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Region I


Pangao-aoan West Elementary School
Pangao-aoan West, Aringay, La Union 2503

Name of the Teacher: GLENN ARIOLA-CAOILE

Date & Time: July 2, 2019 – 7:40 - 8:30
Subject Area: MTB – MLE
Grade & Section: 1 - C
Quarter: 1st Quarter

I. Objectives RPMS : KRA’s and OBJECTIVES

A. Content Standard Visualizing, representing and comparing sets using the
expressions “ less than” , “ more than” and “ as many as”
M1NS-Id- 6
B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrates basic numeracy skills in visualizing ,
representing and comparing two sets using the expressions “
less than” , “ more than” and “ as many as”
C. Learning Competency Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets using the KRA 3 Objective 5
expressions “ less than” , “ more than” and “ as many as” Indicator # 4
M1NS-Id- 6
Planned, manage and
implemented developmentally
sequenced teaching and
learning process to meet
curriculum requirements and
varied teaching context.
II. Subject Matter Visualizing, Representing and Comparing Sets Using the
Expressions “ less than” , “ more than” and “ as many as”
Reference LC Planner Math 1 , Quarter 1 Week 5 Day 2
K to 12 Curriculum Guide : p. 153
K to 12 Teacher’s Guide : p.54-57
Learner’s Materials p. 73-79
Mathematics Teacher’s Guide T.G. 2017 p.27-29
Mathematics Textbook -Learners’ Materials p.39-46
Learning Resources Chart , Powerpoint ( slide decks), cards , cut outs
Curriculum Link: Mother Tongue, English, Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, ESP

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities 1. Math Song
Ten Little Indians
2. Drill
Counting objects in a set
3. Mental Problem
Napan nakipalengke ni nanang ket gimmatang isuna iti
4 nga lapis para kenni Cardo ken 3 met nga lapis ni Alyana .

Sinno kadakuada iti ad-adu ti lapisna? Basbassit?

B. Developmental 1. Motivation
Activities Show pencils. Cite some ways of using pencils properly.
Ask what do they do with their pencils?
2. Present the New Lesson KRA 1 , Objective 3
Present the story problem. Indicator # 2
Mark went to the market to buy some pencils. He got 3  Applied a range of
black pencils and 3 yellow pencils and 1 red pencil. teaching strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking as
Ask: Who went to the market? well as other higher
What did he buy? order thinking skills.
What were the colors of the pencils?
Post the sets on the board .Ask their observations.
What do you notice?
The set of black pencils is as many as the set of yellow pencils.
3. Discussion KRA 1, Objective 1
Teachers shows pictures of objects and discuss the Indicator # 1
lesson. Presenting the concept of more than, less than
and equal to.  Applied knowledge
content within and
classroom curriculum.

KRA 1, Objective 3
Indicator #2
 Applied a range of
Other examples:
teaching strategies to
Teachers shows pictures of objects and discuss the
develop critical and
lesson. Presenting the concept of more than, less than
creative thinking as
and equal to through visualizing, representing and
well as other higher
order thinking skills.

KRA 2, Objective 5
Indicator # 4
 Manage learner
constructively by
applying positive and
non-violent discipline
to ensure learning
focused environment.
4. Guided Practice KRA 2, Objective 4
Provide cut-outs of flowers and ask them to classify Indicator # 3
according to color. Make sets using the expressions less than,  Manage classroom
more than and as many as. structure to engage
learners, individually
Mother Tongue, Filipino/ English Integration) or in groups, in
Sorting/ Classifying things according to color meaningful
exploration, discovery
(Araling Panlipunan/Filipino/ ESP Integration) and hands-on
Mga Paboritong Bulaklak activities within a
range of physical
Mga Babala: learning environments
Panangtaripato ti aglawlaw tayo
Panakimisa ken panagidaton ti sabsabong

KRA 1, Objective 1
Indicator # 1
 Applied knowledge
content within and
classroom curriculum

KRA 1, Objective 3
Indicator # 2
 Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking as
well as other higher
order thinking skills
5. Independent Practice KRA 2, Objective 4
A. Using Interactive / Electronic Activity Indicator # 3
Pagdiligen dagiti dua a bunggoy. Pinduten ti husto a  Manage classroom
sungbat. structure to engage
learners, individually
or in groups, in
ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem exploration, discovery
and hands-on
activities within a
range of physical
learning environments,
ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem

ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem

B. Agdrowing iti ragup dagiti bambanag a mangipakita it

basbassit a bilang ti ragup dagiti bambanag a naited.

C. Agdrowing iti ragup dagiti bambanag a mangipakita ti

ad-adu a bilang ti ragup dagiti bambanag a naited.

C. Post Developmental 1. Elicing the Concept / Generalization

Activities Ania ti naadal tayo tatta nga aldaw?
Ania ti usaren no basbassit ti bilang ti umuna a bunggoy
ngem ti maikadua a bunggoy?
Ania ti usaren no ad adu ti bilang ti umuna a bunggoy ngem
ti maikadua a bunggoy?
Ania ti usaren no pareho ti bilang ti umuna a bunggoy ken ti
maikadua a bunggoy?
2. Application KRA 2, Objective 4
Group Activity Indicator # 3
Group 1 – Padiligen dagiti bunggoy. Timbukelan ti husto a  Manage classroom
sungbat. structure to engage
learners, individually
Group 2 –Idrowing ti sumaruno a bunggoy tapno maipakita or in groups, in
ti ad-adu ngem, basbassit ngem ken agpada. meaningful
exploration, discovery
Group 3 – Ipigket dagiti ladawan ti uneg kahon ken urnosen and hands-on
tapno maipakita nga ti umuna nga bunggoy ket ad – adu activities within a
ngem ti maikadua a bunggoy. range of physical
learning environments

KRA 1, Objective 1
Indicator # 1
 Applied knowledge
content within and
classroom curriculum.

KRA 2, Objective 5
Indicator #4
 Manage learner
constructively by
applying positive and
non-violent discipline
to ensure learning
focused environment.
IV Evaluation A. Pagdiligen dagiti dua bunggoy. Timbukelan ti husto
a sungbat


ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem


ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem


ad-adu ngem basbassit ngem agpada ngem

4. Idrowing ti sumaruno a bunggoy tapno maipakita ti ad-
adu ngem.

5. Idrowing ti sumaruno a bunggoy tapno maipakita ti

basbassit ngem.

V. Assignment KRA 2, Objective 6

Indicator # 5
 Uses differentiated,
appropriate learning
experiences to address
learners’ gender,
needs, strengths,
interests and

( for Fast Learners)

Prepared and Demonstrated by:

Master Teacher 1


School Principal II

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