Individual Research Report Happy Gathering: Student Id:17167280 Student Name Haikun Du Date:7/7/2019

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Individual Research Report

Happy gathering

Student ID:17167280
Student name:HaiKun DU
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Problem statement..................................................................................................................3
1.2 Research Question..................................................................................................................3
2. Literature review..........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Restaurant efficiency can be improved by these simple techniques:.....................................3
2.2 Marketing to increase restaurant sales...................................................................................4
2.2.1 Email marketing..............................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Marketing with online content........................................................................................5
3. Research Methodology................................................................................................................6
3.1 Research Method....................................................................................................................6
3.2. Sampling Method..................................................................................................................6
3.3. Data Collection and Data Analysis.......................................................................................6
4. Findings.......................................................................................................................................7
5. Discussion..................................................................................................................................10
1. Assess methods as well as the operations...........................................................................10
2. See your Raw Materials as well as Policies........................................................................10
3. Think about the arrangement’s size....................................................................................10
4. Review Goods and deals offered........................................................................................11
5. Supervise Employee Growth..............................................................................................11
6. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................12
7. Recommendations......................................................................................................................12
8. Reflection...................................................................................................................................13
1. Introduction
This Assignment discusses about the most popular Chinese restaurant named as Happy
gathering. Majority of the tourist and the international students loved this restaurant because of
the food quality and taste.
1.1 Problem statement
Improvement needed in service efficiency of the restaurant.
1.2 Research Question
How to improve the service efficiency of the Happy Gathering restaurant in the current
business environment?
A restaurant running efficiently generates greater revenue as compared to its spending.
Whereas, efficiency in running a restaurant demands other aspects along with being financially
savvy. Processes are implemented by efficient restaurants in order to save the staff's energy, time,
money, materials, efforts and energy. It is understood by these restaurants that their processes
need to be built accordingly for improving the performance to the desired level.

2. Literature review
An inefficient business being run show some signs, which include revenue, quality,
morale and reputation being declined. If the company lacks in an effectively skilled team of
management that can sustain and manage greater standards, show competency in accounting, and
develop strategies for marketing and sales competitively, results in the efficiency and
productivity of the restaurant being deteriorated (Abdelhadi, 2016).
One does not only need to be aware of the placed systems. The business atmosphere can
be greatly influenced by staff relationships. If the staff is frustrated or confused as a result of
miscommunication and tension, then the customers might be affected as well. Although there
may be the city's best food in an inefficient restaurant, it would not be able to sustain if it's
affected by internal problems (Kim and Brymer, 2016).
2.1 Restaurant efficiency can be improved by these simple techniques:
Developing efficiency in the restaurant may not require massive changes. In the short run,
quick and simple steps can be taken, which are added up in business transformation over time.
Some starting ideas are as follows:
Weekly meetings shall be held for improving staff and management communication.
People shall be encouraged to attend the meetings while sharing suggestions, complaints and
insights. Customer service quality shall be focused on. Wait staff shall be made to recommend
items from the menu, which will help in catering customer demands uniquely. Employees shall
be encouraged and empowered for exceeding expectations (Jogaratnam, 2017).
An employee’s incentive program shall be created for nicely done jobs. Staff members
shall be awarded paid leaves, gift certificates, bonuses or other incentives to motivate them at
work. Efficiency shall be improved at the restaurant both front of house and back of house
through a POS system being adopted, streamlining daily operations. Everyday procedures shall
be enhanced by quality systems like receiving orders and transferring to the kitchen, or inventory
tracking while monitoring business insights crucially (Kanyan and Voon, 2016).
Table management shall be reevaluated to ensure staff training about the availability of
tables. People shall be seated at the soonest possible, while their needs being addressed promptly.
Customer experience shall be enhanced through tablets usage. The orders can be taken while
moving around and recorded at tabs to save time (Jayaram and Xu, 2016).
Cleanliness of restaurants shall be maintained properly. Restaurant exterior and restrooms
shall be well maintained. Clean tables immediately after the customer leaves. If tables are dirty,
they portray an unresponsive and unconcerned image of the restaurant to customers. Color
combinations shall be played with, that increased sale of food.
2.2 Marketing to increase restaurant sales
It is important for a restaurant to be able to execute new branding for making it stand out
from others that compete it. The below-mentioned benefits can be delivered through powerful
strategies of branding: Message delivery, which leaves a public impression, business credibility
being sustained, emotional connection development with customers, customer visit motivation,
customer loyalty establishment (Jayaram and Xu, 2016).
2.2.1 Email marketing
Consumer awareness is built regarding restaurant services by sending systematic
messages in intervals pre-calculated. Customers stay engaged in the current ongoing while not
spamming them (Kim and Brymer, 2016). Once the development and implementation of the
campaign are done, little effort is required for maintenance with the help of advanced automation
software of email marketing. The effectiveness of different emails can have multiple reasons.
Customers might prefer getting their receipts on email. While it is convenient for them, you get
access to email addresses for future purposes or sending reminders to build a relationship with
acquired customers (Jogaratnam, 2017). Emails shall be created with a clear goal. Product and
service-related information shall be incorporated. The customers shall be convinced to choose
your restaurant through emails. Links shall be attached in emails referring to blogs, articles and
videos to strengthen and attract the customers (Kanyan and Voon, 2016)
2.2.2 Marketing with online content
For most people, efficiency refers to access to information regardless of the time.
Therefore, customers can access websites 24/7 to look for the desired information. Although
simple content creation is not enough. Instead, it shall be aligned by Google's rankings and
results in delivery for queries. For which, you must have an understanding of Google's working
under the hood, of some level at least (Jayaram and Xu, 2016).
Google tries to ensure the search results are informational and relevant for the users. The
search algorithm is updated regularly for this purpose. The website content is analyzed by the
algorithm for determining two major issues, overly keyboard optimized content and reader
deceptive uncovering content, which means inconsistent content as per subject (Gordon and
Brezinski, 2016). Once the content with these issues is identified, low-quality content is filtered
out by Google, while showing accurately responsive web pages, videos and articles to the users.
Apart from good content creation, it is recommended to be creative and design website by the
brand of the restaurant. Rather than having a basic website that only lists down the menu offered,
the background, font and various other aspects can be edited for portraying the brand's message.
The customers shall be provided with a form to sign up for updates via email. Directions shall be
given on the website. The pictures shall be added to the restaurant's specialty to attract viewers.
How would an owner of a restaurant know if the customers are satisfied? Satisfied
customers tend to return mostly, being as simple as stated. Moreover, retention of customers is
always easier and cheaper in comparison with customer acquisition. Therefore, the key to saving
costs and growing customer base is keeping customers satisfied. Keeping this in mind, the
following ways can help developing methods for customer communication (Alhelalat and
Twaissi, 2017).
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research Method
This observation shall require qualitative procedures instead of quantitative ones.
Qualitative procedures comprise of detailed research related to features of what the observation
is based on, in this observation being an examination of an eatery instead of the overall food
serving industry, hence, qualitative means being the most effective one (Kumar, 2019).
3.2. Sampling Method
The observation shall get information from interviews. For this study, a questionnaire was
made and given to a sample of twenty of guests to fill out the response sheets and for us to get
primary data. The list of questions was structured qualitatively.
3.3. Data Collection and Data Analysis
Data Collection and data analysis is a critical element that significantly affects the
outcome of the study. If the collected data are wrong, the final results may also effect. In this
study, data were collected directly from the guest of the restaurant and analyzed on the basis of
their answers.
Observation: Surveying is an essential key to gather information. Primary information is attained
by surveying and observing, that decreases chances of mistakes in information collection and
transferring procedure.
Mixed Process: It is a study procedure that merges qualitative study with the quantitative one.
This procedure can help resolve issues that are not resolved from quantitative or qualitative
procedures separately.
Action Investigation: it is a type of observation that includes resolving its issues in working by
using strategies, levels, and assessments. Throughout this type of observation, observers come up
with what strategies to implement as per their needs and requirements in order to attain the
exactly needed outcome.
Positivism: it helps generate a thesis (or the survey questionnaire) that can be tried out and
permit descriptions to be calculated against universal information and facts.
Deductive: It is a pronouncement or inquiry that the study has to answer in the end. The main
objective is to answer it in an affirmative or dissenting manner.
Observation: It gives the observer an effective approach to gather huge quantity of information.
Mono Process: one process only
Cross-sectional: To compute an element or conduct of various sets or separate entities at one
Quantitative: Particular queries are asked.
Questionnaire Research: print the list of questions and give them to the sample for them to
answer the questions.

4. Findings
Data was collected using Questionnaire. The results of the Questionnaire are Given

Is the service efficiency of the Happy Gathering restaurant satisfactory?

If the service efficiency of the Happy Gathering restaurant increases, will you be more
willing to come here for consumption?
In the service to the guests, what is more missing?

How do you get to know this Restaurant?

How often do you go to the happy Gathering?

5. Discussion
For running an eatery, it is extremely vital to ensure that every running boundary,
procedures as well as methods are carried out effectively and are in sync with one another as this
effectiveness is significant for the prosperity of the eatery. Below are few points regarding ways
to attain increasing productivity in sit down eateries regarding financial standing and lower
average costs even at lower selling quantities:
1. Assess methods as well as the operations
Review all methods and operations undertaken by the staff members in order to record
the orders of customers and present them with their food. It must comprise of noting the time
from when orders are served to the start, that is, from preparations, it's making, it's final platting
until finally serving. Get a page from the manufacturing business and come up with procedure
structuring for every method and operation. You are too sure to intrigue by results. (Abdelhadi,
2. See your Raw Materials as well as Policies
Review your currently in use technical and tangible fixed asset policies. Technical and
fixed assets should be included in your overall resolution for it to make a difference hence, it is
vital to assess the working of technical elements and judge where to employ them and where to
not (Kim and Brymer, 2016). Having a lot of fixed assets is squandering of money, yet having
very few may hinder the eatery in offering an adequate amount of warmth and hospitability when
the eatery has rush hours (Jogaratnam, 2017). Having the perfect level of fixed assets and
technologies signals high comprehension of the exact needs of the eatery at the perfect time.
Think that when you are finished with planning about productive operations, the total
expenditure of fixed assets and technological usage might be high, though it will be compensated
by the additional advantages and so, is motivating enough to finance the planning (Gronroos and
Ojasalo, 2015).
3. Think about the arrangement’s size
The structure of the arrangements, the backyard and front of the arrangements both, plays
a vital role in determining productivity. The more the area, the greater number of staff members,
electricity, building expenditure, as well as repairing and maintaining expenses will be there,
including the factor that serving customer satisfying services and maintaining customer friendly
environment shall be even harder (Gordon and Brezinski, 2016). Ineffectiveness in size of
arrangement might lead to ineffectiveness in other factors including serving and functioning
expenses. Hence, it is crucial to assess all factors beforehand. Workplace efficiency permits staff
members to utilize their area to provide utmost customer satisfaction. While reviewing
arrangement’s designing, do see that the planning centers upon consumers-mainly the ones in
front of the place- and staff members- that are in the front as well in the backyards- both and that
they both are included when deciding for the number of monetary costs needed to implement the
planning (Alhelalat and Twaissi, 2017).
4. Review Goods and deals offered
An important thought to analyze is the difficulty level of preparation for your goods
during rush times. This thought needs every factor and element of the eatery to operation
together. And so, if one element of kitchen or serving functions perfectly yet another does not,
the overall service to the customers may be badly affected due to which they might not even
come back again. Hence, you must ensure that all concoctions can be cooked productively even
during rush times to make sure maximum customer satisfaction with food and serving standards.
If there are some concoctions that are time-consuming, think about changing them with other
easier to cook and serve dishes.
5. Supervise Employee Growth
Employees are at present, either the biggest or second to biggest factors in expenditures
for most eatery businesses, and labor costs are continuing to rise too continually. Few boundaries
have already passed rules to maintain minimal wage rates to $15 per hour. Coming up with a
productive growth policy is essential for the prosperity of the eatery (García-Buades and Peiro,
2016). The main element is having the ideal employees in the ideal location at the ideal time in
order to increase revenues. The most effective method to supervise employees is by
implementing task satisfaction and role centred procedures and to have monetary budgeting be
affected by the results (Kanyan and Voon, 2016). However, numerous ideas make monetary
measurements the main objective. When implementing on a comprehensive and thorough role
centred employee procedure, in case of results (as per cent of revenues monetary measurements)
are unacceptable by the wanted equity value, then that data can offer a foundation to restructure
roles and tasks in order to align with the objectives again.
You treat your staff in the right manner by stating exactly what their tasks are and
reducing their confusions and queries, the staff members are sure to perform efficiently that can
lead to increased revenues and surpluses, with decreasing average costs and overall business
expansion (Abdelhadi, 2016). The essence is to implement all functioning framework discussed
before in total to increase synchronization. Increasing productivity is the key to having lower
average costs and increase profits, and business and goodwill expansion- the main objective of
all principles

6. Conclusion
This research aimed to find out the methods and factors which can contribute to a better
service efficiency of the Happy Gathering Restaurant. The main points conclude are that
restaurant management must assess their methods along with setting their cost and services
aligned with customer preferences and demands. Furthermore, operational efficiency can be
achieved by supervising the employees’ growth, and marketing is another major component in
the successful running and operating of any business, especially a restaurant.

7. Recommendations
Some of the effective and foolproof ways of reaching out to customers are as follows:
1). Self Service Or order through Mobile phone can be helpful for restaurant management.
2). Customers shall be provided with a survey form either on the website or on site. Instead of
comment boxes, try to add multiple choice questions which can be answered with ease and
sooner. An incentive may be included for responding to the survey of customer satisfaction to
attract them towards the survey, which may include some percentage of discount on the next
order (Kim and Brymer, 2016).
3). The social media marketing company's help shall be enlisted. In order to know if customers
are happy, sites can be monitored for feedbacks and comments regarding restaurant on social
media. (Jogaratnam, 2017). Moreover, it shall be ensured that the restaurant own social media
handles. They give strength to the restaurant's presence online while being a connection with the
customer instantly (Gordon and Brezinski, 2016).
4). A local campaign of marketing shall be developed to target customer feedback. This helps to
attain feedback from a bigger set of audience. Geo-specific marketing or local marketing makes
use of keywords containing content or phrases of keywords that have information like state, city
and zip code. (García-Buades and Peiro, 2016).
The business model can be better focused if understanding is developed regarding what
the target audience wants or get attracted to. Such information helps understand the usage of
tools along with their placement and implementation effectively. It is not just related to food
only. Does it refer to knowing if the customers would prefer paying by their cellphone? Do the
customers carry cash or not? Is the food served by you, unique and demanded? Proper systems
can be picked by the use of these broad questions to achieve the desired results (Pai and Tang,
2018). The next point can be better understood by knowing the customer base and their
requirements and preferences.
5). Point of sales shall be used for driving greater efficiency
When referring to the usage of right systems, amongst the highly effective efficiency
improvement ways for the restaurant comes the usage if the point of sales (POS) system such as
ShopKeep. Some ways of taking the business to another level through this tool are as follows:
Faster Ordering: Latest systems of POS have an easy user interface, having staff run difficult
orders easily (Gronroos and Ojasalo, 2015).
Easier marketing: Email address of customers is allowed to be collected at checkout, which
helps in building the list for email marketing.
Automated Inventory Management: This is the most time-consuming procedure for a restaurant,
while POS helps cut down on time wastage. If the inventory is set up appropriately, it is
automatically updated with each sale, to maintain the desired level of stock (Gordon and
Brezinski, 2016).
Detailed Business Insights: POS helps in generating detailed reports regarding business, along
with insights. It helps understand questions like what is the most demanded dish on busiest days,
along with identifying the best wait staff to take further inventory and marketing related
decisions (Abdelhadi, 2016).
Mobile Business Management: Cell phone applications are also added in POS systems for
business management. This helps access business information like reporting, at all times. (Kim
and Brymer, 2016).

8. Reflection
This study was a firsthand experience for me to conduct proper research. The experience
was both challenging yet enticing for me as interacting with customers was a very new
opportunity. All in all, the entire process was a fun activity where I realized many matters about
the real business activities particularly in the running of a restaurant. As a researcher, it was quite
difficult to search about the restaurant matters, as there was no proper website of Happy
Gathering restaurant is available.
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