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Magics are divided into a hierarchical system to mirror the social 

hierarchy. Those at the top (nobles, military, royals, etc) are entitled to 
magic while those who are commoners/peasants do not have magic 
whatsoever. Those who do not have magic can obtain certain items 
(amulets, earrings, weapons, etc) that allow them to use magic, but 
normally means that said-granted magic isn’t very stable, nor is it very 

Those who are royalty either have time/space magic, or they don’t 
have magic at all. A royal can ONLY have either just time magic, just space 
magic, or no magic at all. There are different tiers of magical ability too; it 
goes from tier 1 to 5, with 5 being the strongest. 
Time magic​ normally means that the royal can see future 
possibilities, the chances of a certain outcome, or catch a glimpse of what 
MIGHT happen. Those who are on the lower side of the tiers randomly get 
future visions and cannot control the duration of it while those on the high 
spectrums can g ​ uide​ the future vision, but cannot ​specifically​ choose a 
certain point in time to view. Time royals are even able to 
“freeze/manipulate time” on certain things, like slow down a falling object 
so someone can catch it or speed up the growth of a plant. Higher tiers are 
also enabled to momentarily manipulate some living thing’s time, but few 
have ever reached that power. Oh, and time kids are able to catch glimpses 
of someone else’s past (whether that person be dead or alive) and typically 
have impeccable memory. 
Space magic​ normally means that the royal can create or expand 
upon already-existing things. They are able to create things out of thin air, 
like rolls of string or a blank book or something like that; they may even be 
able to teleport things around, though that’s more of a higher-tier thing. 
Those who are a higher tier are also able to summon/create living things 
(typically something around the size of a cat or smaller), but that takes a 
tremendous toll on the space kid. Oh, and space kids can also expand upon 
things that already exist and boost it; for example, a space royal can take a 
plain iron sword and “enchant” it so that it becomes a lot more ornate and a 
lot more deadly. They are actually quite good at warping things to their 
favor, as they can potentially warp a door into a full-on wall or something of 
that like. 

Those who are nobility are entitled to different types of “mental” 
magics; they have a certain affinity for it. Of course, they can still inherit 
other types like elemental and what not, but in most common cases those 
with noble blood will have mental magic. There’s also a chance that they 
won’t have magic at all. 
Telekinesis c​ an technically be used by the commoners, but the main 
difference here is that those who are noble-born telekinetics have much 
more control over their powers and are able to do a lot more with it. The tier 
system still applies here; depending on how high the tier is, a noble can pick 
up numerous things at once or they can lift very heavy things. Of course, all 
of this takes a considerable amount of concentration, but with practise the 
ability will come easily and naturally. 
Telepathy​ allows the noble to communicate thoughts with another 
recipient; it doesn’t matter who the recipient is, they can talk back with the 
noble. The noble is also able to read minds and can even use a mild form of 
hypnosis in the sense that they can make others more susceptible to 
suggestions and ideas. The thing is, though -- someone who is being 
influenced by the noble w ​ ill not​ do anything that violates their morals. The 
victim will simply be more open to others’ ideas. 
Mock-invisibility i​ sn’t what it seems like it is at first. Instead of the 
traditional sense of the word, few select nobles are able to manipulate 
another’s mind to think that they’re not there; it works in a “out-of-sight, 
out-of-mind” kind of deal. They have this ability to utilize illusions and play 
“tricks of the mind” and what not. These types of nobles normally are spies 
or some sort of recon worker. 


Those who are in the military or from militaristic families (they’re an 
off branch of the nobility) are typically born with elemental powers. 
Technically speaking, this is a different section of the nobles; the families 
that seem to favor elemental magics over mental magics are typically 
classified as the military families. There are cases in which a fledgling 
knight who doesn’t have magic at all is given a high-quality zenoxop 
(zee-nox-up). Of course, high-quality zenoxops are reserved for either the 
most powerful/influential, the wealthiest, or the most revered families. 
Knights can also be magicless, it’s just that they’re normally used as 
foot-soldiers or infantry. 
Any real element that you can think of (aside from light/dark)​ is 
inherited by the military families. Tiers 1 through 4 can only wield 1 or 2, but 
a tier 5 can wield 3 at most. As you probably could tell, tier 5s are typically 
at the top of the military, either serving as head of the royal guard, head 
knight, etc. A student military noble can learn any elemental magic, really; 
there aren’t any real consequences to learning opposite magics either. 
There are certain families that inherit special types of magics; namely 
light, dark, and life. There are only a couple of families that can even wield 
these types of magics; and, as such, they are treated like sub-royalty; their 
status is below royals but above an average noble. Consider them the 
highest one can go without hitting royalty level. 
Those with light​ are incredibly wise, very knowledgeable/quick 
learning, and would serve as boosters or something that increases 
someone's abilities. They may even be able to blessing others to have 
increased fortune/chance of something good happening; so, basically 
making them more lucky. (Light kids probably are also lucky in themselves 
to be fair) They aren't really fighters; they're more of a kid that supports 
from afar. The best that they can do to fight is to shoot light beams or blind 
Those with dark​ aren't necessarily evil; they're more concerned about 
endings and decay and whatnot. They are very slow with what they do, but 
they are very formidable once they've settled into things since they're 
focused on learning e ​ verything that there is to know about the certain topic​. 
While light relies on knowledge and reasoning, dark relies on experiences 
and emotions. They're also the type of kid to jinx/hex someone, decreasing 
their stats and lowering their chance of getting something good, or rather, 
they give others bad karma. So, basically, both light and dark tamper with 
things from afar. They’re opposite sides of the same coin but their potential 
is definitely something to be feared. 
Those with life​ are people who really should be feared. They are able 
to bend the flow of life around them, either taking life from living things and 
using it to benefit themselves, or simply moving the life force of things 
around. For example, say a person was badly wounded. A life kid would be 
able to take the life force from a nearby plant and transfer it to the 
wounded person in order to heal them. Life people cannot “create life”; the 
power that they take has to come from somewhere, whether it be from 
another person or from themselves. Yes, potentially they can sacrifice their 
own life to bring back another person, but that’s strictly a tier 5 skill. So, 
think of people gifted with the power of life as life-transporters; they can 
bend the flow of life from one thing to another. Potentially, life kids would 
even be able to prolong or shorten one’s life by transferring their life energy 
to/from them. 

Zenoxops are the items that allow a commoner to wield magic​, 
though normally that magic is tier 1 and 2, with very few being able to wield 
a tier 3. A wielder of a zenoxop must have it on their at all times unless they 
don’t want to use their granted magic. A zenoxop can grant a person any 
type of magic (with the exception of light, dark, life, time, and space), but 
it’s only going to be one of the branches. Basically, a zenoxop can grant 
someone ​only​ a tier 1/2 fire magic or ​only​ telekinesis or ​only​ telepathy, etc 
etc. Zenoxops, therefore, allow their wielder to gain specific types of magic 
as well, though having too many zenoxops would cause the wielder to 
become very suspicious (I mean, why would they want to have that much 
power?). There’s also a limit as to how many zenoxops one can use at a 
time, and that limit is 3. Again, keep in mind that zenoxops only allow the 
user a low-tier magic. Oh, and those who wield zenoxops must also be very 
careful with them; the item itself is very delicate and fragile, and the magic 
granted tends to be very sporadic and uncontrollable. It takes time to learn 
how to properly control the granted magic, and it takes a whole lot of 
concentration to use it properly. ​Acquiring a zenoxop is very tricky​, as 
there are very few places that you can get it from, and even then, those 
markets are either black-listed or underground. So, you’ll either get a 
zenoxop through inheritance, or you’re a filthy rich kid who got it from said 
underground/black markets. 
So, how are zenoxops made?​ Well, there are a couple of legends 
behind them, the most popular myth is that they are the “blessings” from 
the previous generations. There are a certain amount of zenoxops out there 
-- they’re rather uncommon -- and creation is kept strictly a secret from the 
public. Only the royal family and a few chosen nobles know how to create 
them, but even then, creation demands sacrifice. 
In order to create a zenoxop,​ one must completely give up their 
inherited magic. The donor requires a life mage to be there with them, as 
the life mage would be transferring their magic to a specific item. Not all of 
the magic will be transferred, however, which thus leads to the item 
granting a low-tier of magic. The most successful transfers grant a tier 3. 
People typically do this when they’re on their deathbeds; the donor typically 
wants to pass on their “legacy” or “live on” and help the next generation. 

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