

payment of legacies and debts; ye know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to

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you in benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah: and Allah is All – Knowing, All –

wise.” This law of inheritance continues in verse 12 of the same Surah thus:

“In what your wives leave, your share is a half, if they leave no child, but if they leave a child,

ye get a fourth, after payment of legacies and debts. In what ye leave, their share is a fourth, if ye

leave no child, but if ye leave a child, they get an eighth, after payment of legacies and debts. If

the man or woman whose inheritance is in question has left neither ascendants nor descendants,

but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a sixth, but if more than two, they share

in a third, after payment of legacies and debts, so that no loss is caused (to anyone). Thus is it

ordained by Allah, and Allah is All – Knowing, Most Forbearing”. (The Value of Islamic

Inheritance In Consolidation Of The Family Financial Stability., Jan. - Feb. 2013)

Moreover, there are thirty-five verses of the Quran which refer to Mirath or its derivatives in one

form or the other. There are 3 main verses in the Quran giving specific details of inheritance

shares (4:11-12, 4:176). At least seven verses (2:180-182, 2:240, 4:33, 5:106-107) deals directly

to testamentary disposition.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said regarding learning Islamic inheritance
and its importance:

Indeed I am a man who will be taken away, therefore learn Fara-idh and teach it. The
time of the disappearance of knowledge will come close, when two persons will
dispute regarding an Islamic ruling and they will find no one to decide the dispute.”

In another Hadith, our beloved Prophet says, “Learn Fara-idh and teach it, indeed it is
half of knowledge.”

In one narration our beloved Prophet says, “It is my way and it is the first thing that
will be taken away from my Ummah.”

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The leader of the faithful and the great companion of our Prophet, Umar used to
say, “O people, learn Fara-idh with the same concern and effort with which you learn
from the Qur'an.”

It is also reported that he used to say, “O Muslims, learn Fara-idh, it is an essential

part of the knowledge of your religion.”

Through the light of the Holy Qur'an, the sayings of our Prophet and his beloved
companions, we can acknowledge the importance of Inheritance in the Islamic
manner, but unfortunately we have begun to ignore the Islamic teachings and we have
started to follow the ways and the practices of non-Muslims, in which one person or
only a few would receive the inheritance and at times no one would receive
inheritance except a pet of the deceased which would inherit everything instead.

Violation of Islamic Laws and injustices to Mankind leads to breaking ties which we
can witness clearly in this day and age. At times, the main cause of these breaking
relationships were all caused by the lack of Islamic knowledge and abandoning
Islamic teachings as is the case for Inheritance.

It is incumbent that we learn and practice inheritance in the Islamic way and where
necessary we turn to our Ulama (Islamic scholars) who will guide us to live life on the
straight path using the light of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet.
(, 2015)

Based on the evidences above, it can be concluded that learning about far-aid is obligatory

kiifayah (fardhu kifayah) to all Muslims and it will become void once some other Muslims have

learned it, but the ruling that says it is sunat to study it remains. Similarly, the ruling of
implementing the Islamic inheritance distribution (fara-id) is mandatory (wajib). (Awang)

FARD: Individual duty or fardh al-'ayn (‫ )العين الفرض‬relates to tasks every Muslim is required to perform, such as
daily prayer (salat), or the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime (hajj).
Sufficiency duty or fardh al-kifāya (‫ )الكفاية الفرض‬is a duty which is imposed on the whole community of believers
(ummah). The classic example for it is janaza: the individual is not required to perform it as long as a sufficient
number of community members fulfill it. –Wikipedia,

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*Profile of the  Questionnaire

 Maranao’s
respondents:  Survey
Level of
a. Ethnicity:  Phone UT
Awareness of
Maranao interview
b. Age  Data gathering
c. Sex  Statistical
 Implementation
d. Islamic treatment
of Inheritance
 Estate
awareness PROCESS

level OUTPUT
*Inheritance, how
implemented in
 Findings


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Figure 1

Figure 1 describes the conceptual model of the study wherein the input is consisting of

the following: Ethnicity: Maranao, Age, Sex. Islamic awareness Level, Inheritance how

implemented among Maranao communities.

On the other side, the process being used is through questionnaire, descriptive survey,

phone interview and statistical treatment such as percentage mean and tally. The output is the

level of awareness on Islamic Inheritance, Implementation of inheritance among maranao

community, Estate distribution predicaments.

The table shows how the researcher researched, surveyed and obtained the objective of

this term paper.


The questionnaire consisted with: (SAMPLE OF QUESTIONNAIE ATTACHED)

1. Close Ended questions. Example: as Do you see any dilemma on how it is implemented
among Maranao? YES _____ NO _____

2. Open ended questions where the participant fills in the answer with their thoughts. Such
as: How is succession and Inheritance implemented among Maranao?
How old were you when you learned about the Islamic Law of Succession and
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3. Multiple choice questions: Example: How familiar are you with Islamic law of succession and
a) A.Extremely familiar
b) B.Very familiar
c) C.Moderately familiar
d) D. Slightly familiar
e) E. Not at all familiar


The researchers tallied and tabulated the data manually. Percentage. This was utilized in

reporting the profile of the respondents specifically on their level of awareness of the topic.

The formula used was:

Where: WA – Weighted answers

TW- Total Weight N- Number of Answers


Number of Respondents: 30 (As of today)

1. Question 1: Age of the respondent

The Age of the respondent ranges from 20-60 years old.

2. Question 2: How familiar are you with Islamic law of succession and inheritance?

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Number of
Choices Percentage
A. Extremely familiar 0 0%
B. Very familiar 3 10%
C. Moderately familiar 15 50%
D. Slightly familiar 10 33%
E. Not at all familiar 2 7%
Total: 30 100%

57% Percent of the respondent answered that they are moderately familiar with

the Islamic law of Succession and Inheritance.

30% answered they are slightly familiar

10% very familiar

3% are not at all familiar with it

3. Question 3: Where did you learn about it?

Answer Choices Answer Percentage

Thru reading Quran 11 37%

Friends / Family member 4 13%

School 6 20%

News / TV 0 0%

Local government 0 0%

Ulama 2 7%

Islamic book 1 3%

Islamic Seminar 3 10%

Others: Shariah Training 3 10%

Total: 30 100%

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 11 out 30 respondents or 37% answered that they learned about Islamic Law of

Succession and inheritance through reading Qur-an.

 6 or 30% of the respondents answered they learned about school. 4 of these

respondent graduated with the degree of AB-Shariah in Mindanao State

University whilst 2 studied in Madrasa (Arabic School)

4. Question 4: How old were you when you learned about the Islamic Law of Succession

and Inheritance?

80% percent of the respondents learned about the Islamic law of succession at a

later age, mostly on their 20’s or 30’s.

5. Question 5: Are you aware with the percentage of shares of the rightful heirs, especially

the 2:1 ratio or the male’s share is equivalent to two females?

Question 5.1 (Sub Question): Is it Justified?

85% of the respondent answered YES they are familiar with the 2:1 ratio; male

share is equivalent of two females.

 15% answered they have no knowledge of it

100 % of the respondents answered YES it is justified after explaining the

reasons why male takes the larger portion to those who answered they are not

aware of it.

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Yes, it is justified; Allah (s.w.t) would have not prescribed it to us Muslims, if it is

not justified. -Respondent

As a servant of Allahutaala I have no full knowledge of Allah SWT purpose with

regards to His most excellent rules however, as a practitioner of Islam I may say

that the fair distribution of wealth is for the family not to dispute over it after the

death of the person who is inherited from. Nevertheless, the 2:1 ratio in favor of

the male’s share might have a negative connotation with the unbelievers

especially those who are unfamiliar with our culture but, Allahutaala intended it

to align this with our common practice. For example, in Islamic community the

man is regarded as the protector or wali of the female, thus he is highly

responsible for her safety, security and sustenance. Moreover, the man in Islamic

wedding has an obligation to give mahr to his wife to be in order to validate the

said wedding but there are instances of exceptions which we will not discuss here

since it’s not part of the scope. Thus it is fair to conclude that man has the

justification to acquire large portion of share. Allahutaala is all-knowing -Salam

Bao, Respondent

The reasons provided are the following:

i. Man has greater responsibility than of a female; obliged to support his

female relatives

ii. Male pays dower “Mahr” to his bride;

iii. Wife becomes husband’s (Male) responsibility

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iv. Males are the provider and obliged to support his family financially.

6. Question 6: How is succession and Inheritance implemented among Maranao?

55% answered Eldest/ Elder takes mostly the larger portion

30% answered to avoid any conflict they would divide the estate

proportionately regardless of gender. Igma o taritib as they call for the

greater good.

15% answer they don’t have any Idea.

7. Question 7: Do you believe it is implemented according to Islam or Shari’ah? Why?

89% percent of the respondent answered that as per observation, the practice of

Maranao when it comes to “Fara’id” or distribution of estate is NOT aligned with

Islamic teachings, Shari’ah or not as prescribed in the holy Qur-an. However,

note that it does not necessarily mean that majority of the Maranao families are

always in conflict when it comes to Fara’id. Mostly, they will settle in an

agreement wherein each will take equal portions. They will also resort to Igma o

Tarib, and “Sabr” patience to avoid being caught up in a conflict with their


Not strictly implemented. - In my family dilemma. We did not implement as it

should be. For me it only depends on the family to resolve it by agreeing which

are good for everyone.. - Nuruddin Jr.,Respondent

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8. Question 8: Do you see any dilemma on how it is implemented among Maranao? If yes,

site an example?

100% answered YES

Common answers are:

i. Elder/ Eldest takes the larger portion

ii. Some member will not give way to the other which causes conflicts

iii. Some would declare what would go to them even their parents are still


iv. Some kids who became orphan at an early age, does not get a share

Follow up Question 9.1: How can we resolve it?

Answers given were:

o Following the commandments of Allah in the Holy Qur’an

o Through Public Awareness

 Maybe to educate the Meranaos not only with Islamic laws but with

Islamic culture as well, because some of them are gradually being

assimilated and closely following the western culture. We need a

community of daees to realize this goal and Islamic Universities to

implement this thru action. -Respondent

9. Question 9: In general, how would you rate the awareness on Islamic Law of succession

and Inheritance among Maranao?

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Choices: No. of Answers Percentage

A. 100% 1 3%
B. 70% 2 7%
C. 50% 12 40%
25% 6 20%
10% 1 3%
30% 4 13%
20% 4 13%
Total: 30 100%

10. Question 10: How is awareness with Islamic law on succession and Inheritance

important? Why?

100% of the respondent answered that, as a Muslim, knowledge with Islamic law

and succession and Shari’ah as a whole is very important as part of our faith.

As well as to minimize the conflicts within family members

It is very important not only to some who are into Islamic studies but to ordinary

people who are Muslims. We should always be careful in every step that we made

specifically if it is against Islam or we will surely test the curse of Almighty God

Allah. –Respondent

Follow up question 10.1: What can you suggest to increase the awareness of this law?

Gathered Suggestions are the following:

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o Incorporate Shariah subjects, as early as in Elementary and High school as

well as in College curriculum

o We should also have more Islamic Universities in Marawi

o More Shar’ah Trainings

o Public awareness through Pliers and Posters

o Media Mileage thru Local TV channels and radio stations

Total separation from the government not AUTONOMY. Full separation of the

Muslims in the Philippines and govern a country of our own thru Islamic Shariah

Law in shaa Allahutaala. This is to give an extensive space for Islamic

propagation and to practice the religion openly free from biases and

discrimination. Thru this, our daees would become motivated to convey without

limit the Islamic teachings and practices. –Monasalam Ontong, Respondent

I personally suggest that aside from the moral conduct that is being reminded to

us through seminars and other related activities I think they should tackle also on

how the estate of a deceased person is being distributed for public awareness. -


11. Additional comments:

I personally appreciated this topic because it aims to help us Muslims to be aware

especially on the proper distribution of the estate of a deceased person. It might

not be totally specified therein but I think this is a good initiative, a good start to

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really be very cautious about it and make the people aware that what we believe

in doesn't really matter if it is against the Holy Qur'an – Monaliza Pangcoga,


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After I gathered together my findings in order to draw conclusions and statistics from them, I was

surprised to discover the following:

 Most of the respondent learned about the Islamic Law on Succession and

Inheritance at the later age. (20) Twenty plus to thirty’s.

 The percentage of who answered that Maranao’s practice on Fara-aid is not

according to Shari’ah is significant.

With these finding I can’t help but conclude that perhaps, though it is not always the case, the reasons as

to why conflicts is affiliated with the distribution of the estate is because of the lack of awareness with

Shari’ah as a whole among Maranao community, specifically inheritance in Islam which is considered as

one of the complex branches of Shari’ah. Hence, without a proper knowledge of inheritance, it will not be

carried out or will be done wrongly.

Nonetheless, majority of the Maranao, resorts to Igma o taritib or resolve it through agreement which is

beneficial to everyone, the importance of this knowledge and its implementation among Muslims cannot

be de-emphasized as it is part of our faith “Ibadah”, It is wajib and it is an important commandment of

Allah. Furthermore, being knowledgeable about inheritance in Islam is momentous to prevent any turmoil

and maintain tranquility in Islamic communities.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ud: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to me, “Acquire

the knowledge and impart it to the people. Acquire the knowledge of Fara’id (laws of inheritance)

and teach it to the people, learn the Qur'an and teach it to the people; for I am a person who has

to depart this world and the knowledge will be taken away and turmoil will appear to such an

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extent that two people will not agree in regard to a case of inheritance distribution and find none

who would decide between them.” Tirmithy Collection.2

Consequently, promoting cognizance as regards to Inheritance in Islam and its importance is a must.

Since, I myself as well as majority of the survey respondents, have been educated in western education,

learned it at later age, despite it is thought in Madrasah (Islamic School), most of maranao parents

patronizes western rather than Islamic education, it is indeed needful to integrate Islamic Studies and

Shari’ah in our school curriculum as early as in grade school and high schools. Although, Mindanao State

University and some schools in Marawi City offers Shari’ah courses and or subjects in college it is best to

be equipped with this knowledge at an early age to avoid possible turmoil, fitna in the future.

In conclusion, Islamic Education is mandatory to every Muslims not optional; we are all duty-bound to

acquire knowledge and impart it to others to strengthen our faith and to be a better Muslim.

May Allah Almighty (s.w.t) accept this effort as an act of Ibadah. Ameen. In Sha Allah.

Muhammad Imran Muhammad, INHERITANCE IN ISLAM., p.2

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Bensaudi I. Arabani Sr., Commentaries on the code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines p. 591

Abdul Hamid Siddiqui, Inheritance in Islam, ( and Humanity 2007)

Muhammad Imran Muhammad, Inheritance in Islam,

Reza, Mohammad and Rahni, Mohammadzade, “Comparison of the Women’s Inheritance between Islam

and the World Great Civilizations” MAGNT Research Report (ISSN. 1444-8939) Vol.2 (1). PP:66-74

The Value of Islamic Inheritance In Consolidation Of The Family Financial Stability. IOSR Journal Of

Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) ,Volume 8, Issue 3 (Jan. - Feb. 2013), PP 15-23 e-ISSN:

2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.Iosrjournals.Org

The Value of Islamic Inheritance In Consolidation Of The Family Financial Stability. IOSR Journal Of

Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) ,Volume 8, Issue 3 (Jan. - Feb. 2013), PP 15-23 e-ISSN:

2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.Iosrjournals.Org Associate Professor Mohd Ridzuan Awang,

Islamic Law (Syariah) Department University Kebangsaan Malaysia

The Islamic Inheritance Law (Faraid): The Manifestation Of Comprehensive Inheritance Management In

Islam, p.4


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(2015, October 10). Retrieved from http://www.inter-

Associate Professor Mohd Ridzuan Awang (n.d.). The Islamic Inheritance Law (Faraid): The
Manifestation Of Comprehensive Inheritance Management In Islam. In A. P. Awang.
Islamic Law (Syariah) Department University Kebangsaan Malaysia.

The Value of Islamic Inheritance In Consolidation Of The Family Financial Stability. (Jan. - Feb.
2013). IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) ,Volume 8, Issue 3
, PP 15-23.

Muhammad Imran Muhammad (n.d.). Inheritance in Islam. Retrieved from

Abdul Hamid Siddiqui (n.d.). Inheritance in Islam. Retrieved from and
Humanity 2007.

Sr., Bensaudi Arabani (n.d.). Commentaries on Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines.

(n.d.). The Value of Islamic Inheritance In Consolidation Of The Family Financial Stability.
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