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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

No. 1-54(Misc)/2018-RAB Date : 01 .10.2019


The Directors of all the Laboratories /Institutes of CSIR

Sub : Minimum residency period that is required to be completed by scientists hP.fore the past service rendered
as QHF I Ahoc Scientist can be considered for purpose of assessment promotion . - reg.


I am directed to state that RAB has been receiving communication /query seeking clarifications as to
what should be the minimum residency period that is required to be completed by an incumbent Gr IV scientist,
who had earlier rendered services as QHF/Adhoc Scientist and was appointed on regular basis without break in
service, before his I her·case is taken up for consideration of assessment promotion .

2. The matter has been considered in the light of CSRAP Rules 2001. It is stated that :

a) The past service rendered by a QHF I Adhoc scientist amongst others, is counted for the purpose of
normal assessment promotion under the provisions of Rule 0.6 of Revised MANAS invoked by virtue of
Savings clause No 11 of CSRAP Rules 2001.
b) Rule 7.3 of CSRAP Rules 2001 provides that a scientist is to be considered for assessment on
completion of minimum residency period linked to the performance in a completed year.
c) Rule 7.4 of CSRAP Rules 2001 provides that all scientists will be first screened for eligibility on the basis
of gradings in the PMS (previously ACRs) and only those scientists who satisfy the minimum residency
period linked to their performance threshold scores, as indicated in the table therein , shal! be considered
fo1 ·fUti her assessment.

3. A combined reading of above cited rules wolJid make it clear that a scientist has to complete the
residency period before he/she is considered for assessment. If, on consideration by the Assessment Committee,
the assessee is recommended for promotion, he/she may be given the benefit of one year in promotion.

4 In view of the foregoing, the Chairman , RAB, under the powers vested under Rule 5.3 of CSRAP Rules
2001 , has approved that an incumbent Gr IV scientist, who had rendered service as QHF/Adhoc Scientist and
joins the Gr IV post in CSIR on regular basis without break in service, has to complete the minimum residency
period prescribed for the post in terms of Rule 7.3 of CSRAP Rules, before he/she is considered for assessment.

5. This procedure will be applicable from the Assessment Year 2018-19. In the event any past cases had
been decided otherwise, the same shall not be opened.

6. Hindi version follows.

Yours faithfully

Q~~- Under Secretary, RAB

Copy to . _....c..1

1. PS to Chairman , RAB _.
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~: ~~~~~d~~~o of all the Labs/lnstts of CSIR J:/~ (_ 6 'f\- \ . If /ro / {~

6. DS (CO), CSIR Hqrs ll·' • ~k.~~ -. _._ __ ""[ll
7. All Scientists and staff members of RAB JVVJ / \ "'\ S - )J... ~ ., -,
8. Head, IT with the request to upload this in the notification page of CSIR websiiV '_},.b \\\, ~...M.
9. Guard File. / \ f\1\"~ · ~r- ' ~ .t4/("'
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~/Phone 011 •25 a47348, 25843590, 25840027, 25842679, tWcrn/Fax: 011-25843550 {-"it;r/Email: dsrsb@csir.res.m, rabcstr.res.ln

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