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-May I have your attention please, the prayer service is going to start very soon,

please take your seats.

-The arrival of

The Honourable Dato’ Khaw Kok Chin- Senior Assistant Commissioner,

The Honourable Dato’ Dr. Chai Khin Chung- …………………………………..

The Honourable ACP Tuan Ng Ah Lek -………………………………………....

-The arrival of Reverend Amugoda Seelalankara Thero, Everyone Please stand

and face the aisle as a mark of respect to our Reverend Amugoda and give him
Three bows.

-Before we start our prayer service, we would like to have our HYMN Singing “
Three Jewels” song ( ). All congregation please stand up and
sing together.

- Everyone please be seated.

-The Organizing Chairman – Deputy Superintendent Police Tuan Yap Sow Sing
from …………………………………………….IPK Sarawak, The Honourable Dato’ Khaw
Kok Chin , Senior Assistant Commissioner , Commander Bridge Sarawak
PGA of Sarawak, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Dato’ Dr. Chai Khin Chung,
…………………………………………….., Tuan Ng Ah Lek,
Former…………………………………………….., Reverand Amugoda Seelalankara Thero
from Sentul Buddhist temple of Kuala Lumpur, Mr CHUA Beng Thian Chairman Of
Kuching Buddhist Society, Tuan-Tuan and Puan- Puan, my fellow Officers,
Brothers and Sisters, A very good morning to all of you. My name is Phan Lee
Chian. It is a awesome and precious chance for me, to be your Master of
Ceremony in this morning. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to
say thank you and welcome for your present to attend the Buddhist Prayer
Service today which is held in conjunction with the 212TH Police Commemorative
Day Celebration. We all hope that with the blessing of Buddha may our country
MALAYSIA be blessed with peace , prosperity , harmony , and healthy for

For this year , our prayer service will only conduct in one session which is Puja in
Pali and will be conducted by Reverend Amugoda and assisting by our Brother
Lau leader of KBS Dharma Propagation English Section.


-Well, without much ado, may we invite our Reverend Amugoda to begin our
Chanting session in Pali and to begin our Offering ceremony , let us invite our
Dato’ Khaw Kok Chin, Dato’ Chai Khin Chung and Tuan Ng Ah Lek to lead the
offering of Incense, then follow by the offering of Lights, Flowers, Food,
Medicinal Drinks. Before I hand over the mike to our Brother Lau, May we invite
our Reverend Amugoda and Brother Lau to start our Chanting session Puja in
Pali , please.


-Please turn to Page 10 & 11 “ Aspiration & Sharing of Merit” everyone read the
passage together with our Dato’ Khaw please.
End Of The Session

-After we finished our Chanting session in Pali, We would like to invite our
Reverend Amugoda stay back for the following program.

Photo Session By Reporters


-Donation to Kuching Buddhist Society , Now we like to invite our Organizing

Chairman Tuan Yap Sow Sing accompany with our Dato’ Khaw Kok Chin and also
with the present of Tuan Ng Ah Lek and Reverend Amugoda , to hand over the
donation which is contributed by the Police Buddhist followers and family
members to Chairman of Kuching Buddhist Society- Mr. Chua Beng Thian.

-Now We would like to invite Dato’ Khaw, to represent us for the offering of
requisites to our Reverend Amugoda as a token of appreciation for his kindness
flying from Kuala Lumpur to present our yearly Police Day Buddhist Prayer
Service function.


Before we end the session of today, on behalf of the organizing committee I

would like to say thank you again for your present and support to make this
function a success. See you guys next year, Lastly, Dato-Dato, Tuan- Tuan and
Puan-Puan, fellow officers, reporters, brothers and sisters, you are all invited to
the restaurant at the ground floor for the vegetarian Reception please, thank you,

Sadhu, Sadhu ,Sadhu.

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