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Deep Creek Camp Micro Tutorial: Camp Fire Games

Cameron Hancock – 2152601

Playing a few simple games during downtime periods on a camp can have a
significant impact on overall morale and mood of a trip. Relaxing, laughing and
increasing spirits are a great way to bond with camp-mates, build relationships
with students/colleagues, and maintain a positive mindset for all involved in the
camp (Quay et al, 2002). Below are just a few examples of easily facilitated
games that require no equipment.

2 truths & a lie

This game is suitable for a group of any size, and also acts as a great icebreaker
for a camp with people you may not be too familiar with.

Each person will tell the group 3 facts about themselves (2 being truthful and 1
being a lie). The group then has to figure out which fact is the lie. The game
works best when the facts being told are a little outrageous or misleading, to
make it challenging for the group to pick which one the lie might be.

Go around until everyone in the group has had a chance to tell 2 truths and a lie
to the group.
(Tony, 2016)


This game does not require knowledge or

interest in cricket, just a good memory and sense of humour.

The objective for the group is to go around the circle counting from 1 to 20.
However, instead of saying the number 4, you must do the action for signalling 4
runs in cricket (bending and extending 1 arm in front of you), and the same for
number 6 (both hands in the air). You must do the same actions for 4 and 14, as
well as 6 and 16. Once the group gets to 20, the last person decides on a new
action for a new pair of numbers (e.g. 2 & 12 touch your nose, or 7 & 17 clap your

The challenge is for the group to get to a sequence where no numbers are said, as
all numbers have been replaced with movements.
Tom, Dick, Harry

This game is always a good one to lift the energy levels of the group. It requires
concentration and a bit of body percussion.

The group sits in a circle and all join in with the same percussive beat of a hand
slap on the legs followed by a clap. It’s best to start out nice and slow so
everyone can get used to it.

On each beat, the group goes around in the circle reciting the sequence:
“Tom, Dick, Harry, Tom, Dick, Harry, Tom, Dick, Tom, Dick, Tom, Dick, Harry”
(Each person says one name each whilst going around the circle).

If someone messes up the sequence or gets the words wrong, they can be either
eliminated or punished, and the sequence starts again.

Make the beat faster as the game goes on, so that it is more challenging.

Tony. (2016). 21 fun campfire games for adults. Fun-attic blog (online). Available

Quay, J., Dickinson, S., & Nettleton, B. (2002). Students caring for each other:
Outdoor education and learning through peer relationships. Journal of Outdoor
and Environmental Education, 7(1), 45-53.

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