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Business Context of the practice/initiative implemented (in not more than 200
words) *

Introduced unconventional practice of checking or capturing additional details in the

new RERA environment through Material-Inspection Report, Work-Inspection-Report,
Billing Checklist, summary sheet of the bill, COP detailed sheet, material received
acknowledgement letter and Stamps that are linked with PO/WO..

2. What were the scope & objectives of the project, and what were the problems that
prompted the supply chain department to embark on the project? *

The business Context though a simple solution, but weren't available in the ERP nor
followed conventionally in the construction industry had to be introduced to:

1. reduce the communication gap at all level and at 4 different department -

procurement, execution, Quality and Billing. The delivery information wasn't passed to
all level, damages in good, taking rating at all level and capturing issues that the
junior level faces with the supplier,

2. Avoid documentation related issues - when an LC is opened and information to the

bank is passed that the material is delivered when its not.

3. to capture rectification / suggestion from execution team for alteration /


4. tighten the security for any less no. of documentation received, as the can avoid
E-way bill , or a truck driver can do a accident and come to our premises - with less or
non-acceptable information

5. Suppliers were putting additional terms in the Challan or invoice which were
different from PO/WO and hence to avoid the same the STAMPS of all dept quality,
security were changed

6. important tool in decision making for releasing payment

7. Important tool to get all required govt. documentation at billing and not relying an
other dept.

8. Holding all stakeholders including contractor / supplier and at all level responsible
for quality, checking as per PO

9. To minimize the error , by following six-sigma strategy

10. to check any terms of PO/WO are not bypassed by supplier or any other

11. Using it as a tool for audit and scrutinize linking it with Arch drawing and as per
RERA requirements.

12. The voice of the juniors and all other people too reach the management for each
and every bill or delivery

13. reduce the internal followups for documentation..

3. How much time did it take for the team involved to conceptualize, plan and finally
put the practice/initiative in the execution?

It had taken a month to conceptualize, 1 week to plan but to practice it took 3 months
once the management accepted our system and to enforce it at all levels.

6. What were the challenges encountered in design and deployment, and how were
these surmounted?Challenges faced

1. Initial level resistance were seen, as the team coming from different companies and
different environment were against the new system and demand for additional staff
were sought

2. Training, testing for initial level error, telling the importance of this
documentation to internal team and to different suppliers and contractors were
required taking to implemented took time, as the people were seeing it as a tool for
delaying payment or putting unnecessary pressure

3. Initial level issues like internal team running for documents or followups were
transferred to suppliers and contractors later

4. implementing in the orders as a terms and condition and ensuring the people follow
had initial issues in adaptation

5. The auditor or the consultant hired were unaware of the process or the resolution
and no help from their side were found - as it ws going against the company SOP and
by using no technology initially

We surmounted it by
1. Hiring a senior Head of Execution who supported it the documentation and handling
the team.

2. Took management into confidence in implementation.

3. Continuous and daily followups and reminders

4. Holding payments till all documents are received and all people come in loop for the

9. How were the people issues dealt with, including winning buy-in from the people
who would be using the solution and training them in the new system and processes?

1. People didnt know what amount of detailing or data needs to be written, since the
different dept. knowledge writing was also present.

2. Making people involve in documentation work was a tedious task and were not
performed immediately

3. Dept. started using it as a tool to haress supplier, to delay payment release due to
small error too

4. The supplier / contractor management or top level people of all companies was
required to be involved for the system to get started

5. People started working like a govt. Dept by highlighting document not reached
their table... A coordinator then had to be appointed.

6. repeat entries and repeat checks are avoiding saving time

10. What are the outcomes of the project, including cost savings, enhanced productivity,
early deadlines?

1. Supplier were satisfied as the details are getting recorded and they didnt had to run
around between departments.

2. Ease of business started and the hurdles for delay or issues for payments were made
aware to the suppliers or contractors by documentation evidence

3. Any mishaps by contractor or the team where shortage of material received or any
material taken out are captured and tracked

4. Billing issues are sorted were the rejected goods are not accepted by bill. Saving of
more than 50K per month
5. Suppliers are hired based on rating given by the team and who gives service as per

6. Tracking of issues or delay based on site conditions started happening

7. New suppliers or contractors are not blacklisted and the hurdles faced are resolved...
Extra care for new suppliers are taken to save cost which tunes to Rs 5L Yearly.

8. Malpractises by contractors and suppliers are reduced to the extent that Zero
tolerance policy were followed and the person doing malpractice are removed.

9 Better control at low level check in terms of Quality recording happened. Eg. in
marble measurement 3% saving amounting to Rs 5L per year

10. Due to the presence of summary sheet, tracking of wastage is handled better..

11. Saving senior management time different dept. to Rs 1L

11. What is the total all-in cost of the project and what has been the ROI on it?

The cost of the Total project made was Rs Rs 2L and the ROI received is Rs 10L
minimum yearly returns..

12. What are the next steps planned to move this initiative to a higher level?

1. Upgrading to specialize software, in the app level for immediate passing of


2. Introducing Whatsapp tool for immediate updates

3. Having daily and weekly meeting to not wait for documentation and information is
flown the same day

4. team building with all department will be implementeds

5. skill building of the people involved

13. Other relevant information

After seeing its success, the auditors and consultants have taken its format and details,
to implement it in the other construction company from this year....
Since not patented, and it was just a innovation - the same is being used indirectly by
others now and is being widely spread this practice from this year...

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